by Kimberly | Feb 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’m over here cranking out some handpainted wedding invitations and teaching on the book of Job and trying to get our home settled and running well, that I’ve slacked in getting the January Podcast round up on the blog.
I hope you enjoy these! And as always, tell me what podcasts you are listening to!
Nancy Guthrie with Joe Novenson – one of my favorite ever
Front Porch with Knox McCoy –
These three from the Next Podcast: Acknowledge Your Soul, The one about your crown, and the one about endings
Read Aloud meets What Should I Read Next
Sarah and Merica talking about the year
The Happy Hour and Margaret Feinberg – the book I’m most looking forward to reading
by Kimberly | Jan 17, 2019 | Uncategorized

You know those books that you can’t find because your child likes to read it all over the house – and so it is constantly migrating with said child.
So, today, when the child walked in from the bus, I had to ask him where the book with the school bus on the cover that talks about all the children God made. He went right to it.
This is definitely one of our favorite books of 2018. So thankful for New Growth press in putting it together. It shows the truths of God’s creative world in creating human being who look so different from each other but who each have value and significance just because they are made in God’s image.
When so many of our churches are still segregated its hard to see this principle and truth played out at church. But, I’m so thankful for our boys going to schools where sometimes they are in the minority. And they don’t notice. They just play.
I would hope that as our children grow, if we can bury the truth of God’s creative generosity in their hearts, they might have a chance to see the beauty of the gospel displayed in peace for ethnic diversity.
Thank you to New Growth press for the book. All thoughts are my own. Click on this affiliate link to order directly from New Growth. Its a perfect addition to your school, home, or church library!
by Kimberly | Jan 16, 2019 | Books

I love it when a book comes in the mail – and you read it, love it – and it introduces you to a whole new author that you’ve not read before. When I finished Who I Am With You – I read one of Hatcher’s Christmas novellas over the winter holidays.

Who I Am With You tells a story of learning how to move on after heartache – moving on after life doesn’t turn out how you think it is supposed to. It is endearing and a good Christian Romance that isn’t too cheesy.
At 300 pages it is a lovely day read, curled up in a blanket on a couch!
Thank you Thomas Nelson for the book – and all opinions are my own.
Here is a giveaway where you can win a copy of the book! Go check it out!

by Kimberly | Jan 14, 2019 | Uncategorized

We love reading time in our family, and I love finding books for my littles that will encourage them in truth and also that they will love.
The Good News for Little Hearts series was given to me to review, all thoughts are my own. I was excited about these because of the editors Powlison and Welch. The three I’m talking about in this review are: Zoe’s Hiding Place (about Anxiety), Buster’s Ears Trip Him Up (about failure), and Jax’s Tail Twitches (about Anger). I love what they stand for, what they’ve written, etc. So, I figured it was a no brainer.
And for the most part, these books are great. What they teach are spot-on. I love the extra teaching material in the back of the book.
I just think they are a little much for 5-6 year olds. Maybe they would be fine for 8-10 year olds, but then the illustrations might be a little childish.
So, here’s what I would say: they would probably make good books for families with a variety of ages. Because the truths would keep the attention and make more sense to the olders while the illustrations and some of the story lines would keep the attention of the youngers. Definitely use the helps at the end of each book to strengthen your teaching with your children.
This blog contains affiliate links, so go support New Growth Press!
by Kimberly | Jan 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
I know this is seriously late, but Ive been still enjoying some down time and doing only the urgent things. This may not be urgent, but it is fun. So, today, I bring you the podcasts that I loved listening to in December.
Nancy Guthrie on Teaching Children: David and Sally Michaels are wonderful. I got to know them when they were with DGM and I wrote for Providence.
Next Right Thing Quiet Space. Perfect to listen to at the end of the year or beginning of the next.
Sarah Bragg with Kimberly Stuart: about the story of fiction. I read a lot of fiction in 2018 and I love the ability of empathy and escape
TGC with Don Carson on why we need the OT – so good especially with some popular preachers and writers saying we don’t need the OT.
GCM with Tripp. Because he is always so gracious and full of truth and humility.
The Bookshelf Number 200. Love how they answer questions and love their banter
Mike Rowe: episodes with In Laws and Cowards