31Days: New Prayer (28)

I love early mornings when little buddy is asleep and I get time just to linger in bed and think and pray.  This doesn’t happen often, probably not once since he’s been here (when I haven’t been so tired all I’ve done is slept).

My prayer and thought this morning is a quote I heard some time ago and again it came to mind:

“Unless sin is bitter, Christ will not be sweet.”

Pray that as we live out the Gospel in our marriage, parenting, church life, friendships – that we would not cherish sin because we cherish Christ more.

31Days: New Mountains (27)

Yesterday our little family took a nine hour road trip (round trip) up into the northern part of our new state through some backroads.  We had been told that one little highway was a gorgeous scenic view in the fall.

We made little stops along the way and saw the beauty of the Ozarks.  We passed through towns of Booger Hollow, Chigger Hollow, Pickles Gap, and more.  We stopped at a little store called Nellie’s Crafts and Quilts.  we left disappointed because though they indeed sold jams and jellies like their sign advertised, it wasn’t homemade like we had thought it might be.

Little buddy did great as he loves being in his carseat as long as we were moving.  We hiked the Alum Springs Natural Bridge.  We got a snack at Subway in Harrison right past the Buffalo River.  And we ate at David’s Burgers (a small chain burger place) on the way out to Hwy 7.

So, while I can’t really say it was the Blue Ridge Parkway of AR – it was God’s beautiful creation and we got to hang out all day.  And there is a little B&B that overlooks the entire valley that I hope we get to go back to some day.

31Days: New Vocabulary (26)

My vocabulary has definitely changed since having a baby.  I used to always talk about blogs, networking, theology, family ministry, curriculum, marriage, etc.

Now, these are my latest phrases:

“I’m giving you some Mommy slobber” – when I’m going to kiss little e

“He pooped 4 times today” – talking to E about our day

“Hey sweet boy” – when I pick him up out of the rocker sleeper

“It’s time to change you…again?”

“Sssshhhhhhhhh…” – all the time when I’m trying to get him to sleep.  I’ve even done this to my husband in my sleep!


31Days: New Encouragement (day 25)

I love a husband who encourages me!  Shouldn’t all husbands do that?  I got a good one!

We were driving to our date location and I just started rattling off talking a million miles a minute.

What was I talking about – another writing goal.

We studied the book of James together until August.  it was such a good time for us in the word.  So, I was telling him again of my desire to write a Bible study based on my studies.  And how I was going to do it.  NaNoWriMo is coming up in November.  That’s where you purpose (goal, intend) to write 50k words of a book – not edit or anything else, just write.  So, that is what I’m going to do.  It is only about 1300 words a day.  And yes, I do believe i may be crazy for trying to do it with a newborn, but if writing a book is one of my dreams then I gotta start somewhere.

So, what did my husband do?  He didn’t say I was crazy or ask me what was I thinking.  No.  He took my hand and said “that’s great honey.  I think it will be a blessing to those who read it.”

Thanks for your encouragement, Love.

31Days: New Home (Day 24)


In early October we moved from a 1700+ square foot townhome into a 900ish sq ft apartment.  Needless to say, 2/3 of our beloingings are at someone else’s home being stored for the time being.
I saw this sentence “we’ve been duped into believing that perfection is the ultimate goal of our homes” on the Nester’s blog from a few weeks ago.  It kinda hit me about our new temporary home.
E’s need for cleanliness and orderliness has rubbed off on me.  Growing up, our home was only clean and decluttered 5 minutes after the cleaning ladies left or 5 minutes before company came.  I didn’t mind living like that.  But now I do.
And, no, with a newborn, our home is not spotless and tidy.  But, I do try to do the laundry and the dishes every day.  I try to make the bed every morning, partly because I know it will bless my husband.
But, other than that – that’s about all I have time or energy for.  We can strive, for being good stewards of what we’ve been given – not for perfection.

31Days: New Goal (Day 23)

my former rooms did NaNoWriMo the past years.  She didn’t have too much of a social life during the month of November, but she did get a lot of writing done.

Well, if one of my goals and dreams is to write books – I guess I better start.

So, for the month of November, I will be posting on this blog, but only from the excerpts of what I am writing.  I will be working on my study on James.  I have the chapters already marked out – and the intro mostly done, so I just gotta get to it.

The goal for NaNoWriMo is 50k words – they don’t have to be perfect, you edit later.  So, here we go! 🙂