Much & Link Love: May 15 Edition

Much & Link Love: May 15 Edition

1.  I had a lovely time up at Kerr Lake this weekend – amidst storms and books and subway sandwiches and solitaire.  I took this photo (above).  Very relaxing.

2.  4 days till Alaska.  I love to travel and can’t wait to get to Seattle and then board a boat!

3.  A good friend of mine from Louisville was unanimously approved last night to be the new Student Pastor at Providence!  So excited to get to share life (and books) again with this family!

4.  Communication is so key in every relationship!

5.  I am not bringing any work stuff with me to Alaska.  The only reason I’m bringing the laptop is so I can download pictures off my camera to my laptop so my card won’t get full.  I’ll have my phone with me but primarily for answering personal emails, making phone calls in port cities, and sending mobile pictures to people who can’t enjoy Alaska with me.  I’m only bringing fun books – not theology books.  So EXCITED for Thursday – Sunday week.  Needed break!

6.  But that means I have a lot to do this week!

7.  Finishing up Randy Newman’s new book about sharing the gospel with people you are closest too (mainly, family).

8.  You should see my desk: seriously…books and print out of books – EVERYWHERE.  I am looking forward to Wednesday afternoon when it will be cleaned off! 🙂  I won’t know what to do with a clean desk!  – but see #5 – I won’t be here to see it!

Link Love

1.  Do you want to be a better writer?

2.  Bruce Ashford introduced me to this man, and here is a video Justin Taylor highlighted last week.

3.  Love my friend Courtney’s view on marriage.

4.  If you haven’t read this: stop whatever you are doing and read it now: and be encouraged.

Much and Link Love: May 9 Edition

Wow – long but good week.

1.  I finished writing Quarter 2 of this

2.  Then immediately I left for Louisville to celebrate him.  Such a blessing of a weekend to hang out with the Myers, the Weldys, my profs, the Jones girls, and two of these guys on this album

3.  I saw one of the prettiest sunsets in KY ever – right when we crossed into the state.  Picture coming when I get it off my camera.

4.  Celebrate Mother’s Day yesterday by hanging out with a dear family and calling my Momma.  I’ll see her in 11 days when we head off on a cruise to Alaska.  Can’t believe it is so close!

5.  Things are cranking around here for the curriculum.  Wow – God is doing some amazing things.

6.  I love road trips! 🙂

7.  Watched The Conspirator yesterday.  Very good, intense, and a little depressing.  If you have seen it – what do you think should have happened?

Link Love

1.  In honor of the Derby this past wknd (no, that’s not the reason I went to the Ville): here is the perfect recipe

2.  I’ve learned that this couple really does live out well the life of a servant-hood God glorifying marriage.

Ok – that is really all this week.  I was out for 4 days and writing much during the time I was in town.  So, enjoy the recipe and a blog post on marriage! 🙂



Truth Endures: John Macarthur

The name John MacArthur brings a lot of great thoughts to mind: faithful, preacher, WORD, truth, California.  He has been a steady and amazing influence on the Christian conservative world for over 40 years now.

Crossway Books published sermons from 40 years of faithful preaching in the book Truth Endures. It is a fabulous resource.  You may be like me: actually wanting to read books, not always print off sermons online or read a computer screen.  That is why I like this book.  I can read a sermon by bending the spine back, highlighter in hand, pen ready, heart open to read God’s truth through the preaching of this man.

This book will be a great resource for your library: complete with Scripture index!

Much and Link Love: May 2

Much and Link Love: May 2

Wow – its already May.  Where does the time go when you are having fun?

This month is a busy one for me, so here we go.

1.  First, to honor Christ through honoring Professor Chip Stam from the RDU area but last as a prof at SBTS.  He is now worshiping Jesus with no pain.  He met his Maker last night after a 4 year struggle with cancer.  I look forward to rejoicing with friends this weekend in Louisville as we celebrate his home going.

2.  The work I’ve been pouring life into the last year finally launched.  Not all done, but ready to put it out there and see how God will use it to bless churches and the nations.  Check it out:

3.  In three weeks from right now I’ll be on a big boat sailing up the coast of Alaska.  Can’t tell you how excited I am! 🙂

4.  Between now and then though I have much to do: a conference (Advance the Church), a night with Tim Keller to benefit DurhamCares, a trip to Louisville, welcoming friends in town, a wedding, work, writing, book reviews, training for a half marathon.  BUSY!!!! 🙂

5.  God is so gracious to me – in little ways!

Link Love:

1.  Love Tim Chester’s post on food

2.  Jess includes another make-under post: your workday!

3.  Makes me long for football season.  Only time of year I wish I didn’t live in NC: I’m not a Panther’s fan

4.  Oh my goodness, I so want to make this.

5.  Ann writes a great post on how to be a missional family.  You can also view a great resource we did at Providence on this topic as well:

6. I love my friend Courtney and her views on marriages and weddings.


Greener Grass Conspiracy: Stephen Altrogge

Do you ever wish your life was somehow different than what it is?  Good or bad: are there things that you don’t have that you want and desire to excess?

If you have any of these thoughts running through your head or heart at any time of day, you need to get yourself a copy of Stephen Altrogge’s new book by Crossway Books entitled The Greener Grass Conspiracy.

This is written in true Stephen style: comical, lively, personal, biblical, gospel-oriented, Scripture dominant, applicable.  And full of tweetables! 🙂  So many times I’ve wanted to put a quote on twitter (and yes, I already have) or posted to an email to a friend who might need to hear exactly what Altrogge wrote.  He is a pastor and this heart of a shepherd comes out in every word he writes.

Based on some conversations I had with friends last night, I want to leave you with one of the quotes I loved from this book: (you’ll have to purchase a copy to read the rest)

“We’re saying that eternal fellowship with God, purchased at a great cost to God, isn’t enough to satisfy our souls.” (pg 72)

Much and Link Love: April 25

Much and Link Love: April 25

Happy Day after Easter everyone!  I pray that if you celebrated Easter yesterday and the alive Gospel of Jesus Christ – that it was a fabulous day of remembering our hope in the gospel!  Jesus is life: and much sweeter than any hollow milk chocolate Easter Bunny.

I loved my whole weekend: immersed in the gospel, hanging out with friends, exploring new cities, water, beach. (Above picture taken in New Bern on the Neuse River)

Here we go:

1.  Less than a month till Alaska.  I get more and more excited about it!

2.  I cooked some salmon yesterday – yummy!  Who needs ham on Easter?

3.  Have you ever pondered how many Bojangles there are in NC?  A. Lot.

4.  Sleeping has been better, just never getting enough of it – know what I mean?

5.  Plugging away at my job.  Still love my job.  As I was talking to a gentleman this weekend: that is grace above grace to have a job that you love to do!

6.  Friends are such a blessing in my life.  I hope you have some good ones to share life with!

Link Love:

1.  I love being described as hospitable only by God’s grace: here is a good post

2.  This family is precious to me!

3.  I love this song.  The choir at FBCD sang it yesterday before the sermon.

4.  JD posts on how to teach OT characters

5.  Another great post on hospitality

Short and sweet this week!  Enjoy and be blessed.

Much and Link Love – April 18

1.  Yes, I survived the storms.  We had plenty of tornadoes in my immediate area on Saturday afternoon.  I had a shower to go to, so I ended up driving through the worst part without me knowing it was the worst part.  God is protectice.  I put on a CD that brings peace to me, and just prayed aloud for safety.  More it was: “Jesus!”  He is near!

2.  Shanes in concert on Saturday night.  The music was good, but since it was a seemingly youth event (not advertised as such), they seemed a little more ADHD in their talking between songs.

3.  Palm Sunday Communion service at my church last night was the best service at Providence i’ve been to in a year.  Freedom in worship, focus on the gospel in every element.  So good.

4.  This week: as much focus in the Christian world is on the gospel: the work of Christ on the Cross: our sin that put Him there because the wrath of God has to be paid…I think of sin and how it affects much of life today.  Longing to go back and re-do things and not sin.  Not to have sin affect life today.  Knowing that God restores.  He is gracious and kind.  Brings forgiveness and no condemnation.  May I reflect that truth always in my relationships with others who are sinners like me: friends who let me down, anyone, even the driver who drives me crazy because he doesn’t know how to drive.  Simple truth: forgiveness.  Costly, though.

5.  One of my fave songs right now: Old Alabama from Brad Paisley

6.  Have you ever thought about prayer requests: and seeing how God answers them.  Maybe with a no, maybe with a yes, maybe with a not right now.  God does indeed answer the prayers of His children.  Are we willing and ready to accept the answer: and are we watchful for it?

7.  I am walking in 4000 steps for Wake Forest’s Pregnancy Center.  I have some money to raise – I get to raise – you get to support.  Go here to give to such an amazing, gospel-focused worth.

Link Love:

1.  My friend Beth posted this – and I loved it.  Sorta reminds me of the King George song, “Living and Living Well”

2.  Good practical post for parents from my friend:

3.  Moms: do you need a Spring craft to do with your children or something fun you want to do for the Easter table centerpiece?

4.  Love this piece by the Resurgence:

5.  Another great post at the Resurgence by Tim Keller on forgiveness and reconciliation

Happy EASTER!  Live to Christ!

Much and Link Love: April 11 edition

Much and Link Love: April 11 edition

1.  Update from last week: sleep.  Two nights in a row I got 7 hours and 5.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Praise Jesus.  That was after two nights in a row of 2 hours and 45 minutes of sleep.  So, God is gracious and sustaining!

2.  I had a fabulous weekend: beautiful weather, wonderful friends, fun time photographing, fabulous food, great sermon on baptism from Danny Akin who is the president of SEBTS, and talks with friends…

3.  How have you learned compassion in your life?

4.  This week I am living life with folks, having some conclusion meetings (from year long events), and have a full Saturday with a concert by Shane and Shane.  Can’t wait!

Link Love:

1.  I’m going to be reading this new book from Crossway.  You’ll want to get it (but watch the video here)

2.  If you can’t go to the Gospel Coalition (like I can’t), you can at least watch the main sessions here for free.

3.  Post about sharing the gospel with your young kids written by a friend of mine who serves in our children’s ministry here at PBC.

4.  I don’t like the fact that America is impacting the world in this way.

5.  Resurgence puts out some good stuff.  This is on marriage.

6.  Love and appreciate Mary Kassian – here is a good explanatory post by her.

7.  Jenna always comes up with delicious recipes.  This might be on the agenda this summer!


Book 11 of 52: Thriving at College (Alex Chediak)

Never judge a book by its by-line.  That’s what I’ve learned.

Dr. Alex Chediak, author and professor at California Baptist University, has written a theological and practical book guiding students to live wisely and biblically during their college years.  This book covers topics like study habits, interpersonal relationship, familial relationships, credit cards, scheduling, grades, and even brown-nosing the favorite professor to improve your grade (or wait, how not to do that).

The introduction and first “common mistake” lays the foundation for everything else.  Chediak introduces students to a term that is the bedrock for everything else they will do at college: worldview.  This is the most important thing a student can take with him when he enters his first dorm
room or first elective class.  Chediak emphasizes how important a biblical worldview is to have: because there will be many opposing views that appear – even at a Christian college.

Alex takes this base and then hits on quite possibly every topic that a college student could ask when entering or maneuvering through their college years.  I like the “real-life” questions that he has brought in from current students so he can put feet to his advice.  Chediak also shares examples from his own time in college, or his wife’s experience during her college years.  He also has discussion questions at the end of each chapter, making this a great book to use a small group (maybe high school seniors’ summer Bible study?).   He lays a foundation for fighting against the culture around students that say its ok not to grow up (mooch off their parents, don’t work during college, move back home when you graduate, pile up
credit card debt, be weak and rely on your parents to fight your battles).

Chediak definitely aims at a particular target audience: the Christian high schooler poised to attend college (probably away from home).  He hits this target.  This book will be valuable to them.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

“Worldview & Character -> Attitudes & Behaviors -> Habits & Destiny” – pg xxxii

“Intentionality involves taking the time to examine our values so that our relational lives more accurately mirror our deepest priorities.” – pg 63

“Never date someone who doesn’t share your desires to live for God’s glory.” – pg 95 (this is different than just dating a Christian.)

“God’s plan is for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church – in an intentional, sacrificial, initiating fashion.  God’s plan is for wives to nurture and affirm the loving leadership of their husbands, complementing and completing them, so that together they stand far stronger than either of them could separately.” – pg 107 (never too early to teach biblical gender roles!)

Gender Doesn’t Matter

One of the lines that I have heard recently is Ellen saying “gender doesn’t matter.”  She of course is married to Portia DiRossi and have been touted as the couple for the new millinium.  Not a millinium I want to be a part of.  She may not think that gender matters, but I would like to assure her that it does.

She has no doubt that both her and Portia are female.  They cannot partake in normal sexual relations as God designed sex to be between a husband and a wife.  One wears dresses, one doesn’t.  She sells makeup (as a spokesperson) for a leading makeup company – who sells makeup to clients – mostly who are women.

The latest trend in Hollywood according to CNN is Flexisexuality.   Huh?  (I would advise only watching the video if you are mature enough to handle the topic at hand.)

“You know, its 2011.”.  I know many of the people who I am friends with on facebook are enamored with Grey’s Anatomy.  They support this, many of the stars and songs and movies that are coming out now approach this type of lifestyle with great enthusiasm

Basically, what I hear, is that we don’t want to live within any norms by understanding how God made us, what God made us for, and who God made us to enjoy sexually (our spouses in a lifelong, male/female, God-centered marriage).

I assure you: gender DOES matter.  This video above and what I see happening in our world and what our world portrays as norm grieves me.

1.  God, who is the Creator of the World, designed gender.  He created male.  He created female.  They were both created in the image of God the Creator.  Praise Jesus we are not are men; and praise Jesus we are not all women.

2.  Genders display the beauty of God.  God does everything to display His glory in the world.  Male and female do that.  Marital, faithful, sexual relationships are beautiful (and babies are so darn cute) and just the way He created the complementary physical bodies of males and females are beauty that we need to turn back to praise God, not bring praise to man.

3.  Gender matters in everyday life.  I really think the Bible speaks to this as well.  Throughour Scripture we are told of men working in the fields as providers and women providing a nurturing home environment.  Look at Genesis 2, Prov 31, Ruth, Titus 2.  Lately women ask me or we have a conversation about what it is like being single.  While I love where God has me in life, it is burdensom in ways other than being lonely.  Loneliness is of course something you learn to deal with.  God has created us to be in relationships with others.  I am thankful for the friends that God has placed around me.  But, the other burdensome part of being single is: scraping your own car, paying all the bills yourself, being concerned with your month to month running of the house, worrying about the car, opening the jar of pickles, what happens if something starts leaking.  All these little things.  While taking out the trash is not gender specific by any means – the burden of living life on one’s own…

How will you choose to live in freedom by living according to the restrictions that God gave to us in His Word?

How will you display this in your relationships of the opposite sex?

How will you:

1.  If you are female: adorn the gospel and be distinct from the world?

2.  If you are male: lead lives of humility and servant leadership and masculinity with the strength of Jesus.

For the Gospel –