Book Review: The Spill

Book Review: The Spill

Do your kids love books?  Dogs? and Food?

Then this would be a great fun book to add to your summer reading list!

The Spill by Jaqueline Leigh is a fun story about being patient, listening to your mama, using manners, and sitting and enjoying the fun of a glass of milk!

I read it to my boys and they loved sneezing and looking at the milk and the dog.  And I loved it as a mother because there were such good manners: like please and thank you!

This would be good for an early reader with lovely illustrations, but also for a read-aloud – and you know how big I am about reading aloud to your kids!  Even in the summer.

This book comes out in June!  Be sure to get it!

5 Tips to Thrive at Lego Land Florida

5 Tips to Thrive at Lego Land Florida

Spring Break was such a fun time for us as a family.  Sun, blue skies, ice cream, and tacos.  And our first trip to a theme park altogether as a family of four!

I grew up in Central Florida going to Cypress Gardens, dreaming of being a Cypress Garden Girl, wondering if I would ever learn to water ski (and I can barely do it now), and enjoying all the gardens that were beautiful.  I thought Cypress Gardens would always be there.  And in a way, it still is.

The grounds at Lego Land Florida are on the shores of the same lake that Cypress Gardens was and you can still watch the ski shows.  You can walk through the grounds of lego central and see spots of beautiful flowers and shady trees.

But, the focus of the park is now little plastic building blocks and themed superhero movies and a really fun water park.

My family was graciously given a two day park pass including the water park for the main event of our 7 day Florida vacation.  Since it was our first time going I asked around for some good tips.  And now, having gone, I thought I would share our 6 top tips for all you parents out there who want to have a fabulous day with your family at Lego Land!

  1.  Bathroom Status.  I would probably advise not to go if your kids are still in diapers, or even potty training.  Even though the restrooms are equipped with changing tables and there are plenty of clean bathrooms throughout the park, it just wouldn’t be as fun.  And, make sure your kids go to the potty before leaving for the park.  My husband had to take one of ours to the potty in the parking line (and all the other patrons who saw were laughing and joking with him…they got it).  And he took the other one to the Lego Hotel before we went through security.  Having kids who are well potty-trained just makes the day easier.

  1. Pay for the Preferred Parking.  Your kids will thank you at the end of the day. Florida in the spring and summer is just warm.  We had perfect weather with not a cloud in sight.  So, our car was rather warm.  But, the second day we chose the preferred parking.  We got to park closer and under the shade of solar panels.  We got into a perfectly cool car at the end of the day.  Our campers were much happier, and so were we.

  1. Budget for food, snacks, and drink.  We chose not to carry anything with us while we were there except our phones and a key and our debit cards.  Our hands were free to ride rides and hold little hands.  We were so glad we did this.  Yes, we could have brought in snacks and water in a small cooler – but then you either have to pay for a locker or carry it or push it in a stroller.  And we could have left it in the car in a cooler, but who wants to go all the way back out to the car when you are in the middle of having so much fun.  So, when you are doing your budget, plan for a 15$ reusable souvenir cup and food.  Your day will be much easier.  My favorite ice cream was the caramel vanilla swirl cone near the Pirate Playground.  Definitely the best food I ate there.
  2. The water park is worth it.  Our kids loved it.  The park provides flotation devices for those who don’t know how to swim, but our two little not-yet-swimming boys thrived well at the park slides for like 90 minutes.  They would have stayed there all day.  We joined them some and we also kicked back in shaded beach chairs.  We loved watching their excited faces!
  3. Don’t buy a fast pass.  I wouldn’t have thought of this one until I was a parent, and experienced some things, so hear me out.  One of the things we constantly try to teach our children is that we should put the needs and interests of others ahead of our own.  And I think the fast pass does exactly the opposite.  When you’ve been standing in line for 45 minutes and you are about to get on, and a family comes and delays your ride because they have a fast pass, your kids (and you) and certainly disappointed.  But, it also teaches them that the person holding the fast pass is better than everyone else.  It teaches them that you can buy first and you don’t have to practice patience.  It also seems to be a status symbol.  Like often times it is those with more money who have a fast pass.  We decided that we wouldn’t buy a fast pass for our family because we want to teach them more important things than just getting to the front of the line.

What are your survival tips for theme parks?

March Read Alouds

March Read Alouds

So, I know I’m a little late with March’s list, but we had good reason.

We didn’t read as much together as family because a lot of our month was spent preparing for our renters to come enjoy their stay at our house for The Masters.  Spring cleaning is definitely a new Olympic sport in Augusta.  And we were also getting ready to go on vacation to Florida (more on that in later posts).

I didn’t want you to miss these reads, so here they are.  April’s will be more on time, I hope!

How to Dress a Dragon.  Oh my goodness, my younger loved this.  Yes, I think primarily because he heard mommy say the word underwear several times.  But, I’m raising boys, can any mama relate?

Be Brave Little Penguin was a fun little book, perfect for our boys who were getting ready to go get in some water on vacation.  We are putting them in swim lessons this summer and we will spend so much time at the pool!

I Want My Hat Back.  I read this so much to my younger that he loved flipping through it and “reading” it to himself.  Loved hearing this!

Dragons Love Tacos.  My boys could live on tacos like I do.  Ok, really just chips and guacamole and queso. But they will be the first to tell you they don’t love salsa because it is tomatoes and its spicy.  So, this was a fun book for them to read.

These were just their favorites.  What did you read to your kids recently?

You can see my previous months books for January and February.

The Prayer Bible

The Prayer Bible

Raise your hand if you have more than 10 Bibles in your house?  We do…and we’ve even purged so many!  What do you do with Bibles you don’t need/want anymore?

(This post is sponsored by Tommy Nelson. All thoughts are my own.)

Well, I have a new Bible to give to yall today.  Its called The Prayer Bible and Tommy Nelson put it out this Spring.  I think it is a good one for you to share with your school age son or daughter.  The cover is neutral so it can be for either a boy or a girl.  I know that is a secondary topic, but Bible covers are important! 🙂

It is a thicker Bible, but its hardback, so it would be durable.  I think it would be more for one your child could use as they learn to do their quiet time.  Maybe you could teach your child to have their quiet time in their room, and then discuss their thoughts and readings with them.  This Bible offers many devotionals and Q/A about prayer.  I’ve not read every single article, but they ones I read were really good and great for a school-age mind.  Especially as they are starting out in their faith (hopefully) and learning how to pray.

A good tool in this Bible is the Prayer Article Index in the front.  If your child is struggling with something in particular, they can read one of these articles.  I wish the articles were listed by topic and not by title, but they would always be good to read.  There is a verse topic index in the back. That’d be great if you are trying to teach your child what the Bible says about a variety of topics: like happiness, wisdom, and obedience.  You really want to get to a point with teaching your child to understand the Scriptures that you aren’t just pulling out a verse, but i know you don’t always have time for an expositional sermon when talking with your kids.

Come along side your kids when they are learning to read the Bible and to pray.  Its going to be a great adventure for your faith, their faith, and y’all’s relationship.

If you want this Bible, Tommy Nelson has one for you, just leave a comment on the blog to be entered.

Chasing Traffic

Chasing Traffic

Why do you do what you do?

I mean, I’m sitting here on the couch, loading photos for my church, writing this blog post, my little is not napping, so I guess I’ll just wait until I hear something crash.  He needs to learn to play in his room quietly right?

Anyway…why do I do what I do?

I cook…because I love to see other people eat my food and enjoy it.  And I like playing with the flavors.  That’s why I usually don’t cook for myself.  Because who likes to cook for one?

I letter and watercolor…to meditate on Scripture and to do art at an affordable price so others can enjoy it in their home or to give as a gift.  And to help them meditate on Scripture too.  To fill their home.

I blog…because I like to talk about what I want to talk about, yes, of course.  But, I also like to encourage other women.  I started blogging back before blogging was really a thing, and especially before making money blogging was really a thing.  I wanted to share devotional thoughts and recipes and travels.  My blog has definitely had different focuses over the years, but it really was and is about encouraging other women in their walk with Jesus.

I do photography….because I love it. I love to look at photos after I take them.  I love to capture smiles and special moments.  I like to do it affordably for others who may not have an unlimited budget to spend for fancy photography.  People without a large budget should still be able to have nice photographs right?

I was listening to Taylor’s podcast Boss Girl Creative this weekend while I was out doing Masters Prep errands (its basically when all of Augusta does spring cleaning at once so that you can rent out your house, get tax free money, and get outta town for the winning of the Green Jacket).  And, if you haven’t had my friend’s Green Jacket salad, stop, go make it, and come back!

Anyway, back to the podcast, Taylor was talking about private label rights and how purchasing what other’s create is a thing…but why?  Why not just create it yourself?  Or hire someone to create something specifically for you or your business.

I really don’t blog to make money…even though it is great when I do.  I blog to talk and encourage and share.  It doesn’t have to perfect or top the SEO charts.  That’s why I do what I do.  SEO isn’t the most important thing to me, though if I got more traffic that’d be nice.  But I don’t want to do things on the blog just to chase traffic.  I’ve always wanted my blog to be me.  So, I’m careful about who I let guest blog and what sponsors or ad posts I write.

It is always an important thing to remember in life: why you do what you do.  And stick to it.  Doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to change over time…but always be true to yourself…don’t go chasing traffic.