New Year’s Much & Link Love (January 3)

New Year’s Much & Link Love (January 3)

Happy New Year!  When do you get tired of hearing that?  I usually have to wait until after my birthday, which is tomorrow.  New Years and birthdays, both great.  I used to dislike having a birthday so close to Christmas (school was out so I never got to celebrate it in school), but now I love it, because not only am I starting a new calendar year, but also a new birth year. 

1.  I had one of the best new years ever!  A friend from seminary came over to Raleigh: we cooked dinner, hung out a cool place in Cary, went to the NCMA, and watched movies.  It was low-key and wonderful.

2.  I already went away from on of my 2011 goals.  I ran in a 5k on Saturday and unfortunately left my cell phone at home so I had no interval timer.  I finished this multi-terrain, ice/mud, hills, loops race about the same time I finished my first one.  So, I wasn’t happy.  But, I did it.  And I had friends cheering me on and running with me!

3.  This is going to be a tough week and a good week.  Tough week with many things going on a work and writing kicked into high gear.  Good week because I get to have dinner on Thursday night with some of the most amazing RDU friends a girl can have, both new and old, and I’ll be missing some too because of vacations and babies.  God is good, isn’t He!

4.  Day one of clean eating went very well yesterday!  I am thankful for oranges and sweet potatoes that I don’t have to buy because of family!  Everytime I have craved nut butter or even milk or egg whites today I thought that God is sufficient for my every need and He is gracious too.  I have included seeds in this clean eating: fruits and veggies only while at home.  Seeds because I eat hummus and tahini is in it – ground sesame seeds.  I’m already thinking post-40 days to see how my diet will be altered, and see how my food-relationships/sin issues have been changed.  Thank you God for the cross!

5.  Bring on the playoffs!  Excited.  We’ll see how long my teams last.

6.  January… here we go: I’m doing the list here rather a whole new post. 

6.1: Birthday celebrating

6.2: Working out and logging milesd

6.3: Stemmerman Inn for my birthday!  Thank you Mom!

6.4: Charlotte to prepare for an upcoming women’s conference I am speaking at in March. 

6.5: Photog!

6.6: Writing and reading.  Sound familiar?

Link Love

1.  One of the coolest things I’ve heard from country music in a while – great on the gender issue too.  Go Zac Brown!

2.  With clean eating for 40 days, I’m making this soup.

3.  For those of you memorizing Philippians, John Piper reciting it may spur you on!

4.  Do you already need help keeping those resolutions?  These apply to any you have made.

5.  One of the smartest guys I know, and do ministry with, gives his list of best reads of 2010.  And he read a lot more than this. 

6.  Some great sermons and talks about keeping resolutions

7.  After taking off most of 2010, John Piper returns and tells all what God taught him and Noel from their leave of absence.  Good stuff.

8.  Also, if you have never memorized long passages of Scripture, here are some quality sermons from Andy Davis and John Piper to help you out and to see the benefit of it. 

9.  If you still need help picking which Bible reading plan to do for 2011, go here.  Justin lays a lot of them out for you.  I am doing Elevate’s B90X from last year, just multiplying it times 3 with some breather days in there. 

10.  Her photos are inspiring.


Recipe coming soon!

Favorite Photos from 2010

Favorite Photos from 2010

I look forward to many more in 2011.  Enjoy.



Happy New Year!  As I write this I’ve alreayd run a 5k (with a horrible time, but I did it), had a leisure brunch with 2 good friends, and am now watching the Gators, who seem to have forgotten how to play football, at least for the first quarter.

As I look back on 2010, I look back on it with mixed emotions:

1.  Love the friendships that God has sustained and used to nourish me…some in Louisville, some new and old ones here in the RDU area, and of course some fb and faraway love and friendship from people who don’t see me every day.

2.  I love my job that God has provided for me.  At the end of 2009, I knew this new job was coming.  I was so excited about it.  Then, however, I don’t think I knew what a HUGE job it was.  I mean, you know its going to be great and hard and a God-sized task – but its not until you have been in it for 9 months today that you reaize that you are totally inadequate for it, you are thankful for others who are a part of the journey with you, and you leave every day somewhat overwhelmed with what God has asked you to do.  He is good.  His grace sustains.

3.  The part of my life that I am most disappointed in at the end of 2010 is the lack of healthy living in 2010.  I have gained 25 lbs as of this morning, and that can’t be the case.  So…here we are back at it again.

4.  2011 will be the year of pushing it hard.  In every area: writing (job, blogs, book), exercising (1000 miles, at least 3 races, yoga, kettlebell routines, reading (1 book a week, and I read slow), relationships (which are key to live and I want to keep pouring into those, photography (I love this and I want to get better at it), and cooking (see paranthetical statement with photography).  And this is all not knowing what 2011 will hold…I’m praying some big prayers.  We’ll see how the faithful God and my Provider will answer those.

So, what I do know…God is gracious, faithful, and willing to forgive.  He is the constant and stable in my life.  He will be the same on Jan 1, 2012 as He is today.

But, I can change.  God’s power and grace gives me reason to change.  The cross is my ability to change.  The gospel must impact every area of my life.

Who will be on January 2012 when I will almost be 35?

Taste of Cary: Sip – A Wine Store

Taste of Cary: Sip – A Wine Store

Cary is home to an eco-friendly, all organic wine store that is celebrating 8 months tomorrow – Sip.  You need to make it your New Year’s Resolution to make a trip to their store, have a tasting, and love the wine you taste. 

Not only is the wine superb, the staff, owned by April Schlanger, is friendly, knowledgeable, and not overwhelming.  The owner invited us to her tasting table and gave us knowledgeable information about her favorite wines of 2010. 

They have designed their store in such a way where you feel like you are almost in a cafe, a coffee shop, somewhere to stay all day.  And I needed a wine for dinner: shrimp angel hair (the sauce needed a good white), and April gave such an excellent recommendation. 

The store will also special order wines for you.  And they have different levels of “wine of the month” clubs as well.  They sell cork art, beers, wine racks, bottle charms, chocolate, and other wine accessories.

Some of the best on the tasting table tonight were:

2009 Lioco

2008 L’Aventure

Book Review: Radical / David Platt

Book Review: Radical / David Platt

There have been two similar books published in the recent past that were pretty much about the same thing: this one is better.  In my opinion, which really doesn’t matter, I know.  I loved Platt’s book: all except the familiarity of the stories he told through out the book.  I’ve heard him preach on several occasions – and I’ve heard them.  So, I could skip over them.

He is very practical and honest in his book: which I love.  He just doesn’t give lofty ideas of how to let go of American Christianity – but he actually gives you ways to do it.

If you are ready for a gut-check (as my cousin calls it) – read it.  If not, keep it on its shelf and pick it up when you are ready.

“Wake up and realize that there are infinitely more important things in your life than football and a 401(k).  Wake up and realize there are real battles to be fought, so different from the superficial, meaningless “battles” you focus on.  Wake up to the countless multitudes who are currently destined for a Christless eternity.” – p 15.  This hits home because what do we normally talk about in our chuches: this superficial stuff.

“As long as we achieve our desires in our own power, we will always attribute it to our own glory.” – p 46.  Do we dream big dreams?  I want to start dreaming big and praying big, so when things happen – God gets all the glory.  How big do you dream?  Do you dream for attainable things in your own power or do you pray for God sized dreams?  Ephesians 3:19-21.

We’ve been hearing a lot about this in our ed staff meetings at our church:

“The church I lead could have the least gifted people, the least talented people, the fewest leaders, and the least money, and this church under the power of the Holy Spirit could still shake the nations for His glory.  The reality is that the church I lead can accomplish more during the next month in the power of God’s Spirit than we can in the next hundred years apart from His provision.  His power is so superior to ours.  Why do we not desperately seek it?” – p 54

I need this especially for the work I am doing right now, because it is so often overwhelming to me: “Our great need is to fall before an Almighty Father day and night and to plead for Him to show His radical power in and through us, enabling us to accomplish for His glory what we could never imagine in our own strength.  And when we do this, we will discover that we were created for a purpose much greater than ourselves the kind of purpose that can only be accomplished in the power of His Spirit.” p 60

Do you really believe this for yourself? “God has created us to accomplish a radically global, supremely God-exalting purpose with our lives.” – p 83.  I don’t think I do.  I again ask petty things that I want.  But, I know one prayer I always pray that hasn’t come true yet.  But, I still pray it.

We are starting Backyard Bible Clubs this summer at our church.  I thought this quote went very well with the reason we are doing it: “Disciple making is not a call for others to come to us to hear the gospel but a comman for us to go to others to share the gospel.  A command for us to be gospel-living, gospel-speaking people at every moment and in every contest where we find ourselves.” -p 94

Who do I go to first when I need advice? “Jesus never intended us to be one voice among, many counseling us on how to lead our lives and use our money.  He always intends to be the voice that guides whatever decisions we make in our lives and with our money.” – p 121

Here is his one year experiment and ways that I intened to take him up on it:

1.  Pray for the entire world.  I haven’t decided yet how I am going to do this, but Operation World is a good start (that he mentions).

2.  Read the entire Bible.  Again, the plan isn’t in place, but it will be done.

3.  Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose: I’m partnering this year with PSSWF because its close, the gospel, and tangible.

4.  Spend your time in another context.  Every month my church works with two low-income/homeless ministries here in Raleigh: feeing the homeless in Moore Square and With Love From Jesus.  Once a month I will partner with these.  This definitely takes me out of my upper-white neighborhood.

5.  Commit your life to a multiplying community.  Pray dot org.  Done.

How will you live the experiment?  For one year.  This is a new year beginning, start now.

Best of 2009

Best of 2009

These posts will serve two purposes:

1.  Catch you up on the first 5 years of the blogs

2.  Since switching to a new one, we couldn’t merge of all them, so I thought I would go back and highlight. 

Basic Pizza Dough – because a girl has to have a favorite homemade pizza dough

Fellowship So Deep – thoughts on worship and life

Spinach Lasagna – I’ve been making this since my junior year of college, and I love it.

Oreo Truffles – a favorite of party-goers everywhere

Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins – “these are addicting” – Linda D.

Thai Lentil Soup – love.

Chocoholic Cookies – what’s not to love?

Elyse Fitzpatrick – one of my favorite authors

A post about a football hero – yes, Danny Wuerffel

Love my former boss and his message to men

Need this every day (along with grace)

Dorie Greenspan’s Double Decker Brownies – you must make!

Kate Perry – some thoughts

David Platt’s Secret Church – one of the times I got to attend.  Amazing.

Some thoughts from other fave author: Jerry Bridges

Some thoughts from the 2009 NEXT Conference in Baltimore

Psalm 103

O Thou in Whose Presence

Plantinga on Gluttony – a word we don’t like to hear much

Homemade Cinnamon Raisin English Muffins

Mexibean Bake – healthy and yummy and easy!

Blackberry Cornmeal Muffins – so good during the summer when these berries are peak!

Paul Tripp – one of my fave authors was at Sojourn in Louisville.

Corn Pudding – great side dish for some bbq

Old Doorknobs – Love.

Left and Right of Modesty/Femininity

Spinach Casserole – another easy healthy favorite

Toffee Snickerdoodles – a winner.

My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies – after you try so many, you finally gotta just land on one

Fall Baked Oatmeal – warm for breakfast!

Fall granola – love homemade granola

Time Magazine on Teen Body Image

Black Pepper Buttermilk Biscuits – yum…eee…

Anadama Bread 

My Favorite Fall Salad – perfect for an elegant holiday meal or an after-work quick dinner

Baked Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

Creamy Toffee Dip – whatcha going to do with all those apples you have

Seaside Grilled Cheese Sandwich – my second favorite grilled cheese sandwich – EVER.

Vegan Banana Spice Pancakes – so good

Jillian Michael’s Wrap-Up after the 30-day shred

A great book by my boss: Steve Wright

One of my favorite parenting books: Instructing a Child’s Heart

Candy Cane Fudge – my favorite Christmas candy to make

2011 Projections (Goals, not Resolutions)

2011 Projections (Goals, not Resolutions)

However you feel about New Year’s Resolutions…we all have different ideas.  Some keep them, some utterly fail.  But, I have found that if I don’t have goal – life doesn’t seem to be lived intentionally.

So, these are my goals for 2011.  I think they are good, meaningful, and attainable.  I am also praying for some God-sized things this year.  What God-sized things are you praying for this year – things that when the world sees the answer: the only praise will go to God?

1.  40 Day Fast.  My friend, Lara, is doing a Daniel Fast.  I am not called to the same fast that she is, but I am supposed to change my life for the time of January 2 – for 40 days: here’s how:

* no syndicate television.  At least for 40 days.  This will not include football.  And to be honest, my Mom will record the shows I normally watch and I will watch them after 40 days, but how I can use this 40 day time period to focus on other things.  And I will be watching NFL during this time, because again, the NFL isn’t wrong and isn’t as consuming as hour long drama shows.

* no sweets at home

*only fruits and veggies when I eat at home (as means of getting clean foods into my system)

* up at 5am (this is fasting from sleep)

* computer off at 9pm (this is a fast too)

2.  Continue daily Bible reading (I haven’t decided what plan I will be using this year, but there are plenty to choose from)

3.  Blog strategically: 4 times a week at least (then special posts). 

4.  Read a book a week.

5.  Increase photog skills, ministry, and sell cards/stationary

6.  Finish my book.

7.  Lose more than I’ve gained in 2010

8.  Continue weekly Panera planning.

9.  3 races – all done in interval times (5k, 10m, half)

10.  Memorize Philippians

11.  Three yoga workouts a week: my body feels so much better whne I do this!)

Much & Link Love – Final 2010

Well, here we are, last week of 2010. How has your 2010 been? Everything you wanted it to be and more? Not quite what you expected? Heartache? Disappointment? Unexpected joys? Tears? Laughter? All of the above? 2010 was different for me, grand, but very tough in some areas. 2011…who knows what it will bring, but that’s for another post.

1. When will I ever stop trying to measure up to some people’s expectations of me?
2. I love seeing old, and dear, friends.
3. Hit the ground, running!
4. I love hearing people’s heartbeats for their city: like these people who love the Bull Street City.
5. Country music helps me make it through long drives on 95!
6. There are dear friends in my life, these are the friends that you don’t have to see every day or talk to every day, but your life would be no where near the same without them, they are ones you call out to if you need ANYTHING!!! Two such couples are Brad and Lindsay Weldy and Clarissa and Bob Bacon. Love them! God is so gracious to me.
7. The sunrise was beautiful this morning.
8. I had a white boxing day, though I had a 70 degree Florida Christmas. Thankful for the break.
9. This week: reading Radical and Death by Love.

1. Love Mark Hall and this song makes more sense now that I know it is a poem.
2. Most of you may not know who Danny Franks is, but you need to know him and his sense of humor.
3. I will need this every Thursday in 2011.
4. Do you never ask God for more patience? If you don’t, then you don’t need to read this. For the rest of us, check this out by Resurgence.
5. For all you crafty people out there, what to do with all those Christmas cards?

I hope everyone enjoyed a very Merry Christmas, the snow, the sun (depending on what part of the world you live in), and will have a very Happy New Year later this week. I know God is good to me (Psalm 84:11) and that is why I anticipate the new year!

much love – kd

Sara Foster's Jamaican Black Bean Soup

I love black beans. I love soup. I love all things Foster’s Market. So…this would be a perfect recipe, right. You are right – very yummy. The lime juice definitely makes this a winner for me. We served it today for lunch. My Dad makes great yellow rice and paired quite well with the soup. Not that it’s cold down here in Lakeland or anything, but soup is good anytime!

1 lb dry black beans (rinsed over night, drained)
1/4 cup evoo
1 red onion, diced
1 red pepper, seeded and diced
2 carrots, peeled and diced
4 ribs celery, chopped
2 jalapenos, seeded and diced
8 garlic cloves, chopped
1 granny smith apple, chopped
1 T basil, dried
8 cups red-sodium chicken broth
4 bay leaves,
salt (to taste)
pepper (to taste)
juice of 3 limes

Cook black beans for about 45 minutes.
Meanwhile, saute onion in the evoo for about 10 minutes. Then add the rest of the veggies for about 10 minutes. Then add the broth and seasonings.
Add to black beans and simmer about 75 minutes, or until done to your liking. Add juice and serve!
You can probably use canned beans and make this a lot quicker.


Triple Layer Brownies

My Mom does make some great things when she follows recipes. She knows I am kidding when I say this, but she also knows its partly true…her lack of following directions when she bakes – kinda whatever she wants to put in there is what goes.
Well, let me tell you – these were in the fridge when I got home, and they were so good…so here is her recipe!

2 brownie mixes (1 supreme, 1 regular)
mix according to directions – so you’ll need eggs, oil, and water)
4 cups mini marshmallows
1 1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
3 T butter
1 cup peanut butter, creamy
2 cups rice krispies.

Brownies mixes to package, spread in 10×15 pan (sprayed and foiled) and bake according to directions, or about 15 minutes at 350.
While hot, sprinkle marshmallows on top (1 whole bag). Return to over for 3 minutes.
Take a knife, dipped in water, and spread out the marshmallows. Let cool.
Mix the pb and chocolate chips and butter, over low heat, till melted. Stir. Take off heat and add in rice krispies.
Spread over brownies.
Chill, cut, and serve at room temp.
