31Days: New Quote in Grace (Day 2)

A friend pointed me to this Paul Tripp quote today on grace and it is much needed in my life right now.  Knowing that I am not to blame for my dilemnas post-delivery, I can’t soothe my baby every time he cries, and I am not to blame for everything that is stressful right now is why I need this new quote.  This will carry me through, thankful for Paul and his writings and God and his truth and sovereignty.

“Grace confronts you with the fact that you control almost nothing, while it places you in the care of the one who rules everything. – Paul Tripp

31 Days: Everything’s New Day 1

Today starts a new month, the best month of all, and a writing challenge that Nester is hosting.  It is a challenge to write every day on a certain topic for an entire month.  It is really a great challenge in discipline that I am hoping will spread to other areas of my life.

The topic for me is Everything’s New.  Because in my life right now everything is new.  New baby, in the next week we will be moving to a new state, starting new friendships, starting new ministries, living in a new apartment for a while (till we sell our home in Durham), starting a new year of marriage, etc.  So many things are changing.

My posts will document some of our changes – some will be lighthearted, some will be pictures, some will be serious.  Check back everyday for how life changes – but how God is faithful in all of them!