Blogtember: Top Five Books

Blogtember: Top Five Books

Favorite Books

I don’t even know why I’m bothering to write this post, because there is no way that I can pinpoint 5 books – really?

  1.  The Bible.  That’s a given.  But, I need it daily for truth and encouragement in the Gospel.  Especially in this line of work called motherhood and marriage (and so much in the creative world), condemnation and competition can beat you down.  That’s why I need to read the Word every day.  This is the one place where I find total truth – with no question of doubting.
  2. The Fosters Market Cookbook.  This would probably be my favorite cookbook.  I got to meet its author when I was working in Durham at Williams-Sonoma, but also her market in Durham and Chapel Hill was my favorite cafe in the area.  She writes in such a warm style and uses local, fresh ingredients, and speaks of everything southern in my book.
  3. The Jesus Storybook Bible.  Hands down has taught me the most about how to read the entire Bible in light of Jesus.  I got this book from a sweet friend when we were doing a progressive dinner back when I was single and living in Louisville.
  4. The Shadow of the Almighty.  This storytelling of Jim Elliot’s life and mission and death by his now late wife, Elisabeth Elliot is one of the most gripping stories you will ever read.
  5. Found in Him by Elyse Fitzpatrick (really anything she writes).  Total transformation of how Christ is for you in light of the Gospel.

Honorable mentions: Cross-Centered Life, Loving the Way Jesus Loves, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, The Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook


Ask me tomorrow – this list might change.  Except for the first one.

Citrus: a review

Citrus: a review

Citrus: a reviewI have a thing for cookbooks.  And food.  Yup, I do.  There, I admitted it.

I love cookbooks that tell me a story, that highlight real food, that makes me want to make every recipe.  This one is even better because it clearly reminds me of my childhood.  I loved going next door to my grandparents house and picking all the tangerines and oranges that I wanted.  I never remember buying citrus till I moved out of the state of Florida.  My parents had a kumquat tree that died.  They now grow pomelos.  I would love to grow a lemon and lime tree just because I hate purchasing them.

If you are a lover of citrus, you need to pick up this cookbook.  If you can’t get your hands on good produce to photograph – then rip out the pictures and put them on your wall in the kitchen to inspire you.  Love the tangy, tartness in these recipes.  Adore the many uses of the same fruit.  There are so many varieties.  Just go with it!

The first recipes I’ll be making is the lime curry chicken this weekend and grapefruit and avocado salad this week.  Can’t wait – and yes, there will be photos.

I received this book happily from Blogging for Books in exchange for my thoughts, all of which are my own.

Book Review & Giveaway: God Made All of Me

Book Review & Giveaway: God Made All of Me

God Made All of Me

Unfortunately, this world hands us things that we must learn how to interact with, pray about, deal with, handle with truth and the gospel, and prepare our kids to face as they get older.  This is the sad reality in which we live.

Fortunately, Justin Holcomb and his wife, Lindsey, have written an incredible resource for children (toddlers through 8 years old) to instruct, inform, and prepare them for how they live in their bodies.  And how they respond to physical touch.

Child abuse, both physical and sexual and mental, is so rampant these days.  We must know how to prepare our children for what they (prayerfully won’t) might encounter.  The more our children are prepared the more we as parents can hopefully prevent harm to our children.

What I love about God Made All of Me is that is tells children that their bodies are good because God made them and it teaches them the importance of communication with trusted adults.  Inappropriate sexual touch can be totally embarrassing to children – they may not know how to tell their parents.  But, if you keep the communication lines open with your child, and teach them that God did make them in His image and it is wrong for others to touch them in a wrong way – you will be equipping your child!

This book comes out this week – and you (and your church library) need this book.  My Mom has been gracious enough to provide one for you to win.

So, all you have to do is tell me what truth you preach to yourself to keep you from worrying about all the evil that might affect your children as they grow.  Truth to guard against evil!  So important as we train our children up to love Jesus.

Litfuse provided me this book through New Growth Press to review.  All opinions are my own.

September Reads

September Reads

September Reads

I think reading is one of the best ways to better yourself.  If you are reading the Bible – it is about learning the gospel of God to know God better.  If you are reading a cookbook, then you want to make your cooking better.  If you are reading a comic book, you want to laugh better.  Get it?

Before I get to the list of mine for this month, I want to encourage you to go read this post by Doug Wilson about how to read more.  It will be of benefit to you.  I know lots of seminary profs who are friends that read several books a week.  I don’t read that fast.  I would love to get through 2-3 a month.

So here are some I’m reading this month (mostly finishing up, because I’ve started all of these – and only have a few pages left in some, but I want to complete!!)

French Women Don’t Get Fat: I am so far loving this book.  I read it at night and it gets my mind reset to keep on my healthy journey.

A Woman’s Wisdom: This is a great book and helpful to women.  Lydia Brownback writes clearly to help women in any stage of life know how to apply the Proverbs to their lives.  This will be extremely helpful to me this month, especially in my parenting journey.

Peter Pan: I love any movie about Peter Pan – and I want to get to know more about Barrie in the future.  My mister and I are currently watching Hook which he has never seen, which I personally think is one of the late Robin Williams’ best roles.

Fierce Convictions: This is a biography that is about God, the gospel, justice, and women.  It is great – and I only have a little bit left to finish it.

What are you reading this month?


Nightly Devotions with Preschoolers

Nightly Devotions with Preschoolers

Preschool Devotions

Something my husband and I are learning how to do (and we are talking about progression, not perfection) is having more time where we talk with our boys about Jesus and the Bible.

And if you have preschoolers, then you know that their attention spans for non-televised viewing is fairly short (one of the pitfalls of our media-driven culture).  So, unless you have creative animals, paid sound effect personnel,and a storyboard producer – your nightly devotions might not live up to Daniel Tiger or the Octonaughts.

But, getting the Bible into your children, teaching them about Jesus, and loving them the way Jesus would love them (by the Spirit’s help) is the most important thing you could ever do for your children.

So, currently, my older son is just about to turn three.  He loves books.  So each night, we put our younger to bed (we read Good Night North Carolina and Goodnight Moon and a Sandra Boynton book and pray with him) and then scoot over to our older son’s bedroom and read a book with him.  We are reading Read and Share 5 Minute Bible Stories (that I just got from Tommy Nelson – thank you).  Our son loves it.  It is short, great vibrant pictures just like in the Read and Share Bible which we also like, and its big (so even if he doesn’t have his glasses on, he can follow along.  I love how even now (we are in the Moses story) it focuses on the work of God throughout the Bible – and not the men on earth who fail and are sinners.  The whole Bible points to God and Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and the Spirit who indwells in believers.  I want that to be what our son gets from reading the Bible.

So, when you are just starting out:

  1.  Be simple and short.  Attention spans are short.  Keep your kids’ focus by reading something, asking questions, and praying.  It doesn’t have to be long – just consistent.
  2. Utilize good resources.  There are so many out there.  I recommend this bible story book, and catechisms for kids.  So many other tools out there, especially as your children get older.
  3. Be faithful.  God will reward even the smallest.  He wants your children to know Him too.
  4. Pray that God would capture your child’s heart!  You can’t do it yourself.  The greatest parents in the world can’t make their kids love Jesus.  Only He can!

If you want to win a copy of the Bible story book I talk about here, then all you have to do is answer the question: what is one way you are teaching your children about God?  I’ll pick a winner Sunday night!

Learning Photography: Capture The Moment

Learning Photography: Capture The Moment

Capture the Moment

Life: it has a lot to do with savoring every moment.  Sometimes those moments are the best of times.  Sometimes those moments are bittersweet.  Sometimes those moments are just bitter.  There are moments you’d rather not capture or every remember.  But, mostly, even the bad ones, find their ever lasting way into your mind – etched there forever for you to press play and pause whenever you want.

That’s what I love about photography. It gives you the ability to not only press play and pause on the camera of your mind – but also hang up those captured moments for the rest of the world to see (or at least people who visit your home).

And with photography – you have to be ever learning.  Thanks to Blogging for Books, I have been thrilled at looking through the new book by Sarah Wilkerson, CEO of Clickin Moms (they know how to capture life).  The pictures are of course fabulous – different styles for every photographer.  Also, it helps you learn by giving you the camera and lens and settings so you can practice.

I am a learner by doing, and love having photographers in my life who will let me ask them tons of questions when I’m with them, but I do love this book so I can see exactly how the photo should turn out.  Learning is half the battle, right.