Taste of Charlotte: Red Rocks

Taste of Charlotte: Red Rocks

Nestled in the South Park neighborhood of the Queen City, NC’s largest city, sits Red Rocks Cafe Bar & Bakery.  I would just call it good food.

A friend and I decided to meet up there on my recent overnight trip to Charlotte.  We were anticipating a long wait, but got in there and were the next ones to be seated.  Perfect!

So many delicious finds on the menu: appetizers (including parmesan potato cakes), salads (including my dinner of a large Greek salad with salmon), steaks, pasta, fish, sandwiches: if you are hungry – they have something to fill your tummy.

Our waitress was friendly and attentive.  We were told her we were in a hurry and she was on top of things.  We placed our order, specifically under-cooking our salmon – and probably 8 minutes later, both of our meals were on our table.  My friend was gracious enough to let me snap a few photos, then we dug in.

The salmon was perfectly cooked: slightly crispy on the outside, slightly underdone on the inside.  The result: smooth, moist salmon full of flavor.  The dill sauce on my friend’s salmon was lemony and seasoned perfectly.  Not too much, not too little dill.

Then came the Oreo cheesecake.  Usually, you can’t go wrong with splitting cheesecake.  My only fault for the whole evening was I thought the cheesecake needed some more sugar, because it tasted too cream cheese, the perfect balance wasn’t there.  But, the chocolate sauce and oreos improved it 100%

Ambiance: check.  Wait staff: check.  Price: 10-20$ per entree.  Parking: no problem.  Food: double check.



One of the reasons I love traveling is the time in the car or the plane gives me time to think, ponder, focus, and definitely sing along with the radio.  Yesterday I had a two-hour drive from Raleigh to Charlotte.  It had been a hectic week at the office and I was very glad to get in a car and just sing some country music.

While I did do that, I also had good thought time.  Quality time with my thoughts, my prayers, and my dreams.

Most of you who know me know that I tend to be:

1.  Busy

2.  Ambitious

3.  Perfectionist.

So, I am trying to guard against 1 and 3 and hit 2 square on the head!

I got an email from a photographer friend and it spurred me on (after it made me realize that I’m not really good yet…, I only like to pretend I am)

“Never let the fact that it may not be your current career stop you from diving in and figuring out stuff that you want to work on to get better.  It’s not about being great it’s about being proud of your work and producing work that others enjoy! That can happen at all levels of work and talent. 🙂  Keep at it.” – Said Friend (thank you said friend, and I mean that)

Currently, I have so many dreams.  When was I ever a dreamer?  I think I’m getting the knack of it in my old age.  Reading much and seeing other people’s dreams spur me on and then a friend, Jess, gives good ways to accomplish those dreams.  My reasoning behind dreams:

1.  I have a life to live to its fullest – God gave it to me to live for His glory, so I should take advantage of it, right?

2.  I am single and MUST use this time to its fullest.

3.  There is too much I want to do to not be out there every day living it up and being good at what I do live.

4.  Dreaming keeps me entertained and I press on…never knowing what is on the other side of that dream. 

5.  Must work toward making that dream a reality.

So…here is to some refocusing

1.  I have my dream writing job – and I want to be the best curriculum writer I can be.  This will take much work.

2.  I want to be the best social writer, speaker, and book writer – this also will take some work.  I think these three go hand in hand, that is why they are all linked.

3.  I want to be the best at yoga and running that I can be (this will require me running when it is cold outside, brrrr)

4.  I want to be the best food photographer I can be.  This is still in the big dreaming session but this covers two passions: food and photography.  My Mom helped get me started because she bought me my first food styling book for Christmas.  Thank you parents – dream motivators!  And I had a good conversation with a great wedding photographer who spurred me on.

That’s it.  4 things. 

If any of you have suggestions on how to accomplish said dreams – please let me know.

Photo Shoot: Baby E Finnling

Photo Shoot: Baby E Finnling


I have dear friends.  My dear friends had a baby (the day before my birthday).  I got to hold my new love on my birthday when she turned 24 hours old.

You would think that this precious new baby girl would go to sleep for me when I’m trying to take her picture.  But no.  But, we had a lot of fun.  Some of these are the pictures that I love from that shoot.

I’m withholding the one that the finnlings will use as their own, but enjoy the rest!

Much & Link Love: MLK

Much & Link Love: MLK

1.  I’m very thankful for MLK.  Not only for his vision for racial equality (or however you want to say it), but also because we get a day off.  Not that I won’t be working today, I’ll just be working from my bed and then my second office (different location).

2.  Honest here: Its been a tough week.  Even though I had a fabulous time in Wilmington, I have not been sleeping well since Tuesday.  I usually sleep sound through the night and would love to get about 9 hours of it (my busy life does not allow for that and for me to get everything done).  But, two times since moving here I have gone in a period of not sleeping well.  I went to bed last night about 1130 and just prayed to Jesus that He would grant me at least 6 hours of good sleep.  The first time I woke up was around 645, thank you Jesus for that sweet answer to prayer!  Still tired, not caught up, but much to do, so I hopped out of bed around 815.

3.  I had three great conversations with three new friends yesterday:  Thankful for them and for the wide variety of conversations we had: running, vegetarianism, and writing.  They were all very needed yesterday.

Link Love

1.  I am making this tonight to bake in the morning when I return from the gym.

2.  This will be a late night drink for me this week since I will have a lot of late nights. 

3.  This is a very inspiring post by Kendi.  This is especially needed when I have so many dreams.  These are the ones that are up to me: do my job well, social media/blogging success, writing a book, losing 30 lbs, be vegetarian, and running successfully, travel and do food photography/writing, and being a great photographer.  Then there is one that I can’t do by myself.  Thank you Kendi for this dream report.

4.  Anyone in RDU wanna come have this recipe with me?  This looks amazing. 

5.  Love my friend’s blog on the topic of food. Some of her previous thoughts in a conversation with me has spurred me on the last couple of months since meeting with her. 

I know this week’s is short, but I feel like these are more specific to what I want to do.  Hopefully you like these Monday editions.  I hope you see a little bit of me in these and learn what is going on in my head and heart and busy schedule.

Have a great holiday!


Photo Shoot: Jennifer Treece: Abandoned Glass

Photo Shoot: Jennifer Treece: Abandoned Glass

Wilmington really is a unique place to shoot photos of such a delightful friend.  Jennifer is a breeze to photograph.  And we laugh so much.

Delicious Wilmington: Coastal Cupcakes

Delicious Wilmington: Coastal Cupcakes

I think every other cupcake business in Wilmington needs to just close up shop and that Coastal Cupcakes needs to bake more cupcakes. 

Best cupcake I’ve had, hans down.  I’ve had cupcakes in Chicago, RDU, Publix (which are a favorite of mine), TN,  CO.  Cupcake bakeries and “shoppes” are all the rage right now, so there seems to be one on every corner.  They do it right!

A friend and I share the coconut with cream cheese icing and coconut on top.  The most moist, fall apart, not dry at all cupcake.  Flavorful and just melt in your mouth.  Most cupcakes I’ve tasted in bakeries taste like they are frozen.  I would have though these were baked right before we walked in (though the icing wasn’t melting, so I know they weren’t).  The coconut wasn’t hard.  The cream cheese frosting was just bliss. 

I would love to have tried all of them, and the shop clerk that day was so kind and gracious to let me come behind the counter to not have the glass in all the pictures!

Thank you Coastal Cupcakes!  Keep baking!  I will return!

Taste of Wilmington: K38

Taste of Wilmington: K38

This place came highly recommended and it is out of the downtown area, so parking is not a problem. 

1.  Great decor.

2.  Low-key (yes, I know it was the off season)

3.  Had a great waitress who allowed us to stay there pretty much as long as we wanted (a little over 2 hours)

4.  Bottomless free chips and salsa (a must for any good Mexican restaurant)

5.  The best restaurant salsa I’ve ever had.  And I’ve had a lot.

6.  First time with Mexican sushi (ok, not really, but look at the picture, doesn’t it look like sushi).  I had the Cabo: blackened shrimp and avocado.  Nuf said! 

7.  Homemade, fresh, daily, corn tortillas.

8.  And many vegetarian options, which I definitely liked.

In my opinion, a little overpriced for mexican, but not outrageous.  And definitely well worth it. 

Wilmington Getaway: Stemmerman’s Inn

Wilmington Getaway: Stemmerman’s Inn

Back in the summer I went on a photo shoot with a friend and we got invited to an event at 128 South, it was fabulous.  128 South is a hall/room/venue attached to the Stemmerman’s Inn.  For the same price you can get a medium-grade hotel room, you can stay in a unique loft-style, kitchenette including, brick-exposed, unique room with a view of the Cape Fear and a little porch.  Now, granted, it was 35 degrees or cooler when I went, but hey, what’s a girl gonna do.  I gotta get my river fix!

These may not be usual “inn” pictures that you will find in most reviews, but what I care about are the details.  This green vase was my favorite part of the main floor, and I stared at it every time I went by.  The bathroom was the bathroom: with a white pedastal sink to go with the old-inn feel.  The kitchenette was well stocked with everything you might need for a cozy dinner for 1 or 2 when dining at the little cafe type table in the eat-in kitchen.  If seated at the table, you can gaze out the floor to ceiling windows that overlook the porch and look out onto the Cape Fear.  The sunset was amazing last night.

If you make your way up the L-white spindle staircase, you will find a huge, welcoming king size bed.  Again, I loved the simplicity of the headboard.  There was a small open closet, a flat screen (with cable), and a night stand with lamp.  That was all, oh, and a small dresser.  So.  Simple.  I LOVED it.

This room (#7) also came with everything you might find in a generic hotel room and even a washer and dryer.  How’s that for handy?

The staff was courteous and gave me plenty of options for dinner (The Stemmerman is within walking distance to restaurants of any ethnicity and price-range).  It was quieter than I thought it was going to be, too (which I was very glad). 

Check-in time is 3pm, check out time is 11am and there is parking (street parking you have to pay for in Wilmington, so I was thankful for their free lot). 

I would go here again in a heartbeat.  May make it a yearly birthday tradition.  Downtown Wilmington (when not tourist season) is fabulous, because of its history, fashion, and beautiful churches (not to mention great food).

So, if you get a chance, go.  Stay.  Love the Stemmerman as much as I did.  Fall in love with the details.

Bestowing Honor

Bestowing Honor

Paul says in the book of Romans: “Outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10)

Well, I want to do just that on this post.  Right now I am laying on a king size bed in a little inn on the banks of the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC.  Thanks to my parents.  See, I was born.  They like to give birthday gifts.  This was mine this year.  Yeah!  I like to help them succeed in giving good gifts!

So…I don’t brag on my parents enough:

1.  Only ones who still love me when I argue back, want my own way, am selfish, have no makeup on, want want want, burn food, smell, and any other things I can think of that aren’t loveable.

2.  They will always love me.  That is reassuring, and challenging at the same time.

3.  They sacrificed when I was growing up and sent both the bro and I to a Christian school.  Thankful for that sacrifice.

4.  They allowed me to make a choice on churches in high school that would forever alter my path of life.

5.  They encourage me in every endeavor – well, smart ones.  But in the bad ones they let me make mistakes and help me pick up the pieces (I think of relationships and stupid money usage and burnt pork chops for Thanksgiving dinner.)

6.  My Dad: a hard worker, a very gracious person (I’m glad I learn that from him), a wise person, one of the most patient people I know.

7.  My Mom: cares so much about others and likes acts of service (again, I get this from her), faithful, will cry for me when I won’t cry for myself, and my biggest fan (like all mother’s should be.)

I love them.  They are great.  Will I parent (maybe, one day) just like them – no.  Some things will change.  But, I hope my children will be able to know their grandparents one day.  And I hope I take some of their traits into parenting, or even into my relationships with other people

Thank you Mom and Dad

Update on 2011 Goals on 1.11.11

Update on 2011 Goals on 1.11.11

Most people say that resolutions are a good way to spend the first week of January – then they all go by the wayside. 

I wanted to give you an update on them:

1.  40 Day Fast has totally gone away.  Not totally, but some have changed.  I don’t keep a many sweets in the house (not even cool whip).  I haven’t watched as much television, so that has freed up time for other things.  The only fruits and veggies has changed and expanded to Meatless365.  Up at 5 is good on most days.  Hard but good.  And computer off by 9 is also good on most days, but not every day. 

2.  Bible Reading Plan and memorizing Philippians are both going well.  Philippians is going better, but by the end of the week I’ll be back on track with Bible reading plan.  This is why getting up at 5am and turning off the computer by 9pm helps.

3.  I have been blogging regularly, maybe not strategically though.

4.  Reading a book a week: DONE.  I’m completing my second book this week!  Right on target!

5.  Increasing this, with an Etsy shop in the works.  And lining up things to photog.  It doesn’t help with it so cold outside though.

6.  3800 words in (not including Scriptures or quotes).  Must right 1800 a week.  Diligent.  This post helped me this morning think more about that. 

7.  So far, staying the same.  But my birthday and snow days do not help.

8.  This has gone well and I love it!

9.  I forgot my phone for the 5k so that didn’t help and I had horrible time with hills and mud and ice on the race course.  But, I am still on tap for the 10 miler and half later in the year.

10.  This is going well!  I love Philippians.  Accountability is good in this one!

11.  I have done more yoga, and I love it! 🙂

So, some are good.  Some aren’t.  But, goals none the less.