Read This: Women of the Word (Jen Wilkin/Crossway)

Read This: Women of the Word (Jen Wilkin/Crossway)

Women of the Word

Our days are so full!

As a Mom of two toddlers – and very active boys at that – I know what full days are.  They are fun, encouraging, eventful, demanding, and days filled with laughter.  We are always on the go, exploring new parts of our city or heading out to hang out with some friends or go see Daddy at work, or walk along the river or see animals at the zoo.  I love cherishing times with my sweet boys.

But, something else I highly look forward to is either the days when they sleep in late and I get up to get some time in the Word in early – or their nap times – so I can again get encouraged by being in the Word.

The new(ish) book by Jen Wilkin, who serves at The Village Church in Texas, helps women with their understanding of how to better study – and fall in love with – the Bible (and more importantly, it’s Author).

I’m thankful for Jen’s organization, gospel-driven remarks, personal history with the Word, and imploring her readers to invest their time in the study of the Word – not just the glancing at it as you go along.

One of the hardest chapters for me to impliment on a daily basis if praying and the word.  I love the pray – and have written journals for wives to pray for their husbands, working on a prayer journal for moms to pray for themselves as moms, but really to engage in the word – before, during, and after – by praying.  Usually, I approach the Word quickly and haughtily and just start reading.  I’m thankful that Jen included this in her book.

“Ask him to make his word come alive for you in such a way that you

know him better and see your own needs of him more clearly.

 – Jen Wlkin

If you are looking for a way to learn how to study the book, or need encouragement in how to love the Word – turn to Jen’s book.  It is for women, new believers and the believers who’ve known Jesus a while.


31 Hymns: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

31 Hymns: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

When I Survey

This is bar far one of my husband’s favorite hymns. It tells a story of his conversion and his growing in Christ while in high school.  I love hearing him tell how Christ saved him.

And one of the stanzas coincides nicely with a Pauline theme that was found in Philippians 3 this morning in our small group study of it at church.  Always love how God gets your attention over and over again.  He is ever gracious and patient with us (as I also was reminded of again in my reading in 2 Peter via She Reads Truth.)

He is good to remind us of our need and gift of the Gospel.


31 Hymns: Wonderful Words of Life

31 Hymns: Wonderful Words of Life

Duke Chapel

In the She Reads Truth reading today in 2 Peter, the passage talks about how many will come to not believe in the word of God.  Anything God speaks is always true!  We can stand firm in it when everything around us is changing!

This little hymn popped in my head – an oldie but a goodie:


Just for You: Link Love

Just for You: Link Love

Pink and Orange

I spend much time on the internet: writing, reading, looking for recipes, etc – so I thought I would share some great finds with you.  Enjoy!

Because we are coming upon soup season (isn’t that every day?) and you need to make this

And this pretty one too

Love these cupcakes and the author’s ownership of her own blog instead of trying just to please her readers

Good read on how you can be a joy to be around on Sunday morning (in church) – and you can talk about football or cooking or kids

It takes a lot of skill to make steel cut oats look pretty and desirable

These cookies would make a perfect cookie for a swap

We love us some popcorn in our house, my Mister may need to make us this

This for breakfast – yes please.

Glory and Grace: Luke 12:22-23

Glory and Grace: Luke 12:22-23

Do Not Be Anxious

Anxiety is something we ALL struggle with: traffic, raising our children, burning dinner, getting married, being successful, death – all these things can make us anxious.

But, if we are anxious because we are sinning and not trusting – that doesn’t bring glory to God.

Do we believe Him at what He has said?

Let’s believe God!