September Podcast Favorites

September Podcast Favorites


September…it was a month of trying out some new podcasts, but for the most part I came back to the tried and faithful ones.

October is now here, but before we get too far into Fall, I wanted to share with you my favorite listens from the past 30 days.

Collaborate.  This one was a tough listen for me.  I’m all for collaborating.  I think it hurts though (yes, I’m 41 and rejection still hurts, blame it on my Enneagram 3w4 heart) when others reject your ideas for collaboration.  But, we move on.

Russ Moore on Cultivated.  So, these two people are in my top 5 right now.  So, when they team up for a podcast, that’s gotta be a winner, right?  So good. And no matter the topic either of these men speak on – just listen to it – you’ll get something from it.

Sarah and Sally and Tolkien.  So this one got me reading The Hobbit.  For the first time. I’m enjoying it.  We’ll see how long it takes me to finish though.

Shame. TGC putting out a talk from Mary Willson on shame.  Can I tell you how good this is?  Just go listen to it.  Probably my favorite this month.

Health and Leadership.  Really, health for anyone…he brings up a lot of good points.  And I would say this whether the host was a friend or not!

Autumn is Here.  Another one by Sally.  Good reminders as we head into a new season.

And if you head on over to Sarah’s podcast,  you can get a free download designed by me!


High King of Heaven (review)

Edited books are fun. Here’s why. You get so many different perspectives in one book.  Usually the authors are coming from one point of view or worldview.

This book, edited by John MacArthur, such a scholar and pastor for decades, is all about the Kingship of Jesus.  Covers many topics and all grounded in Scripture.  Not just tagging a Scripture, but grounding their conclusions in the Word of God.

Since you do have so many personalities in the writing, I found some of the book to be haughty in its language, tone, and how it applied the Word.  But, other parts I felt were winsome and engaging.

If you need a book to help you through maybe a time of the liturgical calendar year, to focus on King Jesus, this would be a helpful one.  And it would make you think and get to know your own way you can be winsome and engaging with the authority of Jesus.

Thanks to Moody Publishers for sending me this book to review.  All opinions are my own.

August Podcast Roundup


Now that school has started back I have more time to listen to podcasts in the car while I’m driving around town or working on art projects at home – or just cleaning or cooking dinner.

So, here are a list of my favorites this month.  Some are new, some are older.  But, I hope you listen to them and are encouraged like I was.  And if you have any podcasts that you’ve loved (specific episodes, please tell me about them!

The Turquoise Table.  Not one of her’s in particular but her tagline “gather small, love deep”.  I love that.  I love having a few people at a time at our table.  Not only because we don’t have a huge table but more importantly because I love being about to talk with people.  And if you have lots of people over at once you get a bunch of short conversations instead of deep meaningful ones.

Sally Clarkson – quite a few this month:  This one on cultivating creativity in your children was probably my favorite one all month.  Such a good reminder of grace and the gospel in this one.  And you will wanna check out her latest one’s with Sarah (her daughter) on Book Girl.

I’ve been to many women’s conferences.  I wish every woman, whether a speaker or not, would listen to this one from Christy Wright.

Mamas or teachers of little ones will love this podcast for early readers.

Bret Lott shares on creativity and writing and being a Christian in the secular world.  

Amber Tysl joins my friend Sarah to talk about hospitality and thrifting.  I really wish I could sit down with Amber – who is a mama, photographer, thrifter, DIYer, and loves hospitality. I think we could be friends.

This Isaiah 61 episode of The Summit Church’s Praying the Bible – spot on!






Partnering with Audra Jennings to bring you a review of Homespun.

I’ve really liked some Amish fiction over the years, probably ever since college when I toured the Indiana Amish country during a friend’s wedding.  Simplicity and faith and order and quiet.  Those were pretty intriguing to a 20 year old.

Homespun is a book filled with hospitality, family, friendship, community, faith, and a host of other topics.  All written by women who are in the Amish or Mennonite communities.  These are not fiction, which I love.

I really felt like I was sitting down with many of these authors and having coffee or swinging on a porch swing in the Autumn air.  Just chatting, hearing their hearts – and much of their heart is the same things that find their root in my heart.

If you love memoir type books or biographical essays – I think you’ll really enjoy this book.


Dinner for Dinos

Dinner for Dinos

Meal times at our house aren’t where I want them – but nor are they are bad as they once were.


I remember when our older was little, we’d spend every night sweeping up the crumbs on the floor thinking this season would last forever.  Then we had a second little boy.  So, the season stretched on.

But, then you know what, they learn how to eat.  Now, we seldom have to sweep the floor, though my husband is gracious and sweeps our eating area!

Now, we don’t have to deal with messes all the time, but instead we are teaching our boys how to have conversation at the table, no burping at the table, not to try to be silly and make the other one laugh at the table, how to sit and wait for everyone to finish or not start until every one sits down, not to bring toys to the table.

Instead, we want our table to be a life-giving spot. A spot to talk, enjoy good food, talk about our days, share life together.  We’ll get there.  Its not where I want it to be – but we can take steps every meal to get there, right?

Do you have any tips on how to make meal times

better with young school age kids?

Tommy Nelson sent me this book about dinosaurs and dinner.  Yes, I thought it was a perfect book for our family because sometimes we have dinosaurs at the dinner table with us.  In this book the author talks about shopping for food, the health benefits of certain foods, eating foods you may not like, setting the table, eating everything and not burping, and enjoying the food.

So, if your kids love dinosaurs and you want a book about how to eat at the dinner table – then this book is for you.  You can win a copy of this book for yourself.  Just tell me

What is your child’s favorite meal? 

What meal will they gobble up and ask for seconds and want every meal?