31Days: New Quote in Grace (Day 2)

A friend pointed me to this Paul Tripp quote today on grace and it is much needed in my life right now.  Knowing that I am not to blame for my dilemnas post-delivery, I can’t soothe my baby every time he cries, and I am not to blame for everything that is stressful right now is why I need this new quote.  This will carry me through, thankful for Paul and his writings and God and his truth and sovereignty.

“Grace confronts you with the fact that you control almost nothing, while it places you in the care of the one who rules everything. – Paul Tripp

31 Days: Everything’s New Day 1

Today starts a new month, the best month of all, and a writing challenge that Nester is hosting.  It is a challenge to write every day on a certain topic for an entire month.  It is really a great challenge in discipline that I am hoping will spread to other areas of my life.

The topic for me is Everything’s New.  Because in my life right now everything is new.  New baby, in the next week we will be moving to a new state, starting new friendships, starting new ministries, living in a new apartment for a while (till we sell our home in Durham), starting a new year of marriage, etc.  So many things are changing.

My posts will document some of our changes – some will be lighthearted, some will be pictures, some will be serious.  Check back everyday for how life changes – but how God is faithful in all of them!

Yawns, Tubes, and Squishy Cheeks: Lessons in Motherhood #1

I will write a post all about the birth of our firstborn son, Elijah Levring, and thoughts about his name and what he has meant to us so far, but that will come soon.  Right now, I want to think through some early lessons I have learned in motherhood:

1.  I am not in control.  No matter what I tried to bring on contractions (and believe me, we tried almost everything), we delivered at 40.6 wks.  That was really long.  I think I had been done for at least 4 weeks.  But, God knew when I was done and I kept telling myself that He would not give me anything which I could not handle with Him.  Then I couldn’t control the tub I had.  The nurse filled it so full that when I got in, we had about 4 inches on the bathroom floor.  It was like a tidal wave of water.  I can’t control the weight I lose (or don’t lose).  Elijah was 9.06 lbs and I lost just that much and now have gained some back – maybe I should just stay off the scale.  My husband would love that!  I can’t control the lights on Duke Street.  Since we are having to make trips to Duke UMC every day we travel Duke Street a lot – and we always hit the lights.  I can’t control his platelet levels (which is why he is in ICN).

2.  Prayer is my heart language at 2am.  Who else is up with me?  A friend gave me Psalm 121 and that is so true.  I pray when I am holding him tight and he has all the cords hooked to him.  I pray as I’m singing to him.  I pray as I’m writing in his journal about what kind of man I want him to grow to be.  E and I pray as we are going to bed, clearly exhausted, and just sometimes mumbling our prayers – thankful that our God hears even when we don’t make sense due to exhaustion and sleep-deprivation!

3.  I need to extend myself grace.  I started crying this morning when the only shirt that fit that would also be good for breastfeeding was a maternity shirt.  I was upset at myself when I turned off the alarm at 2am which I had set so I could pump him some milk.  i just rolled over and finally got up at 6am.  I was frustrated this morning when Eli wouldn’t eat very well, but ate like a champ yesterday.  I needed to extend myself grace when I finally gave in to stadol and an epidural 7 cm into delivery.  I need to extend myself grace!  My husband extends me much of it, but I need to as well.

Thankful for all these lessons I am learning.

Coffee With…Stacy Rist

Coffee With…Stacy Rist

Love catching up with old friends.  Stacy Rist is a friend of mine from Southeastern Seminary who is serving in a local church.

We sat at Caribou…sipping on pumpkin chai and Diet Coke…talking about life and fall and women’s ministries.

What is your favorite thing about Fall?

     Sweaters.  Christmas in the air.  Leaves changing.  Leaves dying…Hope is coming.

What is your favorite part of the Church?

     The Church has many parts…all integral.  They all reflect God and His glory.  Redeemed.  All walks of life. 

If you had a purpose for women in the church…what would it be? 

     For them to truly understand God’s Word and have the tools and methods to study it and be involved in their growth. 

If you had your dream job, what would it be?

     Investing in women’s lives by writing and speaking with intentionality.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

     Australia: hopefully doing intentional women’s ministries (anywhere in the world).

Stacy writes over at Chord of 3 Strands if you would like to check out her blog and her heart for Jesus, the church, and women.

Praying For Your Husband: Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons

If you are so inspired to pray for your husband on a regular basis – and would like some guidelines or areas of prayer in which to start – look no further than Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons by Thabiti Anyabwile.

Now you might be saying, Kim, my husband isn’t an elder or a deacon, so why do I need to pray for him in that regard?  Well, just as Proverbs 31 is a guideline for women and who they ought to be, I think the characteristics of an elder/deacon is what every man should aspire to be.  Not the office per se, the characteristics.

Here are some of the characteristics you can pray for your husband out of this book: sincere, holds firm to the faith, above reproach, a one-woman man (who doesn’t want that?), leader at home, not materialistic, humble, mature, and the list goes on.

And, if you are a church goer – you should be lifting up your pastors/elders/deacons as they serve and lead you and others in the local church.  This book has short chapters and is very applicable. Yes, written to men, but I found it very helpful to pray for my husband, who just finished as an elder at one church and is about to start a new role as an Elder

Book Review: Boyhood and Beyond

The day this post goes live will be my first son’s due date.  As most of you Moms know out there in blogland – due dates rarely mean anything.  I think it is a ploy for women to get all worked up and having something to plan for – then it comes and goes with little fanfare.  But, we shall see.

As soon as I found out we we were having a boy, I wanted to start praying specifically for him to be a man after God’s own heart.  I already was praying for his daddy that he would continue to press in and love Jesus – and that is what I want our son to model as well.

The first book I was recommended has been a wonderful tool for me to use to know things to pray for Baby about: Boyhood and Beyond by Bob Schults.  This is actually a book written for boys, probably between the age of 10-12.  And that means it was great for this pregnant mom and her attention span.  Short chapters, not difficult theology, and very practical.

Covering such topics as: wisdom, letter writing, loving your sister, obedience, serving, working hard, preparing for a wife and children and a myriad of other topics, Bob writes courageously for young boys but not treating them as kids – treating them as young men.

I want to train my son early to be man after God’s own heart.  Yes, there is plenty of time to have fun, play games, etc – but I want to raise him to be a man.  Teach him the characteristics of what a man should be: gentle, kind, humble, meek, protector, provider, and leader – whether it is in the classroom, at home, or on the baseball field.

“God creates boy to become men.” – pg 40

I didn’t mark a lot in this book, because I will probably be praying it again for him and then giving it to Baby when he is old enough to read it and learn from its wisdom. 

What do you or how are you praying for your children?

Book Review: Giada at Home

I’ve recently been given two Giada cookbooks, and I found this one more tantalizing then the other one, Everyday Italian.  This one had more original recipes and recipes that actually needed recipes.  🙂

Here are some of the ones I want to try…

Lemon Chicken Soup with Spaghetti

Nonna Luna’s Rice (to make one night when my husband isn’t home – he is not a shrimp fan) – We can have a girl’s night!

Grilled Tuscan Steak with Fried Egg and Goat Cheese (another one I would have to cook differently – my husband doesn’t like runny eggs) – but I like pleasing him with what I cook

Vegetable Parm – baked veggies and cheese – does it get much better?

Cranberry Cornmeal Cake – would be great for the Fall!

Chocolate Rice Pudding – oh goodness comfort food and chocolate

Should be making some of these once we move!

Bonnie – On A Journey

Bonnie – On A Journey

I had the fun privilege of taking some fitness-lifestyle journey photos of my friend Bonnie.  She has done a great job of losing weight and looking great and exercising, so we went to West Point on the Eno near our homes and got some fun Fall photos in a new outfit!  And yes, those are the great JCrew peep-toe heels that I love so much.  They were too big for her but you can’t tell that in the pictures!

Keep up the good work Bonnie.  🙂







Book Review: Remember Me

This was my first choice of fiction for this month’s reading selections from Crossway.  I knew I was taking a risk with fiction and not knowing anything about the series or the author.  And honestly, this is the first Crossway Book that has disappointed me.  The medieval language was tough to get through and it was a long drawn out beginning.  Others may like it – especially if you are a fiction person.  I would rather non-fiction, and I know I can always count Crossway to deliver in that genre.


Pregnancy and Clothes Shopping

Pregnancy and Clothes Shopping

I know folks tell pregnant women not to go grocery shopping in the first trimester because a lot of the smells will make them sick – but no one warned me about going clothes shopping and how depressing it could be. 

I went with a sweet friend who has lost weight to pick out some new clothes for a photo shoot (and just to pick out new clothes).  What I didn’t expect was how depressing it would be looking at all the fall styles knowing that I could no longer wear a size 8 or even a 14 (unless it is maternity or as 12 with a belly band).  I know, you are saying it is all for a good cause – and I can’t wait to meet my sweet little boy I’ve been carrying for almost 10 months now…but I should never go clothes shopping when I can’t wear the clothes. 

I’ve been looking at this one particular fashion, hair, style, makeup blog and it has been great in helping me to get remotivated in looking as best I can for my husband when he comes home from work (I can at least still fix my hair and put on makeup even though none of my clothes fit)  And it gives me gread ideas for what I want to wear when I lose all this baby weight.  This post is the one that really got me thinking.

Here are my thoughts:

1.  Statement pieces: yes, I love jeans.  But, I don’t like spending money on them.  So, I love Kohls.  But, if I ever get to a weight I love and know I can keep it off and remain that weight – I may invest in some MadeWell or Lucky jeans.  The other is shoes: I have some red suede lagerfelds, JCrew zebra peep toe pumps, and some other shoes that are just fabulous.  Right now all I can wear is flipflops.  Ready for my feet to not be “memory foam feet”!  And I love blazers – cute jackets that go with anything that I like better than sweaters.  They make me look more complete and can totally work a pair of jeans. 

2.  Buying for my bodyshape: well, if I could ever stay the same weight for a few mon  ths – I could swing that.  Discipline is part of the journey.  Right now none of my tops will fit until I’m done nursing – then I may be pregnant again.  So, is this hope null and until I’m 40?  I hope not.

3.  Grabbing 10 things if your house is on fire: clothing things: Zebra pumps, my Kohls skinny jeans, a few Loft dresses, white sweater and teal sweater (both of which my hubs loves), and some sweet jackets that I have.

4.  Saving Outfits: Oh, I wear them – but I do save them even when I can’t fit into them – because they serve as motivation!

5.  Take care of your clothes.  This is definitely something I’ve learned since being married to my sweet husband.  If we are cooking and he gets something on his JosABanks white dress shirt – I have him take it off immediately, I stain treat it, then I throw it in the wash.  I don’t do the same with mine.  I need to.  Here is to new habits.

These pictures represent me at my skinniest (or almost) and one now almost 10 months pregnant.  Here is to goals and walking trails!







This is not my baby, but a sweet friend/neighor’s new born.  But, that was a small Loft sweater which I loved and an 8 Bass skirt which is one of my fave possessions and would definitely be listed in question number 3.  My husband hasn’t even seen me wear that skirt yet.  Oh, wait for the day.