God Bless You and Good Night


Bedtime may not be the smoothest time of our day in our home, but we are getting there, and there are several things we enjoy doing right at bed time.

The boys brush their teeth.  We usually sit and read our Bible story (right now we are going through The Jesus Storybook Bible).  Then my mister puts the boys upside down and I tickle their tummy.

We trade off who puts the boys in to bed each night, and who goes second.  When I am the first to put my older to bed, I read him a little bit of a chapter book we are working through together.  Right now we are almost finished with Farmer Boy.  Then my mister will come in and make up a story and listen to E make up a story too.

With our younger son, we read a book sometimes and sometimes we just sing a song with him.

With both boys, I love to kiss them good night, get zerberts, another hug or two, and tell them for the 6th time goodnight.  The last thing I always tell them, even if its been a super long day, is I love you.  And I mean it.  That’s what I want to go through their heads as they drift off to dream.

Hannah Hall wrote a cute animal board book, God Bless You and Good Night.  It talks through a night time routine with cute parent/baby animal pairings.  Its cute and will be a favorite in your home by your little ones.  My older son liked the raccoons the best.

Thanks Tommy Nelson for this book and they want to give you one too!  Just leave a comment with your favorite part of your bedtime routine with your children.

Last year: book on marriage

Two years ago: Recipe for peanut butter bars

Night Night Jungle

Night Night Jungle

One of the aspects about God that we love to teach our kids is that He is Creator.  Really, that’s like the first thing they need to learn and know and trust through faith – God created them and all they see.  He is the Creator and therefore in charge.

This little board book, Night Night Jungle, is a great book to remind them of so many of the animals and trees that God created.  It is a snuggly book to read while you are tucking in your kids.

One of my boys love animals.  So, as we were reading this he wanted to tell me all the facts about these animals that he saw in the book, they took turns pointing out and naming the different animals, and tip-toeing around the “jungle” in their pajamas.

If you would like a copy of this through Tommy Nelson (who also gave me this book in exchange for a review), then just ask you kids what their favorite animal is and leave it in the comments.  My boys’ favorites are cheetahs and jaguars.

The Life-Giving Parent

The Life-Giving Parent

One thing that I’ve appreciated more (now that I am older – 41 – and have young kids) is older women.  Titus 2 instructs the older women to instruct, mentor, disciple, love on, help the younger women.

And in parenting, I think it is crucial.  Yes, we can learn from those younger than us, and even in the same boat as us, but it is so helpful to have older women in your life to pour into you and teach you.

I have a few moms of adult children that I learn from and listen to and hang on their words of encouragement.  I also have a few moms who are actually younger than me but have kids who are older than mine.  I want to know how they survived these little years!

Yes, women my age can have lots of wisdom.  And I want to listen to them and share with them and have community and friendship with them.

But I want older women to pour into my life and my home and my parenting.  That is one of the reasons I love Sally Clarkson.  She is in her 60s, all of her children are grown, and they still have a great relationship and love and serve Jesus.  God has blessed their parenting.  It is evident, not perfect, but evident.

The Life-Giving Parent, written with her husband, Clay, is so rich with biblical principle (taken mostly from the Proverbs), practical tips in living out these principles, and anecdotal stories of their parenting.  In some parenting books you just get the truths.  But, what I love in each of these chapters is humble lessons learned from years of practice and trusting in God’s Word.

Definitely a book I want to read time and time again – and continue marking it up.  I may not know Sally personally, but her books have mentored me over the years.

All thoughts are my own.  I was given this book by Tyndale Publishers and was asked for my honest opinion. #ad

Buried Secrets

Buried Secrets


(This book was given to me by Gilead Publishing.  All opinions are my own.)

Something magical happens when you read a good Amish Christian fiction book (hint: a good one is harder to find than you think).  You pick it up and are transported to another world. One that sometimes you wish you could be in.

Barbara Cameron’s works are really sweet and good . I’ve enjoyed the Harvest of Hope series (this first book review is here) this is the second one in the series.  It can be stand alone, but it fits nicely in the second position too.

As I read this book, I thought of how much I could get done in my home and yard and with my boys if I didn’t have a cell phone, social media, or a TV.  If I didn’t reun out of the house all the time to run errands.  If I cooked most of my food at home.  At how many desserts I could eat (every day) and not gain weight if I was working as much physical labor around the house.

I didn’t like the fact the husband had died in this book (not a plot ruiner).  I don’t like the idea of either me or my husband dying and not seeing our boys grow up.  I’m a Highly Emotional Person when it comes to reading since I’ve had kids.  Not always fun.

Even though this book is predictable, she writes it in such a way as to keep you engaged and looking forward to the next series.


I Prayed For You

I Prayed For You

(This book review is sponsored by Tommy Nelson Mommies.  I was given this book and all opinions are my own.  Thanks Tommy Nelson!)

Praying for our children… it is one of the biggest privileges of a parent’s life…and the one I do the least.  There are days I’m so overwhelmed by the task of parenting my two boys, wondering how they will come to know the Savior, wondering how they will learn not to strive with their brother.

I can vividly remember mornings or nights, standing at my bathroom sink, tired…and thinking how I need to pray more because I can’t do this parenting thing on my own.

Then I let the cares of every day life – in the moment life – distract me from praying as fervently for them as I would like.

This cute bedtime story book  goes through many of the milestones in the years.  Giving us as moms ways to pray for our kids.  You can tie these into prayers from Scripture (and not just from a book) for your kids.  You can keep a journal of these prayers.

One way this book fell short was it ended with a parent’s prayer.  Where you could take it: Jesus is our Great High Priest.  He interceded for you even when I fail to pray for you as I should.  He is the one who prays for you every night and every day.  That is His job!

I have a I Prayed For You book to giveaway!  Would you like it? If so, just leave me a comment and tell me one prayer you like praying for your little one.