Best of 2018

Best of 2018

This is a compilation list of some of my favorite things.  Not comprehensive by any means, but I hope you will get inspiration and enjoyment out of this list.

God has been good to us in 2018 as a family.  He has grown my business.  He has made my husband successful in his.  He has grown my children in their education.

2018 hasn’t been without its trials though.  I would love to leave those behind.  But, God has always been and will continue to be faithful to us.

Books: My goal was to read 60 books this year.  That didn’t happen.  I only read 52.  But, that’s ok.  You know.  I watched some Netflix, hung out with my family, painted, prepared Bible studies, exercised outside (and I don’t like audible books).

Best Fiction 2018: I decidedly read more fiction this year than non-fiction, probably just because I can read fiction faster.  I re-read the Narnia series this year again, which I love to do.  I read it every other year and listen to it every other year (so I switch back and forth).

  1.  The Saturday Night Supper Club.
  2. Five Days in Skye
  3. Voyage of The Dawn Treader (re-read)
  4. Gone to Green series
  5. Goodnight June

Best Non-Fiction

  1.  Even Better Than Eden
  2. The Advent of the Lamb of God
  3. Footprints of a Pilgrim
  4. Roots and Sky
  5. Women of the Word

Best New Recipes – I cook new recipes all the time.  I seldom cook the same thing twice.  But, these two have already been made several times and are winners every time

  1.  Cranberry Brie Tarts
  2. This cake

Best Kids Books

  1.  Goldfish on Vacation
  2.  The Cow Said Neigh
  3. God Made Me and You

Favorite Podcasts – these are the ones that I listen to almost every episode.  There are definitely some popular podcasts that I just can’t listen to – the hosts or the depth of conversation just fall flat for me.  I listen to so many each month. These are the ones that stand out for today.

  1.  Signposts
  2. From the Front Porch – so much so that I want to go visit Thomasville, something I’ve not done since I was a teenager
  3. Cultivated

Favorite Creatives:

  1.  Love-Lettered
  2. Ivey Gibb
  3. Cathy Nugent (we have a new barn door)

Favorite Local Things: (Local to Augusta GA)

  1.  Rooted Coffeehouse
  2. Takosushi
  3. Columbia County Library
  4. Charleston Street
  5. Diablos

What were some of your favorites from 2018?

Photo from my favorite styled shoot that I got to be a part of: Linda Threadgill Photo

October Podcast Favorites

October Podcast Favorites

I’m a few days late in getting this out, but I wanted to share with you my favorite podcasts that I listened to in October.  There are a definitely more than usual because I had more time (during my walk) and there were just really good ones.

So, here we go in no particular order:

Cultivated with Alison Whitehurst – loved her thoughts about worship in the local church

The Lazy Genius Rests – I’m leading a breakout session on this topic this weekend so this was a helpful listen

Russell Moore talking with Haidt – culture and parenting

5 Leadership Questions with Brad Waggoner – I had the opportunity to meet Dr W a few times during my time at Southern Seminary.  I loved what he said about reading and being humble enough to talk about how he didn’t always do everything right.

Knowing Faith about In Him Image – Jen Wilkin’s newest book and it was helpful as I am teaching on Colossians right now.

Don’t Mom Alone on Idols of Mom Life with Elyse Fitzpatrick.  SO good.

TGC with Russ Moore on his new book about family.  Loved his thoughts about marriage and weddings

Sarah Bragg with Rebekah Hargraves – about mom life

Immanuel Nashville on Colossians 1 – good for me to hear as I started teaching this.

Journeywomen with Nancy Guthrie – her new book and this podcast – go listen!

Carey on Max: I grew up with Max Lucado. Learned much from him growing up.  I loved his humility

Coffee with Rebecca Wright

Coffee with Rebecca Wright

I love hearing what people are excited about, how their relationships and creativity work, and what they do in their world.

Rebecca Wright married into a family that I love.  Her in-laws, Steve and Tina, have made a huge impact in my life, marriage, parenting.  Steve trusted me with a huge writing project and design curriculum.  I loved it.  Rebecca is newest adult member in the family.  You will love her too after you check out her lifestyle blog and this interview.

I wish I could actually sit down in SoFla with her – maybe one day!  Enjoy the interview and go give her social media some love!

So Rebecca, tell us a little about you and your family?

I am a midwestern girl that enjoys fashion, beauty, home decor and being a wife. I married my incredible husband William on October 15th, 2017. He truly is my better half! I don’t say that to degrade myself but William has really challenged and encouraged me to be my best self. I wouldn’t have started my blog without him! We don’t have any babies yet as we are enjoying newlywed life and are looking forward to starting our family in the near future!

You’ve been married just over a year – how has the first year of marriage been maybe the same and different than your expectations?

Our first year of marriage is a year I will always treasure and look back on. We grew so much as individuals and as one in our marriage. I expected our first year of marriage to be filled with excitement and spontaneity – it definitely lived up to that!! They say the first year of marriage is the toughest but we can vouch that even through life’s trials we definitely came out of our first year with a stronger appreciation for one another and are even more in love than the day we said “I Do”!

You are a lifestyle blogger?  Why blogging? 

Great question! I have wanted to start a blog for years (probably 4 or 5 years) and never did. I didn’t think anyone would take me seriously since I was so young at the time! I still am young, but being a young wife I feel that I have a lot more I can share now. I have always loved sharing things with others, whether thats a recipe I am loving, a new product I found or just my personal style. I would not consider myself an author by any means but I do enjoy writing and would say that I write as if I am talking to a friend! It wasn’t until I launched my blog where I found myself loving the creative process of each post. I have so many ideas and this is just the beginning of my blogging journey!

How does your faith meet your creativity (your writing, design, fashion)?

 never want to push my religion on anyone however, being a Christian is integrated in pretty much everything I do. My hope is that someone who visits my blog is encouraged or inspired by what I’m sharing and can see a reflection of Christ through myself and my marriage. If I am doing that, then I feel that I am fulfilling my purpose.

How has community played a part in both your work

and your young marriage?

Community has been so crucial specifically with the launch of my blog. A short time after William and I got married, he got an incredible job offer farther south than where we were living. To make the commute easier we moved almost an hour south of where we had went through our engagement season, just settled into and built our little community. Luckily we have family that has been incredible and we try to get together with our old friends as much as we can. With my blog – having a virtual community has been such an encouragement to me. There are people that I went to high school with that are reaching out and subscribing to my blog. It really means a lot and I am grateful for their support!

Where do you want to be in five years?

Dream or reality? Haha! In 5 years I will be 27 – If it all pans out how we would like we will have 2 babies and maybe a 3rd on the way, we will have just finished up building our dream home and forever home, living close to Will’s family and plugged into a community we love. I’d love to be home with our kids (playdates multiple times a week with my sister in law and her babies and at grandma and papa’s house lots too!). I will still be blogging and featuring motherhood content on my blog as well! I would love to write a book one day, so maybe I will be working on that 🙂

You live in sunny SoFla.  Where is your favorite place to “work”?

Not many people following my blog know this (I just haven’t mentioned it) but I actually don’t blog full time! Well, I don’t blog full time yet at least – that is a goal! I do have a full time job as the executive assistant to the owner of 4 luxury consignment furniture showrooms. I handle some of their accounting, customer service, buying, projects and what not. My job has been a blessing to me and I am grateful to have flexibility with it! So to answer your question – I am at one of our locations most of the week and when I work from home I enjoy working in whichever room has the most natural light pouring in with a candle lit, jazz music playing and a warm cup of coffee! I will occasionally take my lunch break by our pool 😉

When do you work and what is a typical schedule for you?

As I just shared, I do work a full time job outside of blogging – so Monday – Friday (with the exception of Thursday when I work business hours from home) I am at one of our locations from 9:45am until around 4 or 5pm. I will then come home, get a quick workout or run in and start on dinner while working on my next blog post. I do a lot of my blogging work at night and on the weekends as well. I do my photoshoots either on Saturday or for an hour on Thursday. I love blogging so much that working on it after my day job is fun for me!

You just got back from Savannah, definitely one of my favorite cities,

where else would you like to travel?

We had a wonderful time in Savannah! I would love to feature more travel content only blog for sure! Some of the destinations on our list include Charleston, New York, Europe and a family ski trip in the Colorado mountains!

Who are your inspirations? In the blogging world?

In fashion my inspirations are the timeless and classy Kate Middleton and Jackie Kennedy. In the blogging world I really admire Rachel Parcell from Pink Peonies as well as Julia Engel from Gal Meets Glam. I really connect with their style and they have both created great success with the growth of their blogs and clothing lines.


A Master Facelift

A Master Facelift


(This post is sponsored by Harvest House who sent me the book The DIY Home Planner to review.  All thoughts are my own.  Thank you!)

When my mister and I get married he already had all of our bedroom furniture.  We were both older when we got married, and thank goodness that I really liked our master bed!

So, we just don’t have the money to go replace perfectly good beautiful furniture just because I might not have picked it at the store, or I would like to lighten it up some.

But, he has always been generous to me in our marriage to make our home really what I would love it to be.  So, we’ve done that over the years.  We still have the same furniture, but my husband may not have picked the Hearth and Home garland that is now over our bed.

When we moved into this house 15 months ago, our master bedroom didn’t have a door for the master bathroom.  And it only had the 70s bar doors (the swinging type) into the toilet room.  So, before we even moved in we took those down and repainted that area.  But, we’ve done without a main door.  And all along I wanted these barn doors.

I had the privilege of getting to know Cathy Nugent during our time in ATL.  She is a beautiful wedding planner.  And since I was already married, I couldn’t use her skills in that market.  But, she and her husband, Rob, started A Hosting Home, and I love what they do.

When we had a little bit of money come in, we knew it was time to go for it.  So, Cathy and I talked back and forth, sent measurements, shot her Pinterest ideas.  And she and Rob took those and made us the perfect barn door.

We had some friends come and install it for us which was such a blessing.  A friend loaned us their truck, we snuck in a day date in ATL.  All in all, my husband said last night that he loved it, well worth the money, and could easily have cost us double what we paid for the door, delivery, and installation.

So, if you think you want a statement piece in your master (or anywhere else in your home), don’t hesitate.  Just think it through and go for it.

The DIY Home Planner has been a fun design book to look through and use the pages to think about what we would like to do here in our home.  As a watercolor artist, I love the illustrations!  If you are a pen and paper girl like I am, this book will be a great workbook tool for you for any room in your home.