Taste of Louisville: Blue Lagoon

The Highlands in Louisville is definitely known for its eclectic dining venues and busy Friday nights. Well, the traffic was nothing new on Bardstown Road at 715 on a Friday night, but this little place with an up and coming chef was a nice little surprise.
My friend Sarah and I went there for an evening of shared food and conversation. Love these meals. She knew the chef, so we got to place a special order (it had recently been taken off the menu).
I totally forgot my camera (blame it on Friday-night brain) so you’ll have to deal with descriptions.
To start: sweet potato fries. I’m used to large, regular-fry looking, sweet potato fries – which I LOVE! But these were different. When our waiter asked if we would like them for dessert or an appetizer, I knew I was in for a treat. He quickly brought out a small bowl set on a plate of petite cut fries. A light snow-dusting of powdered sugar with a small bowl of dipping: saffron honey. I could have downed the whole container of saffron honey. If saffron weren’t so expensive, I’d go buy some and make some for myself. The very last bite (once we had dumped the bowl of fries on the plate), was laced with the chili powder that had been dusted on the place. AMAZING. That was the best bite of the whole meal.
Jody, the chef, made us this wonderful Persian–version of paella. It served both of us and we weren’t stuffed, so that was good. The rice was perfectly done – not sticky or crunchy. There was plenty of seafood in it: shrimp, cod, scallops, and mussels. He didn’t skimp. It was very seafood-y so you would have to enjoy seafood to appreciate this dish. The only thing I could say that was a disappointment was it was not very complex in flavors – very monochromatic if I can use that word to describe food? But, we ate it all!
When the waiter brought our check, he also brought out these lovely tea shots as a palette cleanser I guess. Simple, yet a perfect way to end a meal.
So, if you are looking for something out of the ordinary and somewhat unknown still (so no wait on a Friday night) – go to Blue Lagoon on Bardstown Road. (order the sweet potato fries).

Chocolate Chip and Peanut Blondies (2010.8)

Bon Appetit comes through again! These were defininitely a winner – at least among the office staff. So, you may want to make these!

1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp soda
1 stick unsalted butter
1 1/4 packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup salted roasted peanuts
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

Melt butter on stove over medium. Remove from heat. Stir in brown sugar, than vanilla.
Let cool for about 2-3 minutes. Stir in eggs. Whisk in dry ingredients. Stir in half of peanuts and half of chips. Pour in greased and foiled 8×8 pan. Top with remaining peanuts and chips. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until done.

Wknd of Eats in Raleigh

Love traveling to this city. And I can’t wait to try out more local foods in this zip code – get to know the local places!
My parents were up this wknd and my Dad likes “normal” food (while Mom and I are willing to try funky stuff). We definitely enjoyed our eats though. Here’s some of the things we did. Sorry no pictures, I had my camera with but didn’t take any photos all weekend – can you believe it?

Friday/Saturday/Sunday – the hotel had a wonderful breakfast each morning so that is what we did. Glad it was included in the price of the hotel
Friday lunch: Boston Market is next door to the place where I had some meetings, so we went there. The parents don’t have one anymore. Too expensive – but they have great food – especially those fabulous sweet potato fries!
Friday dinner: Dinner with friends. We had a creamed chicken dish which was great for a cool evening. Rice, veggies, yeast rolls, and a great fruit salad for something sweet to end the meal.
Saturday late brunch: Flying Biscuit in Cameron Village. I split the Hollywood Omelette (spinach, mushrooms, goat cheese with egg whites) with Mom – we also had creamy dreamy grits, applewood smoked bacon, and a biscuit with their fab cranberry apple butter (so good). My friend let me try some of her french toast with raspberry sauce and a honey creme anglaise – great if you want something sweet for breakfast.
Saturday dinner: I don’t often get to treat my parents to a meal, but I was able to this time (Dad covered tip). We went to one of my fave nice chains: Firebirds. Got the lobster spinach queso for an app, then their amazing yeast bread. I got the applewood smoked bacon bbq chicken sandwich. Very moist! Mom got the Salad with shrimp and strawberries. I LOVED it (we shared). The shrimp would have been better hot or just left off completed – but the salad was amazing. Dad got the Herbed Prime Rib and it was so tender. Firebirds always does a great job!
Sunday: Chilis with some friends. Mom and I split the fajita trio. Shrimp were overcooked, but the rest was really yummy. You can never go wrong with chilis.
Sunday dinner: Harris Teeter in the hotel room. We were tired after going all weekend. We got some baked chicken, red skinned potato salad, Special K crackers (yum) and hummus (not the best, but was cheapest), and a cripps pink apple. That was very good to snack on after church while watching Persuasion!
MDW – I had an egg mcmuffin with cheese from Mcds during my 2 hour layover! It was good. I hadn’t had one in a long time.
So, now back to eating right and healthy!

Menu Week: February 22

This is going to be early because I’m leaving tonight for Carolina so I won’t have time to post it over the wknd. So, here goes…

Monday – travel and leftovers (and going grocery shopping)
Tuesday – Lunch at Butterfly Garden Cafe with Lilly and dinner at the Stringers – can’t wait for either.
Wednesday – leftovers (clean out the freezer time)
Thursday – think I’ll make some peanut and chocolate chip blondies for the recipe of the week for the office.
Friday – Quick and easy is the name of the game for lunch and then heading out for Trolley Friday with Sarah and Shana will be joining us later in the evening. I’ve never ridden the Ville trolley, so I am excited for the excursion, food, and company!
Saturday – heading to Berea for the day – hopefully it will be nice. Papaleno’s and Sonny’s – can the food day get much better – and hoping to see a friend and take some nice photos and do some shopping.
Sunday – lunch at a prof’s house.

So, gladly this week won’t be high in the grocery bill department! Gotta love week’s like that!

Maple Glazed Roasted Winter Vegetables with Ginger (2010.7)

Maple Glazed Roasted Winter Vegetables with Ginger (2010.7)

I liked this recipe. It was from a health magazine and put a twist on my normal roasted vegetables. Maple syrup instead of olive oil was the main topping and the bits of real ginger in there made this better than it would have been without it.

I changed the quantities based on what I could find in the store:

1 lb brussel sprouts, halved
2 medium carrots, coined
3 medium parsnips, coined
other winter veggies that you like
3 tsp real dark amber maple syrup
1 inch ginger, peeled and chopped
salt to taste

Put all on baking sheet. Drizzle with syrup. Bake at 450 for about 25-35 minutes tossing to keep it from burning.
I’m finishing up mine today.

D6 Conference Coming Soon!

If you are in ministry with youth, children, families: you don’t want to miss this coming conference.


Some of the speakers:
Rob Rienow: Family Pastor at Wheaton Bible Church in Wheaton, IL
Steve Wright: Rethink and ApParent Privilege author, Student Pastor at Providence Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC
Randy Stinson: Dean, School of Church Ministries at SBTS, President for Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

Tuna Spaghetti (2010.6)

Bon Appetit in its editor section usually has little basic recipes. This was one of them. Not great, but not throw away worthy either. I may just toss some on top of some greens.

Not amounts, almost

Spaghetti (I used whole grain spaghetti)
1 can tuna (oil packed preferred, but I used water packed)
1 fat garlic clove, chopped
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
lemon juice
(I added the garlic and red pepper and didn’t have any parsley)

Cook noodles. In pan, saute everything else. Drain pasta, reserving a bit of the water. Mix all together.
This just didn’t have much of a flavor to me.

From the Pen of Rob Rienow: Parenting and the Church

More reading – and passing along the nuggets of truth to you.
I have just finished 3 books by the same author: Rob Rienow, founder (with his wife, Amy) of Visionary Parenting and Family Pastor at Wheaton Bible Church in Wheaton, IL. I have spoken with Rob about ministry and then got to meet him and hear him teach a class at his church in January.
The three books that I have read are:
God’s Grand Vision for the Home
Passing the Torch (just two chapters in a multi-author book)
Visionary Parenting (if I just got one, get this one)

Here are some valuable quotes from him and some personal thoughts:
“delegation parenting” – Love this term. It is what a lot of parents in the world today, even in the church, do to get someone else to teach, train, or discipline, or even just be friends with, their kids.
“What am I doing daily with this power and responsibility to impress the hearts of my kids with a love for God?”
“We need to set the example for our kids by putting ourselves under the authority of the Bible, allowing it to speak to our hearts, and letting our kids us talk about it.” Honestly, I didn’t grow up with this in the home. I went to a Christian school and church, but didn’t have it spoken of much in the home. Not till I went to college and built a relationship with my mentor did this become a reality to me.
“Generation after generation have failed to win the souls of their children.” I have spent the last month in the Old Testament. Many times, even in those genealogies many of us skip over, it speaks of the generations and if the sons followed after the fathers. Lineage, genealogy, and faith were very important to the Israelites.
“Christians (begin) to reflect the secular culture.” When did we do this? Sad but true. We do it in parenting, in clothing, in books/movies. We are called out from the world, a chosen people, a royal priesthood. Back in seminary I had a square postcard on my closet door: The Church is not called to reflect the world, but to change it.
“At the heart of the advance of the Gospel is the call to parents to impress the hearts of their children with a love for God and for His Word.” How does your own life reflect this love? Not only to your children, but also to your co-workers, your extended family, and people you meet in line at the grocery store?
“No one can compete with the power a parent has to shape the heart of a child. Your power to bless your children, to build character in their hearts, and to lead them to faith in Jesus Christ.” See the first quote. The last two episodes of Criminal Minds – by far my favorite show on television – has been about the influence of fathers over their sons. Powerful stuff!
“God never calls us to do something and then abandons us when we seek to be obedient.” This may be helpful to you in any situation you are facing right now. I’ve had to remind myself of this very thing as I get anxious about some changes coming in my life. God is so much more faithful to us than we could ever be to Him. He will not leave you!
“Our kids will remember who we are at home for more than what we accomplish in our work and activities outside our home.”
“One of the subtle ways the enemy pulls parents away from their primary life mission of passing faith to their children is to get them over-involved at church.” Wow. This was a power statement for me.

If you are a parent, work with parents, want to be a parent, know any parents (yes, I think that could just about include everyone who reads this blog), pick up these books. I think Visionary Parenting is a good overview and very convicting. These books have great theology, are packed with personal experience, advice, and practical tips, and are loaded with Scripture.

Valentine's Day 2010

This will go down as one of the best Valentine’s Day EVER! God is so gracious to me and shows me HIS love in so many ways!
Actually, one of the best VDAY wknds EVER!
Friday: single red rose from my secret sister at work. Made my day and it smelled as only a rose can smell.
Saturday: bought some great new shoes, read about gospel-centered parenting, babysat for amazing kiddos and got some beautiful tulips and wonderful conversation with their parents after they returned from their date. Tulips are absolutively my favorite flower – to matter the color. This has to mean that Spring is on the way.
Sunday: got to hear 4 and 5 year old boys being taught about serving their sisters in Christ in Sunday School (by serving them their goldfish during snack time). Hung out with new friends from Louisianna for dinner and Sojourn 7pm. Pastor Daniel challenged us to give our BEST PRAISE to the amazing God! More on that coming on Wednesday in honor of Ash Wednesday.
And there is now a possibility of no school/work tomorrow because of 5-9 inches of snow coming over night. I love waking up to a white world. (But, I desparately want Spring to come quickly!)
I hope you had an amazing wknd too. God is love. May the Love of Christ compel us. And, as a 6 year old boy quoted this morning, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Four Chocolate Brownies

Four Chocolate Brownies

Brownies are so easy to make from scratch, and most of the ingredients are right in your kitchen – so why even bother with a box mix. These are great, and would have been amazing if I hadn’t cooked them quite so long. The original recipe I was looking at called for 35-40 minutes, I did just 35 and they were overdone. I like mine more fudgy than these, but they still had good flavor.

1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1/3 cup dark chocolate chips
2 oz (squares) unsweet chocolate
1 stick butter
3 T cocoa powder
3 eggs
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt

Melt first four over low heat. Stir in powder.
Cream eggs and sugar. Add in vanilla. Combine the slightly cooled chocolate mixture. Mix in flour and salt.
Foil and grease a 8×8 square pan. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes.