Reading in 2013

I am  an avid reader.  Or should I say was.  Then baby came.  I tried to ignore the comments everyone told me of “you won’t have time to read once you have a baby” but alas they have become true.  But, I can also include on the list: moving, starting new ministries, buying a home, decorating said home, ministering with my husband, and taking care of a 5 month old cutest little boy.

I’ve not finished one book cover to cover in 2013.  That is so sad.  It is already halfway through February.  I gotta change that!

Here is what is on my READING shelf at home:

Books on Psalm 119: the Message version, a manuscript by a friend of mine on his thoughts, Zemek’s thoughts, Logsden’s thoughts

Books on Suffering: Deborah Howard, Carson, The Problem of Pain, Why O God,

Books for my two Buddies: Shepherd Leader and Future Men

Women: Secret of a Woman’s Influence

Biography: No Compromise and Bach

General: Matthew Commentary by Sproul, Comforts from Romans, Untamed Hospitality, Life in Christ (my Easter reading this year), Loving the Way Jesus Loves

Book Review: Comforts from Romans (Crossway Books)

Do you ever find yourself in need of an encouraging word and something just to tell you that your life will be ok because of Jesus?

Whenever I am in need of these things I look to two people outside of my Buddy and Little Buddy: Phyllis, my mentor, and Elyse Fitzpatrick.  They both bring the Word to my life when I need it.

This new book from Elyse is no different.  Short chapters make it an accessible read, especially for moms who may not have an hour to themselves without toddlers wanting snack food or babies needing to be fed or changed.  This book taken from the book of Romans will encourage you in the Word where the truth lies and where life finds meaning again because of our hope in Christ.

Whether you need encouragement in your:


Emotional Life

Physical Life




Church Life


Work Place

All the answers for these problems lie within the pages of Scripture (it is Sufficient)!  And Elyse pulls together 32 daily readings (about 4 pages long each) to help you find the answers that you might need.  Scripture as a whole can and should impact our lives as women and as believers.  The Gospel  must impact our lives in every area!

If you are looking for a book that can encourage you, convict you, and help give you practical understanding in a very indepth book of the Bible, pick up Elyse’s new one.

Little Buddy’s Nursery

Little Buddy’s Nursery

Several of you have asked to see this, and we finally got it put together to the point where I was ready to show you.  I’ll tell you at the end what other things we still wish to do in his little room!  We are thankful for finally be in a spot, now that he is almost 5 months old, for him to actually have his own room with all of this goodies in place!

This lamp was designed by Ashley, our sweet friend in Durham.  LOVE IT!

This lamp was designed by Ashley, our sweet friend in Durham. LOVE IT!


We got this in St. Augustine shortly before little guy came into the world.  Buddy gave me 12$ to spend, and I found this mobile of a lighthouse for 11.95!

We got this in St. Augustine shortly before little guy came into the world. Buddy gave me 12$ to spend, and I found this mobile of a lighthouse for 11.95!


This is the first big book we are reading.  I read a chapter to him about 3 days a week.  LOVE Pooh and all of his friends!

This is the first big book we are reading. I read a chapter to him about 3 days a week. LOVE Pooh and all of his friends!


Our little library lamp is from Eric's nursery.  It is charming and plays a little song.

Our little library lamp is from Eric’s nursery. It is charming and plays a little song.



Thank you Jenn for getting LB this for a shower gift!  It sits perfectly in the window sill of his library nook!

Thank you Jenn for getting LB this for a shower gift! It sits perfectly in the window sill of his library nook!


I've had this ulster mouse from Ireland in my collection since 3rd grade.  It's from a friend of my Dad, David.  Thank you!  He is still in good condition!

I’ve had this ulster mouse from Ireland in my collection since 3rd grade. It’s from a friend of my Dad, David. Thank you! He is still in good condition!


This door knob goes to a secret hideaway in his room - really a large storage area.  Once we make sure it is safe - we will let him play in there (when he gets really old)!

This door knob goes to a secret hideaway in his room – really a large storage area. Once we make sure it is safe – we will let him play in there (when he gets really old)!


LB's life verse - as we've been praying for him.  My friend from Flagler, Karisse, made him this!  Thank you!

LB’s life verse – as we’ve been praying for him. My friend from Flagler, Karisse, made him this! Thank you!


My adorably talented best friend, Rachael, painted a little something for Baby Campbell for his nursery.  Love it, friend!

My adorably talented best friend, Rachael, painted a little something for Baby Campbell for his nursery. Love it, friend!


I painted these for LB while my friend Gray was over (she was cooking).  It was fun to be artsy!

I painted these for LB while my friend Gray was over (she was cooking). It was fun to be artsy!


This was Eric's changing table.  Thank you Oma and Granddad for the new pull knobs and thanks to Heather for the bedding!  We ordered a special fit pad because it is a different size than standard for today

This was Eric’s changing table. Thank you Oma and Granddad for the new pull knobs and thanks to Heather for the bedding! We ordered a special fit pad because it is a different size than standard for today


We keep all his storage stuff in there: diaper bags, diapers, bath goodies, meds, etc.  Thanks to the Elders wives at FBCD for this useful gift!

We keep all his storage stuff in there: diaper bags, diapers, bath goodies, meds, etc. Thanks to the Elders wives at FBCD for this useful gift!


This is the latest piece to the collection.  This came in the mail from Oma and Granddad.  Love it!  Keepsake.  They ordered it from Morgan Imports in Durham

This is the latest piece to the collection. This came in the mail from Oma and Granddad. Love it! Keepsake. They ordered it from Morgan Imports in Durham


We love the paint color and the light from this little window in his reading nook.  The boat pen and ink is the mainstay in his room of the USS Constitution and thanks Mimi and Pops for the crib and Heather and Billy for all the bedding.  The America map came from Peggy and Bekah - thank you!  Can't wait to start traveling with the little guy!

We love the paint color and the light from this little window in his reading nook. The boat pen and ink is the mainstay in his room of the USS Constitution and thanks Mimi and Pops for the crib and Heather and Billy for all the bedding. The America map came from Peggy and Bekah – thank you! Can’t wait to start traveling with the little guy!


This sits on top and is a Scripture pic from my friend Kathy in St. Augustine.  Such a beautiful reminder to pray Scripture over him!

This sits on top and is a Scripture pic from my friend Kathy in St. Augustine. Such a beautiful reminder to pray Scripture over him!


So, what do we have left to do.  I want to do more canvas art for his walls including a Calvin prayer that Mister loves for him.  I want to paint the bookshelf red to match his room.  And we want to get a little rug.  The rug we had picked for his room doesn’t fit.  So, we’ll have to use it somewhere else!

Thanks – and visit anytime, to see it in person!














Whole Foods and the Church

Yesterday I visited my friendly neighborhood Whole Foods (I love that it is less than 2 miles from our new home) and walked out the door with this thought: “I gotta write a Danny Franks blog post”!

As I was standing in line I was casually listening to the customer in front of my interact with my cashier.  The skinny jean wearing, burlap bag carrying customer was buying her very first Pacific Rose apple.  She had never had it before.  The cashier was telling her what kind of apples she did like and why she didn’t like red apples (the skin is too thick).  The purpose of this blog isn’t to discuss apples, but to discuss how we can be like this Whole Foods cashier in our local church.

I’ve never met a rude or unfriendly Whole Foods cashier.  They always want to talk to you, see how you are, they are interested in what you are buying, etc.  This friendliness needs to happen in our churches as well.  I’ve been in some grocery stores where the cashiers hardly speak to you, they have a scowl on their face, and just want to do their job.  I’ve been in some churches where that is the case, too.

My husband and I recently visited a church in Orlando.  The winning factor about this church was the friendliness of their people.  We walked in and over to the Information desk to see where the nursery was in case we needed it for LB.  Before we got to the desk, we were greeted by the pastor, then another person showed us where the cry room, nursing moms room, and nursery were located.  Then he handed us a bulletin.  We sat down in the back row, and before the service started at least 5 people came to talk with us: elders and regular members a like.  While I could just claim they wanted to see baby – this was not the case.  They were asking us about where we were from, why we were in Orlando, if we had been to this type of church before, how we heard of it, etc.  What a great experience.

I’ve been in some churches that I was there the entire service and before and after and not one person spoke to me.  Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration.  I was greeted at the door and during the obligatory “shake hands” time a few in front of me turned around to say hi.  That was it.  That is a sad realization in most of our churches.

Here are some practical ways that you can make sure your church has a friendly atmosphere to those visiting, or even members.

1.  Have someone at each door to greet those walking in.  This may seem like a no-brainer but it doesn’t happen in every church.  Even after the service starts, I would have someone in the main entrance because there are always late-comers.

2.  Have a welcome time for first-time guests after the service.  I say this because it is very awkward for first timers, especially unbelievers, to stand up or where a funky name tag, or wave their hands or something during the meet and greet.  But, they will come to talk with some folks after the service.

3.  As regular members of the church – talk to people.  If you know them, if you don’t know them…talk.  Say hello.  Comment on a necklace.  If you’ve never seen them introduce yourself and ask how long they’ve been coming to the church.

These are just a few examples.  There are many more. Be creative.  The church we are attending now is very good at friendliness before and after.  We’ve been warmly welcomed here – even on the first Sunday we ever visited and no one knew who we were – it was great.

Make your church like a friendly, neighborhood Whole Foods: a company who loves what it offers and wants others to benefit as well!

Gospel and Those Irritating Besetting Sins

When your almost 5mo naps well and sleeps well at night, you have opportunity to think a lot.  That is what I’ve been doing – and it isn’t easy on my heart, to say the least.  The mister and I have had many conversations about discouragement in certain areas for me: good thing is he is a man who prays for his wife.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’ll always struggle with ________”?  What that said person is saying, in my opinion because I say it too, is “the gospel isn’t big enough to cover that sin”.

Oh, how far we are from the truth when we assume that we will always sin or struggle with a certain sin – is the blood of Christ not richer and deeper than that said sin?

Instead of pointing fingers, I’ll speak about some areas that I have said that:

1.  Weight/Food.  I’ve been overweight since I was in 4th grade.  Don’t know what happened.  I was thin in 3rd grade, and pudgy in 4th grade and the pounds kept coming.  Puberty?  Too much eating?  Family dynamics change?  I don’t know, but I do know when it occurred.  Since then I’ve either been overweight or thin – but never able to stay either place for long.  I’ve eaten too much, grown out of my clothes, been too lazy to exercise on a consisten basis – then the scale numbers have gone up and I’ve been unhappy.  (Note: I really think the Spirit being grieved in a believer’s life will make us sad.)  And if the scale is going down or at a point where I want it to be: I concern myself with clothes or looks too much, counting calories too often and it consumes my every thought, or I judge those who are eating too much.  Do you see how many sins are wrapped up in this one area of “overeating”

2.  Patience – or my lack thereof.  Here is one example where this has come to light in the last few months.  If I have to repeat myself or feel like I am not being listened to, I get all huffy and repeat it in a snappy tone and very unloving to the one it is said to.  Since when is pride and impatience a part of love?

So, do I really believe all this talk about the truth of the gospel and how He can penetrate and change every heart that is out there because He created every heart and all things were created for Him and to Him and through Him?  Do I really believe that God has a grand plan for my life and it doesn’t include these sins or any other?  Then why do I allow myself to struggle with such sins?

God is bigger.  God is better. As a friend of mine said today about something totally different: “I can’t do this.”  You are right, M, you are right.  I can’t do this.  But, the power of the gospel working daily in me to make me more like Christ can (Romans 8).  I am reading Elyse’s new book on Comforts from Romans and I look forward to hearing the nuggets of truth ring in my head as I am reminded about the gospel once again.  I am in daily need of it.

The phrase that the Spirit put in my head today is: Your heart must be Mine.  And that is the truth.  I need my heart to be captivated by Something so much better and bigger than me that I no longer desire to struggle with weight and food issues, impatience, bitterness, popularity, judgment.

Is the Gospel big enough in your life