Coffee With Danielle of The Little Things Workshop

Here’s a new Friday and a new introduction to a new friend!


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 Hello!  My name is Danielle and I’m brand new to the maker scene! Well, I’ve been a maker all my life, but now I’m a seller too! I opened my shop, The Little Things, less than 6 months ago. Grateful to be a part of the maker community!!

I have a degree in Interior Design, which I put into practice in Atlanta for 6 years. Then something stirred inside me and I developed a huge heart for missions.  I spent about 5 years working for a small overseas missions organization.  God has me taking a step back for a season.  It has become perfect opportunity to open my shop! Something that’s always been a dream of mine. I’m back in my home state of Michigan. Currently my “day job” (as I like to call it) has me working at the front desk of a counseling office. When I’m not there, you can find me working in my shop, attempting to stay Paleo, playing with my nieces and nephews or scrolling through social media!  Ha!

If we could sit down at your favorite coffee shop together, where would that be and what would you be drinking?

So hard to decide!  There are lots of little coffee shops where I live in Grand Haven, MI.  Today I would pick The Bakers Wife and I’d be drinking a hot green tea.  If I were still in Atlanta, my favorite has always been Land of a Thousand Hills in Roswell.

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I love your state-designed prints. How did you get started in those?

Thank you! Since Michigan has a rather unique shape, I’ve seen Michigan themed designs for a long time.  It seems that “state love” is not just for Michigan any more and as popular as ever, so I couldn’t help myself!

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Where did your love of design come from?

I think I must have been born with it!  I even remember sketching houses when I was little.  My mom is super-woman when it comes to all things creative – basket-making, sewing, quilting, collages, even baking.  I must have some of her genes because I get so much joy from designing, creating and making anything and everything!

What is your favorite medium to work with and what is the thing that inspires you the most?

Favorite medium? I don’t know if I could pick!  I started with cards and prints because I’ve always enjoyed it and I had all the supplies just waiting for me.  There are so many other things I enjoy though!  Including sewing and lots of random Pinterest inspired projects.  This may sound silly, but thrifting inspires me!  I go with my mom a lot and I’m constantly seeing things and thinking “I could make that into something!”

What are three things in your life that you can’t live without?

I need my quiet time!  If I don’t get even just a little in the morning, my entire day feels off.  Music.  I’ve pretty much got it on 24/7.  And a list!  Whether it’s hand-written or digital.  A calendar or a task list.  Work or personal.  I just need a list!

You mention your love of Jesus, please share something he is teaching you about himself and how incorporate that truth into your art.

Right now I feel like He’s teaching me how to rely on Him MORE!  I see His strength kicking in when I have none.  Not so much physical strength, but that sustaining grace that helps me to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I hadn’t thought about how I incorporate that into my work, but I will be from now on!  Some of the quotes on my prints come from ideas that have settled in my heart.  I’ve had lots of different thoughts about how my shop could have a kingdom-impact, and I haven’t landed on any of them yet.  I’m hoping in the near future to figure out how to dedicate a percentage of my proceeds to support work in the 1040 Window.

Go show some love to Danielle!
31 Days: The God Who Is

31 Days: The God Who Is

31 Days of Adoration

Its always a struggle for me to think of one topic that I want to write about for 31 days – that I also think will be a benefit to others.  I mean, I could talk about how I love my mister and our two sons, I could tell you 31 things to do in ATL with children (you get the drift) – but those are very specific topics.  I usually like to choose something that will be both edifying to me as I write each day and edifying to the reader.

The past two times I’ve read through Psalm 51 I’ve written down all the characteristics that the psalmist David says about God – the God who forgives him of his great and infamous sin with Bathsheba.  Most people today think of that chapter in the Bible as a how-to for repentance or asking forgiveness.  It is that.  But, I don’t think it has that one idea as its main theme.  I think its main theme is the God who does the forgiving.

So, I’ve read through and written down 31 characteristics that the Bible (God, the author) tells us about Himself in those 19 verses.  I hope you will join along on my journey.

The Blogtember Finale

The Blogtember Finale

Blogtember Wrap-up

I hope you have enjoyed coming along with me on this Blogtember challenge.  Today, as the challenge concludes, I thought I’d share some thoughts about how it went:

  1.  First, I wanted to meet new readers by doing this challenge – and I did.
  2. Second, I wanted to learn a discipline of writing every day – I did.
  3. Third, I wanted to remember that there are more important things than blogging – and I did.

On the third one – I always was mindful of what was going on in our home.  Was my mister home?  Were we doing anything special or were we both sitting on the couch working and watching a mindless show or a repeat?  Were my kids awake and playing and demanding my attention or were they asleep?  Was the house a mess (please don’t let my mister answer that!)

I know quite a few people schedule posts well ahead of time, and I’m usually not that person, unless it is for a site that is not my own – like a book review or recipe for another company.  I like to write and post – sort of like instant gratification.

I hope you have learned something new about me – and hopefully challenged yourself to answer the questions that I have answered.  Starting tomorrow, 31Days is happening on the blog – we are going to be looking at the overwhelming character of God found in Psalm 51.  Join me.

Blogtember: 10 Questions to Answer Next

Blogtember: 10 Questions to Answer Next


We are coming up to the end of our blogtember challenge.  Its been good – but more on that tomorrow.  Today is my chance to ask the questions – and answer any of them that you want to.

  1.  How did you come to know Jesus – if you are a Christian?
  2. Who was the teacher that had the biggest influence on you?
  3. Besides the person who gave you birth and Jesus – who is the one person that has had the greatest impact on your life – and why?
  4. What is your favorite book of the Bible and why?
  5. If you could live anywhere else other than the place you currently live – why would you want to live there?
  6. If you could go on one mission trip for a year – where would it be and what would you do?
  7. What style would you say your home is?  Share pictures!
  8. If you had a crazy dream that you would love to see come true one day – what it would be – like a reallllly big, God-sized dream?
  9. What book isn’t out there and what book would you like to write?
  10. Who is your best friend and why is she (or he) your BFF?
Transformation Tuesday: Small Changes for the Win!

Transformation Tuesday: Small Changes for the Win!

Small Changes for the Win

So, we are coming up on October 1.  Fall is officially in full swing.  Temperatures are getting cooler – and that means running weather is getting perfect (unless you live where it snows all the time, then it may not be perfect).

October 1 I had a goal set.  I am not going to make that goal.  But, I made two other goals this week that are helping ease that disappointment: 2 ladies at the gym today encouraged me by how good I was looking – and I have now lost 50 lbs since joining the gym.  And the second is that my BMI Is back in the healthy range!  That made me very excited!  So, I will keep pressing on and hopefully make the goal soon.

This week talking about some small changes that can lead to some major results over time – if you stick with the little changes faithfully.I’m not saying never break them -because that’s legalism and can lead to falling off the wagon completely – but regularly. You will see results.

What small changes can you make that will make a big difference?

  1.  Making your own foods instead of buying processed.  If you control the ingredients you put into your food – most of the time you are going to be better.  Homemade chicken nuggets may not be as quick and easy – but they are more healthy.  Making your own mixes and cookies often lessens the sugar in them but A LOT.  Venture out – get in the kitchen!  Here is my Healthy Living board on Pinterest.  Check some of them out.
  2. Drink less carbonated beverages.  I’m definitely not one of these people that say you can never have a coke in your life.  I know there are bad things about it – and I think there are bad things about everything you can put in your body.  But, it may not be the best thing for you to have a 32 oz diet coke every morning (hint: that was me). Water works too you know! Here are some fun infused recipes.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables.  I’m not saying give up pasta, or rice, or potatoes – but definitely learn to snack on fruit and have lots of vegetable side dishes. They are so easy and you can eat them raw or gently cook them to preserve the vitamins in each fruit or vegetable.  Today I was making scones and I usually would be have eaten a whole one – but I was snacking on grapes and then I just sampled one to make sure it tasted blog-worthy.  If you get bored, try her recipes – I love them!
  4. For exercise: use your children’s nap time to do a workout video in your own home or get on the treadmill.  Walk places that you normally wouldn’t walk to.  Where I live I could easily walk to the grocery store and to the gym. The reason I don’t is usually because I either have kids that aren’t in strollers anymore and I fear for their safety – or I am doing it on the spur of the moment and only have a few minutes to run in and run out.  Join a gym if you are financially able to.  Practice yoga.  Play at the park with your kids.  While my older son was on the swing the other day I would push him, then do two jumping jacks – then push him again.  He was laughing at me – but who cares – I like making him laugh.  I love going down the slide with my boys – one of the reasons I wanted to lose weight.  Be active with your kids.  Show them that activity is important – not just tv and video games.  Here’s my exercise pinterest board.  I’m not endorsing all of these but just to give examples (I’ve not actually looked at every single one).

These are just a few of the small changes I’ve made in our lives – what are some changes you are making to bring about a healthier you?