Prayer Journaling in Your Bible (ESV Journaling Bible Giveaway)

Prayer Journaling in Your Bible (ESV Journaling Bible Giveaway)


ESV Bible Giveaway

We all look back at different periods in our lives and see them as pivotal points in our lives.  There are two in my life that pertain to this blog post:

College.  Most people would probably say college, but I don’t say college for the same reason as many would.  I loved college – don’t get me wrong.  But, the best thing I got out of college was not a degree – but was a dear friendship with my mentor.  She taught me – more than anything else – how to believe the Word of God for the hope of the ones that she loves. She prays all the time for her family members (and me, and others).  I’ve seen the fruit of years of prayer that God has faithfully answered.

Louisville.  For almost three years I lived and worked in Louisville, KY.  I worked for SBTS and enjoyed my time assisting one of the Deans there.  It was not only great for my personal life, but also for my spiritual life.  During that time I was introduced to the ESV Journaling Bible and started using it for my note taking – and I was taught how Christ is in ALL the Scriptures.  Basically – what it means to live a gospel-centered life and how all of the Bible points to Christ.  This time in Louisville greatly impacted my life, writing, and now even my parenting and marriage.

Since I’ve gotten married, I’ve started writing prayer journals for my husband.  But, I don’t just pray random prayers – though I do.  I pray through books of the Bible for him.  You can find the one for Ephesians on Amazon and the one for Nehemiah on the blog.  Colossians will be out in early 2015 with Philippians to follow.  I love reading through a particular book of the Bible and systematically praying for my husband.

I’ve also been praying in similar ways for my boys.  I usually pray through parenting books for them, but also want to start journaling in a Bible for them – so they can see the prayers I prayed for them when they get older, or even after I’m in the presence of Jesus.  To have that legacy, a failed legacy many times, but one were I strive to pray for them daily.

And I’m writing prayers for myself and other moms – prayers that point us to the hope of the Gospel in this very hard task that we seek to accomplish every day.  Those will be coming out late 2015.

That’s why I love the ESV Journaling Bible.  I’ve given one of my old ones to each of my sons – so they can have my handwritten notes later on in their lives.  I got that idea from my friend Daniel Renstrom.  (Thanks, D.)

But, now, if I had my dream world: I would have four journaling Bibles – all different so I could keep track of which is which.  I would want one for my husband, one for each of my boys, and one for myself.  That is how I take sermon notes and journal through Bible studies.  Next year I’m studying Deuteronomy and what the Bible has to say about Family – while also keeping up with She Reads Truth.

So, how can you use a journaling Bible to aid in your prayers for your friends and family – or even for yourself:

1.  Read the Bible systematically.  I love working through a particular book of the Bible.  As my pastor says – it helps you love that particular book.  He just preached through Daniel. As I look in my journaling Bible, I see that I know more about Christ and the book/times of Daniel than I did before.  My notes are right there – application points and everything.

2.  Mark it up!  That’s what it is there. I’ve not found any writing instrument except a pencil that won’t show through at all.  I don’t use any that bleed through, but I can tell that I’ve written something.  I use Micron pens 005 and 01 for most of my writing in my Bible.  I love being able to see what the Lord has taught me through the Holy Spirit and the depth of His Word.  Encouragement comes to us through the Word (Romans 15)

Through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have HOPE! – Romans 15.4

3.  Always have it with you.  My bag I carry with my most of the time (not a diaper bag) has my journaling Bible in it and blank notecards.  The blank notecards are for my doodling and drawing and lettering.  The journaling Bible is for my digging into the Word.  In Sunday School one of the ways I keep my mind from wandering is by doing application in my head with the verses that are being studied that day.  In my morning quiet time, I jot down things that I’ve learned – or even re-writes the studied verse in the margin (that’s what I love the ESV Journaling Bible).  Writing out Scripture is for me – the best way to learn it.  I love having write the Word parties in my home.  It is a great way to connect and share with ladies over the Word of God.

4.  Love the Word.  One of the ways I know I love a certain portion of Scripture is (yes, by knowing it) by seeing how much it is marked up in my Journaling Bible.  Colossians, Psalms, Philippians, Hebrews, James – just to name a few. I can’t wait to see all the marks in Deuteronomy at the end of 2015.

God, through the Holy Spirit, speaks life-changing hope and freedom through His Word.  And by using the ESV Journaling Bible, taking notes, marking it up, praying for your loved ones, you will leave a written legacy of how the Spirit changed your heart and transformed you into HIS likeness for the generations to come – so that they might know him.

That the next generation might know them (the teachings), the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God. – Psalm 78.6-7

Thanks to the kind people at Crossway, they’ve given me a Bible (the red Journaling Bible) to giveaway.  Here are a couple ways to enter:

1.  Leave a comment here.

2.  Share this post on FB, IG, Pinterest, Twitter.

3.  Leave a comment on one of my posts about this blog post.

Drawing will be when I go to bed late on Halloween night! (that’s Friday night).


Fall Bucket List with Toddlers

Fall Bucket List with Toddlers

Fall Bucket List for Toddlers

I feel like my life as a SAHM of two little toddler boys is always crazy.  Whether we are sliding down slides, playing in mall play yards, eating junior frosties, donuts, or mandarin oranges, or anxiously awaiting Daddy’s arrival from work each day – every day holds smiles, tears (of course), and hand holding.

The Fall, being that it is my favorite season, holds more planned activities for my littles.  So, I’ve wanted to come up with a bucket list.  Some of which we have already done, some which we will save for when Oma and Granddad arrive around Thanksgiving, and some which we might not get to get this year.

Savor every moment.

Bake Pumpkin Cookies or muffins or cake – just bake with pumpkin!

Pick apples (and eat them).  This year we won’t get to an apple orchard, but it is a fun activity and I’m sure the boys will love it in years to come. They do love to eat the apples we get from Trader Joes.

apple picking

Paint pumpkins (or other fall vegetables)

Painting Squash

Play in piles of raked leaves (we don’t really have a yard, so this may have to wait until another year or two as well)

Take Pumpkin photos

Elijah at Kinsey Family Farm

Watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  A must! (Which first aired today in 1966, shortly after my Mom graduated high school)

Make Thanksgiving garland (we started this last year – adding a leaf a day in November)

Send TY notes to the pastors of your church (October is Pastor Appreciation month)

Watch Luther (ok, this may not happen for a while, but they need to learn about this great man of God and what he did for all of Christianity in the 1500s.

Go on a hayride.  We did this with Elijah during his first fall and missed our opportunity by mere minutes this year, but will certainly aim to do it again in later years.

Hayride in North Little Rock

Boo at the Zoo.  This was incredibly packed but also fun.  Our family doesn’t really participate in Halloween, but it was fun to go see all the cute costumes and get their first Halloween candy this year.  No costume needed and completely safe.  And this is held at most zoos.

What is a part of your Fall Bucket List for your little ones?

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Orange Bowl - Little Rock

We are at the end of another month.  Fall is slipping quickly away from us.  The nights and mornings are darker and chillier.  Here is what is taking place in our kitchen this week:

Pasta Bake (from my freezer night with friends)

Asparagus Ham Swiss Quiche

Chicken Sausages from TJ

Corn Waffles

Pumpkin Pancakes

Cream Toffee Dip for our Bstudy ladies on Wednesday morning

Lentil Chard Soup that I made over the weekend.

Lots of oats and scrambled eggs and grilled chicken on spinach for me!


31 Hymns: The Authority of Christ

31 Hymns: The Authority of Christ

The Authority of Christ

Since I’ve been doing old school hymns, thought I would switch it up today.  One of the ways I care for my soul is by listening to Sojourn’s Songs from the Book of Luke CD (and really any of their music).  This particular hymn is written by a friend of the Mister’s who is at a church in Nashville – always gospel stuff from him.

This first song on the aforementioned album is stellar.  I love it and sing it at the top of my lungs (in the car) when I hear it.

Oh that we might live with the same understanding and practice of the authority of Christ in our lives:

And because of this song – I love the person of Simeon – wow – what privilege (just a side note)


Teaching Children to be Readers

Teaching Children to be Readers

Teaching Children to Read

Being a parent is amazing and hard and always full of new moments.  But, this moment we are in right now is something I’ve waited for. “Mommy” then I get a little pat on my leg and I see my older toddler standing there in front of me with a book in his tiny hands.  Begging for me to read to him.  So, I do. Over and over again.

There is a certain train book from Usborne books (gift from Oma) that he has carried everywhere – coffee shops, hikes, car trips, gym kid’s club – and Daddy has even had to tape it up.  It came with a little train – sometimes we can find it sometimes we can’t.  But, no matter – he has other cars that will work on its tracks – or at least work for him.

Elijah and the Train book

One of the things I want to instill most in my kids (besides a love for God) is a love of reading.  I love to read and I know how books take you to other places, teach you so much more than you could ever learn, and also put a desire in you to see the world around you.  C S Lewis and L. M. Montgomery are two of those authors for me.  I have a feeling the boys will love L. A. Wilder, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Andrew Peterson.  We shall see.  Can’t wait to actually read chapter books with them at night.  But, that is a moment in time later to come.

How can you instill a love of reading in children?

1.  Use the library.  We go to the library some for story time.  My boys are harder to sit still than some others but we still attempt it and its good song and play time too.  The public libraries, especially in bigger cities, are great resources (and free)!

2.  Buy them books.  Buy them at thrift stores, online book clubs, ask for them for presents.

3.  Read to them.  Use some time before bed, or after breakfast to read to them.  It teaches them to pay attention and sit still but also helps stir up an amazing appetite to read.

4.  Be patient with them as they learn to read.  My boys aren’t to that stage yet, but I have to be willing as their Mommy to be patient, let them stumble over words, help them when I need to, and listen to them.

5.  Encourage them to write their own stories.  This time will come too.  I still have the first book I wrote in 4th grade – all about animals.  I can’t wait to show it to our boys.  I hope they will love it and not laugh!

6.  Read different genres.  As a gospel Christian, I do like to read boys about Jesus to them.  But…I love to read them other books about the world God created and things that happen in it and teach them about a Christian worldview – seeing everything through the lens of the Gospel.  That is so important to teach to our children early in their learning adventure.

My friend Leah is an Usborne consultant.  They have delightful and interactive books for children of all reading levels.  Here is a link to an online party I am hosting for her.  I have been pleased with the Train book so far – and so has our toddler.  I’m sure you will find some your children like as well.

What are your favorite books to read to your children?