Taste of the Holidays: Cranberry Bliss Bars

If you are a regular at Starbucks during the holidays: you know pumpkin and peppermint lattes, gingerbread mochas, and cranberry bliss bars. You know…the triangle cut iced wonderful bars of cranberry deliciousness. Well, here is my take. They turned out very moist and not as dry and crumbly as Starbucks…probably because these were freshly made.

2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
1 1/4 cups light brown sugar, packed
3 eggs, room temp
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup dried cranberries
6 ounces white chocolate chips,


4-ounces 1/3 less fat cream cheese, softened
3 cups powdered sugar, sifted
4 teaspoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/3 cup dried cranberries

Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs and vanilla. Combine dry and add to the creamables. Fold in cranberries and chocolate. Bake at 350 in a well-greased 9×13 pan (I also used foil to line the pan, then sprayed it) for 35-40 minutes.
Remove and let cool, completely. Cream the frosting ingredients together and top on the cooled cake. Before the frosting dries, sprinkle the dried cranberries on top.

The Hand Model – and Us

Most of us are not hand models…but if you saw this video on the CBS Evening News with Katie…then you might have seen a glimpse into your own life (or my life: which I did). Here is why I say that. And please, click the video above, watch it, then come back and read below…
( I assume now that you’ve watched the video) – thank you Tim Challies by the way for pointing it out…

Here are four points (some specifically for women, some for all of us).

1. Pride. I was once told that we see the sin in others when it is a sin that we also struggle with. The glaring sin of pride is the first thing that stood out to me when I heard this woman’s conversation with Katie. This woman may have the world’s most visible hands…but she didn’t create those hands. The Creator God gave her those hands…and not once did I hear her turn around and pay compliment to Him? All creation was made for God’s glory…including hands.
2. Dismissing Responsibility/Laziness. In order to protect her hands, she can’t do many of the things that God has commanded us to do. Specifically as women we see in Titus 2 and Prov 31 many responsibilities that women/wives are to do with their hands: cook, gather material, work, provide clothing and food, take care of the household’s needs, etc. This requires use of hands. May require different things for different people, but at some point – we need to use our hands. She isn’t. She is relying on other people, and in turn, dismissing the responsbilities given to her. Do we really need our husbands, children, maids to open a can for us?
3. Fear of Failure. She is so afraid of taking off her gloves, cooking, etc because she feels that if something happens to her hands, than she will be a failure. I wonder when this obsession with her hands started? Wonder what role her parents had in this overarching theme of her life? I wonder what would happen if she broke her hand, or got a splinter, or a nail chipped…would her life be ruined? Do we NOT do things because of fear of failure or do we do the easy things because we know we will succeed and we don’t have to worry about someone doing it better? What happens when this woman ages and her hands wrinkle?
4. Wrong Dedication. I am working on a church Sunday School curriculum called Treasuring Christ. It is designed to teach students that Christ is more worth anything we can live our lives for: that God, through Christ, is all that is worth living for. He is everything. Her life is about her hands and her work. She goes about her whole life in seeking protection for her hands and a spotlight to be shown on her hands. Where is Christ? Ok, we may not be hand models – but what area of our lives is more than Christ? Is it your family? your career? Your sports? Your hobbies? Your money? What? Take inventory.

Here is the grace of Christ:
Colossians 2:6 “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taughts, abounding in thanksgiving.”

O Holy Night

Have to admit: this is definitely in my top 3 favorite Christian Christmas songs. Each year I hear it there are different truths I hear and remember. Here is my favorite rendition of it. And here is my second fave. With that last one, the cool thing, so many of those on the video are worshiping Jesus around His throne this Christmas).
So, here we go…

O holy night, the stars are brightly shining; (I love how God made even the stars to glorify Him)
It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth! (How dear is Christ to me really? Do I really know Him to be my only Savior?)
Long lay the world in sin and error pining, (What does pining mean? to lose vigor, health, or flesh (as through grief), to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable. And oh, how I do that. I persist in sin when I know Christ is better).
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices, (Sin is very tiring and exhausting)
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! (This is the immediate necessary response to seeing Jesus.)
O night divine, O night when Christ was born!
O night, O holy night, O night divine!

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand. (Do we readily admit/recognize that Jesus came in human form. Dr. Moore just wrote a great post on this: So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here came the wise men from Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger, (Really, Jesus, the Name Above all Names, King of Kings…born in a dirty manger? Andrew Peterson’s Labor of Love tells this beautifully)In all our trials born to be our Friend!
He knows our need—to our weakness is no stranger. (The Bible tells us He knows all of our struggles, He is our great High Priest, our Perfect Sacrifice.)Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!

Truly He taught us to love one another; (If we name Christ…this should be evident in our lives)
His law is love and His Gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother (I am in such bondage, without Christ. Why do I continue to live in the bondage with Christ?)And in His Name all oppression shall cease. (Help me, Jesus, to know the power of your name over all my temptations)Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy Name! (Worship should be 100% of us: dancing, singing, joyfully rejoicing)
Christ is the Lord! O praise His name forever! (one day, everyone will bow. This side of eternity effects the other side of eternity.)
His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim!
His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim!

So…how do you celebrate Christmas? Everyone has a thought on this. I’ve read some that are depressing and some that are grand. After working retail for many years at the holidays, it is very hard for me to celebrate Christmas at home. But…I love focusing on the gospel. The gospel that Christ came to earth in the man, Jesus. This holiday is His. This holiday isn’t mine. This holiday isn’t mine to get and give gifts. This holiday is His. How will I celebrate when (if ever) I get married and have kids? I don’t know. But, it is something to think about.
May you celebrate well, this O Holy Night.

Much and Link Love (December 13 edition)

Much and Link Love (December 13 edition)

1. Craziness. Always good to start out a post like this.
2. By Wednesday night, I’ll have attended 6 Christmas concerts, cantatas, worship services, whatever you want to call them. Be on the look out for a synopsis of all of them when finished.
3. My eyes are tired. That tells me something. Just don’t know quite how to remedy it right now.
4. Much baking this week: cranberry bliss bars, toffee sugar cookies, red pepper hummus, toffee dip, pork tenderloins, mac and cheese, gingerbread chai bars, roasted green beans. Think that may be it.
5. Every day, every bite struggle. Thnk on the gospel, not on this body.
6. First day of Gold’s Gym tomorrow.
7. Its cold. Yes, I’m just stating a fact, not necessarily complaining.
8. Thankful for men in my life who set a high bar. I’m graced with their presence, encouraged by them, and wait patiently for God.
9. I must write children’s curriculum because I have an empty gatorade bottle sitting on my desk, filled with rice and small plastic objects. Thankful for object lessons.
10. This week: a party, NCIS with room, mani/pedi, concert, lunch with a friend, dinner for friends, Narnia movie night, brunch with a friend, 2 more lunchs with friends, trip to the museum for my room’s bday, and church. Sounds like a full week!

1. Aslan or Jesus?
2. Side note: Voyage of the Dawn Treader – GREAT!
3. Think I will make these Christmas morning! With some real maple syrup!
4. Love Linus!
5. Great to keep in mind as you head out to all those parties – or as you stand over your sink.
6. This is my favorite children’s Bible and a timely video on Christmas.
7. Have red lentils: may make this soup.
8. Some of the reasons on this list is why I stopped watching the Biggest Loser.
9. If you haven’t already seen this by Driscoll, you will want to read!

Photo Shoot: The Waters Boys (Wake Forest)

Photo Shoot: The Waters Boys (Wake Forest)

These two guys definitely played along with their Momma for the day. Their personalities were easily seen and both loved football – which is great for me of course because I love football. It was cold, but we got some great shots. They made my first shoot with boys a breeze and fun!

Beauty of Apex: Moon & Lola

Beauty of Apex: Moon & Lola

This post is just in time for Christmas – those beautiful gifts that every girl craves…in little boxes under the tree. But…Moon & Lola’s jewelry isn’t just for the holiday season. There is something there for everyone and you can wear it year round.
I love meeting people who have a passion for what they do and have worked hard to get there. Kelly has worked out of her garage with chandeliers and now has a quaint historic studio boutique in downtown Apex.
Moon & Lola jewelry has been featured in In Style and has been worn by such celebrities as Christina Applegate.
For this blogger/photographer…I love pink, pearls, and pretty things. This is definitely a store to get lost in.

Crossway Book Review: Acts by R. C. Sproul

Crossway Book Review: Acts by R. C. Sproul

Crossway is a blessing to me. I love their books!
R. C. Sproul is a faithful, long-time minister of the gospel. He has set a standard in writing and preaching and theology. I was very ready to get his commentary on Acts. I got it in the mail last week, opened it in the car, and was flipping through it at red lights. That definitely tells you it is a good book. The pastoral staff at my church is going through Acts right now so it is perfect timing and I’m also using it for the second quarter of curriculum I’m writing which happens to be on missions.
Things I love about this commentary:
1. Readability.
2. Not just facts (like Greek terms and sentence parsings)
3. Personality of author (Sproul) comes through the pages
4. The cover (and I usually discard the dustjackets right away, not this one)
5. Very easy to navigate (headings, chapters, etc)

Here is a quote, just in time for Chistmas: “The glory of Christ shone through the veil of Jesus’ humanity.” (90)
I’ll definitely be using this for personal use come January when I plow through Acts in my quiet times.
Well done and useful for preaching, teaching, or personal study.

Much and Link Love (December 6 edition)

Second week of December and it actually feels like it out there. Here we go:
1. O Holy Night is def my fave Christmas (sacred) song. More thoughts on it later this week.
2. Reilly Band (violin rock) and Barlow Girl were both awesome last night. Enjoyed the drive, blaring country music and Sojourn Advent, dinner with a friend, and then music and conversation.
3. Fave country songs right now: anything by Zac Brown, Put You in a Song by Keith Urban, Rain is a Good Thing, Why Wait by Rascal Flatts, Stuck on You by Sugarland.
4. Reading this week: Philippians, John, advent book by David Horner, Acts commentary by Sproul, God’s Two Kingdoms, Eat Pray Love, and Kitchen Confidential, and any missions book I can find while working on Quarter 2 and 2 resources on missions.
5. I miss the weekly communion at Sojourn.
6. I loved the snow on the ground this weekend. Beautiful driving down Duraleigh with snow topped trees that were just brilliant reds and yellows. It won’t get out of the 40s this week. Sad times this cold stuff! 🙂
7. Fun things on tap this week: Parker and Otis (cafe in Durham), Getty concert, planning day, research day, lunch with staff ladies, hanging with a friend, dinner at a pastor’s house with family, party on Thursday night and day off on Thursday (which is always good), Christmas programs, dinner out, photo shoots (definitely the busiest of the whole month!)
8. College football is almost over. Sad times. But, this was not a great football weekend, NFL or NCAA. Only Bob Stoops pulled it out for me! Florida got a good bowl game and the Carolina v UT will be a good game too!

Link Love:
1. My friend Lara wrote a great post on Hope. I love hope this season. Christ is His Name!
2. Anyone struggle with an eating disorder, or know someone who does?
3. These truffle brownies will be making an appearance at a Christmas party near you!
4. Love that this is written by one of my fave female authors and that we were talking about Ephesians yesterday in Life class and how Ephesians talks so much about what she said!
5. What a great Kevin Bacon find…do you like Bacon?
6. Kevin has always brought me good things before. Will be making these soon!
7. This candy may be making an appearance at a Christmas party near you, too!
8. I love Jane Eyre. Can’t wait to see this!
9. Check out this Charlotte designer giveaway featuring a Jess LC necklace!
10. Francis for Christmas. Good stuff.

December 2010

Here we are, starting another month. The last month of the year. 2010 has been an amazing year for me, and I look forward to seeing how God grows and challenges and blesses me in 2011, but that’s for next month.
This month is busy, but not as busy outside the area of Raleigh. Looking forward to hanging with friends in a couple of states, hearing music, chilling this holiday season.
Here are some of the fun happenings.
1. Reilly and Barlow Girls concert in Charlotte this weekend with my friend Wendy. Acoustic Christmas tour, can’t wait!
2. Jingle Ball in Raleigh on the 9th. Another reason to give a child a toy and get dressed up with friends.
3. Summit West Club’s Christmas night. Looking forward to hearing my friend J sing and seeing friends.
4. Dinner at the Barn. Yes, the Angus Barn. From the graciousness of a friend.
5. 3 photo shoots
6. Christmas party at a friend’s house.
7. Premiers of Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Can’t wait! I am actually paying opening night, non-matinee prices for this.
8. Summit’s Christmas Unexpected. Looking forward to hearing amazing music, worshiping loud, and seeing friends.
9. A Simple Christmas at Providence. Andrew Peterson songs, advent lyrics, simpleness of the gospel – Love.
10. Brunch with a northern friend.
11. An open house at a great interior design studio.
12. Going to Florida: seeing the Wrights, the Isaacsons, my FBC OC family, my family, the Greenways over a meal at Sonny’s, the Banks, and others. Will be a busy 5 days!
13. The Shelly Moore Band for Christmas at Richland Creek. Looking forward to a great night of worship with friends.
14. The Gettys in concert at FBC Durham. Love hearing them and this will be an Irish Christmas. So excited. And dinner before hand with friends at a new (to me) cafe in Durham.
15. And who knows what New Years will hold.
Looking forward to a little bit of down time in Raleigh as well, really using my days off to be a little slower (maybe!)
And most importantly, dwelling on the Hope that we have in God through Jesus this Christmas season!

Dark Chocolate Cupcakes with Peppermint Buttercream

Buttercream can’t exist in my house too long, or none of my clothes will fit! I have found the easiest way to do cupcakes is mostly to make a box mix (I used Devil’s Food for this one) and make my own buttercream.

I used this girl’s buttercream and then added some peppermint flavoring.

Here is the recipe for the buttercream:

2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
3 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1 T milk
1 T peppermint extract

Cream butter for about 5 minutes. Add in sugar 1 cup at a time and keep beating for about 5 total minutes. Add in milk and extract. Beat a little more till light and fluffy.

Put on the top of the cupcakes and enjoy. Oh, if you want more peppermint flavor, I added a junior mint to each cupcake. I put a spoon of the dough in the cupcake wrapper and then dropped a junior mint (my Mom’s fave) and then finished filling the cupcake.
