My Favorite “Mommy” Verse

My Favorite “Mommy” Verse

God Daily Bears Us Up

Some people may think I’m a good Mommy, but my husband and few friends understand what a struggle it is for me every day of the week.  I thrive on quiet and peace and I’ve been given two toddlers who love to scream and they giggle really loud and they say “hi mommy” 50 times in a row.  I wouldn’t change them or trade them for anything.

So, here is what I say to myself often – and I need to say to myself more:

“Bless the Lord who daily bears us up.” Psalm 68.19

Bless – praise, thank, admire, worship

the Lord – Jesus, God – the one who created everything including you and your children

Who: he is the one who does it!

Bears – gives strength

Us – you, me, anyone who will call upon his name

Up – he keeps us from falling.

The rest of the verse goes on to say that God is our salvation.  God is more than just your provision (Jesus) out of hell.  But God is your salvation every single day!

So, if you are like me and struggle in your mommyhood role – know that crying out to the Lord is such a source of help.  He will bear you up because He is faithful at his word!

Kids Need Love (and Book Giveaway)

Kids Need Love (and Book Giveaway)

I Love You Even When

One of the best things that my husband ever said to me before we had children was that they would know how to be affectionate because I was their momma.  I cling to that these days when the discipline is so hard.  I still love getting their hugs, wrestling with them, tickling them, and having them give me kisses and hold my hand.  I will take it all.  It is one of my favorite things about being a mom!

There are so many children out there who don’t get the love they need from loving adults (whether it is their parents, other family members, or loving adults in their lives).  One of the reasons we wanted to settle on a church quickly when we moved to the metro area is so that the boys would get familiarity from other adults besides us.  They would get to know their SS teachers, pastors, friends’ parents. They would be shown love.

Some say it is hard to love when you have to discipline a child.  It is hard.  Disciplining is hard.  But disciplining them (when done with a correct action and spirit) is loving.  God loves us, his children, when he disciplines us and he is always love.

Tommy Nelson just released I Love You Even When, a book for toddlers.  It is a foam board book but has enough letters that it would be a great book for those learning to read.  Animals are a usual high attraction for most children and these illustrations are cute.

Good points about this book: God’s love is unconditional.  Helpful illustrations that will be perfect for most toddlers and the messes they get into.

Questionable – not bad, but just some points to talk about with your children as you read through it together – our kids should not feel they are more accepted and loved by us (their parents) when they obey.  That only teaches them legalism.  If you need a good book to talk more about this go here.

If you want a copy of this book, just leave a comment either here or on social media and answer the question: what is one thing your toddler does that as you are disciplining them you are trying not to laugh (yes, kids do the darndest things).


Transformational Tuesday: Gym Routine

Transformational Tuesday: Gym Routine

Transformation Tuesday

Most people who know anything about weight loss (and maintaining weight loss) will tell you that it can’t be just about what you put in your body, but also has to include what you do with your body.

Over the last 21 months I’ve been trying to lose the baby weight from back to back babies.  During that time I also moved states and now am finally getting settled into life with two toddlers.  We are an active family and I seldom keep the boys at home.  It is a fun, busy life.  One that I need energy for.  So, I’m learning how to change my eating habits and also work hard at changing my body tone every day.  (The photo above is from my lingerie shower about 6 weeks before I got married.  I can wear that dress again!)

Where I’ve been: when I delivered both my boys I was at 257.  Yikes.  That is an awfully high number for my 5’7″ frame and I know some of it was water retention.  But, I’ve now lost 86 lbs since my second was born in October of 2013.  I still have 15 to go to the weight I want to maintain.  I’m back below the weight I was when I wore my wedding dress back in October 2011.

As I’ve been doing this weight loss journey, I’ve had friends ask my how I do it.  Here are a few things:

1.  Eat less but also eat naturally healthy foods.  This is 80% of what I eat: whole, natural, foods including animal products.

2.  I have mainly cut out breads and potatoes and pastas.

3.  MOVE!  I will talk more about this further down in this post.

4.  Drink plenty of water.  I use the “half of your body weight in ounces” rule.  But, I also drink diet cokes (please, no rant in the comment section about this).

5.  Have people who are cheering you on.  We all need cheerleaders and I think that losing weight it so hard to do on your own.

6.  Self-discipline.  This, for me as a Holy Spirit filled believer, is a gift given to me by the Spirit.  I just need to put it into practice more often.

7.  Enjoy life.  You can do this by eating special meals every now and then or having dessert every now and then – but find other ways to enjoy life and celebrate.

Ok – since this post is mostly about working out and exercise, I want to just tell you what I’ve done.  First let me say that with two toddlers I would not have been able to lose this weight this quick without my parents who pay for my gym membership each month and that comes with childcare.  So I spend time at the gym 6-7 days a week.  It helps my body and my sanity.  And my boys love the kids klub!

I typically spend about 40 minutes doing cardio (either a spin bike or running – especially if I’m training for a race).  Then I spend the rest of the time doing body weight strengthening.  I’ve recently been enjoying the 30 Day Plank Challenge and the Little Black Dress Challenge.  It helps to have accountability so I’m in groups on facebook with friends of mine who are scattered throughout the country.  When I’m not in the gym sometimes my boys and I will walk a trail in Alpharetta in the shade for about an hour or we will play on playgrounds.  One night a week typically we will bring Daddy along and hike along the Chattahoochee which is fun but not very fast when you have toddlers who want to stop and look at everything.

Whatever you need to do – please take care of yourself.  Maybe you can take the money you spend on eating out or coffee trips and put some of that toward a gym membership.  Maybe buy some videos (I like Jillian’s 30 Day Shred and Bob’s Weight Loss Yoga).

Take care of yourself – for yourself and for others.

Launch // An Important Part of Any New Business


Small businesses probably make up a lot more of the business world than we would think.  SO many people now go into work for themselves because they like the autonomy of their own hours, the flexibility it provides their families, and you can design your business however you want.

As I finally work on launching my photography business (I’ve been shooting for friends and for my family since about 2005), I have been learning what it takes to get started, especially in a field where everyone believes themselves to be a fabulous photographer.  I’m not a fabulous photographer, but I’m good, I’m growing, and I’m passionate about learning more and constantly growing in my field.

I’ve found one aspect to be especially important: encouragement.  Everyone needs a cheerleader (or more than one would be nice).  It is helpful to surround yourself with people who know your craft, can give you constructive criticism, will help you grow and get better, but also those who believe in you and help push you outside your comfort zone.

I have that one person (outside my husband and parents) who believes me and encourages me every step of the way.  I’ve taken some photos for her and she loves them – always encourages me to be better (I absolutely love shooting with her around because she challenged me).

Who is that one person for you – find that person.  That person will be the biggest blessing to you in your career!

Categorical Reading

Categorical Reading

Books by Category


It is no secret that I love to read.  But, I need more time in my schedule to read.  And with two toddlers, a husband, a photography business, White Collar, West Wing, and lots of books – I have to do something to find more time!

One thing I am doing is getting more organized in my reading.  I am one of those readers that reads multiple books at once and always has a stack of books by my nightstand.  I have several books a month I’m reviewing for one publisher or another and that always keeps my mailbox full (and that is a happy mail day!)

So, since I have different interests and ways I need to read to fit my life – here is the deal.  I’m going to try each week to organize what I’m reading and let you know about it.  That way you can be introduced to new authors and books and you can also give me suggestions on what you are reading in those categories.

Christian Life: Newton on the Christian Life and Packer on the Christian Life (these two are both on my Kindle and they are both books I’m reviewing for Crossway).  I think I would highlight the whole book!  So good!

Creativity/Business/Photography: A Million Little Ways by Emily Freeman

Marriage: The Fruitful Wife by DiMarco

Food: A Modern Way to Eat by Anna Jones (a book review I’m doing for Blogging for Books) and My Life in France by Julia Child

Children: Just for Me Bible, Say and Pray Bible, and I Love You Even When (all book reviews for Tommy Nelson)

Parenting: My husband and I are reading through Shepherding a Child’s Heart together and even though I’ve read it is very important for me to re-read it now that I have children.

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Sebastian, Donuts, and Inflation

Let’s talk about the price of inflation.  Not really – but I know if I even mentioned that to my Papa, who turned 92 last month, that I would get to sit near him and listen to his rant on the government and it would take the same amount of time as it would for me to let bread rise!  But seriously, when did food get so expensive?

This whole living on a grocery budget is really hard when you like to cook.  We are tighter but when you have two growing toddler boys and a mister who needs three meals a day and you are trying to eat healthy – it is hard.  Fresh produce is expensive and we don’t want to live entirely off of chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and peanut butter sandwiches.  Couponing is something I don’t have a lot of time for, don’t want to do, and most of the items we buy don’t come with coupons.

So, we will get through this month because God is good and my boys won’t starve and I’m not going to gain 5 lbs.

Spaghetti (because I already have some sauce in the freezer from when I doubled a recipe before)

The Forest Feast’s butternut squash caprese salad

Leftover fig and balsamic pork tenderloin

Chickpea and spinach curry (also leftover from last week)

I’m making PW’s French silk pie for a Sunday meal we are having with friends – but I love the way my friend Jenny talks about it over on her blog.


Sundays in the South

I know that my babies’ nap times will not last forever, and when they drop those afternoon hours of night night, then we will figure out another schedule.  Right now, I’m sitting with my feet propped up, blogging away, sorting through my bloglovin feed, and watching a few episodes of White Collar.

Here are some links I’ve found this week that I thought you might enjoy.

I love coconut and this recipe comes from a mommy and a great food photographer and blogger and Little Rockian!

One of my favorite bloggers wrote about why she was going to stop blogging – and I still follow her on instagram and her continued journey with food and weight and motherhood.

Microblogging – a new world for social media

Just got a write a book review for this magazine.  Go take a look.

When I was in Arkansas I got hooked up with this great group of women.  I’m now in Georgia and heading it up. If you want to be a part of the Georgia Women bloggers – leave a comment or shoot me an email.


God’s Design for Beauty out of Brokenness

God’s Design for Beauty out of Brokenness

Beauty out of Brokenness

Do you realize that we are ALL broken people?  This isn’t a blog post just for the people who have major problems in life and their lives are falling apart.  This post is for every single person in the world.

And do you know that we serve an amazingly beautiful Creator who takes everything that is broken and turns it into a beautiful thing for his glory?  That is one of the aspects of God that I love the most.  That He takes the broken and makes beautiful wholeness out of it.

We see the God of beauty shining through all of Scripture.  Just a few:

1.  Nehemiah and his getting the wall rebuilt.  Nehemiah knew of the broken down wall in Jerusalem and he wasn’t even there.  So he went and saw the rubble.  And he prayed.  And he got normal every day joe people to work on the wall.  And you know what – God restored that wall.  He showed that His beauty could shine again around the walls of the city for His own people.

2.  King David.  A lot of people mentioned that he was a man after God’s own heart.  Which he was.  But he was also a murderer and an unfaithful husband.  But God used him to write amazing worship songs and lead God’s people – and he is an integral part in the history of redemption.

3.  The Apostle Paul who wrote a good portion of the New Testament and his letters are still an encouragement to us today.  He was in charge of the people who stoned one of the early deacons of the local church – and hated Christians – even though he knew the law of God and was really smart.

4.  And the most broken story of all.  The perfect Jesus being broken on a cross to pay for the sins of those who believed.  God chose Him to bear our burden.  To pay for our sins.


1.  I’ve seen women who have longed for babies have their arms full of precious ones even when doctors said it was impossible.

2.  I’ve seen marriages restored when unfaithfulness has been relationship-dominating.

3.  I’ve seen teenagers come to know Christ and then go on the mission field and lead churches for the glory of God.

4.  I’ve seen the bonds of addiction broken because of the glory of the gospel.

5.  I’ve seen orphans taken into families and loved on because of the gospel.

In Cynthia Ruchti’s new book, Tattered and Mended, she brings so many Scriptural highlights and life-giving words to help bring life to brokenness.  I really love her thematic way she set up her chapters in different forms of art and restoration.  Such a good thing for a creative to do.  I love her use of Scripture.  And that she brings out a very personal side of God – His healing power!

If you are in a season of brokenness – don’t despair (think of your favorite Anne of Green Gables quote).  Believe in him.  Wait on him.  You will see beauty because God is faithful and never changes.

This post is sponsored by Litfuse who sent me Ruchti’s book to review.  All opinions are my own.

Bourbon Glaze for Meat or Fish (and Book Review)

Bourbon Glaze for Meat or Fish (and Book Review)

Bourbon Glaze

You know those little samples of chicken with a toothpick stuck in them that you get from the fast food place in every mall across America…I gobble those up.  Well, I decided I wanted to make my own.

For Fathers Day, instead of going out and overpaying at every quality restaurant you go to – we usually decide to dine in and pick up good seafood from the counter at our local Whole Foods.  I decided I wanted to make my own bourbon glaze and boy did it ever satisfy.  I think I could drink the glaze – but instead chose to put it on fish – then put the leftovers on chicken for the next couple of weeks.

And, soon after that, I got the chance through Blogging for Books to review the book The Art of American Whiskey.  I found it interested because I know nothing about whiskey or bourbon except that the good stuff is made in KY or TN (usually).  This book told me the history of it through the art of it.  I loved learning how people made their craft and how they learned to live when prohibition hit our country and what brands are surviving and thriving today.

Bourbon Glaze
Recipe Type: Sauce
Cuisine: American
Author: kcreatives
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1 1/2 cups
This perfect glaze is a hint of spicy and sweet
  • 3/4 cup bourbon of your choice
  • 2/3 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1-2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 T worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp brown mustard
  • pinch of red pepper flakes
  1. Combine everything in a small saucepan.
  2. Whisk together and bring it to a boil.
  3. Reduce the heat and simmer for about ten minutes until the glaze reduces.
  4. Pour over your fave meat or salmon
  5. This glaze is great on salmon, chicken, pork chops, ribs, etc.


When Mommies Have Hard Days


There are days that I absolutely love being a mom.  There are other days that it is so stinking hard for me.  Honestly, those moments I don’t love it.  Of course I love my boys, I love the treasure of being their mom, but during those moments of throwing food, throwing toys, biting, hitting, slamming legos into the crib, disobeying for the millionth time that day and its not even 10:00 am – yeah, those days are really hard.

So, what are you to do in those moments?  Today was one of those days for me.  So, what happened today is something that I think can apply to every mom when she needs encouraging.  Just make it tailored to your need.

1.  Be encouraged in the Word – the Gospel.  As my husband was leaving this morning – even before he arrived at work – he was encouraging me with Scripture.  Not scolding me telling me of all the many ways I had already failed this morning.  Not telling me I’m a horrible mother and need to practice all the things I know.  No.  He knows how to affectively encourage me.  This is how he does it.  He tells me “Christ is sufficient for my every need – even in my weakness” and sends me Scriptures that he is praying for me – like Hebrews 13:20-21.  Benedictions like the one in Hebrews is so beneficial to me – knowing that I have been equipped – I have been given everything I need to be a good mom to those boys today – in the teething stage, in the disobedient moments, in the act of wiping up spilled apple juice for the 3rd time.

Maybe you will need someone else to encourage you in the word.  Maybe the encouragement will come through your daily quiet time. Maybe it will come through a song that is playing in the car.  However you get the intake of the Word – start here.

2.  Hang out with friends who encourage you.  I met a new friend at the mall today for play time with our littles and Cow Appreciation Day. Even though we had just met – sharing stories and just seeing interactions and hearing of God’s grace and goodness – that encourages me.  The friend you might need to see may be 2 states away so maybe a phone call or a text is all you need to help you persevere.  Or maybe see if someone can join you for lunch just to be an encouragement to you.  Discouraged moms do not need to be beaten up by legalism. They need to be encouraged by the hope of the Gospel.

3.  Write a note of encouragement to someone else.  There are so many mom friends in my life.  Each time I do a photo shoot I like to include a little note of encouragement.  So, I just got some photos printed and sat down to write a note of encouragement to my sweet young mom friend.  I’ve known her since she was in high school and now she has an infant sweet little girl.  This note didn’t take me long to write it and it wasn’t specific but just written in pink and said I love you. Persevere.  How basic is that?  But, I know that letters of encouragement can be such a God-send on a tiring day.  Do you send snail mail to people?  Do it – you will be surprised at what a great blessing it will be – both to you and to the person you are sending it to.

4.  Do something for yourself.  I think moms are so busy taking care of other people that they seldom do things for themselves.  It is not being selfish – it is helping your sanity!  My husband is super good at that – giving me time each week – doing whatever in his power to make me “happy” – building in times with friends, giving me alone time to study the Word, write and read, helping out with the dishes – I hope you have a mister like that.  Today – I stopped by Mcds and got a $1 Diet Coke and when I got the boys in bed I watched a White Collar episode.  Just little things.  Like cheap pretty flowers at Trader Joes.  Like a Weight Watchers ice cream bar.  Like a shopping trip with a friend.  Whatever will be a pick me up for you – do it.  It may be free like sitting outside on your deck staring up at the sky, or cheap like a coffee or a bouquet of flowers – or if your budget allows it go get a massage, manicure, or new outfit.  Take care of your soul – and yes, I do believe that means more than just sitting in the Word (though you noticed I started with that one as I think it is most important).

What are some ways you encourage yourself when you are having a bad mommy day?