Transformation Tuesday: Claim Your Inner Prophet

Transformation Tuesday: Claim Your Inner Prophet

Transformation Tuesday

Its another Tuesday.  Thankfully the scale is moving again – but more importantly than the scale are the NSVs this week (non-scale victories).  I can finally comfortably fit back in my favorite Bass pencil skirt and will be wearing it for a photo shoot next week – and my jeans are too big. Those are both happy things in my closet!

Disclaimer on the pictures above: I love all three of these girls and these weddings were precious to me.  But, now all these years later, and I can wear the black dress (the one on the left) again.  I love that dress!

This week I want to talk about talking to yourself.  Every week I pass another church on the way to our church.  This “church” is a denomination that clearly doesn’t believe the Gospel – but their signs always peak my interest.  When I say the sign that said “Claim Your Inner Prophet” I thought it was so true.

A Prophet is one (in the Bible) who claimed to hear the voice of God for a particular people.  If he was a true phophet then those things would come true.  There were definitely many false prophets.  Well, here is how that applies:

You are a prophet in a way.  The Bible, God’s very true word, was given to you (and me) to know God’s truth and claim it.  Every promise of God is yes to us in Christ Jesus.  The Bible stands true 2000 years ago and will stand true in 100 years and stands true today.  So, if you know the truth – then the truth will set you free.

Set you free from what?

From standing in front of the mirror saying how much you hate your body, your stretch marks, your pooch, your bottom, your double chin, the fact that you don’t have a thigh gap, your calves, your rolls of fat, your slouchy chest because you’ve breast fed 5 kids or you are just aging.

From walking through malls and declaring how you’ll never measure up to the models and the mannequins and the size 0 dresses that are hanging in the store fronts.

From bingeing because a relationship just went down the tubes, or your parenting has been less than stellar that day, or you got in an argument with your spouse, or even you favorite tv show didn’t end the way you wanted to.

From being lazy because you really should go for a walk but you just don’t want to because its not the perfect temperature, or you have nothing clean to wear, or what good is a walk going to do me anyway.

From being tied to that scale number.  And if it goes up you have a bad day or your binge or you don’t eat.  And if it goes down you are on cloud 9 and you could leap tall buildings and run a marathon – or get that date.

From the belief that your marital status is because of what size you wear.  That no one will ever love you unless you are a certain size or weigh a certain number.

All of these things are lies.  Pure lies.

There is being healthy – living in God’s body the way He designed you to, and not being obese, or putting insane amounts of unhealthy foods in your mouth at one time.  There is exercising and eating right because God has not called us to be laze or gluttonous.

“Finally, brother, whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable…if there is anything worthy of praise, think (and do) about these things.”

Philippians 4:8

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price – so glorify God in your body.”

 1 Corinthians 6.19-20

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

Psalm 150.6

“Why are you cast down, o my Soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?  Hope in God, for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.”

Psalm 42.5

These are just a few of the verses that your inner prophet can claim – and live and walk and abide and eat and exercise in truth.

Jeans come and go.  Abs come and go.  Brownies and ice cream come and go.  Organic green smoothies come and go.  But the Word of the Lord stands forever.

I’ve struggled with all of these.  YES.  For a really long time.  And God is breaking me of bondage to sin on a daily basis.  Know that the grace of God is bigger than anything that you face in life.

Blogtember: Creative Ventures and Dreams

Blogtember: Creative Ventures and Dreams


Oh this is such a happy day on the blogtember challenge.  Its where I get to talk about creativity!

God made us in His Image and He is a creator.  While we don’t get to be a creator – because we can’t create out of nothing – we aren’t God – we still have a bent toward the creative.  And I love that.  I love taking the every day and making it creative.

Food: we all have to eat.  My motto: “everything important happens around a table”  And why not make it fun? I love making meals for people, baking special treats for celebrations and my men, and making hospitality even better with good food.  My Dream: to be published on Food Gawker, have a cookbook published one day, and share recipes and desire to cook for your families.

Naked Cake with Fruit

Pray Names: These are name art pieces that I do for people (completely customized) where I get to pray over the person I’m doing it for – as I’m doing it.  I just did the ones for my sons – and that was special.  I shared our older son’s prayer on the blog last week and I’ll share our younger son’s prayer when it is his birthday next month.  I love doing this for people either for births, weddings, adoptions, or special times within the life of the family.  My Dream: to get the word into people’s homes.  This is completely by donation.  I never charge a set amount (over supplies and shipping).

Pray Names

Photography: I’ve loved photography ever since I can remember, which is probably middle school.  I was the class historian for our high school and now I love capturing memories for people (and food and nature of course).  You can see more of my work here.  My Dream: to consistently improve in this area, earn money from it to help our family, and to capture memories for you and our family.

kcreatives newborn

Illustrated Faith: I love sitting down with my Bible and some pens and being able to meditate on what the Word is saying and coloring at the same time.  Different verses will come alive in different ways depending on how you draw them.  The Spirit speaks through His Word.  My Dream: To motivate other woman to get creative while reading their Bible.

Oaks of Righteousness

Writing: I’ve written some prayer resources that you can find here and I’m working on a daily devotional for moms.  I can’t wait to get that to yall!  And I write here, at Ungrind, Her View From Home, and other random places on the internet from time to time.  My Dream: to be published by Crossway at some point in my life.  And to write like Elyse Fitzpatrick

Coffee With: On the blog I love being able to introduce you to creatives that do creative things.  All creatives are normal people, some drink coffee, some run, some are married – all are creative.  I’ve been doing a series that I ask questions, give you insight into them, and let you see their work.  My Dream: keep doing it.  Have more creatives to introduce you to and keep community and ideas and encouragement happening.

kcreatives newborn: baby alistair

kcreatives newborn: baby alistair

Baby Alistair

When a woman is pregnant, I think one of the things she needs reminded of often is patience.  Carrying a baby can’t be hurried up.  24 hours a day is 24 hours a day no matter which way you look at it.  And babies take time to cook 🙂  God created a woman’s body to bring forth life.  That is just one of the many important roles a woman can play – giving life. And whether it is by birth, by adoption or fostering, or by pouring life into other people – life giving is so a God-given task.

Baby and Momma

Patience and life-giving was the name of the day when I got the chance to meet Baby Alistair (named for one of my favorite preachers, Alistair Begg), and hang out with his sweet family at their home.  Baby A had a head full of dark hair and he loved being held by his brother and sister, and of course his mommy and daddy.

Safe in Strong Arms

There is something about capturing the way parents look at their newborn that is mesmerizing – and this shoot was no different.  Any mom can tell you that the first few weeks with a newborn are pretty tough (sleepless, hormones), but the joy and baby snuggles completely trump those sleepless nights.


My prayer for baby A is that God would mold him to be a protector like his daddy, a nurturer like his momma, and a best friend to his siblings.  And that he would love the Lord with all of his heart and preach the gospel like his namesake.

Sweet Cuddles

If you would like any newborn shots of your sweet little, please contact me @ kcreativesphotography @gmail dot com and I would love to talk with you.

New Family of 5


kcreatives photography: life and hope

kcreatives photography: life and hope

Life and Hope

Sometimes you have a dream in your head.  And sometimes that dream stays just that – a dream.  And sometimes you have a friend that helps that dream become a reality.

This girl is that friend.  And this photo shoot is that dream.  The location may have changed at the very last minute, but everything else about it was picture perfect.

Life and Hope


When death happens in a person’s life – it can be death of a close relative, loved one, friend, or death of a dream, or relationship, or job offer, or life may just seem hopeless…there is devastation all around us – and sometimes there is devastation in us…sometimes we are lost…aimless..hopeless.

This shoot brought the story of Jesus and Lazarus to life for me.  Jesus was profoundly moved by the death of his friend.  Laz wasn’t just some random person – he was a close friend to Jesus.  And Jesus came and wept.  He showed empathy toward other friends and family that were there – but he was deeply moved at that moment.  The thing he knew was that there was purpose and healing and restoration coming from his death.  Jesus has the power to bring life, beauty, freedom out of death.

You may be facing death in your life: cancer, illness, loss of hopes and dreams, loss of a relationships – but what good is all of it.  We don’t know. I don’t know.  But Jesus knows.  He alone brings life and hope and beauty and freedom.  Right out of a graveyard.  A stinky, smelly graveyard offers a beautiful sunrise on a new, fresh morning!








Then we look and see Jesus – even among the death around us.  There is Hope.  There is Life.  There is freedom and beauty.  There is future.  That’s what this photo shoot helps to represent.  I love everything about this photo shoot.  I hope to do more of them in the future.

Friend: Terah Hohman

Place: Old Roswell Cemetery

Skirt: Bubba Janes Boutique

Photography: kcreatives photography

Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Jesus is Everything

When you read a lot, and are bombarded with other people’s favorite quotes all the time via social media – it is hard to pick just one.  But, this weekend I came across this blog from a former pastor of mine – and I had to share this.

One of the areas I see this the most for me is in parenting.  I’m so not good at this – but when I do call on the Jesus in tough moment, I see Him work.  He is faithful just like he said he would be!

And Jesus – the true Jesus – the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus that people make up in their heads that don’t line up with what the True Word says about Him – He is everything.  We don’t need anything else.  Any other additions to Jesus is not Jesus.

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Roasted Jalapeno Soup

This week is the official start to Fall.  I have already baked pumpkin goodies and have loaded up my dining room with all things pumpkin and gourd. This week we should have slightly cooler temperatures – because this wknd was summer again.

Here is what we are having this week:

Chili and baked potatoes (really this is a perfect inexpensive meal that my husband loves.  If you wanna buy chili in the can it is cheaper – but you can’t really control what is in it)

Roasted salmon and fingerling potatoes (these are relatively inexpensive at TJ)

Orange Beer Chicken

Southwest Salads with TJ Chicken burgers

A Rustic Fall salad I’m putting together for a vinegar company (can’t wait)

Banana Chocolate Chip Snack Cake – yall have got to check out her site.  Everything I’ve read and what she is about and her demeanor – I’m loving!

Lots of green smoothies




Blogtember: Guilty Pleasures

Blogtember: Guilty Pleasures

Water Fun

Can I first say that I hate the name of that.  I know what the term means: but basically it means indulging in something that isn’t necessarily good for us and getting pleasure for it.  So…hmmm, I don’t know how to answer that question.

Here are some things that I enjoy in moderation – but they necessarily aren’t good for me:

Dark Chocolate M&Ms

Ferrero Rocher

Ghiradelli Hot Chocolate with tons of whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate syrup

Strawberry Twizzlers

Moose Track Ice Cream

Salted Caramel Rice Krispy Treats

Lazy binge watching of NCIS (yay, season premiere on Tuesday) or Gilmore Girls (finished the whole series in about 2 months) or White Collar

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

White Hydrangeas

Yesterday we got to celebrate our little mister’s 3rd birthday.  While it wasn’t like we had planned, (darn pink eye), we still got to eat yummy pancakes, hit up Moe’s at Daddy’s work, and play at an aviation park in town, and eat cupcakes of course!

I’m a big celebrator – especially of birthdays.  God created that person uniquely and I think the world should celebrate them.  And I love giving gifts and making that person feel special – so that is the perfect day to do it, right?

So, just because it is Sunday, let’s celebrate that by giving you some links to look at!

Brokenness has been in my vision this week – and this post says why we need our failures.

I spend a lot of time talking about healthy living – here is a great post about how we do that in light of living in community.

If you are looking for inspiration in the world of travel and food – go here.  I love her blog and her visits.

Second only to guacamole is a great queso and I think I might be trying this soon

The podcast world is huge and you can never listen to everything.  So, if you want a place to start, check out Heather’s list.


A Prayer to Our Son on His Third Birthday

A Prayer to Our Son on His Third Birthday

A Momma's Prayer

Our sweet boy turns three today.  There is so much to be said about the joys and challenged of being his momma, a momma to a preschooler, but this post isn’t about that.

This post contains a prayer that I did some #praynames art for last night.  I love doing pray names art for birth gits or wedding gifts – to pray over the person I’m doing it for – and to get Scripture in their homes.  But, I had never done ones for our boys.  So, last night, before the balloons and the wrapping paper, the pancakes, and the cupcakes, I sat down and prayed this for him:

You are a faithful God who delights to give us good gifts.

Elijah is definitely a good gift! 

We thank you for giving him to us for such a short time.

I pray that you would capture his heart and his mind early.

That you would use his creativity and imagination for the glory of your great name.

Take his compassion for others – for the hurting – and use it to bring peace and healing in the world.

Use his words and his sweet touch to be strength and comfort to those in need.

May he grow to be a man of God who is captured by all of your beauty.

May he never lose his desire to dance when no one is looking.

I pray that you would break his little heart for things that cause you to weep.

May he one day be a husband who leads his wife faithfully

and a daddy to littles who will look to him to show them Christ.

Most of all, I pray that he would love you more dearly than anything else in the world.

You are good.


Praying for our children