Book Review: Walking in the Spirit: Kenneth Berding

This is definitely a concept I am learning so much about as I am about to get married.  When living that closely in relationship with someone else, life has to be lived in the Spirit.  I wish I could say I’ve always thought about living in the spirit every day of my life, but I haven’t.  We get in “I can do this” mode and forget that we must engage and submit to the Spirit every moment of our livs.

Kenneth Berding has written a helpful and deliberate book to show us how to do this and what this looks like in our daily lives.  With study questions at the end of each readable, short(er) chapter, this book would be great in engaging study with a small group of women or possibly reading through it with your spouse, or maybe a teenager son or daughter during family devotions.

Berding walks through Romans 8, such a powerful chapter of the Bible, and what this Scripture passage says and what is looks like in the every-day world.  Berding not only gives great insight into the passage from a Biblical studies aspect, but also from a personal aspect – with antecdotes and personal application.

Here is one ending paragraph:

“How are your spiritual ankle muscles?  Have they atrophied due to inactivity?  It will take time to get accustomed to a moment-by-moment, day-by-day walk in the Spirit if this is not the regular pattern of your life.  But is this not what you most deeply desire?  Can you hear the Spirit calling you to journey with Him?  My prayer and hope for you is that you will respond to the Spirit’s invitation to live a life of dependence and hope and wisdom and courage and holiness and prayer…all empowered by the Holy Spirit of God.” (pg 27)

May your whole life and all your relationships look and be difference after you read this book.  May the Spirit use it mightily in your life.

31 Days:  a new union

31 Days: a new union

What steps do you take to become a better writer?

Well, here is one for me.

Emily Freeman is hosting a 31 days writing “assignment”.  And it just so happens to fall in the month that I am getting married.

But, so be it.  I was planning on journaling through all of it anyway – now I get to actually write about it.

It will help in finishing a little book I am calling “Marriage Isn’t” and it will help me remember the days leading up to my wedding, our honeymoon, and first days in our new home together.  It will make me use car rides successfully.  It will help me be a better communicator to my soon-to-be-husband.  It will teach me more about the gospel.  It will help me take and think through better photographs.

I can’t wait!  It will be fun.  And hopefully you will get a nugget of truth – when I post them all (post wedding day) when I return.

What would you want to write about for 31 days?



When you hear that word: what do you think of?

I tend to think of down comforters and chicken pot pie (or any other type of Southern comfort food – like my Granny’s chicken and rice).

But, the Lord has been gracious to me in giving me this verse lately – one that I am working on memorizing the entire chapter – it has been of great comfort.

“You will say in that day, ‘I will give thanks to you, O LORD, for though you were anger with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me.”

(Isaiah 12:1 ESV)

God had every right to stay angry with me: I had sinned against His perfect love and law.  I hate Him.  I was His enemy.

Yet…He turned His righteous anger away.

He did this by sending Jesus to come to earth, dwell among us, and die on a cross – never having sinned even once.

He did this…to comfort me.  Not to continue pouring out wrath on my life, but to comfort me with His love and goodness.

How does the mercy of God comfort you?  How do you comfort others with it?

Much and Link Love: September 19 edition

Much and Link Love: September 19 edition

In honor of today being September 19, there are 19 days left till EC and I get married.  CAN’T WAIT!

This weekend, we are heading to Williamsburg to visit with some of his family (and get out of town for 2 whole day!)  I love road trips!

This past weekend, we went with some fun friends to Pine Knoll Shores to the NC Aquarium, New Bern to eat lunch, and Ft. Macon to walk on the beach.

Finishing up quarter 3 of Treasuring Christ in the next 3 weeks and starting Q4.  Pressing in before I go on a trip: honeymoon = no work.

Dealing with disappointment – always need the Gospel.  Feed disappointment with Joy and tears (I’ve had more tears than Joy – but trying to let the Spirit switch that).

Link Love:

Most of my stuff I love now is on Pinterest: you can follow me here.

Made these for lunch yesterday and will have some for dinner tonight.



Savoring Living Water: Book Review

Are your quiet times ever dry?

Do you feel like the Bible should be more nourishing to you than what you are currently receiving?

Do you need some “juice” to get your daily walk with God into a run?

My friend Lara and her writing partner and friend, Katie, have written a helpful and readable e-book to help answer these such questions.  There are times when every woman feels like that their quiet times just aren’t what they should be.  Maybe you are a mother of young children and its hard for you to even get in 5 minutes a day (while you are taking a shower, usually).  Or maybe you a mom of teenagers and you pray for them constantly.  Maybe you are married and you find your role as a wife to be overwhelming.  Maybe you are single and you are looking for direction.

God’s Word has the answers to all of these life situations and you CAN get the most out of God’s Word.  God’s Word is sufficient for all your needs and His Word is true.

Maybe, you are reading this, and you’ve never had a quiet time.  You don’t know how.  Katie and Lara address this issue – then take that deeper.  Its not just a scheduling how-to, its a heart how-to.  So, this book is good for you – wherever you are in your journey with Christ.

Hear these words: “I wake up wanting to hold the reigns of control and set my agenda.  Before my feet hit the floor my mind takes off.  I have to start the day low.  I am the needy one – empty-handed and thirsty for His presence.  I arise from my slumber into His day – His plan.  I’m the one who slept all night while He never wearied.”

Ladies – this book has great insight, honest feelings, and great resources to help you journey on and savor the Living Water of Christ through the Words of the Bible.

Savor.  Win a free e-copy of this by leaving a comment about your favorite Bible verse and what it means to you!  Thanks Lara and Katie!


Much and Link Love: September 12 Edition

1.  Less than 4 weeks till our wedding day!

2.  My new church family, First Baptist Church of Durham, definitely knows how to make a couple feel loved: they did a great job at showering us with love and generosity yesterday.  What a blessing.

3.  Treasuring Christ Curriculum is officially launched at Providence!  Its so neat to hear parents excited about talking with their kids about the Gospel!

4.  Football season is in full swing!  Peyton hurt, Brantley doing awesome, SEC carrying college football, its going to be a good year!  I may not watch too much of it until after the honeymoon, but that’s why I have ESPN on my phone!

5.  I am reading Bonhoeffer on my Kindle right now – excellent stuff!

6.  Got some neat opportunities for ministry (writing) this week!  Can’t wait.

7.  Going to the Aquarium this week with a great young couple of friends we love.  Next weekend: new family visit to Williamsburg – haven’t been there since I was in K – or some young age like that.  My Mom could probably scrounge up pictures!

Link Love:

1.  Lasagna without meat – sign me up right now!

2.  Love listening to Bible read aloud, quite a change from reading it.

3.  Really like Keller’s definitions here

4.  Really?  DC comics – come on?

5.  Think young kids can’t sit in “big church”?


That’s all I got time for today! 🙂 Enjoy!


Book Review: John Piper’s The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God

I like going into a book with low expectations – because then when it far exceeds what you think – you are wowed and pleasantly surprised.

I was able to both read/look at the pictures and listen to the CD (of John Piper reading) of The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God yesterday – at a quiet serene lake-front house after a very relaxing day.  Something about books and lakes – could stay there

Anyway, back to the book at hand.

Pictures: compelling – makes the story/poem come alive

Reading: if you like listening to Piper’s sermons – you will love this as he reads one of his poems.

Grace Factor: I don’t think I ever really noticed Job as a type of Christ in the OT.  What an amazing Gospel- picture.  At the end of each book, Piper put in a section about Grace.  The Gospel.  Jesus in the OT.  Thank you Pastor John for pointing that out to us.

“Andnow come, broken, to the cross,

Where Christ embraced all human loss,

And let us bow before the throne

Of God, who gives and takes his own,

And promises – whatever toll

He takes – to satisfy our soul.

Come, learn the lesson of the rod:

The treasure that we have in God.

He is not poor nor much enticed

Who loses everything but Christ.” (pg 26)



1.  Job believed in the plan of God and how it was already made (past tense).  “I yield to what you have decreed.” (p 18)

2. Love James 5:11

3. The reading: poetry (not a great big fan) but hearing him read it and the rightly placed words and hearing each part of the words read succinctly.  Good stuff.  Made it more pointed.

In my top 5 Piper books of all time!


Book Review: Why, O God? (Crossway Books)

Suffering.  Why?  The book of Job in the Bible answers some questions.  Jesus Himself says we will definitely suffer in this world because He suffered.

But, how are we to respond to suffering and disability within the church?  What does the Bible have to say about our lives and our response to suffering?

In a book edited by Larry Waters and Roy Zuck (I love his teaching/education books that I picked up in seminary) – many authors are brought together to answer some tough questions.  Their attempt to shepherd their readers (pastors, teachers, lay leaders, parents) through these heavy, weighty topics, is biblically-centered and pastorally rich.

I work with a volunteer couple at our church whose desire is to see the disabled children in our church have as much access to the Gospel as those who do not have disabilities.  As we have figured out through recent lectures or books: we all need the Gospel.  We need to make the gospel accessible to all: those with disabilities, those who are suffering, those who are orphaned, those who make 100k a year and are living the American dream.  The Gospel is needed for all!

Joni Eareckson Tada says this truth plainly in her first chapter: “The greater one’s need, the greater will be his capacity.  And the greater the capacity, the great will be one’s experience of the Savior.” (pg 19)

This book covers a wide variety of aspects regarding disability and suffering.  From professional care to pastoral shepherding to personal experience: all wrapped up in how the Bible talks about suffering and disability.  This is what I love about Zuck and Alcorn (who wrote the forward): handling life’s difficult situations with Biblical focus.  The middle part of the book: walking through the parts of the Bible and how each handles suffering and disability: will help give every reader a biblical understanding, a look at God’s sovereignty in everything, and what our response should be.

My friend, Shannon, on her blog says it well: so that the works of God might be displayed.


Connecting Church & Home 2011 Recap

Some conferences are not worth going to me.  Some are.  This one, the Connecting Church and Home Conference in Louisville, KY at SBTS this past weekend, was definitely worth a 8.5 hour drive.

The men who lead this conference are a blessing to me: Randy Stinson, Bill Farley, Jimmy Scroggins, Russell Moore, Steve Wright, Jay Strother, Timothy Jones.  Getting to meet Candice Watters was a blessing as was meeting and talking with Bill and Judy Farley.

Since I was there as a team member of Providence Baptist Church, I got to hang out at the Treasuring Christ Curriculum booth and talk to people about that.  Neat to see what God is doing, and will do, through that.  But, for the rest of the sessions, I tried to listen and learn with the mentality of a soon to be wife (and hopefully Mother later).  This changes how I listen to talks.  This is what I gained:

1.  My only hope of being an invaluable wife and helper to my husband and a discipling mother to our children is the GOSPEL.  I must saturate my days in the Word and spend much time there.

2.  My main job as a mother is to make disciples of my children.  I can only be faithful in the task – but I am not responsible for the outcome.  God handles all decisions of the heart and the gospel.

3.  If we (as pastor’s wives) feel we live in a fishbowl and everyone is watching us – WE ARE.  1 Timothy 3 says that we will be watched.  Live, NOT perfectly, but according to the Gospel of Christ.

4.  The way we are going to preserve – is by teaching the Gospel, walking in the Word with our children.

5.  Busyness is idolatry.  Buffer your time – don’t pack out your calendar.  Learn to say no to opportunities to serve.  I’ve lived my life with a YES mentality – and I have to change my focus.  Not saying NO to everything – but involving my husband in the decision making process, allow him to protect me (and my yes saying ability), and be particular about what you are going to say yes to.

6.  I need to increasingly see all of my life (home, writing, kids, relationship with Eric, exericse, ministry) in light of the Gospel.

7.  It is crucial that our kids see EC and I reflect Christ – imputed righteousness.

Two best talks of the wknd?

1.  Randy Stinson – mainly to men, but I loved hearing my former boss talk and always walk away encouraged.  Let me tell you – listening to his talks before didn’t always leave me encouraged, because I couldn’t find a single man around my age who lived those principles out.  God, in His grace and perfect timing, led me to Eric.  Eric found me.  I’m thankful for him and his walk with Christ.

2.  Bill Farley – applying each part of the gospel to parenting.  Good stuff.

The main sessions aren’t up yet (audio), but keep checking back on and they will be – I promise!

Much and Link Love: August 8

Main thing on my mind today: 2 months till W  Day!  Yes, that’s right folks, two months from today will be the day I’ve waited a long time for – and I get to see God’s grace extended to me by marrying Mr. Eric Campbell.  Can’t wait1

1.  My dress is in – matron of honor will hopefully be heading with me on Friday to pick it up!  Woot!

2.  Many important things to be praying about: friends, babies, relationships, gospel.

3.  In two weeks, I’ll be heading to Louisville, via Cleveland TN.  Can’t wait to see friends and talk about how to connect the church and the family.

4.  Watched the Adjustment Bureau this weekend.  Except for the bad theology – it was a good movie.  But, it makes you think about what you believe the Bible says – which is good too!

5.  Watched We Are Marshall again this weekend, cry every time through the entire thing.  Such a powerful movie, want to stop by the campus one day during a drip to Louisville – may do that on this one

6.  What are some things on your bucket list?  Do you have a bucket list?

Link Love:

1.  Fiancee and I talked about Thanksgiving last night.  Then I read this blog this morning.  Makes me think.  Remember Christ!

2.  Thank you Jena for this recipe.  yummy – really good for french toast or bread pudding too!

3.  Wow – what a great blog by Stockman on everything.

4.  I love her photography.  Makes me want to be there – which is a sign of good photography!

5.  What an insightful post by Carolyn on single and married folks in the church community.

6.  This is just fun!

7.  Will be making this for an upcoming date night – with some fresh salmon!