Book Review: A Faith That Endures (Brian Croft)

I really enjoy reading books by people that I know…you feel more personally connected to the writer and therefore, the book itself.  Brian Croft is a dear friend of my husband.  He is the pastor of a church in Louisville, KY.  He writes a blog for “normal” pastors called Practical Shepherding

I picked this book (actually, thank you Eric for getting it for me) due to a friend’s asking if I had read it or knew anything about it.  My pastor had just finished preaching through Hebrews 11 (the chapter of the Bible this book is based on) and life is just a BIT of a struggle right now.  This was a perfect book.

Brian’s strength, both in his books and on his blog, is that he knows his audience.  He is writing to pastors, not necessarily the mega church, celebrity pastors, but normal pastors who serve normal churches.  These are the pastors who probably don’t get book deals or radio shows and their churches don’t put our their own CDs or fill up football stadiums.  These are the pastors that shepherd anywhere from 15 – 500 people and press on, week in and week out.  They may struggle with being the only staff pastor or may struggle with leadership issues.  They may not have a huge choir and still sing from accompaniment tapes because their church hasn’t made it to the 21st Century.  Brian knows his audience.  He doesn’t use big theological terms (if he does, he defines them) and he uses stories that will resonate with the majority of his readers.  This is a great benefit to his books that all authors need to learn (including me)!

Another of Brian’s strengths is his pointing to Christ through all of his chapters.  This is what the writer of Hebrews wants to do anyway (doesn’t the whole Bible point to Christ?).  The main goal of the book of Hebrews is for the reader to see that Christ is better, He is more supreme.  Brian helps us see that AGAIN (because we often need to be reminded) by looking at the lives of the saints mentioned in the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11).  He shows us how God compels normal every day people, great sinners in need of a HUGE Savior, to persevere and endure to the end for great would be their reward!

Maybe life for you is kinda tough.  Maybe you or your family is going through a tough time and you want to be made aware of God’s infinite faithfulness to us in giving us Christ.  Pick up this book.  Pastors, there is a specific chapter for you at the end, but the rest of the book can really be read and applied by everyone.  The chapters are short and applicable – in fact there are application questions at the end of each of the chapters.

Be encouraged.  Your God is good and faithful.  Thank you Brian.

Tyler Florence’s Real Kitchen

I am so thankful for the public library – they have some great cookbooks. 

Tyler Florence, as I’ve said before, is one of my favorite cooks, and this is one of his first cookbooks (if not his first).  So, I can tell he’s come a long way in his writing style and use of photography, but the recipes are still stellar!  This is a great beginner cookbook but one who has knowledge of cooking and money to spend.  The recipes aren’t generally “cheap” but he does tell you why these ingredients are important.  He also tells the beginning what to stock her kitchen and pantry with to be able to cook creatively!

I want to make these:

Cherry Poppy Seed Muffins (which I made and they were delicious)

Creamed Chicken with Mushrooms

Green Curry Chicken

All the sushi (when I’m not pregnant) – I love it how he teaches one how to make sushi and dim sum!

Chicken Cacciatore (I love Sara Foster’s – so I might see if its better)

All of his side dishes (which often make a meal. 

Pick this up and cook through it. You will expand your cooking repertoire and eat good at the same time!


Book Review: Warfield on the Christian Life

This book combines two of my loves in literature: biography and theology

Zaspel completed a short summary of Warfield’s life that didn’t drag you down into the ins and outs, but gave you a clear and concise, personal look into the professor and writer’s life.  He gave you enough to feel like you weren’t a stranger and could understand some of what shaped this thinker’s life.

The other part of the book is like a theology book that is thinner and more applicable.  He highlights some of Warfield’s main thoughts and gives you reason and application into the Christian life.  Topics range from the incarnation to the authority of the Bible. 

My favorite quote:

“Ultimately his was a first for the gospel.  Consistently at the center of Warfield’s attention was the glorious message of the divine rescue for sinners.  If the attack was on the person of Christ, his concern was not academic only but soteriological – that we would be left without a Savior and without a gospel.  If the attack was concerning the integrity of the Scriptures, his concern was not one of party spirit.  It was that in the end we would be left without witness to Christ and, indeed, with a Christ who is himself mistaken as to the nature and authority of the book that was written about Him.  If the attack was an Arminian one, his concern was that the gospel would be so watered down as to devalue Christ and render him much less than the mighty Savior He is.” – pg 31

Cherry-Poppy Seed Muffins

This is a quick recipe that is easy, light in flavor, crisp with a bit of orange and the tang from the dried cherries.  Definitely a winner anytime of the year.

1 stick unsalted butter, melted

1 cup whole wheat flour

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup sugar

1 T baking powder

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup half and half

2 eggs

1 T poppy seeds

zest of an orange

1 cup dried cherries

Preheat oven to 400 and grease a 12-cup muffin pan.  ( I love my gold touch pans that I got from W-S for our wedding.  Cooks evenly and looks great and very easy to clean).

Mix the dry ingredients.  Combine the milk and egg then add the rest of the wet ingredients.  Combine the two (don’t overmix).  Fold in the cherries.  Bake for about 22-25 minutes until done. 

Let cool (or eat warm like I did).  These are great for a weekend brunch or to have one hand for a quick out-the-door-running-late breakfast during the week!

These were taken from Tyler Florence’s Real Kitchen (review coming tomorrow)

Reading Update Qtr 2012.1

I was asked to post my reading list and then what I am currently reading (I just thought I’d throw that in as a bonus), so here goes.  This is what I’ve read so far in 2012:

Lit! by Tony Reinke – this was a Crossway book review book and I enjoyed it all.  Very strategic and is probably helping with my reading this year.  And I even was informed of a book that will be great for my husband as a gift.

Healthy Pregnancy Over 35 by Laura Goetzl- this book was helpful as a started this new journey into motherhood, especially that I’m “old” (in maternal years)

You’ll Lose the Baby Weight by Meehan – I liked this book purely for the sarcastic and humoristic nature of it.  Helped me make it through the hardest weeks of the first trimester

Walking in the Spirit by Berding – this was also a Crossway book review book and went through Romans 8.  Very helpful to the Christian life, short read, and one I need to remember more of daily as I walk through this life.

A Tailor Made Bride by Karen Witemeyer – this was a free kindle read fiction, so I didn’t lose anything.  It was ok.

A Promise to Remember by Cushman – another free kindle fiction read – better than the first.

It Happens Every Spring by Gary Chapman and Catherine Palmer – a fiction book, kindle read, good, had some good application for perseverence in marriage.

The Shunning by Beverly Lewis – the first in a series – very good, quick read.

The Confession by Beverly Lewis – I had to keep reading!

The Reckoning by Beverly Lewis – good, predictable (somewhat) end of the series

Husband-Coached Childbirth by Bradley – helped me understand what might be coming by the end of summer.

Family Meal by Tyler Florence – I borrowed this one but would love to have it if anyone just wants to buy me something.  I love reading cookbooks and I love Tyler Florence.  Can’t wait to enjoy some of the recipes!

New Mom’s Survival Guide by Wider – this was helpful to know what was coming after the birth, man and to think this process is a joy! 🙂  (hint:sarcasm)

So I guess that makes 13 so far this year and here is what I’m reading now:

Psalms 1-41 by J P Boice (as a help with my quiet time)

What Did You Expect by Tripp – still working through this as its a great marriage book

Love That Lasts by Gary and Betsy Ricucci – E and I are reading this together aloud for car rides and date nights – love it.  Very practical.  One of my fave marriage books EVER!

Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller – we were going through this as a small group, but the group had to take a break, so we’ll resume this soon hopefully!  It is very thick, but good, Keller writing

Warfield on the Christian Life by Zaspel – this is my latest Crossway book review book and I look forward to reading something outside of the 21st Century!

Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor by D A Carson – this is a biography on his father, Tom Carson, and I am learning much (as I usually do by Christians who have run the race well)

Loving the Way Jesus Loves by Phil Ryken – I am still working through this Crossway book review from last month.  Very hard read (because it is so convicting), but very pastoral as well.

On my kindle:

The Praying Life by Paul Miller – this was a highly recommended book that I hope to finish next week while in Louisville

The Blue Castle by LMM – I look forward to reading this next week as well while I sit in some fun places in my old stomping ground.


There you have it.  Besides the Twilight saga and the hunger Games, what else should I be reading?

Christians and Boycotting (with thoughts from D.A. Carson)

I think the first boycott I remember is the Disney boycott years ago when I was in high school (or sometime there about).  Something about their movies…I think.  It was such a big deal back then and I know to some people it still is, but honestly don’t remember the real reason that Christian’s boycotted Disney.  The latest boycott is Starbucks (where I’m sitting right now, sipping on a Vanilla Bean Creme, just ate a blueberry scone, been borrowing their wifi all morning) because they promote gay marriage as a company.  So much time has elapsed between high school and now, but the problem still remains…

How should Christians respond to companies who don’t line up exactly with Christian beliefs or biblical practices?  Should we boycott or should we keep using their products?

I can’t say I’ve always come down with the same position, but lately I’ve been thinking more about this.  How should we voice our opinions in this world that will most decidedly be against everything that is Christian? 

As I was reading D. A. Carson’s Scandalous in light of Easter, I came to this excerpt that is mainly on the persecution of Christians and how we have triumphed because we know that Christ has triumphed.  I loved his thoughts, especially in light of Christians and our boycotts:

“Do not misunderstand me.  We live in a democracy, which is a different form of government from Paul’s, and our Christian responsibilities in this kind of context may mean that we should give a lot of thought as to how to be salt and light in a corrupt and corroding society.  We dare not withdraw into a little holy huddle.  But we must recognize with every ounce of our being that what finally transforms society is the gospel.  There are responsibilities to legislate correctly and pass good laws; God loves justice and holds every nation to account for justice.  Promose the well-being of the city.  Of course we are responsible to look after the poor.  But at the end of the day, what transforms society is still the gospel. 

How does the gospel advance?  By the word of our testimony: Rev 12:11.  This does not mean that they gave their testimonies a lot.  That may be a good thing to do, but that is not what their verse means.  It refers to Christians bearing testimony to Christ; they bear witness to Christ.  They gossip the gospel.  They evangelize.  That is the central way by which they bear witness to Christ. 

Forbid, Lord God, that we should rest so comfortably in our easy and restless society, that we forget that one of the driving dimensions of Christian experience is warfare – not against flesh and blood but against all the hosts of darkness who are filled with rage against us.  Help us, Lord God, to see the enemy and then to deploy the gospel answers, the gospel arms, the gospel solutions, which alone are sufficient in this conflict.  So return us to the cross, to faithful, glorious, grateful proclamations of the gospel, to self-death that we may follow the Lord Jesus, who died and rose on our behalf.” (Scandalous, pg 104-105, 111).

So, application:

1.  If Christians stopped going to Starbucks, what good will that do?  Even if all the Christians in the world quit going to Starbucks, would they close their doors or change their stance on gay marriage?  (Hint: NO!). 

2.  If you stopped going to Starbucks, never to walk in their door or buy their coffee again, would that local manager and the baristas know your heart for the gospel and Jesus and love for your neighbor or would they just know what you are against?

3.  If we boycott everything that is against Christian beliefs or ethics, we might as well just hide away in our little dirt hut in the middle of nowhere, with no electricity, no food except for what we grow, but where would you buy seeds and fertilizer, and what would your kids wear?

We can’t live apart from this world.  God put us here in this world to be a light to it.  If someone asks you about the stance that Starbucks has on gay marriage, you can tell them lovingly that while you disagree on the stance and believe that God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for life in a covenantal relationship with God the Father, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy good coffee.  Maybe even have a date night there with your husband or wife!