Taste of Wheaton: Butterfield's Pancake House

Taste of Wheaton: Butterfield's Pancake House

Love the internet. It created a safe haven for Janel and I to venture into suburbia for lunch after church. Though it didn’t disappoint, it didn’t exceed my expectations. It was good. Not fabulous.

Janel got the hash with chorizo, tomatoes, avocado, potatoes. It was good – there was other stuff in it too. She said it could have used less chorizo and more tomotoes. Came with an english muffin – which I had.

I got the acclaimed heart heathy Caramalized Banana Steel Cut oats. A huge bowl – massive. Good, but very sweet. Basically – a big bowl of steel cut oats – which I love. With a banana chopped up on top, sugar blowtorched on it – with a runny caramel sauce below. Good, sweet – filling.

Do I need to go back if I’m in the area – no not really. Good for lunch on a Sunday afternoon – yes. Very quick service and cheap (under 10$). So there you go.

Menu Week: January 18

Since I am going to be out having fun this wknd in the Chicago area with my friend, I thought I would go ahead and post the menu for next week.
I am doing good so far. Spending less money on food. Cooking more legumes. This week I am doing well at the start of cleaning out the freezer work that I will need to do in the next 2 months.
So, here goes:
Leftovers: hummus pancakes (yum!)
Monday: brunch in Chicago with Janel and then probably a hummus pancake on an arthur’s thin when I get home.
I am housesitting all next week for some friends so I want something easy and portable that I can just grab or eat in bowls.
All breakfast: oats – saving money, healthy, and filling (and versatile) – T-Friday. Saturday will be tea and muffins I think with a friend over a book review
Lunch: curried vegetables from a recipe that I am adapting from Crostini and Chianti. Yummy and healthy – even without the couscous. Just give me a bowl
Wednesday I’m hitting the salad bar at Jason’s Deli with a friend of mine – taking a break from work and I haven’t been to the new one yet.
Saturday – beef stew from The Kitchn – using some steak and roast that I have in the freezer – full of veggies. And my friend is bringing a late bday offering – oreo cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Yes, there will be some running after that meal. And I have some bread in the freezer we are going to use to sop up all the goodness in the beef stew.
Recipe of the week is from Bon Appetit – Dried Cherry Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies. I am halving the recipe – and it will still make a lot – plenty for a plate for the office.
I am looking forward to picking up a few good finds in Trader Joes on Sunday – and dreaming of the day when I live within easy shopping distance of a TJ again!

Day of Green Smoothie – 4

This one was so quick this morning – and yummy and healthy – because I woke up late. Already drank half of it before leaving the house (with oats in a jar/ 1/2 banana) and sipping on the other half in my SBTS insulated tumbler.

1/4 red apple
1/2 naval orange
1/2 banana
2 small pieces mango
3/4 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup spinach
2 stalks kale
1 1/2 cup water

You know what to do. Blend away! Enjoy!
150, .5, 7 fiber = 2 points, and a ton of veggies!

Blueberry Orange Scones (2010.2)

Blueberry Orange Scones (2010.2)

My friend Sarah and I went to a bummer of a cooking show last year. Neither one of us were impressed. The two best parts of the evening were the free magazine subscription and eating out at Old Spaghetti Factory that night in dtown Ville.

One of the recipes I got from Healthy Cooking over the summer was this one. Here are my thoughts: healthier than most scones, easy, doesn’t look at all like the picture, not too muc orange flavor, love the picture that I took. Pretty with blueberry layers! I overcooked them a bit, but SBTS PhD students didn’t seem to mind and they are all gone.
2 cups flour
3 T sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp grated orange peel
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp soda
1/4 tsp cloves
1/2 stick cold unsalted butter, chopped up
1/2 cup skim milk (I didn’t feel like making buttermilk, so this worked fine)
1/4 cup fresh squeezed naval orange juice
1/2 cup frozen blueberries (I picked these this summer)
Mix all dry. Cut in butter. Combine juice and milk. Fold in berries. Knead a little. Cut into 8 triangles and cook on greased cookie sheet for 12 minutes at 425. Take out and enjoy warm.
200 c, 6 fat, 1 fiber (use whole wheat flour if you want more).

Chickpea Burgers

Chickpea Burgers

These really should have a different name. I considered Hummus Pancakes or something fun like that, but ok – I’ll leave it at that.
Always skeptical, but I shouldn’t be. I love chickpeas. What I really love about these is their nutrition benefit and healthiness, the green onions, and their simplicity.
I got inspired by the recipe on Heather’s blog – thanks for the recipe!

Makes 8 patties – 8 servings

2 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas
4 scallions, chopped
1 egg
3/4 cup water
2 T flour
scant 3/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp salt
spray olive oil (instead of regular – saves fat and calories)

I start with dry beans. Last week I took the time to cook (and mostly peel) a bag of dry garbanzo beans. Takes over night soak (no hands on time) and about 80 minutes to cook them. I really like that I can choose how done I want them. With cans, you worry about doneness and sodium.
Put all ingredients into a food processor. Let it go till combined. Spray flat griddle with olive and using a ice cream scoop – scoop these out and shape into “burgers”.
Flip them after a few minutes – you’ll know when they are ready – and then keep checking doneness.
These are really good and I’m going to have my first one (not just sampling) tonight for dinner.
235 calores, 4 fat, 11 protein – so filling!

Day 3 of Green (Blue) Smoothies

This morning my smoothie ended up being blue – blueberries are potent! Mine was thick and sweet. The blender seemed extra loud to me this morning, so I didn’t mix it as much. Still so good – and I cranked it all into a calculator – 145c, .5 f, 6 fiber! I also had a pb thin which was good and so I’ll be full for a good bit!

1/4 red delicious apple
1/2 banana
1/2 naval orange (I used the juice of it last night for some scones, recipe coming later)
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 1/2 cup spinach
2 small stalks kale
1 1/4 cup water

Mix all. Enjoy.

Since I forgot the ground flax seed – I sprinkled some on my pb thin this morning – added a little texture!
Happy Breakfasting no matter what color your smoothies!

Redeeming Relationships: God, Marriage, and Family: Randy Stinson

I had the privilege of hearing my boss speak at Gilead Baptist Church this past Sunday night. Gilead is starting a Gilead U on marriage (in the spring) and parenting (in the fall). It is to help their church see the importance of these two relationships, how they influence the church (and vice versa) and how the gospel has to be applied to both.
Dr. Stinson, who is the Dean of the School of Church Ministries for The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and President of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, spoke on this topic to kickoff the semester. It is always a pleasure for me to hear him speak because I know what he is saying is practiced in his own home, and I laugh the whole time. Also, I am convicted by what he says and can apply it to my life now – even though I am neither married or a parent.
(Italics are his, regular type is mine).
He started at the beginning – Gen 3.14-15. A Declaration of War! Cursing and enmity. Right there – from the very beginning, Satan has plans to attack the marriage. This war centers on the home. Through the family (conception, children), Satan’s destroyer will come. (Jesus is born of a virgin Mary. You can trace his lineage by reading the first chapter of the gospel of Matthew)
You can see this all around. Divorce rate (even within the church, among Christians), in the tabloids at the check out counter, marriages failing, unfaithfulness on the rise, cohabitation so rampant among young adults, delay in marriage.
Satan wants us to get comfortable and not realize that we are at war in our homes. If we let things slide, tempers flare, complacency dominate, Scriptures and family worship fade away – then we are setting ourselves and our marriages up for defeat.
Malachi 4.6 talks about the work of Elijah the prophet in “turning the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” Stinson remarked that one of the ways Satan wages war on families and the home is that the father’s hearts on not turned toward home, their children. They are turned toward work, business, succeeding, and other personal interests.
Ephesians 5. This passage is central to the cosmic interaction. It is not primarily about submission and authority. It is about the gospel. Because of the fall, there will be no more harmonious marriages and argument free families. Dave Harvey wrote a book entitled When Sinners Say I Do if you need to read up on this topic – great book. Ephesians 5 paints a picture of Christ and the church. Marriage is just the picture. Since Satan hates the gospel more than anything, he wants desperately to destroy marriages. You and your marriage are targets.
If you care deeply about the picture Ephesians 5 paints, its not about who mows the lawn or pays the bills, it is about the gospel.
If you love the gospel more than everything else, all else will pale. How will you portray the gospel authentically in your marriage and in your home?
Several times a day we are reminded of our dependence upon God. When we eat, we are reminded that we have to eat – God doesn’t. When we get thirsty, we are reminded that God never gets thirsty, but send us the Living Water.
Paul says no one hates his own flesh (Eph 5.29). Yet, why don’t we treat out spouse that way? We are so often consumed with ourselves, when we should be consumed with others…namely, our spouse. You wake up every day loving yourself. Love the gospel so this (other’s focused, loving your spouse) becomes second nature. Many decisions we make are for ourselves. We are self-centered, not gospel-centered.
What if God’s greatest goal in your marriage was not to make you happy? What if the bigger picture is your sanctification and portraying the gospel? I think quite a lot about this, even though I’m not married. I think about my pickiness in a future mate, even those whom I will accept dates from? I want the gospel to be revealed daily in my marriage. If that can’t happen, I don’t want to be married. I do want someone I’m attracted to, because God did create sex and didn’t intend for it to be a chore, but more than anything else, I want a God-glorifying marriage. Embrace this function for your marriage, namely sanctification, instead of praying and longing for a way out.
You don’t need to question the will of God for your marriage. If you are in a marriage, that’s it. Don’t worry about if you are married to the wrong person, or made a mistake. God means for your marriage to stay pure and strong. And to the same extent that God loves the Gospel (He sent His Son) and loves your marriage (He created the institution of marriage), Satan hates it. How can you go home – right now – and bless your wife (or husband)? We care more about ourselves than we do about the gospel and our spouse? What needs to change in your life so you care more about your marriage and the gospel then yourself?
The Harris brothers wrote a book for (mostly) teenagers entitled Do Hard Things a few years ago. It was calling teenagers to not take the easy road, but to pursue hard things, excel at what they do, press on. Dr. Stinson said another great title for a book would be “Do Little Things”. So often we fail in doing the little things in life. This is a biblical concept – be faithful in the little things (Luke 16.10).
Sanctification: I don’t know what God’s will for your life is – but I know it is sanctification. Since He loves His Son preeminently, you can bet you becoming like His Son is a first priority.
Many will say “my wife (husband, job, traffic, kids) make me impatience (angry, selfish). No, these things don’t make you ________, it just reveals that you are _______. So, if you get impatient with your husband because he fails to take the garbage out when you ask him to, then its not him that makes you that way, the situation reveals that your heart is full of impatience and full of self. Matthew 15 says this very thing: “what comes out of the mouth defiles a person.” What comes out of the mouth reveals the state of the heart. You do the right thing – don’t be concerned with the response of your spouse. You do right. Start with correcting your heart and yourself. A saying my Mom always says is you can never control what others will do, just your response to the situation.
Forgiveness is key element of a healthy marriage:
1. Ask for it.
2. Create a climate for it.
3. Remember, you are clothed in Christ’s righteousness, not your own.
4. This is a lifestyle, not an emergency valve.
5. Reconciliation is key – not separation, subversion, or undermining.

The question I left asking myself is this: What would help me picture the gospel the best? Would it be to get married? Would it be to stay single? What it be
to be faithful in the things that God has called me to: to love people, disciple girls, write, be a homemaker, take care of myself, be a good steward? I think I’ll choose to be faithful where He has me, and have faith that He will take me where He wants me.

Day 2 of Green Smoothies

I am trying Green smoothies for 5 days in a row this week. So far, yesterday, I was fuller all day (which basically means I needed less to fill me up once I got hungry again – if that makes any sense at all).
Here was my smoothie this morning
1/4 red delicious apple
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 small banana
2 small branches kale
1 1/2 cups spinach
2 tsp ground flax
1 1/2 cups water

Not as sweet as yesterdays, but good – and healthy for me.

Thoughts on Finishing Well

Last night, in my reading of the b90x plan, I was in the latter part of Numbers. Now, Numbers isn’t a thrilling book as a whole, but there are definitely nuggets of truth and thought provoking circumstances that God wants us to know to change us – sanctify us – make us more like Him. Here are some of the players:
Nadab and Abihu – dead because of unpleasing worship to the LORD
Moses – leader of the people, but now who can’t enter Canaan because he didn’t listen and fully obey the Lord.
Joshua – the chosen person to lead the people of the Lord into Canaan because the Spirit was in him.
Israelites – punished and wandering for 40 years, current generation not able to go into Promised Land because of sin, angered the Lord because of their idolatry and ungratefulness.

While watching some NCAA hoops last night, I thought of some sports figures who are in the media right now:
Lane Kiffin – after only one disappointing season in the best college football conference, he is now going back to the west coast. 1 season.
Tiger Woods – definitely known for being probably the best modern golfer in the world (note, I said modern). Now, is plastered on every magazine in the checkout aisle because of his unfaithfulness to his wife.
Mark McGwire– fabulous heavy hitter in the Major Leagues for so many years. Kids worshipped him, wanted to be like him in every way. Now, admitting that he cheated and pumped his body full of steroids so he could live up to all the hype.

Some illustrations from people in my own life, of how they live:
2 pastors – known to everyone they meet for their humility – not for books they have written or the church they pastor.
My mentor – known to me as a woman of the Word and prayer.
A former co-worker and (still) friend: one word to describe him: humble.
2 other pastors – I would describe as faithful.

After contemplating this during a run and then journaling about it while watching the Gator game last night, here were my two questions I posed to myself:
1. What do I want to be remembered for?
2. What would they write about me if I was to be included in the SBTS Coffee Table Book?

A friend of mine in Louisville comments that the only things I do are exercise, food, tv, and church. There probably is some reality to that – but that is only a portion of the story. And – do I really want to be known for those 4 things? Goodness – no.
But, then the Spirit stopped me in my writing – my brain continued to function – and said to me this:
Who cares if the world remembers Kim Davidson – you are not important – I am. So, after more reading and journaling:
CS Lewis: Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” I am definitely then one of the most prideful people I know.
Apostle John: “He must increase, I must decrease.” (John 3.3)

I heard a wise man talk on Sunday about finishing well. It must be done. What will your life be marked by?
“Spirit – craft in me less of KD, more of Jesus. Out of the heart – so I do. Work in me Jesus so Jesus can be shown and known in everything I do.” – Amen

My first green smoothie

My first green smoothie

Actually, it is just my first time making it in my own kitchen. I had one back in November from my friend Rachael in Wake Forest, then I made one for my Dad over Thanksgiving. But, I used my brand new red black and decker blender I got at Kohls after Thanksgiving for 27$. Much cheaper than a VitaMixer for right now.

My friend Becca was coming over. This thing is so healthy and good for you and filling and low in points (if doing weight watchers). I’ve also listed the health benefits of what I threw in:

1/2 large red delicious apple:

1 cara cara orange from tree in parents yard:

1 small banana:

3/4 cup frozen strawberries (picked from Huber’s this summer and frozen):

1/8 cup cut mango:

2.5 stalks of kale:

3 cups fresh baby spinach:

1/2 cup water:

1 T ground flax seed:

I blended the water and apple first, then did it all in that order till it was ready to go! My blender worked fabulously!