Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Jesus is Everything

When you read a lot, and are bombarded with other people’s favorite quotes all the time via social media – it is hard to pick just one.  But, this weekend I came across this blog from a former pastor of mine – and I had to share this.

One of the areas I see this the most for me is in parenting.  I’m so not good at this – but when I do call on the Jesus in tough moment, I see Him work.  He is faithful just like he said he would be!

And Jesus – the true Jesus – the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus that people make up in their heads that don’t line up with what the True Word says about Him – He is everything.  We don’t need anything else.  Any other additions to Jesus is not Jesus.

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Roasted Jalapeno Soup

This week is the official start to Fall.  I have already baked pumpkin goodies and have loaded up my dining room with all things pumpkin and gourd. This week we should have slightly cooler temperatures – because this wknd was summer again.

Here is what we are having this week:

Chili and baked potatoes (really this is a perfect inexpensive meal that my husband loves.  If you wanna buy chili in the can it is cheaper – but you can’t really control what is in it)

Roasted salmon and fingerling potatoes (these are relatively inexpensive at TJ)

Orange Beer Chicken

Southwest Salads with TJ Chicken burgers

A Rustic Fall salad I’m putting together for a vinegar company (can’t wait)

Banana Chocolate Chip Snack Cake – yall have got to check out her site.  Everything I’ve read and what she is about and her demeanor – I’m loving!

Lots of green smoothies




Blogtember: Guilty Pleasures

Blogtember: Guilty Pleasures

Water Fun

Can I first say that I hate the name of that.  I know what the term means: but basically it means indulging in something that isn’t necessarily good for us and getting pleasure for it.  So…hmmm, I don’t know how to answer that question.

Here are some things that I enjoy in moderation – but they necessarily aren’t good for me:

Dark Chocolate M&Ms

Ferrero Rocher

Ghiradelli Hot Chocolate with tons of whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate syrup

Strawberry Twizzlers

Moose Track Ice Cream

Salted Caramel Rice Krispy Treats

Lazy binge watching of NCIS (yay, season premiere on Tuesday) or Gilmore Girls (finished the whole series in about 2 months) or White Collar

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

White Hydrangeas

Yesterday we got to celebrate our little mister’s 3rd birthday.  While it wasn’t like we had planned, (darn pink eye), we still got to eat yummy pancakes, hit up Moe’s at Daddy’s work, and play at an aviation park in town, and eat cupcakes of course!

I’m a big celebrator – especially of birthdays.  God created that person uniquely and I think the world should celebrate them.  And I love giving gifts and making that person feel special – so that is the perfect day to do it, right?

So, just because it is Sunday, let’s celebrate that by giving you some links to look at!

Brokenness has been in my vision this week – and this post says why we need our failures.

I spend a lot of time talking about healthy living – here is a great post about how we do that in light of living in community.

If you are looking for inspiration in the world of travel and food – go here.  I love her blog and her visits.

Second only to guacamole is a great queso and I think I might be trying this soon

The podcast world is huge and you can never listen to everything.  So, if you want a place to start, check out Heather’s list.


A Prayer to Our Son on His Third Birthday

A Prayer to Our Son on His Third Birthday

A Momma's Prayer

Our sweet boy turns three today.  There is so much to be said about the joys and challenged of being his momma, a momma to a preschooler, but this post isn’t about that.

This post contains a prayer that I did some #praynames art for last night.  I love doing pray names art for birth gits or wedding gifts – to pray over the person I’m doing it for – and to get Scripture in their homes.  But, I had never done ones for our boys.  So, last night, before the balloons and the wrapping paper, the pancakes, and the cupcakes, I sat down and prayed this for him:

You are a faithful God who delights to give us good gifts.

Elijah is definitely a good gift! 

We thank you for giving him to us for such a short time.

I pray that you would capture his heart and his mind early.

That you would use his creativity and imagination for the glory of your great name.

Take his compassion for others – for the hurting – and use it to bring peace and healing in the world.

Use his words and his sweet touch to be strength and comfort to those in need.

May he grow to be a man of God who is captured by all of your beauty.

May he never lose his desire to dance when no one is looking.

I pray that you would break his little heart for things that cause you to weep.

May he one day be a husband who leads his wife faithfully

and a daddy to littles who will look to him to show them Christ.

Most of all, I pray that he would love you more dearly than anything else in the world.

You are good.


Praying for our children