Bread for the World

Who doesn’t like bread?  Ok – I know some people can’t eat it for health reasons or allergies, and some people don’t eat much of it because they don’t want to gain a lot of weight – but seriously – the smell of yeast in my kitchen mixed with melted butter, or garlic, or cheese – bread is a good things.

Blogging for Books gave me the book Hot Bread Kitchen – the new cookbook that not only teaches you how to make bread in many different forms, but also trains and helps women with skills that will improve their futures.

I love the philanthropic nature of Hot Bread Kitchen and what they have set out to accomplish.  And I can’t wait to try their breads.  The cookbook is not only a book full of recipes and pictures, but stories of women who make them and where they come from.

So, its a little bit of history, bread, photos, bread, women, bread, stories, bread.  Can’t go wrong?

Traveling Healthy During the Holidays

Traveling Healthy During the Holidays

Healthy Holidays

Over the river and through the woods.

In a one-horse open sleigh.

Grandma got ran over by a reindeer.

Walking in a winter wonderland.

No matter how you travel this holiday season, you definitely want to arrive safe, stay safe, and return to your home – hopefully without a trip to the hospital!  I have already traveled over this holiday season with my two little boys, and I wanted to share some tips with you!

  1.  Eat healthy.  I know, crazy, and hard to do. But, this helps!  If you pack some fruit in the car, get applesauce, clementines, or fruit pouches when you go in for lunch at your favorite lunch place while traveling, and definitely if you get those fluids going.  This is especially hard when you are aiming for speed on your trip – because diapers need changing and if you are potty training then you stop often.  But, just know that fluids really do help your body (and your little one’s body) stay healthy!
  2. Get exercise.  When you get to your destination – and even on the way – incorporate exercise into your vacation plans.  My boys love parks and would play all day!  And at those rest areas, do some jumping jacks or run around in the grassy areas.
  3. Be prepared.  If you son or daughter takes medication, be prepared with how much you will need.  If they have allergies, make sure you understand the place you are going and what you might encounter.  Always know where a medical doctor is.  Whether it is a clinic, an emergency room, or a hospital – this is crucial.  We usually go places we know for the holidays, so I always know where places are.  But, if I’m going somewhere new, I would use Amino’s great guide to help you find what you need in your time of stress.  All on one site, too!
  4. Be loved.  Stress is such a killer during the holidays.  Whether its the traffic or the relationships, look on the bright side, slow down, love.

And with that, happy safe and healthy travels.  Thanks Amino for the hint!

Always Grace (Book Giveaway)

Always Grace (Book Giveaway)

Always Grace

One of the sentences I most say in life is “I’m sorry.” Well, maybe sometimes I insert,”I’m such a failure.”  This is so true in my marriage and parenting.  This parenting this is so difficult most of the time!

But, then I come to the title of a book (you can win one, stay tuned) – Grace for the Moment.  How crucial is this to remember.  I grew up on Max Lucado (in my spiritual walk I mean.)  I started reading his books in late middle school and read them all the way through seminary.  Still one of my favorite books on the incarnation is God Came Near.  And that incarnation is what makes God’s grace so real to us because that was God the Father’s best gift.

One of the areas I need most encouragement in is my communication with my boys.  As God speaks his grace to us, to my soul, I can therefore speak it to my boys, who are sinners and desperately need to hear God’s grace and truth in their souls.  This set from Max, including Grace for the Moment for Kids is a great way to fill your soul with a quick daily devotional (because all moms will tell you that one of the hardest things is to get prolonged quality time in the Word) and then read something similar on the same day to your kids.  That way you are filling your soul with similar truths!  How perfect for family devotionals.  This is a great devo for older children and has some practical applications for them to live out the truth they just learned.

Here is how you can win this set of books – perfect for starting out the new year with truth from God’s Word: tell me one thing you are looking forward to doing with your kids in the new year.  Me: cooking more for them instead of always grabbing fast food in the car.  Thanks Tommy Nelson Mommies for hosting this giveaway and for my free books!

Praying for my Husband as my Children’s Father

Praying for my Husband as my Children’s Father


ThLike Father Like Sonis is a season of Advent – of hope, of awaiting, or mystery.  Of incarnation.

One of the beautiful things about the incarnation is that God the FATHER sent His only perfect beautiful son into the world.  I can’t even imagine giving up one of my boys.

Back to the story…the men in our lives play several roles.  Man, husband, father, employee, friend, son, brother if applicable (my husband is an only child), worshiper, etc.  The list is pretty inexhaustive just like our list is.

But, for me, I think two the most important at least in my husband’s life is husband and father.  There is such a burden on him to provide, protect, lead well, shepherd all of us to know Jesus.  He just isn’t living for himself anymore.  On no given day can he wake up and say, “I think I’ll do what I want to do today,” but instead he wakes up to snuggles, cries, diapers, commuter traffic, my texts complaining about the disobedience of our boys, etc.  There is always so much crowding his heart and his mind.

I long for him not only to have an intimate close relationship with his heavenly Father – but use that relationship to guide his relationship with his boys.  Our boys are incredibly blessed with a father who is gentle and patient and one who loves Jesus more than he loves them.  He plays cars and basketball with them.  He takes them to the park.  He provides for them.  His desire is for them.

Isn’t that so the heart of the Father for us?  That His desire is for us – to know him and be found in Him?

Pete Alwinson’s new book, Like Father Like Sonis a good read that goes through different aspects of a relationship between the Father and his children, men.  I think some of the concepts can definitely be applied to men and women.  I think, honestly, that the book might be more with a female tone in mind, I don’t know.  I don’t know if I can see my mister reading this book or really any of the men that I know.

But, I do see it as useful for wives to pray for their misters.  That’s why I got this book.  I want to be more knowledgeable about how to pray for my mister and his relationship with his Father as he seeks to know his boys and lead them to the Father.

Thanks to Litfuse for the book in exchange for my honest review.

Perfect Cookbook for the Adventurous New Cook

Perfect Cookbook for the Adventurous New Cook

The Homemade Kitchen

If you are looking for a great new cookbook that is going to be perfect for that new cook – but one that is looking for knowledge, adventurous recipes, and helpful information, and beautiful pictures – then this cookbook is for you.

I picked this cookbook out from my choices at Blogging for Books.  There are a couple of things I love about this cookbook (besides the recipes):

  1. The pictures.  I want to cut them all out and hang them in my kitchen.  Better yet I want to go take pictures of farm fresh eggs and berries and everything in between.
  2. The information.  This gives you ways to make a variety of the same things (like the difference between jams and eggs) – and teaches you the things you need to know when picking out poultry, or other types of foods, etc.
  3. I love the story-telling.  That is the best part of any cookbook.  I want to curl up on my couch and wrap up in a warm blanket – and sit down and read it word for word.


Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Gigi's Truffles

Yesterday I was in 70 degree weather – and this morning all I wanted to do was cuddle under the blankets and stay there all day.  30s-60s isn’t bad – but 70s was so delightful!

There is something so inviting about Florida.  I grew up in the central part of the state. Familiarity, warm breezes, Carolina blue skies, hay bales, wide open horse pastures,

This soup would be good on any cold night – just combine with some naan bread or homemade loaf.

I write for Her View From Home and for December I did a very short and partial dream kitchen list.  Go check it out for every cook on your list of people to get gifts for this holiday season.

Um, how about these for Christmas morning breakfast?

I got an opportunity to share some health tips and a bit about my weight loss journey over here.


Generations, Cupcakes, and Gigi’s

Generations, Cupcakes, and Gigi’s

Gigi's Holiday Cupcakes

There is something about the generations sitting down for a meal – or tossing flour in the kitchen as they make baked treats, or picking oranges from the groves around home.  Heritage and generations tell something of history and the future.  Hearing how Gigi’s got started about a decade ago – made me love the cupcake brand even more (the amazing Pecan Pie may have influenced my admiration).  I love how she is carrying recipes from generations ago and giving it to people (like me, and my littles) to carry on the yumminess to new generations.

My grandmother got me started on Little Debbie’s Nutty Bars. Every time I see them in the store or dare to buy a box I think of her.  I don’t remember her baking a lot but I remember her chicken and rice, french fries, and dressing at Thanksgiving.  My Papa (her husband) taught me how to fish, make french fries, and eat (and pick) oranges.  I’ve learned my parents’ favorite recipes and I look forward to encouraging my boys to love the kitchen (and cupcakes).  When I shared one of the mini cupcakes with my younger son this morning, he quickly licked off all the powder blue buttercream.  A dude after his momma’s heart!

Holiday Minis

Last night I had the opportunity to head to Gigi’s Kennesaw (just north of ATL) and taste their scrumptious desserts – including pies, cheesecakes, stuffed cookies, truffles, and cupcakes (and their new gluten-free line).  It was a fun evening, warm and toasty (even though it was raining outside) with other bloggers in the area and the owner of Gigi’s who as a gracious host.  We got to eat until we were full, and laugh, and just hang out.  It was a great evening.

One of our had tasks we had while we were there was to test out the new #gfreegigis line of cupcakes.  Even though Gigi’s cant be considered Gluten Free because they bake with gluten in the building – they go through great lengths to make sure the gluten stays far away from these cupcakes.  They want to take care of their customers – both gluten free customers and ones that aren’t.  The normal cupcake eater is not going to be able to tell the difference in taste.  Most of us even couldn’t.  The only thing I could tell was a slight chewiness in texture with the gluten-free – because of the rice flour and tapioca flour blend they use in the baking.  But, it was so delicious.  And the best thing is that gluten free doesn’t have to mean you can’t have cupcakes.  And there is no upcharge like most bakeries and grocery store items.  These gluten free cupcakes are the same price!

All the cupcakes!

And if you just need something to eat besides a cupcake: the peanut butter stuffed cookie was my salty goodness for the evening and like I’ve raved about before – the Southern Comfort pecan pie melted this southern girl’s heart (and taste buds)!

Thanks so much Gigi’s Kennesaw!  Y’all definitely pleased my taste buds last night!

kcreatives photography: on location with the finns

kcreatives photography: on location with the finns

Momma Finn and the Finnlings

It is a true joy to capture your BFF and her family on camera.  I wish I could do their family justice.  But, they welcomed me and my two littles into their new home in West Tennessee.  We talked, we laughed, we played, we ate cake.  It was good.  As it always is with this family.  They were a blessing to me when I was single, letting me hang out with their little growing family.  They were a blessing to me when I started dating my now husband (who was their worship pastor at the time).  They are a blessing to my whole family now even though we live in different states.  There is such a good thing called text, and gas (to travel), and email, and social media.

Finn and the Mrs.

They have an ideallic backyard: beautiful trees, covered patio, grassy areas for soccer practice, fenced in safety net, now a trampoline, and a FIRE PIT!  You can bet I’m making a return visit soon!

LPF: the mom, the myth, the legend

This girl has taught me much about parenting – and even how to just call bad days what they are and hope the next day is better.  How to preach the gospel to myself and how to have good style.  And read different books.  And eat asiago cheese bagels – oh, wait, that’s her not me.

a moment in time

I love doing life with these friends.  Even if we are 5.5 hours apart.  This is what friendship is.

The Birthday Twins

Why You Should Read To Your Kids

Why You Should Read To Your Kids

Reading to your Kids

One of my favorite times of the day is when I get the chance to read to my boys.  I usually read to them by themselves – so I get that one on one interaction with them and can read stories that might appeal to them more than the other.

Like I know my younger one loves the Sandra Boynton books.  We’ve been reading those every night and each night he just giggles away.  He also has been loving a book about his hands and what he can do with them to help.  Most of all – I think he loves to just being close to the person reading to him, because he is a snuggle-monster.

Our older boy loves animal books, especially his daddy’s book from when he was young.  He can flip through and always point out new fascinating things about the animals he sees.  Even if he has seen them 50 times before.

I may not have stayed with my education major in college, but I can still think of a few good reasons you should read to your children:

  1.  Build a love for reading.  If you start reading to kids when they are younger, most likely they will be readers when they are older.  Then they will hopefully read to their children and grandchildren.
  2. Increase their vocabulary.  My children seem to learn new words every day.  I know they definitely pick up some of these words because their are seeing them in the books we are reading, and hearing them when they are read aloud.
  3. Reading to your son or daughter builds intimacy.  Any time you can spend one on one time with your children, or even with them altogether, you are telling them that you care about them. You are telling them that no matter what else you could be doing right now (and that is usually a lot), that you would rather spend it with them.  And do you ever regret spending time with your children in a meaningful way?
  4. Reading is a great way for you to teach your children about the gospel.  There are so many great books.  And a good way to teach your children about biblical concepts (that may be difficult for their little minds to grasp) is by using parables (I mean, Jesus did it, right).  Liz Higgs has a new book out for early school age kids, or late preschool that is really neat.  It teaches biblical concepts in parables that are centered around kids.  And it goes through the seasons which is a neat idea to even teach kids about that.

Tommy Nelson is giving away one of these new books and it would make a lovely Christmas present for your child!  Or a gift to a child you know. To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment telling me your favorite book to read with your children.

kcreatives photography: lindermans on the chattahoochee

kcreatives photography: lindermans on the chattahoochee

Averi and Grant

I’ve said before that living in ATL provides me great benefit because people often come here to travel, see the sites, or since it is a big city, they may have multiple friends here – and I get to be privileged to see them when we they come visit.

I met this sweet girl right after she married her handsome husband.  I was facilitating a small group Bible study at our church and she was in it.  I remember praying for her as a teacher and a newlywed. A few months later I would meet my now husband and those girls were giddy for me to grow in that relationships.

A & G

More than 5 years later and a few kids between us – and I love this girl, yall.  I love her beauty and her realness, and her hope in Christ, and her taste in clothes, and her little home in Raleigh – oh, gracious – so much style and class.  And that she has a husband who knows photography and helps me learn on shoot – and that she fits me in to a busy schedule on the road.

Always laugh and love

Every one needs a friend like this in their life.  Averi girl – I’m glad you are in mine!

Averi Girl