A Practical Way to Revolutionize Your Marriage

A Practical Way to Revolutionize Your Marriage

Revolutionize Your Marriage

I don’t know of any married woman who says “My marriage is perfect, we don’t need to improve in any area.”  Its just not said.  If it were said, there would be less divorces, no need for marriage counselors, or all the books in every bookstore about how to improve your marriage.

This is a simple, practical post. There are many spiritual things you can do to impact your marriage: pray (find a prayer journal here), read Spiritual Books, submit to your husband, and apply the gospel to every aspect of marriage.  This blog post won’t cover any of those but it more practical in nature.

Do this every day and I guarantee you will find more happiness in your marriage.  We’ve tried it – and it works.

Find out what blesses your husband and seek every day to do that very thing.

Here are some ways that plays out in our marriage.

Today: I made the bed. (My bed was seldom made before I got married). Sometimes, my husband makes it, but today I did.  I made decaf slightly sweetened tea.  He loves to have tea to drink at night with our dinner but can’t do the caffeine that late at night.  So, I made tea.  It took all of 10 minutes of hands-off time in the kitchen.  Not difficult.

This week I’ve taken to decluttering one area of our home each week day.  Clutter isn’t a good thing for my husband.  He likes a neat home when he walks in the door.  So, this week I’ve decluttered two areas in our master bedroom and put away and sorted all the boys’ clothes upstairs, and cleared off the fridge with all the Christmas cards we’ve received (we will be praying through those at meal times in our home).

Sometimes: its make his favorite meal. My husband’s favorite meal is spaghetti casserole.  It is not the most healthy dish to be made.  But, that is why it blesses him.  He really loves it but it is not my normal go-t0.  So, when I do make it he knows I’m making it primarily for him.

Here is the bottom line.  None of these things that I’ve mentioned may mean squat to your husband.  But, they mean a lot to my husband.  Key to this working is: study your husband.  Ask him what will bless him.  Ask him about tasks he would like you to complete during the day or sometime that week.  Make those items a priority on your to-do list that day.

And please, come back and let me know how it makes a difference in your marriage!  Blessings!

Read Philippians 2:3-4 for more info on this topic!

Photo credit: my ring and Erica Cooper Photography

Faces: Carrie

Faces: Carrie

Here are some shots on location in Volusia County, Florida that I took of a sweet friend of the family.  Thanks for being so photogenic Carrie!  Carrie loves our boys, plays well with the sunshine, has beautiful eyes, skin, and hair that bounces off the lens of my camera.  She is sweet and servant-hearted.  Such a joy.



















Winter in the Sunshine State

Winter in the Sunshine State

The past two weeks the Mister, boys, a nanny, and I were in the Sunshine State. I grew up in Lakeland, which is in the middle of the state. While the Mister was in class all day, my friend, the boys, and I toured the Orlando metro area, went on walks in the sunshine, took great love in the beach and ocean. Then over the weekend we visited friends and traveled from St. Augustine to Miami Beach all in one weekend. We snuck in a trip to Downtown Disney and hit some great letterpress shops in the area. I did almost everything I had planned to do, but also some that I didn’t want to do (like gain weight). Enjoy some pictures that I took while we were there. I do love the Sunshine State.
St. Augustine Beach

This was taken on a cold Friday dusk near 4th Street on St. Augustine Beach.

We hit up Hontoon Island and Blue Springs State Park and this is clearly a picture of some of my fave trees in the Sunshine State.

Florida's bird

Hontoon Island

Spanish Moss

Endless sky

I stopped by two favorite Letterpress stores in Winter Park: Rifle Paper Co and 9th Letter Press.
9th Letter Press

Here are some of my other favorites from around the state. Enjoy. And if you get a chance – go visit the Sunshine State in the dead of winter – its a nice breathe of fresh air!


Saint Andrews Campus

Saint Andrews - Sanford

Charlotte Street, St. Augustine

New Smyrna Beach

Link Love

link love

This week I found myself loving these finds:

1. I love her exfoliation posts. No, this has nothing to do with your skin – but your stuff. I do routinely think about things we have and what we need to get rid of, but my two main exfoliation times in our home are two times a year when our church has a share and swap. Great place to get rid of gently used, still quality items we don’t need anymore.

2. This hot chocolate will be made on our marriage retreat next wknd. I need to borrow some really cute espresso cups so I can take great photograph – but her photography makes me smile and stand in wonder at what a camera can do to a mug of hot chocolate.

3.  We all have influence.  How do you use the influence you do have with your audience?

4.  I love the salted caramel recipe I use.  I am going to make these almonds soon to go in some brownies for a dinner we are having with some friends and their kiddos!

5.  Love this video on sanctification and justification.  This has been a topic I’ve been thinking about recently so it was perfect timing.  Thanks TGC!


Is there anything out there I should be reading?  Cooking?  Photographing?

W&BT Found in Him Week 3

W&BT Found in Him Week 3

Moms, the Word, and Worship

This is a little late in coming because we were trying to get our home back in order after being gone for two weeks.  Its gets harder when you have more clothes to wash (2 little boys and 2 weeks of travel).  I definitely thought this was the richest chapter yet and it met the rest of my life as I was reading it.  Here are my top thoughts from reading chapter three.

1.  Sometimes I wish I had said something.  I would never think to refer to the Incarnation – and all the parts of the whole – as an “exquisite mystery”.  Maybe this is why I like Elyse so much.  She knows how to pen her thoughts in beautiful packages.  I was telling my Mister tonight about how the Incarnation seems to be getting more mysterious to me the more I read this book and think upon that doctrine.  What parts are more of a mystery to you?  The fact that he was God?  Or the fact that He was human.  For me, its that He was human.  But, for me, all I need to know is written in the Word so that I might know Him – and in eternity I will know Him more.

2.  This is specifically for moms: do you ever feel like no one knows what your days are like?  Like no one really knows you or your trials?  Like no one knows what you go through loving on your kids each day (and pulling bubble gum out of hair and peeling spaghetti noodles from the wall and scrubbing marker off of the baseboards?  This was very encouraging to me: Jesus lived his whole life in faithful obedience – all 33 years – not just the three in public ministry.  “if our understanding of his work pauses after a brief celebration in Bethlehem to resume only at his baptism in the Jordan, we rob ourselves of the comfort that his whole life of isolation, obscurity, and obedience are meant to bring us.  Generally ignored, he toiled without complaint, suffering humbly.  He wasn’t merely treading water.  Jesus’ life of ordinary (yet spectacular) obedience changed everything.  He needed to live a full life of joyous obedience in order to save us.  He grew from blissful innocence to tested holiness in the crucible of daily life.”  How is God shaping you and perfecting you in the crucible of daily life.  My mentor and I have been talking about this the past few days.  Knowing there is great reward in the daily – seek faithfulness and the glory of God.

3.  God’s Word is reliable.  Elyse says that – we can believe it.  We can believe in the Bible’s reliability not because Elyse says it – but because God says it.  Jesus knows the Word.  He spoke the Word while He was on earth.  God-breathed was the Word that he was quoting in the wilderness – and in many other instances in his earthly life.  God gave it to us as a means to know Him – let us love this reliable word.

4.  “The Lord Jesus had a practiced habit of exclusive worship of his Father.”  Another one of those quotes I wish I had penned.  What do you in the ordinary?  How do you live your life daily?  Do  you wait for a trial to come before you pray?  Do you wait until you need an answer before you read the Word?  Do you wait till you have a Bible study lesson to prepare before you dig into the Scriptures?  When trials come – what do you have to cling to?  If you are in the practiced habit, like Jesus was, of daily walking with God, His and our Father, then your life will demonstrate that as you face the trials that all of use are going to face in this life.

5.  “Recall the perfect obedience of the Son in your place and go on your way in faith.”  There is an age old discussion about faith and works.  What the Bible clearly says is that salvation comes through Christ alone – by faith alone (and that faith is a gift not of ourselves) and then we are to walk in the good ways that God has for us.  So often though as believers, when we are failing and struggling in sin, our minds battle with our assurance of salvation.  If we constantly look inward and look to ourselves and our good works as a measure of our salvation – we will never be sure of it.  Because we will always be failing.  We must look to, rely upon, and rejoice in the perfected work of Christ.

Happy reading!

A Christian’s Response to Death

A Christian’s Response to Death

Christian's Response to Death

There is so much heart ache in this world.  As I’ve been reading the Old Testament this morning, specifically Genesis and Exodus so far – there is much death in those books.  However, one key theme I see run across all those pages – and even the pages of my life today: the faithfulness of God.  There is hurt, there is weeping.  Those are right responses.  Death is traumatic because we weren’t created (in the beginning) to face it.  But…

He promises.

He keeps.

He covenants.

He remembers.

He is the same.

He never changes.

He is the giver of life.

He is the taker of life.

He is good.  He is faithful.  When all else fails.  Including Death.

Raw Detox Recap

Raw Detox Recap

Raw Detox Recap

Going on a two week vacation right after New Year’s doesn’t really help with keeping all those resolutions.  5 people in a hotel room doesn’t leave much room for exercising but I enjoyed the many days in the Florida sunshine (and heat).  But, I had returned with the scale being up 6 pounds (including birthday desserts).  So, I was thinking, even before the return trip, about how I wanted to get that weight off!  So, I chose to do a raw food detox for three days.

I looked at several websites and I’m glad that none came up with a specific menu.  I wanted to choose my own raw foods to eat.  I didn’t think it would be as hard as it was, but my husband knew it was difficult for me.  The only things I’ve had for three days have been raw except for salsa and gum.

My favorite thing I ate all wknd was my carrot apple ginger juice and avocados!  Man, I love those things!  In smoothies, on salads, or by themselves – they were a welcome addition when I couldn’t things like salad dressings.

I was hungrier than I thought I would be.  The affects on my body (besides a 5.6 lbs weight loss in three days) were bloating which I expected.  But, I think I also slept better too.

My thoughts:


I love the foods that God created in the form that God created them.

There is so much beauty in fruits and vegetables.

I didn’t snack as much (like grab half of a chicken nugget from my son’s plate).


There are other things that God created: like fire and heat and animals that give us food products – that shouldn’t be cut out of my diet.  I was craving eggs when I finished the detox.  Eggs are nutritious.  I wanted milk, cheese, healthy breads, cooked vegetables, etc.

Most fad diets that are out there today (and for the past decades) usually tell you to cut out this or do away with that.  But, as most people can tell you, that doesn’t work for the long haul.  Moderation is key. I’ve learned in years (almost 20) of dieting, exercising, eating healthy, periods of loss and gain – that moderation of everything is key.  I think that is also biblical.  So for me, I will not be adapting to a raw vegan lifestyle.  May do a detox on occasion but I don’t feel the need to cut out everything cooked from my diet.

If you are going to choose to eat radical (in anyway):

1.  Make sure you are determined. Will power is key here.

2.  Make sure you have support from those around you.  My husband was a huge supporter of this and that is a giant help.

What’s Eatin’? #3

What’s Eatin’? #3

What's Eatin?

I usually do my grocery shopping and menu planning on Monday, so I thought I’d put it out there. This is helpful for two reasons: keeps me accountable and not wasting money or food and also it may give you some new dishes to try!
I wont say there won’t be variance from this list – because often I get inspired by the blogs I read each day – but hopefully this will be a good start!

Monday: Me finishing up a Raw Detox so a green smoothie and E will have my boxed lunch from a nutrition study today. Yay – no cooking!

Tuesday: Larry’s Pizza for lunch with friends from Durham and Taco Tuesday for dinner: Breakfast Tacos strictly because I have missed my Great Day Farm eggs since being in FL and on a Raw detox for three days. I’ll be including black beans and sweet potato hash in the tacos.

Wednesday: Its rumored to be cold here so I think I’ll make an addition to #elr14 and make Jenna’s Broccoli Cheddar Potato Soup. Really – its vegetarian and I only need 3 ingredients from the store to make it. Vegetarian minus the bacon of course – but that’s just a topping and I will eat it!

Thursday: Dinner is italian chicken tenderloins and grown up tater tots and roasted beets.

Friday: Hubs is going duck hunting. I’m having a play date at a local church and am making another #elr14 recipe – apricot chocolate chip scones I’m going to Panera in the afternoon for some LaLa time. Dinner is going to be a homemade pizza – I want to be making these more often on Fridays. Simple. But, this week I won’t be making the dough. I’m thinking a pesto roasted garlic onion pizza – I’ll share the recipe if it turns out!

Saturday: Leftovers! Fresh Vegetables. Brunch at church. Also, we are having a play date/craft day so I thought I’d add another check to #elr14 and make her Lazy Girls’ Blondies for the kiddos (and us if we want one).

Sunday: Leftovers as well for today!

What are you cooking this week?

2014 Goals: Reading, Writing, & Blogging

2014 Goals: Reading, Writing, & Blogging

2014 Goals

Here is the last of my 2014 Goals. I think all of the above go together. i look forward to a year of more prayers for the journey, a prayer book for new moms, reading more books, and doing more blogging.

Prayers for the Journey: a free e-book that is for all wives (or women who are praying for a future husband) that takes you through a book of the Bible and prayers and journaling space. Here is the one from Ephesians and I have LOVED hearing feedback from y’all who have used it! I should have Nehemiah back from the editor by the end of the month. The ones on tap for this year are: Colossians, James, 1 Peter and 1 John.

Bigger Writing Projects: 365 Prayer Journal for new moms. And a journey through the OT and Knowing God. Most of the book will be done when I finish the Bible readings for the year, then I’ll go back and expand my findings – to make a devotional for y’all!

Blogging: I want to blog at least 5 days a week, use Social Media like Influenster, Instagram, Twitter, FB, and Pinterest. I want to get to know the ladies of AR Women Bloggers. I would love to attend a Blogging conference – sponsored by someone because we don’t have the funds to pay for it.

Reading: I get much inspiration for the above by reading. And I think all of these are tied together by this one discipline. I read blogs, books, the Bible, mags, etc. And they: the photos, the quotes, the stories – all inspire the above. I want to read at least 10 pages a day and pick out a few blogs to go back to and read some of there tutorial pages. Some I’m looking forward to are Naptime Diaries, Willow Bird Baking, and Adventures in Cooking. One of the books I want to read in 2014 on writing is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Any other blogs I need to be reading? Any Prayers for the Journey books of the Bible you want me to tackle? Any blog topics you’d like to see written?

Link Love

Link Love

link love






Love being able to read new sites on the internet. Thought I’d take some time to share some things I’m loving this week:

Think I’m going to improvise this recipe and make these delicious empanadas. The possibilities are endless.

Will be serving these grown up tater tots when we get back with some fresh meat and greens.

I love thai food. Since I’ve not found a fabulous thai restaurant in my new neighborhood, I have to make more of it at home. Will be trying this soup on a cold night soon!

These would definitely make my morning! And by looking at the rest of Willow’s site – it is very inspirational for food photography!

Went here and here this week in Winter Park, FL. Letterpress Haven!! I love the variety of products and gifts at RPC and the special finishing touches and old letterpresses and the project board at 9th.

What blogs or sites do I need to check out? Send them my way! I love finding new treasures!