What’s Eatin’?

What's Eatin?

This week is totally not going like it was planned.  I was supposed to be going to Charlotte after I dropped mister at the airport, but then we looked at the budget.  I will so miss time with friends and babies and in a cool place like Charlotte.

But, here’s to cooking at home:

Monday: When I saw this on my feed and realized I had everything and how perfect are pancakes when you are by yourself (and your kiddos) – they freeze well and I have everything for the recipe.  Thanks Kevin for being creative with your pancakes!

Tuesday: Tomato Avocado sandwiches will be for dinner. Simple and fresh with some local french country bread I got at the farmers market last week

Wednesday: Coconut lime ice box pie. Roasted potatoes from the farmers market and some vegetables will be on tap for tonight for a simple vegetarian meal.  For lunch, I’m trying out the Roswell Tea House with a sweet friend.  I think I could eat their whole menu…I want to try everything.

Thursday: Pound cake cupcakes with a lavender buttercream. Can’t wait. These are for ARWB Foodie Friday post. Can’t wait to see how they turn out! For dinner I’m thinking Jiffy Corn waffles are in store. Maybe with some chicken tenders on top for some semi-homemade chicken and waffles.

Friday: That pizza that I still haven’t made yet – yeah, the white truffle one – I’m going to make that.

Saturday: Roasted Swai salad for a late dinner with the mister when he gets off work – don’t know how much my littles will go for it.

Sunday: I think Sunday’s are made for a good brunch meal. Let’s go with a bacon quiche…what’s not to love.


What’s Eatin’?

What's Eatin?

Thanks for giving me a few weeks off from menu planning. I’ve barely got the kitchen unpacked into The Trace Kitchen – and I’m looking forward to trying these new recipes this week.

What are you cooking?

Monday: in honor of Cinco de Mayo – I’m making Willow Bird’s Taco Crescent Rolls and for dinner, chicken fajitas. Mister’s day off was switched this week so I’m trying to get some meal prep done today for the rest of the week. How do you go about meal prep?  Especially if you have small children?

Tuesday: I got some red potatoes at the Marietta Farmer’s Maret over the wknd to make this roasted bake. Looked healthy and delicious!

Wednesday: This is a serious chicken pot pie – and I can’t wait to show you guys some photos of it.

Thursday: To use up the rest of the cream cheese from last night’s meal – I’ll be making some cream cheese mac and cheese. Two days in a row of comfort food!

Friday: Most Fridays I will not be doing much cooking since it is my mister’s only day off every week. I’m thinking of going to a pizza night on Friday nights – fun for everyone and a simple hands-off whole wheat crust and some homemade pizza sauce in the slow-cooker.  I’ll be tweaking the pizza each week.  This week I’m doing a white mushroom truffle oil pizza.

Baking of the week: some homemade granola bars for all of us to snack on during the week!

Maybe I’ll throw in a lime ice box pie this week too!

Link  Love to Celebrate the Weekend

Link Love to Celebrate the Weekend

Marietta Farmers Market

Hello from Marietta!

Finally we have made it, got wifi hooked up in our house, found the lamp harps, and both boys are napping.  May be my favorite time of the day – well, a close second to when the mister comes home, but…quiet is nice for an introvert.  And I can’t wait to get my boys up from their naps and get hugs and kisses and give tickles!

As I’ve really only had time to look at posts – not write any of my own – I thought I would give you some of my favorites from the past few weeks.  Enjoy!

My husband and older little loves a good oatmeal cookies.  These look both healthy and delicious!

The photos on this blog – ok, and the ingredients – make me want to go and make a batch of these campfire-esque cookies

If you want to see some gorgeous food photos made with local and fresh ingredients, head on over to my friend Jayme’s blog

I’m not even into canning – but this jam looks like I would want to dive into that little canning jar with a huge spoon and devour it.  The thought of lemons does me wonders!

My friends Karisse and Kristel wrote a blog about dreaming – and dreaming big!  I am going to take their advice!

So many recipes on Willow Baking just in time for Cinco de Mayo!  What excuse do you need to make Mexican?  The trifle looks incredible!


What’s Eatin’?

What's Eatin?
This is a special week in the life of the Rainwood Kitchen:
1. My in-laws are coming for a visit.
2. I am packing up our kitchen with a friend in our community group at church later this week.
3. And it is Easter!

What special traditions do you have for Holy Week or Easter? Do you make anything special to celebrate this holiday?

Monday: We are doing homemade grilled cheese and soup for lunch today when the in-laws get here. Then for dinner we are doing taco salads with the amazing grilled chicken that some men from our church cooked up yesterday. All for missions! God loves the world!

Tuesday: You know the Italian Chicken I was supposed to make last week – well, I’m making it today instead.

Wednesday: The Sweet Corn Pancakes from Edible Portland and sausage. Story: We sat down today for lunch and I made Jiffy’s corn waffles. We both devoured them. Mister said I could definitely make these again! I said I wanted to make my own. Now he will have to decide what he likes better – box or homemade

Thursday: White Chicken Chili. Going to make a crockpot kind so we can be busy doing other things instead of standing over a stove.  I’m going to start with this recipe – then make it my own.  Look for a recipe coming this week!

Thursday: Comfort food night: meatloaf, green beans, and mashed sweet potatoes from my cousin’s farm in Alabama.  These are coming rom a church cookbook that my husband loves.  I’ll post it to the recipes later!

Friday: Fried Chicken Salads.  This is one of our go-to easy dinners.  Love them!!

Saturday: Simple pasta dish with a salad.  Don’t want to pack all that and its easy after a yard sale morning!

Sunday: For Easter breakfast, we are doing a blueberry cinnamon French toast.  Then after church, we are getting Fried Chicken from KFC and making my Granny’s Pea Salad, biscuits, and creamy rice.

Coconut Custard Pie
Banana Bread
Lemon Cream Pie Bars
Golden Oreo Cake Balls

One Year Sweetness: Annelise

One Year Sweetness: Annelise

Rocking Chair and Pearls

Red hair.  I have it, but not as vibrant as this sweet darling.  She is the spittin’ image of her momma and has rosy cheeks and eyes that twinkle that light up any room she is in.  I had a lovely time catching her playing with her pearls, rocking in a chair, staring at the lake, or being held by her mother.  Baby A – may life hold many wonders for you as you grow to be a woman who loves the Lord and lives life to the fullest.

Baby A 1 Year













Creatives: BPaperie (& Giveaway)

Creatives: BPaperie (& Giveaway)

Sometimes, when you get to watch someone do an every day job (say, an office assistant), you know they have a creative streak in them that is just dying to come out.  That is the way I felt as I’ve gotten to know Beth of BPaperie.  Beth and I worked at the same location in Louisville, then went to the same church.  She of course is a wife, and has her sweet dog which you can always find pictures of.  And she has a day job which she is great at.  But, a love of hers is creativity.  She is wonderful at taking the ordinary and making it bright and lovely and inspiring.

Christ Wells BPaperie Quote

For my office (which is really a corner of our dining room), I wanted something new and inspiring as a I write and do photo editing.  She happily obliged with a giveaway for my readers – just like you!  And she designed this beautiful art with a quote I got from singer/songwriter Christa Wells from Emily Freeman’s book A Million Little Ways.  Since this has been such a hard season of life with many changes coming, I picked this quote because it spoke to me of hope.  When I look at it encourages me to keep going and keep pressing on in my dreams.

I asked Beth to answer a few questions so y’all could get to know her.  Here is a sneak peak into her life as a creative:

1.Why bpaperie?

I started bpaperie as a creative outlet. My “about” section on Etsy says this, which I think might answer the question: I’ve wanted to own a design shop for as a place that smells good and is filled with fun things. A place to be inspired; a place where my puppy can run around in a cute sweater. And a place that’s affordable, too!
But since my husband’s in school, I’m stuck with a boring 9-5 job instead.  I’ve wanted to open an etsy shop for a while — a creative outlet of my  own — but I’ve been too scared to do it. It’s easy to let doubts fill  my heart and keep me from doing what I love — what if no one likes my  work? What if nothing sells? What if I’m a failure?
I can’t let  those things hold me back anymore! Bpaperie has been a long time coming. It’s the next best thing to a “real” store. And if you want to see  pictures of my cute pup in a sweater, shoot me an email. I’m happy to  oblige. 🙂

2. How did you come up with the name for your store?

My husband, Wes, often calls me “B,” and I love paper goods.  I was trying to decide between two names, and this one stuck.

3. What does your creative time sometimes look like?
             A lot of times I end up designing while on the couch watching TV. Glamorous, right? 🙂 Usually while Wes is watching Law & Order or something I’ve seen before that doesn’t require a lot of attention. We sit as a family of three on the couch (Wes, me, and Lucy, our puppy) and I’m content to play around with different fonts, textures, quotes, and graphics until I figure out something that seems to work.
4. What happens when the creativity just isn’t flowing – kinda like writer’s block? 
             I’m not sure what you mean by this question. Like when I have “real job” deadlines and I don’t have time to get creative? It’s hard. My day job demands a lot (most!) of my time and mental energy during the week. I’m still in the start-up stage for bpaperie, which requires a lot of investment in terms of time, money, and creativity. I’m trying to get my name out there via facebook and instagram, I’m selling in a shop in downtown Louisville (Block Party Handmade), and I’m looking forward to the day when most of my customers aren’t friends & family members. 🙂 But mostly, I love what I’m doing; this has been a dream of mine for a long time. So that motivates me to work hard and make things happen!
I hope you can find encouragement to pursue your creative dreams by hearing just some of Beth’s story.  Here is the fun information on the giveaway:  Beth is giving away one print from her Etsy story to one reader of kd316.  Here is how you can enter:
1.  Go to BPaperie on Etsy and come back and tell me which one of her prints you would want to have in your home
2.  Follow thekd316 and bpaperie on Instagram.  Come back here and tell me that you followed.
3.  Share this blog with your friends on FB or Twitter and return here and leave me a comment telling me you did so
Winner will be announced on Friday!
#iometrospring: blogger night & giveaway

#iometrospring: blogger night & giveaway

IOMetro Blogger Night

Last night I had the fun privilege to enter through the doors of i o metro in West Little Rock – and be wowed by their new spring line of interior furniture and accessories for any home.

IO Metro hosted me and some of my Arkansas Women Blogger friends to help spread the word of their new spring line.  Their line is full of charcoals, grays, navy, cobalt, oranges, tangerines, and aquas.  The food was delicious and so were the beverages!

Mint iometro

Thank you iometro for hosting us and spoiling us with prizes and giveaways.

For the giveaway – are you ready???  This was my favorite prize they gave away – and I didn’t win it – but I did pick it up to give it away to one blessed reader!  You either have to be local  – or be willing to pay for shipping – or have it hand delivered.  The white bird cage is about 2 feet tall – and beautiful!

This White Bird Cage Candle Holder is so easy to use in every room of your home:

1.  Put it in your living room as a statement piece of light with a soft candle flickering in it or some bold flowers to let spring in your home.

2.  In your bedroom, you can light a candle to help a night of romantic chilling with your husband.

3.  If you use it in your bathroom – make a bath much more enjoyable by putting a soothing candle in it – just adds beauty.

4.  If you are hosting ANY type of shower you can put a candle, or flowers, or a show-stopper tower cake or the star cupcake or a tower of cookies in it.

5.  Use it when celebrating the birthday of someone you love by setting it in the middle of the table with their dessert cupcake with a flickering candle.

6.  Use it on your patio for adding elegance to your next outdoor party!

Creativity flows from everywhere. You don’t have to have everything from the latest magazine – but gather inspiration and look around you – incorporate your creativity into everything!

creativity & wonder

To enter giveaway:

1.  Leave a comment on how you would like to use the white bird cage candle holder.

2.  For an extra entry: follow iometro and thekd316 on instagram and leave a comment here telling me you are following both.

(Disclaimer: I was invited to the blogger party as a part of the Arkansas Women Bloggers, and was given the bird cage to giveaway, but was not compensated in anyway for this post.  All thoughts are my own.  Thank you IOMetro

I will announce winner on Monday morning!