Glory is Certain

Glory is Certain

My husband put in a CD this morning as we were finishing our time in the Word.  It was one we have both listened to many times and we love it because friends of ours sing on it.  One of the songs especially stuck with me this morning (as it had done in the past) and I thought I would pass it along to yall here and reflect some on it:


Glory is Certain is an “old” hymn by Henry Lyte and David Ward, a friend of EC’s put new music and additional lyrics to it.  I’ve been singing it all morning.

“My rest is in heaven, my rest is not here, then why do I worry when trials are near?  Be hushed my dark spirit, the worst that can come but shortens your journey, and hastens you home! 

I dare not be seeking my comfort and bliss, or building my hopes in a place such as this; I look for the city God promised and built, where Jesus has banished my sin and its guilt.

I have died to this world, and am hidden with Christ so my mind will be set on this: glory is certain for Christ is in me, glory is certain, for Christ is in me.

Afflictions may press me but cannot destroy, one glimpse of His love turns them all into joy.  The tears of a lifetime will vanish away when he stoops to dry them on that coming day.  so let Satan’s army assail me full force, their plans cannot help but to steady my course.  Come joys or come sorrows, whatever may befall an hour with my Savior will sweeten them all.

I have died to this world, and am hidden with Christ so my mind will be set on this: glory is certain for Christ is in me, glory is certain for Christ is in me.”

Many verses come to my mind:

Philippians 3

Hebrews 12:1-3

Matthew 6

John 14

Romans 8 – let me camp out there: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.  for those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers.  And those whom He predestined He also called, and those whom He called He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.  What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things? (28-32)

God is so gracious.  I can let cares and clutter of this world choke the life out of me, the ministry that God has given me, and my marriage.  Or, I can rest.  I can rest in the grace of God and my certainty.  Not much is certain in this world.  Glory is certain.  This song sings of Justification by faith alone – not self-justification.

Rest, friends.  Declutter and rest in the fact that Christ has already worked for you.  It is done.

Honeymoon Part 2: PEI (The Gentle Island)

Honeymoon Part 2: PEI (The Gentle Island)

Number one place on my bucket list has now been marked off – and I would return tomorrow or any other day.  Well worth the drive, friends.

Prince Edward Island, also known as the Gentle Island, or the home of Anne of Green Gables, was the longest stay on our two week road trip of a honeymoon.  I have always wanted to go and can’t believe I got to spend 3 days there in a lovely place with my husband.

I got excited everytime I saw a sign that said the island was coming and especially when we were driving over the Confederation Bridge.  Such an experience.  Then to catch my first glimpse of the red sands and Charlottetown.  Breathtaking.  I was so giddy.  Poor EC.

Yes, I wanted to go for all of the Anne of Green Gables I could see, and was disappointed when we learned that much of it is filmed in another Canadian province (can we say another road trip?).  But, I gained much more from these three days…

Anne of Green Gables was written by Lucy Maud Montgomery – who lived on PEI in Cavendish (I do believe).  We went to her homestead and walked around, read quotes, walked through the garden, saw a well, walked down the same paths, walked the Haunted Woods and Lovers Lane (which she used to be inspired to write parts of the novels).  We took a tour through the house that inspired Anne of “Green Gables”.  We drove up to White Sands Hotel (where Anne met Morgan in the movie) which is really called Dalvay-by-the-Sea.  Everywhere you looked you saw rolling hills, gorgeous countrysides, beautiful sunsets, red sands, cliffs, amazing beauty. 

We ate mostly in Charlottetown for some really good fish and chips and ice cream and PEI burgers (see honeymoon eats a few posts down). 

We stayed at Stanhope Beach and Conference Center and got the honeymoon suite (301) which was situated on the corner of the island and had a back and front deck, spa tub, living room, and front windows that overlooked the water.  I could live there forever and never get sick of it.  And yes, I mean that.

So, if you ever need a trip – and I mean a trip – go in the off season and enjoy the most relaxation (and hiking and food and water) on the Gentle Island.

Driscoll on Common Grace

In light of Thanksgiving:

“Through common grace God reveals His love to all people, though not in a saving way.  God’s common grace includes the water we drink, food we eat, sun we enjoy, and rain we need.”

(Mark Driscoll, Doctrine, pg 39)

On Location: Washington, DC

On Location: Washington, DC

There are some amazing cities in this country that I call home. One of those is the nation’s Home city: Washington, DC. I took most of these on our honeymoon where we spent almost two days there, but I have spent other times there as well. Its historic buildings, candid history, and beautiful flowers all entice me to stay a little while longer, would love to move to its suburbs, and cozy up in one of its many local coffee shops.

Honeymoon Part 1

Honeymoon Part 1

Here it is – our one month anniversary and I’m just not getting around to posting this!  Thanks for being patient ( I told some folks it was coming, it was coming)!  Let me give props to my husband – he planned this whole trip.  That is initiative and it was a wonderful blessing to us both. 

We stayed in Durham for two days before we left on a 12-day road trip.  Those two days were spectacular, so glad that it was close to home and a place that is very dear to both of us.  My husband did a wonderful job picking out the location!

Next we were on our way to DC.  Yes, our nation’s top city.  We both love DC and had not been there together, so we did some sight-seeing (disclaimer: we had watched National Treasure with the Finnlings on July 4 since it rained and we were laughing about one day seeing some of the places).  We got to eat great food at the Taste of DC event.  My husband knows that I am a foodie and he planned well for this trip.  Then we hit bucket list item #2: see something at the Kennedy Center.  Maybe the best one moment of our trip for me was walking into the Kennedy Center, dressed up, husband holding my hand, looking at the grandeur of that building.  We saw Les Miserables in the Opera House.  Even though I wasn’t feeling well – it was spectacular.  The lead character is a believer so that made his role so much more commanding.  It was stellar. 

Finishing up in DC – we went to Old Alexandria and Georgetown – for some quiet moments in the word, some good breakfast, and a cupcake (gotta have a cupcake)!  TLC was filming at Georgetown Cupcake so that was fun to watch. 

NYC (New York Bigger) was our next stop.  Again, one of the cities that both of us and we had not been able to share together.  It was a great memory.  Our second dress up event was to see the NY Philharmonic at the Lincoln Center.  I had never even seen the building and it was beautiful – especially at night with the signage, the fountain, the skyline, and the chandeliers.  My husband is very good to me.  His friend is as well.  I sent a text to a friend of ours and she used her “strings” to get us into the Green Room and we got different seats for the second half.  They were playing Mozart and Debussy that night.  They were amazing to listen to (both from the second tier and from the M row in the orchestra seating).

We then stayed next door (our window view) to Gillette stadium in Foxboro.  One of the funnest and low-key meals we shared was Olive Garden in our room.  The restaurant was completely packed for a Friday night and it was raining so we didn’t want to wait.  So, we brought it back to our room.  One of the good things about sharing a hotel room!  We drove into Boston the following day and got our exercise by enjoying the Freedom Trail.  Neither of us had done that before either even though both of us had been to Boston.  Great way to see the city, get exercise, and learn about history.  So pretty – and both of us enjoyed taking pictures (as my husband has married a stop everywhere to take pictures person).  We got mouth-watering crab cakes as well for a late lunch.  Filling and fresh.

Our last stop before our “half-way” point was Bangor, Maine.  Eric had been to Maine before but I hadn’t.  Both of us loved the gorgeous views and the virtual emptiness of the state.  It is beautiful and very peaceful and quiet.  Would love to return there.  We just stopped in there for a break of traveling and then hopped in the car for our “”furtherst north point” of the honeymoon. 

Stay tuned…

Much and Link Love: November 7

Good morning – well, technically it is afternoon now.

I am so glad to have the privilege to write from home now that I am married.  My church I work for has been very gracious in blessing me with that opportunity.  This morning I had to drive to Raleigh for some meetings so I had to be out of the house at the same time as my husband.  Wow – busy morning.  Not crazy, just some things didn’t get done.  So, I’m very glad for multitasking appliances, a gracious husband who doesn’t mind if all the dishes aren’t done yet, and for all the days that I don’t have to be in the office.  Thankful! 🙂

1.  Great article my friend Leah sent me over the wknd.  About women’s ministry in the local church.  I deeply resonate with this article!

2. Really loved this one too, you may want to read this one before the article in number 1.

3.  This was another powerfully written article that came to my attention this past week.

4.  How can criticism (being critical) be used in an edifying way and not take over your thoughts about given areas of life/

5.  I’ve cooked – just preparing you for blogs of recipes!  And I get to cook more this week.  I love cooking for my husband, but am also grateful for the nights when he calls and says, hey, don’t worry about dinner, we’ll go out! 🙂  Satisfaction pesto mushroom pizza.  So good.

6.  Married life is teaching me a lot!  Ok – more than a lot.  But, I LOVE IT – and but is a wrong word.

7.  Taken – the movie with Liam Neeson – really liked this suspense action movie.  Great actor as the lead.  Good story line.  Fast-paced.  Not much language – really like 10 words.  I was grateful.  Also for the price, bought it at a Blockbuster new for 2.99!  Love movie deals!

That’s about all for today! Next week, I get to go hear Mark Chanski – who wrote Womanly Dominion – very excited about that!

Honeymoon Eats

Honeymoon Eats

Well, you can’t go on a 2 week road trip and not eat – right!  And thankfully I am married to a budding-foodie (well, his wife is one, so he must be, right)!  What a great trip (and I didn’t gain a pound, ha!)

Washington-Duke: salmon blt and egg white omelette – no not in the same meal – but two of our meals while we were there.  We love eating here. 

DC: A Taste of DC where the best eat was the Wicked Waffle (or maybe the corn).   Georgetown Cupcake was a treat with a chocolate/coconut cupcake and watching them film for the new TLC series.  Eastern Market was the place for french toast and eggs and grits and great foodie finds that I couldn’t take with us. 

Old Alexandria: Bittersweet was a place for some Quills time and eating breakfast while we watched the rain fall lightly outside on the bustling streets of this shopping meca. 

NYC: Bella Blu helped us out by creating superb pasta and pizza and allowing us to eat outside (on the sidewalk) on a street in Manhattan.  What a treat!  Jalapeno gave us a great place to eat after going to the Philharmonic at Lincoln Center. 

Boston: Best crab cake sandwich at Turners.  And we just took a picture of the lobster – didn’t eat this one.

Bangor: We ate at Tim Hortons and Wendys and the restaurant in the hotel. 

PEI (Prince Edward Island): The Gahan House had spectacular fish and chips.  Cow’s Creamery was the place of two different times we had amazing ice cream cones!  Churchill Arms had some seriously good Chicken Korma which I have to learn how to make (and good fish and chips for me).  Boom Burger had the best french fries on the trip (using all local PEI ingredients for the burgers and fries and if anyone knows the pepper mix for their fry seasoning, please pass my way!)  We had breakfast every morning at our resort: Stanhope

St. Johns, New Brunswick: Billy’s Seafood had a great caesar salad and the service was nice. 

Providence Rhode Island: We ate our meals in the Renaissance thanks to a great deal we got (upgrade when we checked in – what a great husband of mine)!

Philly, PA: Best meal for me on the entire honeymoon: Bonte’ waffles (sandwich and waffle and almond chai) and we ate a philly cheesesteak on the corner from a street vendor. 

We ate McDonalds and Cracker Barrel and got some food from a grocery store.  These are the places we dined.  They are yummy.  I can’t complain.  My husband is wonderful!  I will enjoy sharing life with him!


The Wedding Party and Participants

The Wedding Party and Participants

This is a bigger thank you!  These are the people that we included to be a part of our wedding.  They are very special to us!  This is a thank you publically to them – so you can rejoice in God’s goodness to us as well!

Leah Finn: Girl – you amaze me!  Who would have thought that 7 years ago when we met we’d be such a great friends and watch UGA/UF games together in peace, and that we’d attend the same church together.  You were such a constant joy and celebratory person through everything – even when you said No, I don’t think it would work!  Your joy was contagious and your conversations invaluable!  I wouldn’t have had any other person as my MOH!

Rachael Woodworth: Thank you so much for keeping me grounded in the Gospel during the whole courtship, engagement and wedding day (and for being our first overnight guest tomorrow night at the 842)!  Your friendship and constancy of the years have been a true blessing to me.  Thank you for being such a fun and stylish and unique friend to me!

Brian Croft: You mean the world to my husband.  I thank you for welcoming me so generously into yall’s family.  I look forward to getting to know you and Cara and your kids better.  So thankful yall could be a part of our wedding.  I value your pastoral and wise imput into my husband’s life.  Thank you for your hope in the Gospel and for working our Rehearsal Dinner for us!  A true blessing.  Louisville and Cara are truly blessed!

Craig Johnson: Who would have thought that when I met you at North End that you’d play my bridal march that you arranged?  What a character.  Thank you for adding spunk and grace to our wedding day!  You have been a true friend to my husband and so thankful that we will be able to enjoy friendship as couples over the years.  Thank you for using your gifts of guitar playing and wit on the day of our wedding!

Nick Roark: Nick – you truly bless me with your Gospel centered approach to life.  Thank you for all your help on the work front in writing the Curriculum and for sharing with the congregation and us that day that special passage of Ephesians 5. 

Landis Barnes: You have been such a delight to me since I’ve come to FBCD and I know my husband truly respects in you all in things.  Most people want to know who read 1 Cor 13 at your wedding – does he do it professionally?  Thank you for living out that passage every day of your life!  You give hope for memorizing Scripture!   I need to do that for Colossians 3.  It would help Eric if I did!

Michelle Gaynor: Who would have thought that 11 years ago that now we would both be married to worship pastors in Durham?  I have loved our friendship over the past decade and loved having you sing in our wedding.  There wasn’t anyone I would rather.  Your simplicity and trust in the Gospel and in God’s goodness always comes through when you sing.  Chris is one blessed man!

Ben Salmon: Brother, friend: you are a joy.  Brittany is an amazingly blessed woman!  Thank you for singing and leading the congregation in worship for our wedding.  Thank you for being friends with us and so excited we will have more Beyu moments together with our respective spouses!  How fun!

Shirley:  Thank you for playing for the intro and the conclusion.  Most all the comments I’ve heard from the prelude has been stellar and how worshipful it was. 

Dr. Holley: Thank you for using your gifts for our wedding. The cello was amazing and created the right mood we wanted!

Erica: You have been a true blessing to me since March.  Can’t believe my life has been without you before then.  Your conversations and laughter have made this transition so easy!  Thank you for sharing your spectacular violin and art gifts with Eric and I.  You are a God-send to me!

Folks at FBCD: Bekah, the Bowens – thank you!  Everyone else – thank you!  So many people to thank and I would never get them all!  The wedding and the reception and the rehearsal was just what we wanted.  

Crystal: Thank you for helping me know where to stand and where to walk and getting things to the right people!  You helped keep me calm!

Wendy: Thank you for taking random pictures and for just making me laugh that day.  I loved having you around!

EHamsho: Thank you for your giftedness at the piano (you sell yourself short) and for leading the worship during our wedding.  Thank you for your friendship and for sharing your family with me as well. 

Andy (and Christi): Thank you.  I couldn’t have asked for a more personal or relevant and Gospel-Centered sermon than what you gave.  Thank you for directing it both to us and marriages in the congregation!  Thank you for the hours you spent with EC and I in counseling and for your knowledge and application of the Word!

Steve/Tina:  Thank you for bringing me back to RDU.  Thank you for your example and your hope in the Gospel.  Thank you for the prayer time during the wedding.  Yall are a priceless gift to me – and therefore to Eric.  Thank you for being a proponent of marriage!

Chuck/Bill/Bryan: Thank you guys for who you are to us.  Thank you for the wisdom you have shared with both EC and I over the last years.  They are wonderful to us and we will treasure it and our friendship with yall for years to come.  Thank you for praying over us that day!

Kasey: Thank you dear friend for helping me look good that day and chasing me around with that makeup bag and the wonderful conversations and friendship we have shared over the last ten years.  I look forward to more!

Maggie: Thank you for the provision of food to all of our friends and family that day!

Terah: Thank you for your bold, Word-centered prayer over me before the wedding began.  You live too far away, girl!

Kathleen: My hair looked fabulous thanks to you!  What a joy your were to me that day – making my life easy!  Thanks for being a part of it.

Paul and Ali: Thank you for raising such a godly son.  I love him dearly and am so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life loving him.  May God help me grow in that.  Thank yall for the rehearsal dinner and your joy in welcoming me to your family!  I look forward to the years to come!

A/T: thank yall for coming.  I couldn’t imagine my wedding without yall.  Glad you got to experience Bull City while you were here!

Sarah and Kristie, Laura (and Chase) and Liz: thank you all for your help in decorating and keeping me sane and making sure everything looked pretty and steaming my dress and letting me borrow clothes and for opening doors/passing out programs and for making me laugh.  All a joy – and so are all of you!

Laura and Chris: thank you for driving from Charleston to open door and pass out programs.  I wouldn’t have wanted my wedding without yall.  I see a trip to Charleston in our future!  Laura – such a joy you are to me!

Mom and Dad: Thank you for raising me for this day.  Thank you for paying for this wedding and being there for us!  Florida hopefully won’t seem so far away!

Wow – did I forget anyone?  I have a feeling I did.

A Wedding Made in RDU

A Wedding Made in RDU

Ok – here is the first of my sort of THANK YOU to all the people in the Triangle that made EC’s and my big day such a blessing!  So here goes (and some are not in the Triangle, but bear with me)!

The jewelry that my bridemaids wore were done by Meg Lane of Pretty Things By Meg.  I’ve gotten other fun jewelry from her in the past and when I saw these earrings I knew I had to have them for my girls!  Then I asked her if she could design a necklace and she happily agreed.  This was all done even while she was preparing for her own sister’s wedding.  Meg – thank you!  My girls loved them. I might even have to borrow them one day to wear!

Keeping with jewelry: I love Kelly at Moon and Lola.  I’ve known her now almost as long as I’ve been back in RDU. Such a pleasure to work with, to photo her beautiful designs.  She is such a blessing.  EC and I got to sit down and help talk through what I wanted my earrings to look like and she even shipped them to me since time was getting close and I couldn’t get to Apex.  She is a blessing to me!  Thank you Kelly! 

The bridal luncheon was at Vivace of Raleigh (located in North Hills).  I first went to Vivace back during restaurant week with Sherri – I don’t even think EC was on the horizon then) – but we had a great time!

So many people helped make delicious foods for our dessert reception! 

The three main players were:

Sugarland from Chapel Hill.  Our amazing cake – man, I can’t believe we only got a bite of it!  Can’t wait to dig into the top of our cake!  The baker was a delight to work with at the beginning when she was the one who did our consultation.  We went for a creme brulee cake!  Ask for it!  Stunning and simple!

Sweet Memories did most of the cupcakes.  Simply delicious.  I photo’d some of their work in Apex when I was working with Moon and Lola so I knew I wanted to enjoy some of their tasty delights at our wedding.  Sadly we only got one – but man was it delicious.  We devoured it!  And we got so many compliments on their cupcakes!  They were a pleasure to work with as well.

Allison Roark of Allison’s Cookies made some of her stunning and mouth-watering sugar cookies.  So cute and simple and elegant and yummy – even days later!  Thank you Allison for making these and our dessert a few days earlier!

Many other friends made our reception one of a kind!  I loved it and so did all of our friends!

Sherri at Greenflash Productions is a wonderful friend and a unique photographer!  She was such an amazing photographer to work with – really blessing EC and me on our crazy and busy day by just going with the flow, and knowing what to do.  She even locked her keys in her car and kept right on going – not even blinking.  We all laughed.  She is creative and talented.  Sherri – thank you for the wonderful memories of our big day.  We thank you!  If you need any family portraits made, baby photos, senior portraits, weddings, engagements, ANYTHING – contact her.  I can’t recommend her more highly.  These photos (on this blog) are taken by her). 

The Bethesda Players did a fantastic bluegrass job at the reception.  They were fun to have in the background.  Everyone seemed to enjoy their music!   

Kathleen Cox Weathers did my hair and made me look amazing that day and Kasey Ferrell did my makeup.  I love having friends who are talented at what they do.

The flowers for EC and I were done by The English Garden

in Raleigh.  Just what I wanted!

Thanks to all who made this day possible.  More blogs coming!

First Blog post Wedding

First Blog post Wedding

Well, sorry it has been so long.

I got married, went on a 2-week East Coast/Canada road trip with my new husband, got back, had about 2000 google reads to wade through, got back into editing and writing, and am just now sitting down to write a blog post.

Waiting on some more pictures before I do a wedding and honeymoon blog post – or several.  I promise you they are coming though.

Marriage: is not rated high enough.  I highly recommend it – to the right person who believes that Jesus makes all things possible and great!

PEI – a gentle island is a great name for this place!

Boom Burger – must eat when in Charlottetown PEI.

Books I’m reading right now: This Momentary Marriage, Vintage Church, What Did You Expect, The Hidden Art of Homemaking, and the Gospel of Mark.  Oh, and Walking by the Spirit and I need to start reading LIT! and Anne of Avonlea.  Wow – yes, I do have time to read, some.

More blogs coming.  I promise!  And I’m even cooking!