Play Your Position – Mark Chanski

A retired soccer coach talks to women.  It was a pep talk, a halftime hoorah speech.

Mark Chanski spoke last night at Mount Hermon Missionary Baptist Church in Rocky Mount, NC.  I went to hear him after reading some of both of his books, Manly Dominion and Womanly Dominion during my years at SBTS.  I also wanted to go because I’ve recently been married so I wanted to be encouraged in my now-role as wife and helpmeet.

Mark Chanski is a husband, father, and pastor in Holland, MI.  He writes from three decades worth of husband-experience and shares his discernments from God’s Word in both of his books. 

1.  Play Your Position

2.  Win It!

Those were both of his exhortations to us ladies (ranging from 11-80ish).  (Side note: I was very thankful to see females from every age group.  True Titus 2 living!)  Pastor Mark would spend the next 45 minutes broadening his meaning of these two coach’s screams.

Womanly Dominion Culturally Challenged.

The Word of God is true and unchanging, living and active.  So, why would we think God’s commands and prescriptions for us as females would not come under attack by a world that doesn’t consider truth to be absolute?  The serpent under-minded God’s spoken word in Genesis when he confronted Eve’s understanding of God’s goodness.  The serpent still undermines God’s truth today.  But, God’s Word stands firm and will never fail.

The culture around us wants to challenge our personal intensity.  No matter the age – we will be bombarded with problems in this area:

In high school, we will be challenge by either extreme: set our minds and focus on the best GPA possible (at the cost of all other objectives) or to slouch and not do our best.  We will be tempted to not pursue callings and gifts that we have because the world will tell us that they are not a worthy cause.

In college, we may be tempted by a professor to pursue a PhD (which is not evil in its own merit) to the dismissal of marriage, which is obviously a patriachal institution.

As single women, we will be tempted to go forward in relationships that aren’t pleasing to the Lord or to be the pursuer in relationships – not willing to wait on God’s perfect timing in His giving us all good gifts (Romans 8:32).

As married women, we will be tempted to run hard after everything we can, forgetting we are called to be a helper suitable to our mates, a wife of a husband.  We will be tempted to have our homes live up to the latest Pinterest home or Pottery Barn catalogue. 

Chanski encouraged us no matter the assignment in life – to be tough minded, sober-minded in that and fulfill our assignment with excellence.

We will also hear the world questioning the positional authority God has given to us.  We need to be firm where God has assigned us and not let the world and all of its lies lead us astray.  God has called each of us to where we are.  It might change (like mine just did, more on that later), but God never changes.  Listen for His voice.

Womanly Dominion Scripturally Expounded.  Mark stayed in two verses for the evening: Genesis 1:27-28. 

Domination.  Since we have been created in the image of God, that is a given statement, we are to be like him.  In these verses, we are to be like him in our “bringing into bondage” the earth.  Subdue the earth, work the earth.  Before God spoke the world into creation – the earth was without form and void.  Since creation, it has order and design.  We are to not let our “given assignments” be chaotic or out of control.  That is not how we are to be like God, mirroring and imaging our Creator.

Procreation.  Through childbearing – we women (men can’t have babies, deliver babies – though we need them in the process) – we get to participate in salvation.  We get to have children that will help populate the earth who will be part of the throng around the throne from every tribe, tongue, and nation.  After the Fall, Eve’s “punishment” came in the form of pain during childbearing.  I was reading this morning that even though there is pain, motherhood is still worth it (and I’m looking forward to having the opportunity one day).  In the focal verses: we are giving the command and sacred focus on filling the earth.  What questions does that raise?  How many childrend should one couple have?  Should you/must you adopt?  What about sexual protection from pregnancy or medical help to seek out infertitlity.  This one verse touches on so many familial and birth ethics in today’s society.

Position.  Chanski affirmed our sameness in essence with men.  We are not higher or lower – we have just been given a different position.  He spoke briefly on the Trinity and how their positions in the Godhead give us great insight into our position as women – same in being, different in position.  To see more on that topic, see Bruce Ware’s book: Father, Son, Holy SpiritWe are not to be androginous which society would like us to lean toward: women in battle, women playing men’s sports, men wearing skinny jeans or wearing earrings, parents raising their children “sexless” until they can determine what they want to be.  We see it.  This denial of the truth of sexuality.  There is diversity in function in the created sexual genders. God has a beautiful plan for males and females.  He does all for His glory.

So, in a nut shell: know and play your position.  Don’t assume your position.  Know it.  Trust it.  Make sure it lines up with the Word of God.  Then, play your position with all your might as unto the Lord and not unto men.

Here are my take home moments.  My encouragement from my husband was to listen for the Shepherd’s voice.

1.  Assignment.  As we have been studying 1 Corinthians 7 this week in home fellowship group, I have been thinking about my current assignment.  It has changed.  I am not a wife, a helper (hopefully) suitable to E.  That is my primary role that God has given me.  How is it different from being a single living to the glory of God.  Being a wife living for the glory of God is quite different.  My brain goes a million miles a minute imagining the judgment and expectations from those around me.  I need to listen to the Word, listen to E, and listen to wise counsel around me (and not the voices in my head).

2.  A new book that I’ll be reading is Excellence by Kostenberger.  I’m very much looking forward to the hard read.  And that was Chanski’s whole entire second point – Win it!  Play your position with excellence.  So…how do I keep my home with excellence?  How do I love and serve my husband with excellence?  How will my relationships with friends change but still be lived with excellence? 

3.  My only caution: women – don’t focus too much on the domination.  When I think of the word domination I think of ego, power, complete control, mean-spirited, take over.  While E has given me “domination” over the keep of the home (meaning, he tells me the home is my domain), he is meaning that to be a blessing.  So, while I have complete “domination” over the menu each week, that doesn’t mean I should fail to get his imput.  That domination needs to still be lived out under our husband’s authority and the grace of God.

Play your position and win it!


Piper on Teaching Children

Ok – I don’t have children (yet) but I write for children (and for teachers who teach children.  And some of those teachers are parents.)

“All of us are training our children both intentionally and unintentionally.  We need to make sure we aren’t leaving the important things to happenstance.  We know it’s crucial that they become familiar with God, our Heirloom and our only hope for real life.  We yearn for them to love and trust and follow Christ.  It would be foolish just to wait for them to learn that by chance.  We must plan to reflect God and teach about Christ in the repeated events of our lives.”

(Noel Piper, Treasuring God in our Traditions, pg 35)

EC and I practice things now that hopefully, one day, when our family grows, they will be able to follow us as we follow Christ, however imperfectly.  New Elder nomations last night at church were asked about this question.  Each answered sufficiently and were very emphatic that families are important in teaching Christ in the lives of children.

Currently Reading:

Currently Reading:

My new normal: no internet at home and no cable at home: more time to read!  So excited about this. (Really, I’m not just saying this).  I’ve only watched one.25 football games this season.  so, I don’t watch television, I have laundry to do and time to wait for cookies to bake and sauces to simmer.  I read while EC is getting ready for bed.  I read in the mornings.  I read in the car (when I’m waiting, not driving). I don’t have kids so I can read more.  I read because it helps me think more, write better (don’t laugh) and it stirs my brain and heart.  I like to read.  So, let me make a suggestion.  Pick one of these and read it!  Let me know what you think. 

1.  Bonhoeffer.  On Kindle.  This is dragging for me primarily because of all the German history right now – but know it will get better.  Can’t wait to see how God uses it in my life!

2.  The Story Girl.  On Kindle.  LMM.  Just a fun story – nothing deep.  Just fun.  And its FREE on Kindle right now!

3.  Anne of Avonlea.  Borrowed.  LMM.  Love the movie – now to dig into the classic.

4.  From Blushing Bride to Wedded Wife.  Marla Taviano.  Be praying for her and her husband as they have recently had medical problems in their family.  This book is out of print, but I was given an extra one by Marla to have a giveaway with – so stay tuned.  When I’m done – I’ll be offering one to a lucky reader!

5.  Walking in the Spirit.  Berding.  Such a great book on Romans 8.  Very readable.  I’m going to start reading through this one (again) with a friend.

6.  Lit!  Tony Reinke.  On reading.  Helpful.

7.  What Did You Expect.  Tripp.  Great marriage book.  Basically on how to keep short accounts and offer forgiveness.  Love it.

8.  This Momentary Marriage.  Piper.  A serious look at marriage and how it mirrors the gospel.  True to Piper style!

9.  Treasuring God in Our Traditions.  N. Piper.  Especially now as I have a family, I want to think through these thoughts that Piper offers more.

10.  Love That Lasts.  Gary and Betsy Ricucci.  Going through it together with EC.  Very good read to read aloud on a date night and ask questions.  Has prompted many good discussions and times together.

11.  God on Sex.  Danny Akin.  We sat with them at a wedding over the summer.  He blessed us with this book.  It is good – great on the power of communication.

12.  Note to Self.  Joe Thorn.  A little book on preaching the gospel to  yourself.

13.  The Hidden Art of Homemaking.  Schaeffer.  On the running of a home and how to make it an art form

14.  A Young Woman’s Guide.  John Angell James.  Sermons preached for women.  (If you have a kindle, this is only 99 cents right now – I recommend it)

15.  Prayers of An Excellent Wife. Andrew Case.  For EC.

So – in chronological snobbery style: I have two 1800s books (or early 1900s), some 80s, 90s, and even some 2011.  So, I have a broad spectrum. 

Keep watching for quotes from these and other books.

Tony Reinke: Lit!

If you love to read, and you are a believer, this book is for you.

Joan Didion “When I’m near the end of a book, I need to sleep in the same room with it.”

About 8 years ago I heard a friend of mine deliver a talk to college students.  This talk was on how to watch movies (or any other forms of media) with a Christian worldview.  He didn’t declare that all forms of media were off limits except those produced by Christians with a “Jesus, Man!” hurrah at the end of it.  However, he did give some very specific pointers for how to watch media and engage with a lost culture by changing the habit of watching movies.  It has changed how I watch movies (and I love movies).

This book has done the same for me in how I read books.  I love to read.  I usually have about 10 going at one time: fiction, non-fiction, autobiography, journals.  Books for my personal life, for my hobbies, or for my job.  All of these can be read using a Christian worldview – even if it is a book on how to style food for photography!

Tony Reinke, in Lit!, gives his readers tips on how to read.  You may think we don’t need another book on this – but pick it up and you’ll see that this book is very helpful.  Whether you like to read fiction or classic literature, the latest Max Lucado book or you would rather pick up Andreas Kostenberger’s latest New Testament commentary – Lit! will give you some guidelines on how to read them.

Gospel-Centered reading?  You bet!  Reinke even devotes a whole chapter in how our sin and the gospel affects our reading.  Oh believe me, how true this is.  Sin and our sinful hearts affect what we read and what affects us.  We can live captured by these thoughts or we can pour our attention on Scripture and edifying books.  But, even if we don’t ONLY read biblical books, or Christian books (which aren’t always helpful and gospel-centered or true) – sin and the gospel affects our reading.

“Faith in Jesus brings with it a critically important benefit for the Christian reader – discernment.” (pg 35). 

Reinke shares personal stories and brings humor into this book.  It is readable and thoroughly helpful.

Mahaney on What is Precious

One of my top ten books of all times…look forward to going through it with a sweet friend this year:

“Remember that we vowed in our wedding ceremony to love and to cherish till death do us part?  Do we even understand what we promised to do?  To cherish means to hold dear, to care for tenderly or to nurture, to cling fondly to, or treat as precious.”

(Carolyn Mahaney, Feminine Appeal, pg 44)

First Blog post Wedding

First Blog post Wedding

Well, sorry it has been so long.

I got married, went on a 2-week East Coast/Canada road trip with my new husband, got back, had about 2000 google reads to wade through, got back into editing and writing, and am just now sitting down to write a blog post.

Waiting on some more pictures before I do a wedding and honeymoon blog post – or several.  I promise you they are coming though.

Marriage: is not rated high enough.  I highly recommend it – to the right person who believes that Jesus makes all things possible and great!

PEI – a gentle island is a great name for this place!

Boom Burger – must eat when in Charlottetown PEI.

Books I’m reading right now: This Momentary Marriage, Vintage Church, What Did You Expect, The Hidden Art of Homemaking, and the Gospel of Mark.  Oh, and Walking by the Spirit and I need to start reading LIT! and Anne of Avonlea.  Wow – yes, I do have time to read, some.

More blogs coming.  I promise!  And I’m even cooking!