Christ, not prayer, is the answer

I love church signs.  You can either think that is sarcastic or true – whichever.

But, I passed one today and it said “prayer is the answer”.  I thought to myself.  No, Christ is the answer.

Here’s my thought.  If we tell people all they have to do is pray, everything will work out right, then that really isn’t the right answer.  We do need to pray – Christ models it and commands it.  We need to pray biblically-centered prayers.  We need to know the Word and pray it back to the Father through the Son by the power and intercession of the Holy Spirit.  But, our works, prayer, isn’t the answer to any of our problems.

The one who is our Brother and Intercessory Prayer partner is the answer.  All of God’s promises to us are yes in Christ Jesus.  So, we need to pray – but rest all of our hope in the Christ who answers according to His Father’s will.

I’ve been a believer for a long time now, and Max Lucado has been influential in my growth.  I read most of his earlier books when I was in high school and college.  I have his children’s books and read them to our boys.  And now, he has come out with a set of prayer books that have prayers that are guided by the Word.  You have ones for military families, mommas, dads, friends, graduates, etc.  I love how you can give these out to people, be a blessing.  You can also have them to read in a quick moment and focus your mind (through prayer) on Christ!

I gave away the military one to some sweet ministry friends of ours who live in south Florida.  They are about to have their second baby.

I gave away the teacher one to a mom of 3 boys and a preschool teacher.

I am giving away the Dad one to my husband on Father’s Day.

I gave away the moms one to a sweet friend in our church who is about to have their first baby girl

Thank you Litfuse for sending these to me.  All opinions are my own.


Good Resource for the Homeschooling Mom

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been caught in the grocery store or in Target singing the alphabet song with my boys.  They sing it loud and proud – then immediately transition into Jesus Loves Me. Its like its the second verse of the ABC song.

Teaching young kids the basics that they need to know, like the alphabet and their numbers, takes a while for some kids.  So, why not make learning fun!

This new book by Tommy Nelson was released in time for Spring and is filled with cute, storyboard pages that depict spring in all its glory.  And you can teach your children their numbers on every page.  My boys have both enjoyed it.

If you would like to win your own copy, just tell me something that you enjoyed teaching your kids.

Teaching Your Kids to Trust God

One of the most important things in any relationship is trust.  Once that trust is broken, it is hard to get back.  And one of the most important things in training your children to love and know God is to teach them what God says about Himself.

I was so excited to get this new book from Tommy Nelson because I’m going through the Bible this year pulling out what truths God shows me about Himself.  I want to know everything about who God is so I can be like Him (1 Peter tells us that).

I also want my boys to know God as well.  And so, as they get older (this book is perfect for grade school kids), I will get to use this in teaching them during family worship time who God says He is and how they can trust Him.

Diane Stortz goes through 40 reasons why kids can trust God.  Illustrated so kids will be pulled the pages, and written so they might know the Word and the truth that God wants to teach them.

She includes some of the Hebrew names so kids can learn (includes pronunciation), Scripture readings, questions to ask, and application.

I hope you like this little book as much as I do.  You can win one for yourself (your child of course) by answering this question: what is the attribute of God you love the best.  Mine right now: that he welcomes me into his presence through Christ!  He is the ultimate host!

Finding God in the Ruins: a review

Thanks to Litfuse for delivering a copy of Finding God in the Ruins for me to read and review.  All opinions are my own.

To tell you that life has been hard since we got married, might be an understatement.  I think my mister and I are learning to trust only in God, rely on Christ, encourage each other, and redefine what we thought life might be like as a family.

Matt Bays, the author of this memoir-esque book, has definitely had a lot of harsh life thrown at him.  He very carefully tells the reader about his life, marriage, family, and ministry.  He encourages the reader to be honest and real with God about how life is treating him.

I wish that the book had been less story and more engagement with Scripture.  It is a tough book to read – not putting enough emphasis on the grace and truth of God’s character and His word, especially in the first part of the book.

It is definitely hard to keep faith in God real when life continues to hand you blows.  But, we need to keep believing, asking questions, and growing our faith through the Spirit.  He is a big enough God and can handle our questions.


Easter Leftovers Recipe Roundup

Easter Leftovers Recipe Roundup

Easter Leftovers Recipe Roundup

Here we are, another holiday come and gone.  Easter is such a special one because the Resurrection of Christ is really all that life hinges on!  And spring is usually close by so the weather is somewhat good – depending on the year and when Easter falls.  I love being around my misters.  And we always cook.  I usually cook a lot more than what I did – but I wanted to share with you some recipes from around the internet that will help you know what to do with those Easter dinner leftovers – or you might just want to cook them anyway because they are super yummy!


Leftover Lamb:

Here is a slow cooker stew that you can use – and then spend all your time in the outdoors soaking up the spring air.

Because everything can go in tacos!

I always think of gyros when I think of lamb – and here is a pita pocket recipe you can easily make at home.


Leftover Ham:

Fettucini is amazing – and ham in it is a wonderful choice – you can always through in leftover vegetables in here too.

Baked potato night is a regular monthly night in our house (or more).  Ham is such a delicious topping.

These are perfect if you have little hands.  I am hoping my boys will go for these.


Leftover Hard-Boiled Eggs:

I could eat this with a spoon or on top of a salad.

This isn’t a recipe – but you need to go here if you are in the Triangle part of Carolina.  So good.

Throw them on salads like the one I had for lunch today

Salad with egg, avocado, and bacon


Leftover Candy:

These truffles may have to be made soon (oh, wait, there goes my diet)

I started making these when I hung out with the admins at Providence.  So good – chocolate!

I love blondies – and these can be quite colorful!

Little Tasks to Tidy Your Home

Little Tasks to Tidy Your Home

My husband would so appreciate this post!  He is so much tidier than I am – I think he knew that before he proposed and he still did, but I can always be better at it.  A clean and peaceful home are two things that really show him that I love him.  And when you know your husband’s love language, shouldn’t you try to shout it loud and clear all day long!

Well, some things I can work on.  Little tasks throughout the day.  I don’t have to spend all day cleaning or anything like that.  But, if I just find a few things each day that I can concentrate on – it will help in the long run.

  1.  It takes me less than 10 minutes to unload, load, and wash the dishes.  Sometimes I do this in the morning, sometimes I do it at night – but 10 minutes.  I sometimes have to tell myself this to get to the kitchen and set the timer.  Then I realize it never takes as long as I think it does.
  2. Find little sections of the house to declutter/clean and you’ll feel better about your house in general.  You don’t have to tackle a whole room at once.  I have two young boys and our house is filled with toys.  But, if I can do something while they are watching Curious George or playing on the back porch – it will be a blessing to all involved.Small Cleaning Projects IMG_20160318_131642964
  3. Keep my table and hutch cleaned off.  This is huge.  It didn’t happen when I was growing up, but since getting married I’ve always strived to keep the kitchen table clean and the hutch display worthy.  Now, we use our kitchen table for crafts, coloring, eating, snacking, playing games, but then when we are done we clean it up. Flowers all around
  4. Pick up the toys (or other items) around your house at the end of the night.  This is a great way to teach preschoolers responsibility.  Have them help clean up before bed time, putting all their toys away in an place that is reachable for them.
  5. Make your bed.  My husband usually does this in the morning which is such a blessing.  But, I know that if our bed is made, it makes our whole bedroom seem clean, bright, and cheery.  And I can more easily fold clothes there during the day.  And who doesn’t like to fold clothes?

What do you do in your home that is helpful in keeping it clean and tidy?

Pinterest For Your Weekend

Pinterest For Your Weekend

Pinterest for your Weekend

Pinterest is a go- to for me.

When I have time to kill in the car, when I have time to kill somewhere else, when I’m trying to fall asleep but I can’t.  I usually turn to this mega camp for all things everything for food and lettering and boy stuff.  It is fun and usually gives me fresh ideas.  Here’s some for you:

What are you go-to Pinterest places and who do you love to follow?

These pretty ranunculus (and a good vegan recipe)

This dress would be a perfect goal dress when I lose the rest of my weight and when a friend takes new headshots for me – or maybe just for Easter.

To do this for an area in the new house we are renting.  I need more counter space!

Want to do this to the remaining one bookshelf we have – I think it will be down in our office anyway

My husband drinks coffee every day, we love making coffee drinks, and we love tea!  All things pretty.  Wouldn’t it be fun to create a little area in the corner of a dining room or kitchen!

A friend and I were just talking about herbs yesterday and this is such a great idea – especially for tea lovers!

Just found this one and am going to make it next week.  hopefully the boys will love it!

This one will be filling and I know the boys will love it!

I like taking photos I’ve taken and turning them into cards to mail to people!

May make these for a boy party on Easter that is a possibility!  How fun would this be!

Because its spring and you need these cookies – and they make great favors for any showers you may be hosting in the near future.

How do you teach gratitude to your children – even when its not Thanksgiving.

and it was beautiful : a review

I received this book from LItfuse in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.  

I have been blessed with a few good books lately.  These books that are real and heart-felt, and soul-searching – and tears well in my eyes and puddle on to the pages.

This book is one of them.  I even told my husband that I don’t know if I could finish the book.  I cry in every chapter.  And I’m thankful – they are short chapters.

This book will take anyone through cancer – or other trials that loom in life – and help you rest in the peace that the maker of the wind and the rain and the hurricanes and tornadoes watches every move you make.  I’m so thankful that Kara Tippetts wrote these words before her death.  They will lead others to the same Rock she went to.

Unqualified: a review

Cutting Edge would be one phrase I would definitely use to talk about Steven Furtick.  I’ve heard him preach one time at my church in Durham back in the day, white suit, bleached hair. Yes. That’s extreme in SBC Culture.

And unqualified is cutting edge in how it talks about rebels who are totally unqualified to have any relationship with God – and talks about how Jesus is our qualifier.

This book is balm and wit and grace and Word.  Story and grace told in a way that will read the masses. Its good.

Thanks Blogging for Books.

I Want It All – a book review

As a busy mom and wife, who is trying to get a creative business going, I don’t really have time to read.  I love reading – but by the time I sit down to read I’m so tired, so a book really has to be compelling for me to read it.

Enter: Gwen Smith’s I Want it All .

I really thought this book was going to be about women who could do everything and be everything to everyone.  I was so skeptical about it.  Then, I opened the book.

Immediately, Smith’s winsome, real, and grace-filled writing was so captivating and encouraging to a broken heart that needs lots of healing.

If you are in a place with wounded faith that needs encouragement – find it here as she saturates her book with the Word and life.