Blogtember: Current 24

Blogtember: Current 24

24 Day

Every time I see the number 24, I think of the TV hit show. And I never even watched it.  But, funny thing what advertising does to your brain!

My days start early (around 6).  Most days I go to my nearby McDonald’s for unsweet tea and time with Jesus.  I’m so thankful my husband gets to sleep in, then he gets the boys up and dressed and then plays with them.

830 we do breakfast altogether.  We may not always eat the same thing – but we do try to eat together.

915 – most days he leaves for work and we are off to do errands or play dates or travel fun. Mondays are donut day, trader joes, and the mcd’s play place if everyone has had an obedient morning.

The above will slightly change next week – as life is always changing – our older son starts preschool for 3yo at a great local elementary school  He has to be there by 750 – he’s not even up most mornings by 750.  Then he’ll get done at noon.  So, I think we are going to switch donut day to Saturdays and go to Trader Joes after he gets out of school on Mondays to see our favorite TJ people.

Then we eat lunch and both boys (right now at least) are down for 2-3 hours for an afternoon nap.

Then we usually watch Dinosaurs or Bob the Builder and head to the gym about 4.  Sometimes we drive around and look at the school buses, bulldozers, planes, and trains.  Maybe even stop in and get a free jr frosty.

We get done with the gym usually by 630 and eat dinner, then read and wash up and change diapers to go to bed.  I love reading with my boys.  I read with each one of them seperately.  Tonight it was the Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton for the little one and Apples Up On Top for the older

Then some days my mister is already home and we eat dinner, watch a favorite show, a documentary, or just crash.  Somedays, like tonight, he doesn’t get home until 830 so I clean or blog or watch one of my shows.

During their nap time is when I blog, cook, clean, fold clothes, be creative, email, write book reviews, read, etc.  I love that time and don’t know what I’ll do when they stop taking their naps.  And I love my early morning time.

Usually we go to bed anywhere between 10-12, but lately its been 9 because the days have been long.

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Spiced Muffins

Its the end of the month, but I’ve actually stayed on food budget this month so I’m very excited!  This week is going to be some whole foods for me – and some fun stuff for the boys and my mister.

How do you incorporate healthy foods into your menu each week?  What about your kids lunches?

These muffins that I made over the weekend.

This cinnamon swirl challah bread

This deconstructed falafel salad

These twice baked potatoes

This list is short – may make some random stuff but keeping it pretty simple this week.


Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Old School October

Today is a little different in our home as far as Sundays go.  We usually go to church. Not this week.  One of sons has pink eye and a yucky cough and lots of snot – so we chose not to inflict any of those on other kids.  So, we are home today.  This morning we ate muffins, watched Daniel Tiger, read out of our Read and Share Bible, and drove around town getting Krispy Kreme, watching trains, looking at planes and bulldozers, and ate lunch at Zaxbys.  What does your normal Sunday look like?

Here are some links you can be loving this week:

A muffin recipe of mine featuring some yummy pumpkin granola over at Her View From Home

There’s a lot more to creating a recipe than you think.

This is getting made so soon – oh, me and sausage…its quite the affair!

This is going on the menu for this week!  Oh, I love falafel and I miss my sandwiches in Louisville.

Simple and cheap comfort food – right up our alley

Great post on ordering your life for any woman



Teaching Your Child the Discipline and Joy of Reading the Bible

Teaching Your Child the Discipline and Joy of Reading the Bible

Illustrated Faith 1-2-3

Illustrated Faith 1-2-3


When our children are small, we teach them many important things to do: tie their shoes, brush their teeth, look both ways before crossing the street.  We teach them how to go to the potty, drink from a cup, and use a fork.  We teach them how to do so many things that are crucial for life.

Sometimes we forget to teach them important spiritual disciplines to help them get to know the God who created them.  The most important one we can teach them by both example and instruction is reading the Bible.  And what a better way to teach them how to read – then to read the Bible.

Why do we need to teach our children to read the Bible?

  1. The Bible is God’s voice to us today.  He breathed the Bible into life.  He used common sinners to record what the Spirit breathed.  This was written down and kept for us for all of forever.  This is by far the main way he chooses to communicate with his children today.  It is how they will know what is right and wrong.  It is how they will know what God is like.  Psalm 119 tells us so much about the importance of knowing the Word of God.
  2. The Bible tells them how they were created.  Even from a young age, our children will be bombarded with many deceptions about who they are.  God created them in His Image and it is crucial they understand that.  They were created beautifully and wonderfully: no matter the skin color or chromosome count, or their family status.  Psalm 139 and Genesis 1 tells us that.
  3. The Bible tells them why they were created.  All of creation exists for one reason: to bring glory to God.  God created human beings in his image so we could reflect the grand glory of God to the world.  Isaiah 43 clearly illustrates that truth.
  4. The Bible helps us get to know God.  There is no person we need to know better than God.  And we can know God by reading His Word.  We can know his actions, his character, and his truth.  We can know His plan for salvation.  Psalm 19 and the Gospels illustrate this.

These are just the simple basics of why we need to teach children the Word of God.  We need a book on teaching Spiritual Disciplines to our children – anyone know of one.  I guess I could write it if someone is willing to publish it.  Any takers?

Tommy Nelson just released a 365 Read Me a Bible Story for young school age children and gave me a copy to giveaway.  What a great way to get them in the habit of reading the Bible and learning God’s truth.  It has fun pictures, a Bible passage for each day of the year, and a short recap of that story.  What I would like to see is some follow-up questions that will help parents engage with their children during family discipleship time.

The most important thing to remember is that children are going to learn by your example.  If they see you reading your Bible, living it out, memorizing it, quoting it, then they will hopefully desire to know the Word as well.  We can pray that God would give them a heart like his – that desires to know God intimately through his Word.

If you would like to win a copy of this Bible story book from Tommy Nelson – tell me which of the 4 reasons listed above is the most important to you – and why and maybe how you are teaching your children that.

Blogtember: Everyday Christmas

Blogtember: Everyday Christmas

St. Augustine

Today’s blogtember challenge is all about what is on our wishlist.  Goodness…my mister knows that I always have a running list of things that I want, but that aren’t in the budget.  So, that makes it perfect for him or anyone else just to surprise me with a gift anytime!

So, I’ve separated them into categories:


This clear umbrella for photo shoots.

Any beautiful creations from this NC studio for food photography.

Wooden utensils from this craftsman.

Since these are my favorite, I think I need them in every color.



This journaling Bible.

The new book by Sally Lloyd Jones.

To learn more about food photography – this helpful read.


Gift Cards from the following: Target, Ann Taylor, JCrew, or Fransesca’s

From the online world – anything from the following: Kristin Schmucker, Rifle Paper Co, or 9th Letter Press (you gotta love those Winter Park gals)


Traveling and Conferences:

TGCW registration and travel and babysitters

This food photography workshop in the BVI in January

This creative and business workshop either in Annapolis or Denver

A second honeymoon anywhere with my mister for a week or two.