Blogtember Challenge: The Real Me

Blogtember Challenge: The Real Me

Chattanooga Country

Social media often times get a bad rap.  Most say that who you see on the computer screen isn’t really the real person who is doing the typing. So…today’s question: is the real you and the online you the same?

Yes and no.  Only sometimes do I post pictures of me when I’m not wearing makeup and my hair is in a ponytail with my glasses on.  Truth be told – that is how I normally am.  However, I have gotten better and don’t wear yoga pants every day – that is more for my mister.

I usually don’t post ALL of my parenting failures – but I do post some.

I am sarcastic online – and I’m sarcastic in real life.  But, I’ve gotten less with both.  Because often times, sarcasm doesn’t give grace to the receiver.

Yes, that I do share what God is teaching me.  But, no that I don’t share everything.  I’ve gotten in trouble in the past for sharing too much on my blog – so I’ve definitely toned that down some.  So, if you really wanna know what is going on in my heart: then you have to be in a tight group of people, and we have to be talking in a non-public context (like face to face, phone text, email, private msg, etc.

I am more extroverted online – I’m definitely more of an introvert in person.

All in all – I really do think my online self and real life self (to my close community) is the same.

Transformation Tuesday: Community and Weight Loss

Transformation Tuesday: Community and Weight Loss

Transformation Tuesay

Hi friends.  Welcome back for another edition of Transformation Tuesday, where I talk about all things in this healthy living lifestyle.  I’ve hit a plateau in weight loss which I knew would be coming since I’m getting down to a healthy weight anyway.  But, I’ve still got about 7 lbs to go and I’m not giving up!

This is a tough topic because we all have food loves and food issues.  But, what I want to talk about today is the importance that community plays in your weight loss journey.  I’ve been involved in weight watchers several times, and that has shown me how helpful it is to have people around you that have the same goals.  This applies in many different avenues in life: parenting, job related skills, creative outlets, runners groups, etc.

Why is this the case?

  1.  Motivation.  I have found when I have people around me who have similar lifestyle and health goals it is easier to pursue my goals.  I think that is one reason I knew that my mister was on the one for me.  Now my mister does not have trouble with weight and can eat anything.  But, he likes healthy foods (and still eats what I bake) and he always wants to be active.  We love to hike together, even now with our boys, and he could eat grilled salmon and other whole foods ALL THE TIME. For me, I knew I didn’t want to marry someone who really struggled with their weight.  I needed someone who could spiritual and actively lead me in this area because I knew it was a stronghold in my life. Just like if you have money spending issues, you don’t want to marry someone who also has a heavy hand when it comes to credit cards.  I love that we pursue an active and healthy life together – and still enjoy some summer ice cream cones and celebratory food days too.  So, when it comes to friends, it is easier for me to surround myself with people with similar interests and goals: active lifestyle people, healthy cooking, knowledge of their bodies and why we should take care of them. Not that you can’t go out and have a cookie together – but not letting one cookie lead to indulging every day in baked sweets.  Another example: if you are an alcoholic, if you are trying to break the addiction, you don’t want to hang out with other people who drink too much.
  2. Challenge.  I am a competitive person, we’ve talked about that before.  Right now, I have a “bet” going on with a friend in another state.  She asked me to help her with accountability so that’s what we are going to do.  But, we have the same goal weight number in mind for a short term goal and we weigh the exact same thing.  So, I asked her if we could put a wager on it: whoever gets their first gets a 10$ gift card from other to Target.  Perfect!  Game on!  I love people who push me in running.  When I started running, I had three friends who were so pivotal in that: Sarah, Sloan, and Sarah (another one).  I was single and could run anytime I wanted, but it was good to have running buddies and people to do races with. I don’t have that here.  I miss that. I do love running by myself, but I don’t have anyone locally to challenge me in that area.  In every area I’ve lived since I’ve had athletic people around me to challenge me and help me succeed – that is something I desire here as well.  Its important.
  3. Encouragement.  One of the nicest things a family member said to me when I first lost a TON of weight back in college was absolutely transformational for me.  But the comment that got me to a point in life that I knew I needed to lose the weight was awful and I remember it to this day.  I want to encourage others, not make people feel bad about themselves. I want to push people to meet their goals in weight loss.  I want to keep them on the right track.  I want to help them see the spiritual side of the struggle of weight loss and taking care of our bodies in a God-glorifying manner (I’ve got a book in the works if anyone wants to publish it.)  I find even a simple text or a note to accomplish this.  A friend and I text almost every day to see how we are doing eating and exercising.  It is good accountability.  And if we have had a bad day – we don’t yell at each other in all caps: we tell ourselves that the next meal is a new chance to be healthy – and get to that gym – even for 15 minutes.  I can not tell you enough how much positive reinforcement helps in this area.  My mister has learned this.  I often am a comfort food eater.  He has learned not to criticize me in that moment, but talk to me gently and help me to see other ways of coping with whatever is going on – and if I do still mess up, he forgives me quickly and champions me in ways I’m being healthy and meeting my goals.
Blogtember Challenge: My Non-Existent Mommy Purse

Blogtember Challenge: My Non-Existent Mommy Purse

Blogtember Purse

I’m not really one of those girls that has tons of purses and always has it with her.  I usually have one that I pick up on clearance or at Goodwill just to get me usually to church.  I have a bag that goes with me every morning to where I do my quiet times: books, sketch pad, Bible, psalter, notebooks, and plenty of pens and pencils.

I do carry my wallet: receipts, the normal stuff in your wallet, and a pen, and a small pack of notecards just in case I need one in a jiffy.  You never know when a note of encouragement might brighten someone’s day.  My wallet is a made just for me handheld by my sweet friend Leah.  I love it – gray and yellow!

Now, my current purse is one made by my cousin in Alabama.  Its cream and gorgeous.  It stands up on the bottom on its own.  I love the buttons.  I use it primarily when I’m going to church or another church function.

It holds my aforementioned wallet, tons of writing instruments (notice a theme), phone (even though its usually in my hand or pocket), keys (though they are usually attached to a belt loop), my journaling Bible, notebooks for sermon notes (I have one for each book of the Bible I’m currently studying), some receipts, change, and maybe a tube of lipstick.  I really don’t know why I have lipstick, because I almost never reapply it when I’m out somewhere.

Anyway, what’s in your purse – or do you think there is some great bag out there that I just have to have?


This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Mister Birthday Week

Oh, the cooler temperatures are arriving this week, people are drinking PSLs and I am making Minion cupcakes for a certain misters 3rd birthday!

There is much more going on in the kitchen this week, so here we go:

My spin on orange chicken (with homemade marmalade of course)

This soup as already been made.  Leftovers rock!

PWs Chicken Salad to share with a friend on Friday (probably putting them in homemade cream puffs (without the cream of course)

Curry lime chicken

White Chicken Chili

Meatball Subs

Sweet and Spicy Fall Trail Mix (just in time for tailgating on Saturday)

Minion Cupcakes

Buttermilk Biscuits (do you have a favorite recipe)

Easy Cinnamon Rolls (for little mister’s bday breakfast)

And some delicious dessert for Friday creative day with a friend, I just haven’t decided what yet.

Blogtember: Top Five Books

Blogtember: Top Five Books

Favorite Books

I don’t even know why I’m bothering to write this post, because there is no way that I can pinpoint 5 books – really?

  1.  The Bible.  That’s a given.  But, I need it daily for truth and encouragement in the Gospel.  Especially in this line of work called motherhood and marriage (and so much in the creative world), condemnation and competition can beat you down.  That’s why I need to read the Word every day.  This is the one place where I find total truth – with no question of doubting.
  2. The Fosters Market Cookbook.  This would probably be my favorite cookbook.  I got to meet its author when I was working in Durham at Williams-Sonoma, but also her market in Durham and Chapel Hill was my favorite cafe in the area.  She writes in such a warm style and uses local, fresh ingredients, and speaks of everything southern in my book.
  3. The Jesus Storybook Bible.  Hands down has taught me the most about how to read the entire Bible in light of Jesus.  I got this book from a sweet friend when we were doing a progressive dinner back when I was single and living in Louisville.
  4. The Shadow of the Almighty.  This storytelling of Jim Elliot’s life and mission and death by his now late wife, Elisabeth Elliot is one of the most gripping stories you will ever read.
  5. Found in Him by Elyse Fitzpatrick (really anything she writes).  Total transformation of how Christ is for you in light of the Gospel.

Honorable mentions: Cross-Centered Life, Loving the Way Jesus Loves, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, The Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook


Ask me tomorrow – this list might change.  Except for the first one.