Kids and Christmas (and a book giveaway)

Kids and Christmas (and a book giveaway)

Christmas Prayer Giveaway

Well, most of the turkey in your fridges is probably eaten – we have some about to get into a casserole for lunch tomorrow. You may have some pie left – but I guarantee if it is good pie than it is already gone.  We have one piece left, but I’m sure my mister will eat that when he gets home in a few.

But, now we move on to Christmas. Some of you have already been playing carols in your car.  My mister starts listening to Christmas music in the summer because he always puts together the Christmas cantata at our church so he needs to know the music before Thanksgiving.  There are only a few Christmas cds that I can listen to all year, but mostly I just listen to them in December.

This year I’ve been receiving texts from friends asking what we are going to do with our boys and Santa.  I give them what we are doing – and then couch it all in – Bring Christmas back to Jesus where it belongs.  No matter what you do with Santa.

Tommy Nelson has a new book out for Christmas and your preschoolers this year.  I was reading through it with mine tonight and it really has some good illustrations to help you tell the Christmas story – couched in many of the things we know and experience about Christmas. It helps us to continue thanksgiving into the holiday season of Christmas.  I love how it talks about snow and forgiveness.  And even our warm beds and the manger.  This book leaves a little bit to be desired in its depth of Christmas.  It is a little generic, maybe secularized or weak so as not to offend, which can lead to a false theology of Christmas.  Its missing a specific reference to why Jesus had to come to earth. The parent would have to further explain more to their children about what Christmas is – but it is a good start.

You too can read this book to your child. All you have to do to win it is tell me what is something you are looking forward to doing with your kids this Christmas.  We are going to ride the Pink Pig at a mall in ATL – a long-standing tradition for many Atlantans.  And we are going to start making a Happy Birthday Jesus Cake.

Praying for Your Kids (and giveaway)

Praying for Your Kids (and giveaway)

I Prayed for You

Let’s be honest for a second, sometimes (in the midst of temper tamptrums and bouts of continued disobedience) it is hard to be really thankful for our children.

But, God has given them to us as a blessing and should be one of the greatest gifts we’ve ever been given – and they need to be told over and over again how thankful we are for them.

One of the times i usually love the most, is when I get to lay down with my older one and pray over him as he goes to sleep at night.  He has some sensory delays in his development, so he absolutely loves to sleep in the floor.  We’ve made him a soft palette and pile on his stuffed animals and his night night (the blanket he has slept with since he was a few months old).  He always wants either me or his Daddy to lay beside him until he falls asleep.  And as soon as I lay down with him, I pray aloud over him with my hand on his back or his face.  Such a sweet time.  I pray for his little heart to be turned to God because God would be calling him, giving him a new heart.  I pray that he would be obedient and that he would love God.  I also finish each prayer saying how thankful we are for him, bubba, mommy, daddy, and most of all Jesus.

It is so important for our children to hear us praying for them – not just telling them about it.  I learned from my mentor the importance of writing down prayers and journaling for future generations.  I admit that the discipline has been a struggle for me in these early years, but I do it some.  And it is such a treasure for me when I do journal and write out my prayers for them to my great Heavenly Father who listens to our prayers.

Tommy Nelson sent me Jean Fischer’s new book I Prayed For You – and I love it.  A cute board book complete with cute illustrated bears.  Tells of prayers a mama can pray for her cub as he grows up.  And yes, like any good mom I cried as I got to several of the prayers.

This will be a book you can treasure reading to your little one – even until he or she is 5 or 6.  Treasure the time.  Treasure the prayers.  If you want to have a chance to win this book – leave a comment with something you pray for your children.  That’s it!  I will pick the winner on Wednesday.

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Pumpkin Holding

Life has been full the past few weeks and I’ve not gotten around to doing one of my favorite posts of the week – but here goes some of my fave site finds for you to look at.

I definitely want to make this before fall gives way to the winter.

Salads for balancing out all the treats of the holidays – and I love one with tangy fruits and warm roasted vegetables.

Can I just be honest with the rest of this page:

Sometimes the world of the internet overwhelms me.  People in my feeds argue about refugees and red cups (whether filled with coffee or beer).  They complain about what they don’t like.  They speak about how wonderful life is.  They post everything good that they do.  I give in to this so much.  And more of the time – I crave for time with my true friends, sitting down with coffee, talking about how life is hard and how God is good.  Or just crying because your kids are driving you crazy and money is tight.  I long to have refreshment from uninterrupted time with my mister, sitting in the word for a while without having to go somewhere in a few minutes, not wondering how we are going to pay the bills next month, or just sitting there across from a friend who is struggling too – and listening to her cry, tears of concern and mystery and hurt.  Life happens outside of the blog and social media world.

Ok – well, happy Sunday from my little world to you!

A Creative Space

A Creative Space

Creative Space

I’ve come to learn that you really can be creative anywhere: in the car (thinking, hopefully not driving while you are coloring), in a doctor’s office waiting to be called, during your children’s nap time, while listening to a lecture (I multitask pretty well), or my fave place – on the beach.  But, I can’t always get to the beach – and I seldom have quiet time at home with two boys 3 and under – but I still love to be creative.

My ideal work space is definitely not what I have now – but I am thankful for what I have now.  We live in a small-ish town home so my desk (that we got as a wedding gift) is in the corner of our living room.  It has a mirror and a huge window so I’ve got lots of natural light.  I have a little set of drawers that my parents had had forever that I took (with their permission) and repainted with Annie Sloan in a wonderful teal.  I recently repurposed some shelving that was in our son’s room and brought it downstairs to make the tight space more manageable and warm.  When on a tight budget, like we are on now, it is better to repurpose then to buy new.  I love having all my paper, markers, pens, ink, and books!  It definitely helps to have a space to write on – and not just pulling up a lap.  And my husband appreciates me not always taking over the dining room table!

creative space at home

Now, with my ideal space: I would have beautiful pottery barn baskets to hide the “stuff” and anthro pens holders (but I do love my Talenti Gelato containers).  I would have it in a closed room so I could leave it more messy sometimes if I’m working on a big project (like addressing wedding invitations which is my weekend project).  I would also love more bookshelves because I love to read and I think reading spurs on creativity.  And I would love a big comfy chair to curl up in!  And I know laptops are great but I would love a massive mac for photo editing.  And, when I worked as a curriculum writer for a church in NC, I had a round table in my office.  I would mostly work there instead of my desk and it was perfect for having collaborative meetings – definitely get one of those too!  A girl can dream right?

WeWork has inspired me to talk about my ideal creative space.  They rent out creative shared office space in (mostly) big cities to creatives who need to have a studio or just a desk.  It is really helpful for creatives to be around other creatives.  Something about being with creatives that really spurs me on – even if its just talking about our creatives muses or collaborating on a project.  If I have the chance to do that once the boys are in school, and there is one in whatever city we live in at that time (currently live in the metro ATL area), that that would be great for writing and photo editing, especially.

We Work



Coffee With Karisse Joy

Coffee With Karisse Joy

Karisse Joy

I’ve known some pretty creative people in my life, and this long time friend is certainly one of them.  Her life is one turn after another and I love to watch how she handles it all with a creative flair.  And her latest project – a coloring book with a spiritual tone to it (mostly for adults) is definitely a winner and would make a great Christmas present for any one over the age of 8 – but really thinking for the lovely creative lady on your list or even the teenager who loves to be creative with a crayon or colored pencil.  Now that I’ve given you one way to finish your Christmas shopping, let me introduce you to my friend, Karisse.

We’ve not sat down together in a long time – but if we were sitting down together for a cup of coffee in a favorite coffee shop – what would you be drinking and where would we be?

We would be sitting at my favorite coffee shop: The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf! I fell in love with this place when I lived in Los Angeles and wish they had one here in Florida! I would be drinking a Strawberry Tea Latte or a Vanilla Iced Blended which chocolate covered coffee beans. We, of course, would be lucky enough to have snagged the corner with the comfy chairs. 🙂

Be Kind

This coloring book is a new venture for you – but not living the creative life.  Can you tell us about some of your other creative works?  (Folks, she did beautiful art of Scripture for my boys’ rooms.

My sister and I started a small art company called “Pretty Philosophie“. We paint inspiring quotes and silhouettes. (Our fave silhouettes are of Audrey Hepburn, Anne of Green Gables and Marilyn Monroe.) We never use stencils and I often do the lettering freehand! I’m also in the process of writing two books! One is the story of how my grandmother (Oma) escaped from Concentration Camp in Yugoslavia. (We aren’t Jewish, but German and our people were put into concentration camps right after WWII.  The other book is about my experience with cancer and what I learned about myself, illness and God in the process.

Why a coloring book and why a quiet time?

Let’s be real. Sometimes reading the Bible, focusing while praying and meditating on Scripture can be difficult. At least, it can be for me. When I was in high school I started writing out my prayers as a way to help me focus on them. In college I doodled while I took notes so I could pay attention. In my 20’s I started writing out passages of Scripture in “fancy” lettering so that I was forced to work slowly and really meditate on the verses. And I’ve always loved coloring!

Creative Quiet Time: A Coloring Book for Your Soul is my labor of love to pass these practices on to others. I wanted to enable a way for people to spend time with God while using the arts and creativity. Besides, God is the one who created the arts, and, well, creativity! My prayer is that this book enables people to connect their mind, soul and spirit to Jesus and receive revelation of His ways and His love as they color.


What is your favorite coloring page in the whole book?

Oh, that’s a tough one! I think that my favorite, because it’s so detailed, is the “Be kind to yourself” page. “Be kind to yourself” was my motto in 2014 and it bled into 2015 as well. I based that on Philippians 4:8–focusing on things that are life giving, true, beautiful and lovely. So often, we are our own worse critic and don’t see ourselves the way that God sees us. We have a tendency to have a negative track running through our minds. But, Jesus has countless loving thoughts towards us, and I think we should have the same towards ourselves.

What will be coming next from the creative genius of Karisse?

Oh gosh! I am hoping that a second coloring book, or a new and improved version of the current one (with extra pages) are on the horizon. And finishing my books! Both of them! My sister and I will continue to work on our art and are expanding to include furniture refurbishing too!

Creativity and Travel

You love to travel – how has that played in to your creative life?

I think you spice up your life by travel. It’s beautiful to see how each culture expresses themselves. God has used that to reveal to me aspects of Himself that I wouldn’t have noticed if I was at home. I love pulling the various pieces of design from each place too. Thailand is full of sparkles and vivid colors. India is packed with details in every nook and cranny. South Africa has a freedom about it that is so warm and welcoming. France and Italy have a regal beauty that invites you to sit and enjoy what surrounds you. I think I have borrowed from every culture I’ve encountered.

Why do you love the color teal?

You know, that’s a great question. If you knew me in college (or right after) you would say that my favorite color is purple. While I still love purple, in the last decade teal has taken over. There is just something so fun, free and inviting about that color. It’s just perfect.

Jim Gaffigan on Food

I grew up on the humor of Bill Cosby.  I loved (and still do) that man.  Most of his comedy on tv and his tapes was relatively clean and appropriate for most audiences.  Now, I can’t say the same for his stand-up, or so I’ve heard.

Humor has a way of connecting with people that some other types of literary genres don’t.  I do love to read books about food: memoirs, cookbooks, etc.  And that is why I wanted this one from Blogging for Books.

What I didn’t anticipate is how funny it is – but also how damaging that was to me.  I had to put it down.  You see, I have sin issues with food.  I eat too much, I am a glutton, I worry about what food is doing to my body – I can be totally consumed with it. So, to read a book making fun of food, of eating too much, of the problems in America that we have with food – it didn’t do my heart (or my body) any good.

And I think, in every book you read, or however you engage with culture – you have to know how to impact your heart.

And your body.


This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

I like normal weeks.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love doing fun things and love out of the ordinary with people, and events, and cooking times – but I also like the ordinary weeks.  This week…we have no guests, I’m cooking one meal for a family in our church, I will probably do some baking with the boys – but other than that it is pretty normal and I’m trying to use ingredients I already have in my kitchen.

Pepperoni and Cheese Crescent Rolls for a quick dinner for my men on Tuesday night while I run to Target before the ever important NCIS comes on

Broccoli Rice Chicken Cheddar One-Dish Casserole (recipe coming soon on this blog)

Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Slow Cooker Soup

Shaved Greens and Caesar Salad (making this without the mandolin and using bottled dressing – but you get the hint)

We are eating on this cake that I made this past weekend

My friends Red Beans and Rice (pinto beans here)


Sweet Chili Kung Pao Cauliflower

Sweet Chili Kung Pao Cauliflower

a healthy warm satisfying dish

a healthy warm satisfying dish

When moving to a new place you always want to scout out a couple of things: parks, hiking trails, great local Mexican restaurants, and definitely a favorite sushi/chinese take out place.  One of my favorite things to do is to sit on the couch eating take out Chinese.  We haven’t done it in a while because we’ve not found a place that’s not really expensive here in our area.

There was a great local dive in Chapel Hill called Charlie’s.  It had the best corn egg drop soup and was just down the strip mall from where I worked for a while.  I loved everything on their menu.  Would love to grab lunch with a sweet friend there or take some home for dinner.  This is especially worth it for those cold, rainy winter nights.

It might not be winter yet, but its been constantly raining and cloudy with much of the same in the coming forecast – and I’ve been wanting to try something healthy with cauliflower.  Speaking of cauliflower – I hope my Mister will eat this.  There are only a few things that my mister doesn’t like – and I’ve changed his mind about one of them already since we got married.  So, I think the flavor of this dish will win him over to the cauliflower side!

Sweet Chili Kung Pao Cauliflower
Recipe Type: main dish
Cuisine: Chinese
Author: kcreatives
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 2-4
A healthy satisfying twist on a Chinese favorite
  • 2 T unsalted butter
  • 1 head cauliflower, chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/3 cup sweet chili sauce (bottled) – divide into three
  • 1/2 cup chopped sweet peppers (red, orange, yellow)
  • 1 tsp chopped garlic (1-2 cloves)
  • 1/4 cup salted peanuts
  • 2 T water
  1. Heat butter in a non-stick pan or wok.
  2. Add cauliflower and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Saute with the water for about 3-5 minutes.
  4. Add some of the chili sauce.
  5. Add peppers and garlic. Saute about 2-3 minutes
  6. Add peanuts and more chili sauce. Stir until all combined
  7. Remove from heat and stir in the remaining chili sauce.
  8. You can add some green onions/chives or more peanuts on top for presentation.
  9. Serve with rice for a complete meal.

Trader Joes has a great Sweet Chili sauce that we use for some chinese chicken dishes.  It was perfect in this dish as well.  I also had chopped up some yellow, orange, and red peppers and had them in the freezer.  This dish took all of 10 minutes.  I love quick dishes – in between refilling preschooler sippy cups and singing the Dino Train song – quick is good for this busy momma!

A Precious Moments Giveaway

A Precious Moments Giveaway

Precious Moments Giveaway

If you have a little girl – then this post is for you. I am a boy mom, but I got this from Tommy Nelson because I thought it would be good to be able to recommend to all the girl-moms out there.  Yes, Precious Moments can be for either gender, but I think it best fits little girls.

This Bible, with its padded board book style, is beautifully illustrated in pastels that is traditional of Precious Moments.  I actually love the retelling of Bible passages that are perfect for little ears – think older preschool to early grade school.  As a parent, it would be great just to sit down and read them the story – but even better to read the Bible passage out of the Bible (especially as kids gets older and have more of an attention span and understanding) and then read the passage in the book.  It covers a wide variety of stories.

If you want this Bible for your own little girl (or boy), just leave a comment telling me one special thing that you love about your child.