Menu Week: April 19

Ok – here is a week of no snacking! I gotta do it! Here we go: I’m actually writing this down on an actual piece of paper and putting it on the fridge so I can remember what I’m packing for lunch this week. Let’s see if this works:
Monday: oats, couscous salad, dinner with some friends at their home
Tuesday: Publix bread and fruit for breakfast, soup and yogurt/fruit for lunch, salad with couscous chicken on top (note that the couscous salad is the recipe of the week
Wednesday: oats and fruit, soup, chipotle for dinner (salad with veggies, no chips)
Thursday: granola and milk for breakfast, sweet tomatoes with a sweet friend for lunch, salad with couscous for dinner then off to LocoLu’s for roommate night
Friday: oats with fruit, soup and tomato sandwich for lunch, dinner with friends
Saturday: bfast before the 5k, lunch and dinner are up for grabs. Haven’t gotten that far. Maybe whatever is for leftovers by that time in the week.

Durham Farmers' Market and Food Thoughts

Durham Farmers' Market and Food Thoughts

Greetings for a Saturday night. Its been a good day.
The Durham Farmers’ Market is great local find. All vendors have to be within 50 miles or so of Durham Cty. Which is very local!
I found french breakfast radishes. I have already used them all: in a stir-fry (w broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, zuks) and roasted – which they almost turn to mush. Raw – these have a peppery bite which I’m not used to with regular radishes you buy in the store. I even am going to use the green as a salad tomorrow for lunch.
I found a hybrid green: green leaf and romaine. Hearty lettuce that will stand up for the base of my couscous chicken salad this week.
I also found a winery in Graham that makes Scuppernong and Muscadine wines. So, I tasted all three and liked the Scuppernong the best. May go back and gte some more later – however I was nice and bought my brother some Muscadine wine. Let’s see if he likes it as much as Dakota Winery’s…

Here are my food thoughts:
1. I have been snacking WAY too much. Not even bad stuff – just eating too much. I don’t like that feeling and I don’t like that sin.
2. So, I think I will spend tomorrow journaling about it, getting back to God’s heart on my eating and exercising, and see if we can get a game plan going here for more obedience.
3. I will (starting tomorrow) take my friend Sarah’s advice and maybe try to eat bigger meals so I will not snack every 2 hours to so. I won’t be tempted to open that snack drawer in my office. I won’t be tempted to grab that handful of SweetTart jellybeans! And if I do snack, it has to ve veggies or fruit – plain. Or with mustard. None of these processed pretzels, or cool whip, or even granola which is higher in fat. I need healthy fruits and veggies.
4. I would rather be able to wear all my clothes than to eat more. But, that shouldn’t be more sole reason. I should do it to please my God who sent His Son to die for me. Right now, for me, that doesn’t seem to be a big enough reason. Lord…help.

Taste of Raleigh: El Rodeo

Taste of Raleigh: El Rodeo

Went to lunch with some co-workers today to really talk about children’s ministry – and you can definitely talk for a while over chips and salsa.
We went to a place across the street from the church called El Rodeo (no www). Typical mexican place – nicer ambience than some other local places.
Liked our waiter – he was very nice. The food came out in about 6 minutes – really – we were surprised at how fast it was. We went a little after 11am and were the first ones there, but by the time we left about 1240 it was more full.
I got the sincronizada – a vegetarian tortilla sandwich: mushroom, onion, pepper, jalepenos, and cheese – with sliced avocado on top. My mouth was on fire but it was absolutely wonderful! I loved it. 6.75 got me that, a huge portion of rice (which wasn’t anything to rave about and I only took a few bites), chips (again, blah chips) and salsa (I really liked their salsa).
So…good to know there is a good place close by – but I’ll still be looking for good Mexican places in the area!
Strawberry Oat Bars – 2010.15

Strawberry Oat Bars – 2010.15

I thought this recipe was going to be better than what it turned out to be: oh, well. I liked the jam – although it made it sticky. And I liked the dough before it was baked. But, it turned out dry. Oh, well. Here you go (because I even put fails up here). Ok – my roommate said they weren’t a fail – she ate it. I told her I threw the rest of them out.

This is called learning:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oats
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup chopped pecans
zest of one lemon
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup applesauce
1/4 cup canola oil
1 1/4 cup strawberry preserves
Mix dry, add wet. Take one cup out and set aside.
Press the rest of the dough into the bottom of foil-lined 9×9 pan. Bake the dough for 20 minutes at 350. Remove from oven, spoon the jam over the hot crust. Top with remaining dough.
Bake an additional 30 minutes or until lightly browned.
This recipe is from my GoodNeighbor magazine from my insurance agency.
California Waldorf Salad: from Moosewood

California Waldorf Salad: from Moosewood

Well, here was my first recipe from the 100$ for 1.50 cookbook. I like it ok- just wouldn’t serve it for dinner (which is what I’m doing).

3 large apples, chopped (I used 1 large golden delicious and 2 medium pink ladies, skin on)
juice of 2 lemons, divided
2 tangerines (I would use mandarin oranges next time – no seeding)
2 stalks celery (I used 2 instead of 1)
1/4 cup dried currants
1/2 cup cashews (I didn’t toast them)

Dressing: (sweeter than I thought, would use less honey next time)
1 cup plain ff yogurt
1 small avocado (maybe the world’s perfect food)
zest of half lemon
3 T honey (I used orange blossom)

Toss apple mixture with juice of one of the lemons.
Mix dressing and other lemon juice in a blender till smooth.
Mix together gently.
Serve over mixed greens.

I would serve this for a brunch in the summer. Pretty and light and sweet. Would be good paired with muffins.
Taste of Raleigh: Wildflour Boston Pizza

Taste of Raleigh: Wildflour Boston Pizza

For 6 months I lived within walking distance of this place and never went. Today was the first day I ventured out with a co-worker to check out a little corner restaurant in Stonehenge (N. Raleigh) for lunch: Wildflour Boston Pizza.
Ok – I don’t thnk I had even heard of Boston Pizza. Yeah, of course – Chicago, New York, CPK, homemade, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Little Caesar…we have our favorites…but Boston?
I wasn’t even planning on getting pizza…
But, I saw the price (7 for a small – 6 slices – and 1.45 for each topping) and the fact that I could get it with whole wheat crust – that sold me on it!
Tall-sided crust, medium bottom crust, crunchy, not your typical mozzerella cheese, and fresh roma tomatoes! I even had a little avocado put on top from my friend’s fiesta salad.
It was…good. The pizza and conversation was much better than the service. It wasn’t that crowded, but it seemed to take a while for us to get our order and we had to wait for straws, etc. Our server wasn’t overly friendly – just soft-spoken and matter of fact.
So…do I have to go again tomorrow because everything was fantabulous – no. But, would I go again – yes.

Greg Gilbert's What is the Gospel?

This book has received so much coverage in the blogosphere – probably since Crazy Love. I picked up this book as soon as it came out – and just finished it. I got to be friends with Greg and his wife, Moriah, while attending the same church in Louisville, KY a few years ago. They both lived out much of this book in their friendship with me: whether it was attending their son’s soccer game, eating at the Homemade Pie and Ice Cream Kitchen, or just chilling in their home, or serving hot dogs to the 3rd avenue neighbors.
Greg, at the very beginning, explains his goals for writing this book (I like that, I don’t need to wonder what they are). Here is my paraphrase of them:
1. Bring more joy to Christians. “An emaciated gospel leads to emaciated worship.” (20) As one of the guys I serve with said this morning, us knowing our sin more (being made more aware of how sinful we are), we will indeed know the gospel – how good and amazing God is – more.
2. Evangelistic. Greg does not suppose that everyone reading this book is a believer. This would be a great book to read in a new believers/interested in Christianity class at a church. 8 chapters – that 2 months, or over the summer, its not overwhelming!
3. Community. “Also, Christian, the gospel should drive you to a deeper and livelier love for God’s people, the church.” (117) Very clearly we see the need for this in our local body. There are many factions within most local churches. So many do not know those they serve with – or sit next to Sunday after Sunday. This means more than just shaking their hand during the very awkward “greet” time. This means pouring into the lives of those you “do church” with. Get to know them – hear their heartbeat, know what drives them.
4. Clarity. A few months ago there was this “competition” on Twitter to post the gospel in less than 140 characters. how difficult is that? That even paved the way for this goal of Greg’s – we need to KNOW what the gospel is and be able to articulate it to a lost and dying world – or confused church attenders.
5. Apologetics. Wow, what a great tool this would be on a college campus – for use in a small group, dorm Bible study. Just having it out on your nightstand or coffee table, or in your car (to read at traffic lights or coffee shops) would definitely open up the door wide for conversations.
These 5 goals of Greg’s are clearly met in every chapter of this book. I highly recommend it. Below are some more personal thoughts I have had while reading it:
There is a post-it note on my vanity mirror right now at home – its been up there 10 days, and as I was reminded of it by someone this morning – I think it will stay up there: Jonah 2:8-9: paraphrased: if I cling to worthless idols, I forfeit my hope of steadfast love – by the Savior of the world. Greg puts it like this: “For human beings to consider their Creator and then decide that a wood or metal image of a frog or a bird or even themselves is more valuable is that height of insult and rebellion against God.” (29)
Almost immediately after starting my new ministry here in Raleigh, I heard this verse from one of the pastors – Greg writes it here – from 1 Corinthians 15: paraphrased: Christ died for our sins is of UTMOST importance – but He is not still dead – He lives – so we can live too!
As we think about goals and life dreams (not just at New Years or Birthdays): “They had goals and desires that were categorically opposed to what God desired for them, and so they sinned.” (50). Do you ever stop to wonder and pray and seek God’s face to ask him if the goals you have and the goals He has for you are the same? One of those things that would be good to know!

Thanks Greg for writing this!

Menu Week: April 12

This is going to be a great, but busy week! Here we go!
Monday: whole wheat bagel thin with pb and veggie cream cheese (on different halves) before a meeting, fruit at the meeting. Lunch is Moes. Dinner is roasted asparagus and an egg white.
Tuesday: leftovers for lunch and dinner: black beans for lunch and 2 bean soup for dinner
Wednesday: eating out with a cool new lady at work and dinner will be asparagus with an egg white (new low fat dinner)
Thursday: bagel thin, lunch will be maybe something at Caribou, dinner with be a new recipe from the moosewood cookbook: california waldorf salad over mixed greens. And I’m making a new healthy bar recipe – strawberry oat bars – for dessert (with cool whip).
Friday: El Rodeo for lunch and something crazy healthy for dinner
Saturday: pumpkin oatmeal muffins (haven’t made those in a long time) before a bike ride (with dark chocolate pb) and then hopefully some fresh fruit and veggie from the Durham Farmers Market – or another great local place over there – after the bike ride. Saturday night – something uber healthy again.
Sunday: carbs for breakfast and lunch as I’ll be running a 10k that afternoon
Recipe of the week: Strawberry Oat Bars
I’ve been snacking way too much. Need to stop! I need to brush my teeth or something after every meal so I don’t keep snacking!
Anyway – there you have it! 🙂

Two Bean Italian Soup (2010.14)

Two Bean Italian Soup (2010.14)

Does a recipe ever surprise you? This was my question when I tasted this soup this afternoon – shortly after it perfumed my apartment with wonderful smelling-ness!

BHG’s February 2008 magazine gave me this Tuscan Bean Soup. I only made 2 alterations to it. And, it is very yummy. I could drink the broth by the gallon!

So easy too. Don’t be afraid of soups in the spring/summer…

1/2 bag baby carrots, chopped

1 smallish onion, chopped

1 large garlic clove, minced

2 T olive oil

2 cans reduced-sodium chicken broth (or make your own)

1 can great northern beans

1 can garbanzo beans (both beans, drained and rinsed)

3 tsp italian seasoning

1 pkg spinach

black pepper

Saute first two in olive oil till softened, add garlic. Then add the broth and the beans. Let simmer. Add the spinach and cook for about 30 seconds – then it is done. How easy and surprisingly healthy and good.

Taste of Morrisville: Smokey's BBQ Shack

Taste of Morrisville: Smokey's BBQ Shack

Just off of the beaten path… (I’m singing an Alabama song as I write that) – in Morrisville is a little trailer type restaurant on the side of the ride, picnic table outside, gravel parking lots, red front door.
Smokey’s BBQ Shack just started opening on the weekends and by the time we left it was definitely pretty full by the locals. It was NC bbq – smoked meat (I tried the pork and chicken, taking most of the chicken as leftovers) with a vinegar based sauce. The pork was good – wasn’t dry and tasted good with the sauce. The sides I ordered: green beans and french fries – neither were as good as Sonny’s. But…the pork and the little hushpuppies made up for it.
What was the two best things about this restaurant: the atmosphere (roll of paper towels on each table, laid back, unpretentious in every way) and the company. This is a place my friend would always go to when she lived there. Janel moved to the Windy City but got her sweet tea fix just minutes after the airport yesterday.