This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Pumpkins Galore

Let the new month begin – and I’m two for two in sticking with the budget.  This week I’m trying to cook more healthy and less meat.  Going hard after this until the half I’m running here in ATL on Thanksgiving Day.  Then, maybe celebrate with a favorite piece of pie!

Lentil Chili & Sweet Potatoes

Butternut Squash caprese salad

Green Smoothies

Chicken Tender Farm Salad

Butternut Squash and Apple Hash

Pumpkin Ravioli with a Pumpkin Alfredo Sauce (ravioli thanks to TJ – sauce, I’ll see what works)

Roasted Fall Veggies

kcreatives photo : scott and joy still say i do

kcreatives photo : scott and joy still say i do

scott and joy still say I do

One of the most important parts about being married is receiving constant encouragement in your marriage.  Whether its reading books, listening to sermons, asking questions of your spouse, dating your spouse, or being with couples who have been in marriage longer than you – or even coming alongside couples who haven’t been married as long – marriage encouragement is a MUST!

the whole family

This past weekend I got to shoot at a beautiful location in Buckhead (in Atlanta), and be encouraged in my marriage.  Similar to a regular wedding ceremony, there was a music, vows, family, a “sermon” – but no unity candle for which I was glad! 🙂

The beautiful bride

The joys for me: knowing this was where the groom proposed and this vow renewal was his idea (15 years of marriage – good man), how they incorporated their girls into the ceremony, how the bride and groom gave the charge to other couples there, and how laid back the bride was.  That usually doesn’t happen at a wedding.

The most important thought for me was “Marriage is a long vision”  Meaning – think long term for your marriage, don’t get so disgruntled with the here and now.  This too shall pass.  Marriage is for a lifetime.

Photographer: kcreatives photography

Location: the duck pond – buckhead, atlanta, georgia

Bride’s Makeup: Woo Skincare

Teaching Kids Theology Through Books (Book Giveaway)

Teaching Kids Theology Through Books (Book Giveaway)

Win or Lose I Love You

I love reading to my boys.  It is definitely one of the highlights of being a mommy.  I love the fun pictures and the cute rhymes.  I also love it when the books I’m reading with our boys teaches them good theology. It is never too early to start teaching them good theology.

Two things I definitely want to teach the boys early on (we are already doing so) is Jesus is everything and they need him because they are sinners.

I get to review books and usually I love them – but even if I don’t love everything about them – I want to introduce them to you, give you some wisdom hopefully in how you can read the books to your kids (whether you agree wholeheartedly or not), and tell you what I do like about them.  Tommy Nelson is great about sending me books each month in exchange for a review (and all thoughts are my own) and also giving a copy to one reader!

Lysa Terkeust, of Proverbs 31 and the Best Yes fame, put out her children’s book (ideal of young school age) Win or Lose, I love YouIt is a book about woodland farm animals and some best friends.  I love her use of imagination – I definitely want to instill imagination and creativity in my boys.  It teaches some good encouragement to how to deal with competitiveness and greed and self-centeredness among friends – which I see in my boys already. I love the verses that Lysa encourages parents to read over and instill in their kids.

Here is my problem with this book – and there really is only one, but its a big one: Coyote doesn’t get his way and smashes all the pies.  His response to Lulu (one of the main characters) is “I’m the worst animal in the forest.”  Lulu said “Coyote, you behaved badly, but you aren’t bad.”  ALERT!  FALSE THEOLOGY!!  This is when, if you choose to get this book with all its great other qualities, you can teach your children about what the Bible says.

Human beings aren’t born good.

Romans 5:12-14

Romans 5:19

Psalm 51:5

Romans 3:9-23

Here’s the good thing: if we know the problem – and there is an answer – then the Gospel can become clear to our children.  If we always tell our children that they aren’t bad (inherently, they aren’t born good), then why would they ever need a Savior?

Question: how do you teach your kids theology?


Life Change in Your Kids (Bible Giveaway)

As a parent, I love both of my boys, but I long to see lasting change in their behavior and heart.  But, I’ve realized in a very short period of time that I can’t change their hearts – only God can.

One of the ways that God changes hearts is by the Word of God.  And it is very important as parents who love the Lord to help instill in our children a love for the Word.  I know they won’t love the Word unless God saves them, but we can work on creating moments where they Word gets in them and the Word works in their hearts.

Tommy Nelson just put out a new study Bible for kids (8-12) and I think its awesome. They gave me this Bible as a part of Tommy Nelson Mommies and are giving you a chance to win won too! It is in the NKJV and that is readable and understandable while still sticking to the languages pretty well.  It has bold colors and a style that pre-teens will like  Easy thumb tabs built in to the pages so the books are easy to find.  Has application points that are geared toward pre-teens.  Has further study points throughout the Bible that will help kids learn more about God’s will for their lives.

The Bible is living and active and life-changing.  Get it into your kids’ lives and hearts.

If you would like to win won, comment with your favorite verse that you like to pour into your pre-teens, or kids of any age.

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

butternut squash

I think its been almost 2 weeks since I blogged. We’ve had family in town and then traveled to see friends – and I have a hectic 3 and 2 year old  – that says a lot right now.

But, here it is the end of the month and it is the second month in a row I’ve stayed on budget!!!  I’m so excited!  I’ve even come under budget this month!

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara (even though I’ve heard bacon can cause cancer)

Roasted Pork Tenderloin

Creamy mac and cheese

Greens and smoothies

Chili and Sweet potatoes

Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls (easy treat for Halloween morning from Trader Joes)

I’ll be posting some of these recipes if they turn out!

What are you cooking this week?