Blogtember: Travel Bucket List

Blogtember: Travel Bucket List

Travel Bucket List

My mister and I love to do everything together, but really here are the top two:

  1.  Do nothing.  That’s what he said early on in our marriage when someone asked him what he liked to do with me.  He said “we like to do nothing.”  That speaks of the busyness of our lives and how when we do get a chance to be together, we like to do nothing.  Sitting on the couch is our fave way to spend the evening.
  2. Travel.  We started traveling when we we were dating: the NC coast, Williamsburg.  Our honeymoon was a two week road trip up the East Coast visiting all the major cities and then the turn around spot was the number one thing on my bucket list: PEI.  I am a huge Anne fan, so that was a must.  And he fulfilled it.  It was awesome.

So, here are ten places that I still want to go with my mister sometime in our lives.  I figure if we do one every anniversary (not going to happen), we can knock it out in ten years, then move on to the rest of the world.

  1.  Spend a week in Paris with him.  He’s been to Paris, but it was with a missionary buddy of his – not his wife.  So, I need to go with him this time.
  2. Visit, photograph, and or climb every USA lighthouse.  I love the coast and I love lighthouses.  So, I figure why not.
  3. Hike Acadia.  He has been to Acadia National Park with a family member, but I want to go with him.
  4. One of this that I want to make happen is a rafting trip through the Canyon with the boys.
  5. Take a mediterranean cruise. See Greece and Italy.  Eat the food – experience the culture
  6. Take him back to Alaska.  I went on a cruise with my parents shortly before my Mister and I were engaged, but talking to him via phone was not the same as him experiencing what I think is the prettiest part of America.
  7. Napa.  I want to eat at Big Sur and travel the pacific highway and take my camera through the vineyards.
  8. Go to the Keys. My brother goes all the time, but even though I grew up in Florida, I’ve never been.  We did drive to the southern most tip of US 1 together (and the northenmost tip), but we turned around.
  9. Spend a few days hiking the AT.  Camping, roughing it, etc.
  10. See the castles of St. Petersburg.  Russia that is.  I’ve been to Moscow and I’d love to see it again, but I’d rather see some place new.

There you have it – now everyone knows what to get me for gifts (airline miles) and we need to be independently wealthy.

Blogtember Challenge: Back to the Future

Blogtember Challenge: Back to the Future

I am 16, going on 17

I was a whole different person when I was 16.  The year was 1993.  Danny Wuerffel played for the Gators.  My brother was a senior and started driving us to school.  I sang in a traveling musical group for my high school.  I switched churches and went out on my own in that arena.

Dearest me:

First of all – love Jesus more.  It is not about all these games that you are playing, not about getting the cutest boyfriend, or being the most popular – all of that will fade even before the yearbook comes out at the end of the year.

Second, when it comes time to pick a major in a few years: pick something that you are passionate about – not just something that will pay the bills.  You love photography – even when you capture it with that little yellow and black throw away.  The world is going more digital – learn it

Third, make relationships work.  I’m not talking about the guy you will date or the guys you wanna date – but make sure relationships are important to you.  Community and friendships and mentoring – all those centered in Jesus – will stick with you and make you a much better person.

Last: travel.  I know you love to go on little trips to the coast or just like to hang out – but travel as much as you can.  Don’t just read about it in books or watch the world from television.  You will have many opportunities in the coming years to travel the world – don’t say no.  Traveling opens your mind and heart to the world God created to reflect His glory.  Go.

And most of all – love.  This life is not about you.  Live well and love often.  Cook more.  Capture moments.

Love – your 38 year old self.

Blogtember Challenge: My Favorite Season

Blogtember Challenge: My Favorite Season

Danny @ Southern

We are only a few weeks out from the official start of Fall, but I think the PSL craze has made Fall come a bit earlier every year.  Fall is definitely my favorite season – and always has been (with Spring coming in a somewhat distant second).  I grew up in Florida so we really didn’t have seasons, but when I moved to North Carolina to start seminary in the winter – I knew Fall has to be pretty and not so cold.

Why is Fall my favorite season?

  1.  Football. No, it definitely isn’t the most important reason, but its probably been the longest running reason why I love fall so much!
  2. Start of school.  No, i’m not in school anymore, but I always loved getting the school supply list then going to buy them.  I could buy school supplies every trip to Target and never get tired of them.
  3. Cooler Weather.  I love a medium temperature.  I’m not one for sweltering heat, but I would love it if everyday was 60-85 with blue skies and a thunderstorm.  That’s what I’d like to live in.
  4. Fall leaves.  Call me crazy, but when I think about the turning of leaves, I think of the beauty of death.  As a believer, I know that all creation is groaning to be restored to its Maker.  And we can’t have life without first having death.  That’s why fall and winter have to come before spring.  But, I love the sound of walking through leaves.  I’m glad though I never had to rake them in Florida though.
  5. My anniversary.  My mister and I got married in the fall.  It was a perfect blue clear sky day one which I will always remember.
  6. My boys birthdays.  The next two most important days in my life are the days I gave birth to our sons.  Ones birthday is in September and ones is in October.  Both Fall blessings.  I can’t wait to celebrate them every year with pumpkin pictures!

What’s your favorite season?

Transformation Tuesday: Healthy Recipes

Transformation Tuesday: Healthy Recipes

Transformation Tuesday

Cooking and I go way back.  I had to start cooking and grocery shopping when I was in grade school but I didn’t know anything about healthy eating back then.  I came into my love of cooking in college.  And as I’ve gotten out on my own, I love baking, sharing my table with others, and I’ve loved eating healthier too.

What you put in your body is just as important as how much you move your body when wanting to lose weight (or just to stay healthy).  And nowadays, everyone has specific diets: gluten free, no dairy, vegetarian, no carbs, vegan, fat free, etc.  Whatever way you is up to you and your doctor, but here are some of my favorite healthy recipes from over the years.

Enjoy – and please share your fave healthy recipes in the comments so others can see them.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus – perfect, creamy, and definitely packed with protein with the chickpeas.  Eat it with a spoon or with some raw veggies for a perfectly nutritious appetizer or small plate.

Black Bean Salsa – I usually make this several times a year.  Raw, whole ingredients.  Can’t get better than that.  And it is perfect for a topping on meats or salads, and you gotta have this to go with your standard Taco Tuesday.

Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls – most people do allow for some bread – and what better way than to use whole wheat flour and just imagine the smell of yeast in your home – I think it is an amazing smell.

Black Bean and Chicken Chilaquiles – quite possibly my favorite Cooking Light recipe.  I love mexican food and this for breakfast is a huge treat

Homemade Granola Bars – yes, you can buy granola bars, but when you make them you can control how much sugar and fat and preservatives you put in.  So much better for you!

Spinach Casserole – I know this doesn’t sound like much but it is simple comfort food.

There are so many others – and tons of salads and smoothies!  Fresh foods and colors in your food are two helpful things to remember when going healthy.  More color usually means more vitamins!


Blogtember: How’d I Name My Blog

Blogtember: How’d I Name My Blog


I skipped yesterday, not because I was meaning to, but sometimes you just need to put down the computer, grab some chipotle, and watch an NCIS marathon with my mister.  That’s what I did last night instead of blogging.  I hope yall don’t mind.

So, today is Labor Day – but for the Blogtember Challenge the question is how’d you name your blog.

I’ve had several, because I’ve been blogging for ten years, I don’t always keep the same emphasis.  It is ever evolving

My Thoughts on the Word was just that.  It was my first blog – and really a blog, a personal journal on my thoughts from my quiet time.  That was about it.

Kims State of Food: that was my first food blog.  I started it to share recipes for the college girls I hung out with.

For the Love of NC was a blog dedicated to my travels around my lovely state of NC.

This Whole Life was the first time I attempted to connect all the blogs together.

Applesause and Grenadine was another food blog attempt.

Now, I’ve had kd316 since 2011.  I love it.  It has everything: my photography, my recipes, my health journey, my book reviews and resources, and my random every day thoughts.  I named it that because kd (my initials, and now that I’m married, my middle initial is still d, so it works.  Also, its my favorite verse: Colossians 3:16 “Let the Word of Christ dwell in your richly…”  I want the gospel to permeate every bit of my life – just not my “Bible” time.

kcreatives is the subtitle for the blog.  Intention: Creative.  Because life has a lot of mundane moments and I don’t want to live in the mundane.  I want to be creative with my time and talents and let that part of God’s character come out in me.