When Your Little is Sick

When Your Little is Sick

bach donuts

I often think that my children teach me much more than I ever teach them.  I mean I need to teach them the important things like : how to tie their shoes, how to climb a tree, how to kick a ball, and how to count to three.  But, they teach me much more important things like : snuggling, slowing down, and prayer.

Since moving to a new city back in April, our kids have been sick more than they were their whole lives of living in another state. We’ve had teething tablets lodged in windpipes, Roseola, other fever viruses, and teething on top of all of that.  That really isn’t bad when you look at what others face, but it makes this momma a bit nervous when her boys won’t sleep because their fever is 104.

This week has been that.  Our smaller one came down with a fever virus earlier this week.  Thankful that his daddy was off to take him to the doctor while I took the other to Bible study, but still.  Makes for much slower days.

Here are some important lessons I’m learning since my boys have been sick:

1.  God made their bodies.  He made them perfectly and he made them to work.  They will tell me when something is wrong – even if it is just being fussy.  He is a good Creator.

2.  Snuggling is vital to healing.  The boys (who are normally running around with cars and balls) love to snuggle when they are sick.  That’s usually how we know that they aren’t feeling well.

3.  My kids are more important than my schedule.  Usually I have to admit it is disappointing when one of them is sick because my schedule has to change.  I can’t take them to the gym, the park, or church activities because they can’t be around other kids (or shouldn’t be).  That has also shown me some idols in my life when I am disappointed about something not going my way.

4.  Technology is great.  We’ve been able to look up some information on my phone.  I was just given an amazing thermometer which has been a lifesaver this week.  If you need a good one – run and get the Braun Touchless Thermometer.  Thanks Influenster and Braun for mine.  I saw it used in my doctor’s office back over the summer.  But, it definitely is a game changer in the middle of the night and you can’t see anything and your kid is struggling to stay still.  I love it.  Very accurate and the kids love it too.  The light sorta makes it seem like they are playing a game!  And I don’t have to hold their head still or get a thermometer under their arm either.  The joys of wrestling boys when they have to have their temperature taken!

If you have sick littles – love on them.  Take care of them.  Learn from them.

(This post is sponsored by Braun and Influenster.  Thanks for the thermometer and all thoughts are my own.)


Halloween Link Love

Halloween Link Love

Anybody want a pumpkin?

So many fun things to do today – whether you celebrate in a costume or not.  I think holidays are perfect for baking, celebrating life that God has given us, etc.  So, here we go.  Enjoy!  I was going to Target to purchase some items to make something fun tonight with the boys and both of them had in-store meltdowns.  May try after their naps, but we may just call it a day.

Just because it’s more chocolate and peanut butter and I love the pictures.

Maple definitely makes Fall better.

Rice krispie treats decked out for today’s celebrating

These pumpkin muffins would make a nice addition to a cozy night at home, welcoming trick-or-treaters and enjoying a warm beverage of choice.

The church and why today matters.

One new book I want to read about a highly influential woman and this post is written by a friend of mine.

Unfortunately, when we get to today, that means there is no more October left.  It’s sad.

Daniel Tiger and Moral Behaviorism

Daniel Tiger and Moral Behaviorism


Daniel Tiger

The only show that my toddlers watch 5-7 days out of the week is Daniel Tiger.  We only have Netflix so I can just put one on in the morning as I’m cleaning up from breakfast before we go out to do any errands or go to Bible study.  Both of my little boys love it.

I do believe my older son’s first sentence was (in his own language) “Daniel Tiger rides a school bus”.  School bus is his term for anything that moves that’s big.  And my younger son does The Twist when the theme music begins.

I love that the show is based on Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, which I loved as a child.  Teaches good things to kids and helps them learn social behavior that is acceptable.  My mister even was telling me the other night that he was able to put a Daniel Tiger song into practice during a conversation with some co-workers.

And I write this blog  post from a stand point of a Mom who is in the throws of trying to get my two year old to behave.  I’m trying to teach him about authority and what is right and wrong.  When not to run away, why shoving his brother is wrong, how to share toys, why we don’t spit out food onto the table, why we don’t pitch fits when we leave time with Daddy at his store, why we don’t scream in the car long enough to make his brother cry.

Daniel Tiger is great at teaching what to do and how to be nice while doing it – playing nicely with others.  Obeying your parents, giving hugs, etc.  But, if that is all we teach our children as Christian parents, than we are missing the (gospel) boat entirely.

When my son disobeys, like he is right now because I’ve asked him to be quiet and play in his room or take a nap and he is singing and talking at the top of his lungs, I have trouble because I go to him and I say “I love you, E, BUT I really want you to obey Mommy.”  When I should be saying “I love you E AND I really want you to obey Mommy.  Here are some truths I’m learning about this way of parenting:

1.  My love for my sons should not be conditional upon their obedience.  I remember asking my Mom one time decades ago what she would do if I or my brother killed someone.  She said I’d still love you, pray for you, and I’d turn you in.  Good job, Mom!  They should not have to work for my love or my snuggles.  The Bible is very clear on this in Romans 5.10

2.  Our children should learn how to have good behavior.  Not by bribing, not by rewarding, not be yelling – but just because that is what is expected of them as one of our children. I don’t want to raise two little Pharisees, I want to raise little boys who see their need for a Savior.  My Mister and I have been talking about this, especially now that our older one has gotten to a point where he completely understands what we are saying when we are trying to get him to obey.  A sweet friend who is years ahead of me in parenting told me that these early years are for your children to learn that the parents are the authority.  If they don’t learn that, they will have a harder time learning God’s authority.  And that is where we definitely want to point them.  One key Scripture is Ephesians 6:1-4

3.  The main point of the Gospel is not so we will be better Christians.  The Gospel is not there to tell us how to be good.  It is actually the opposite.  The Gospel tells us that we can’t be good and we can’t obey. The sin nature living in us makes us want to do our own things.  Only turning our lives over to Jesus and relying on the Holy Spirit to shape us and live through us will work.  Believing through faith is salvation.  That faith is given to us.  Out of a heart that has been changed will come right obedience.  See Romans 6-8 and Ephesians 2.

4.  We have to discipline, love and teach the Bible to our children through the eyes of the Gospel.  We can’t teach them Bible stories that will lead them to share better, be kind more, or obey.  We need to teach discipline, love, and teach them so they see Jesus in EVERYTHING.  We must be the ones who share the Gospel with our children.

After all, that is our biggest job as Christian parents.  Show the Gospel to our children.  And pray the Holy Spirit will turn their little hearts.


Grace and Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Grace and Peanut Butter and Chocolate

grace peanut butter and chocolate

I’ve already reviewed this book for Crossway and I stand behind everything I say.  But, in this post I want to encourage (mostly Moms) yall from some of the highlights that I read.  I’m grateful for Gloria’s writing, examples, and Christ-centered encouragement to other moms in the world.  Many things I could relate to – and no matter what stage of mothering you are in, I’m sure you can to.

“It’s tempting to view everyday life merely as a monotonous cycle of making the beds on to be in them again.” (63)

Don’t let life be mundane to you.  I know we have to clean and cook dinner and change diapers and run car pool.  But, don’t be ok with that.  That is when life gets boring and we get discouraged.  Make fun things happen, change your attitude – don’t live there.

“Controlling my circumstances wouldn’t fill the void in my soul.  You can’t organize your way into communion with God.” (78)

I see this in myself a lot today.  My littler toddler is sick.  I can’t take them anywhere I normally go because he would be around children and I don’t want him to get others sick.  So we are at home.  In a small townhome, all day.  Well, I can’t control that.  Now I can either apply the gospel or live in a bad mood the rest of the day until they go to bed?  It is choice!

“God is greater, more powerful, and more mysterious than we could ever dream, and it will take an eternity for him to reveal to us his magnificence.” (92)

God is our reward – not the perfection of heaven.  He is infinite and no matter how much we seek to know him on this side of his presence – we will never know him fully – because He is inexhaustible.

“Our craving for admiration is diluted and the praise of others is muffled as we serve with the strength God supplies.  Why would we take credit for the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives?” (105)

This is an area of biggest struggle for me.  God is the one who does the work and needs to get all the praise for it.

“I need God’s grace and something baked with peanut butter and chocolate.” (138)

Perhaps my favorite line in the book!

“I forget that homemaking is not primarily about my personality; it is primarily to adorn the gospel because the grace of God has appeared.” (155)

Another one of those needed statements that I will need to think through.

This book is highly marked up and I’m shipping it out today to a friend who will also love this book.  There are many other things I highlighted that I’ve talked about with friends or my husband because they bring up too much hurt from past relationships.

Mom – keep pursuing the gospel in your parenting!  God has got this!  Be encouraged!


Soft and Chunky Oreo Peanut Butter Cookies

Soft and Chunky Oreo Peanut Butter Cookies


Soft and Chunky Oreo Peanut Butter Cookies

Here are two disclaimers for this recipe post about a delicious cookie:

1.  I am a purist when it comes to Oreo Cookies.  None of these fancy seasonal flavors or even the double stuff or reduced-fat. No, give me the original!

2.  I wouldn’t say that peanut butter cookies are my favorite.  There are plenty in front of it.

So, when I passed by the Peanut Butter Oreos in the Wal-Mart aisle today, it could only be my creative streak and giving into my son when he said “cookie” that made me want to whip up a batch of these.

Elijah's first baking

But how would Oreos and Reece’s Pieces (E. T. Phone Home – my husband’s favorite childhood flick) go together.  I guess there was only one way to find out!

Reece's Pieces


These cookies were like pillow-soft.  I loved that about them.  Perfect texture.  I loved the chewiness with the texture from the Oreo pieces and candy coating from the Reece’s.  My husband said he wouldn’t change a thing. I’m glad. I adore these cookies.

And the colors work perfectly for the Fall.

Soft and Chunky Oreo Peanut Butter Cookies
Recipe Type: cookies
Cuisine: dessert
Author: kd316
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 18-24
Soft, chewy, chunky, peanut butter cookies – easy to munch on all night!
  • 1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup regular sugar
  • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup crushed Oreos (but not too fine)
  • 1 cup mini Reece’s Pieces
  1. Cream butter and sugars for about 5 minutes until light and fluffy.
  2. Add peanut butter, egg, and vanilla – mix for another 5.
  3. Add in dry ingredients
  4. Fold in Oreos and Reece’s.
  5. Spray 3 cookies sheets with cooking spray.
  6. Preheat oven to 350
  7. Spoon out onto sheet pans and bake for 10-12 minutes or until set – but don’t overcook.
  8. Let cool.
  9. Devour