Hello December 5

Hello December 5

Ice.  Yes, people in the south flip out about winter weather.  I like it.  S, you have to be prepared, so be prepared!  Stay calm.  God created the weather! 🙂IMG_8338

I took this picture on Christmas day 2012 – our first Christmas in Little Rock.  Gorgeous!


Breakfast Tacos

Breakfast Tacos

breakfast taco salsa

We don’t own chickens, nor do I ever plan on it.  Might be nice to walk out and get fresh eggs every morning, but I’d rather rely on a company like Great Day Farms eggs – local, natural, gorgeous, and absolutely healthy and delicious!  I heard there company at the AR Women’s Bloggers event here a few months ago – and loved their story, their company, and now go to Wal-Mart to buy my eggs!  If I’m going to feed my family, especially my young boys, I want them to be the best eggs they can be!

My plans starting out Tuesday was to make a different type of taco for taco Tuesday, but with small children, plans change almost immediately.  So, I had delicious eggs in my fridge and opted for a breakfast taco.

What you need:

great day farm eggs

Great Day Farms eggs – I scramble mine mixed with half and half and pepper, with butter for the pan (gives it more flavor) – and salt the eggs when they are almost done cooking

seasoned cooked black beans (I use garlic, cumin, salt, pepper, and some Cuban seasonings)



Sharp cheddar cheese

Flour tortillas



Super yummy, inexpensive, and delicious and healthy!


Truly Families: The Cranford Family

Truly Families: The Cranford Family

I love getting to know families: how they interact, how they laugh, how they love!  This family is no different.  It was a cold day here in Little Rock the day that we had scheduled photos.  Their kiddos were troopers.  I loved how the parents stayed calm and peaceful in talking with their children even in fussy times.  It was a blessing to see.  And to photograph!


















Contact me at kimddavidson @ gmail dot com if you would like a photography session for any reason.

Arkansas Frontier – Quitman

Arkansas Frontier – Quitman


Are you looking for a family outing this fall? In October (and Nov 1 this year due to the weather), Quitman (small town outside of Little Rock) is host to the Arkansas Frontier. This wonderful family adventure, perfect for families that have preschool or school age children, fills up a huge acreage with all sorts of fun activities for children of all ages.

Learning about Indian history


School groups welcome
We were highly taken by the hospitality of every employee present. From the ticket givers to the men and women that ran each “exhibit”, they were friendly, knowledgeable, funny, and very willing to help or answer any questions we might have had.

Helpful employees
Our son, who is almost 13 months old loved the animals (goats, rabbits, mini horses, pigs, chickens, etc) and also was really enthralled by the pumpkins and hay bales. He enjoyed hanging out with daddy and oma for the morning too (a special treat).
This October fun place is not only FUN but also educational, perfect for school trips or homeschool outings. They teach you about how school “worked” in the earlier days. There was a mining exhibit that kids actually got to “Swish” and pan for minerals, but they also learned about the minerals they found and about the history of mining. There were teepees and a history lesson of Indians. For really fun times, there was a hay ride, wagons that parents could pull little children in, and duck races.

School in 1913
Families often have trouble finding positive outings to do together nowadays. Quitman has the answer – the Arkansas Frontier is that answer. Especially if you like pumpkins and all things fall – then head on over there (FRIDAY!) Your family will enjoy the day – just as mine did today! I have 2 sleeping boys to prove the fun was more than they could handle.

Petting zoo was so neat









Me and mine having fun

*My family received free admission into Arkansas Frontier in exchange for this blog, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

2012 Arkansas Cornbread Festival

2012 Arkansas Cornbread Festival









You know you are still in the South when on a Saturday in November you head out to a cornbread festival.  It was my first outing in Little Rock.

There was a diverse crowd there and almost as many ways people cook cornbread.

Scattered on Main Street were individuals and professionals (like the Capitol Hotel and Boulevard Bread) who had entered their authentic recipe for cornbread to be chosen the winner of this year’s festival.  But, along with the cornbread there was live music, arts and crafts, and even someone’s pet pig.

One of the vendors I stopped at was BVann Originals – bags, gifts, and pretty things that all had a touch of uniqueness.  B.Vann and his other workers at his table were very nice to talk with and let me take their picture. 

I tasted two good ones today – most were rather dry and served with good sides (meaning the sides were better than the star of the show, the cornbread).  They served authentic southern sides as chili, red beans, chicken and dumplings, and of course a variety of greens.  The best savory one I thought was more of a spoon bread sitting on top of some well-seasoned collards.  delicious.  Hint of jalapeno and sweetness.  Perfect combination.  The other one was sweet – like desssert sweet.  Pumpkin Spice Cornbread, topped with homemade local coffee ice cream and drizzled with caramel sauce.  Definitely a winner – and definitely non-traditional.

My only disappointment was there was no cornbread you could buy to take home – and no “secret” recipes to be given out.

I look forward to exploring more of the new state we live in.

31Days: New Mountains (27)

Yesterday our little family took a nine hour road trip (round trip) up into the northern part of our new state through some backroads.  We had been told that one little highway was a gorgeous scenic view in the fall.

We made little stops along the way and saw the beauty of the Ozarks.  We passed through towns of Booger Hollow, Chigger Hollow, Pickles Gap, and more.  We stopped at a little store called Nellie’s Crafts and Quilts.  we left disappointed because though they indeed sold jams and jellies like their sign advertised, it wasn’t homemade like we had thought it might be.

Little buddy did great as he loves being in his carseat as long as we were moving.  We hiked the Alum Springs Natural Bridge.  We got a snack at Subway in Harrison right past the Buffalo River.  And we ate at David’s Burgers (a small chain burger place) on the way out to Hwy 7.

So, while I can’t really say it was the Blue Ridge Parkway of AR – it was God’s beautiful creation and we got to hang out all day.  And there is a little B&B that overlooks the entire valley that I hope we get to go back to some day.