Tool Tuesdays: ESV Journaling Bible

Tool Tuesdays: ESV Journaling Bible

“Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes.” – Psalm 119.5

Continuing with the Tuesday is for Tools idea, I thought I would take one of my favorite Bibles and highlight it.  One of the Bibles I purchased during my time at THE Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was Crossway’s ESV Journaling Bible.  I didn’t use it that much for a while, but now it is the one I constantly have with me (though at this moment it is on my desk at the office, and I am in my bedroom, so not 24/7, but you get the picture).

The view inside the ESV Journaling Bible is a 4 column text (2 on each page) with lines on the outside of the columns to write in.  There are very few reference notes found at the bottom.  At the back there are introductions to each of the books of the Bible, though definitely not as in-depth as in the ESV Study Bible. 

How I use it: Since I write curriculum for my day job, I use it to take notes on passages that I’m writing on, so if I get to teach on those passages or don’t have the curriculum with me, I can know the exact points that I brought out in the curriculum.  Or…if someone is speaking on a given passage, I can take notes because others are more brilliant than I am and come up with more insightful thoughts into Scripture.  I love sitting, listening to someone preach, and just jot away (either with pencil or a fine-tip pen that won’t bleed through the pages). 

The only thing I don’t like about this Bible is there is not a concordance in the back.  The good thing about it is I’m learning to know where certain verses are and trying to keep their addresses tucked away in my brain.

Fun thing about it: on a random day at the offices: you can walk by both my office and my boss’ office and find the ESV Journaling Bible in black laid open in front of our monitors.  And my boss’ wife has one too – but hers is prettier. 

Do you have a favorite Bible?  Are you a person who writes in their Bibles or not?  How long have you had your Bible?  I do have one from my late elementary years, but I don’t think I have one from any earlier than that.

Book 6 of 52: God is Great (Toddler Storybook Bible): Larsen

Book 6 of 52: God is Great (Toddler Storybook Bible): Larsen

Crossway continues to nail theology and produce Gospel-centered resources for the church and families.  I LOVE this publishing company!

Now: on to the book at hand:

Most faithful readers of this blog know that I love the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones.  This Bible for children is a Jesus-pointed, engaging read for families and children to read together.  Every story points the reader to Jesus, the Hero of the Bible.

Carolyn Larsen has written a Bible very similar to Lloyd-Jones for toddlers.  What a great gift for new parents, or for a child’s 2nd birthday.  What better way to start them out on a journey toward Jesus then to give them this Bible with beautiful illustrations and theology.

Things I love about Larsen’s God is Great:

1.  Succinct.  There are only 17 Bible stories in this toddler Bible.  For toddlers, this is pretty good.  It is digestible.  It is repeatable.  It is simple.

2.  Color.  Toddlers love bright colors.  It helps the pages comes alive!  Caron Turk does a splendid job of using her God-given talents on this project.

3.  Theology.  Larsen bee-lines to GOD in each story.  This Bible is not about how to make your child a better child, neighbor, sister, or brother, son, or daughter.  This Bible takes them where they need to be headed: to GOD.  This Bible, in child-terms, teaches: the eternality of God, God’s righteousness, His goodness, His Sovereignty, His guidance, His truth, His power, etc. Your children need to know these truths.  This is a resource that can help you teach it!

Do you want more resources as parents:

1.  Jesus Storybook Bible – linked above

2.  Catechisms for Young Children

3.  Leading Little Ones to God – Schoolland

And some I have found fabulous for parents:

1.  ApParent Privilege – Steve Wright/Chris Graves

2.  Big Truths for Young Hearts – Bruce Ware

3.  Instructing a Child’s Heart – Tripp

Book 4 of 52: Big Sur Bakery Cookbook

Today is one of those days when I wish I was independently wealthy and didn’t have a job.  If I were – I would purchase a ticket to the closest airport to Big Sur I could possibly find, maybe even tomorrow, and dine at the Big Sur Bakery along the Californian Coast.  Honestly, I wouldn’t go today – because its January and they may or may not be open – but maybe the first week of June.

The Big Sur Bakery was recommended to me by Jenna or Eat Live Run who lives in the area of the Bakery now and loves this cookbook as well.  I really was skeptical of how good a cookbook could really be.  This sets the bar.  A new plumb line for cookbooks.

Honest.  Ingredients.  Journal-type writing.  Amazing breathtaking, simply want to make you run to whole foods and make everything recipes, and beautiful mouth-watering pictures – the type I only dream to one-day take. 

They care about their friends and family, their local ingredients, and specializing in their craft.  And don’t let the term “bakery” in the restaurant’s name fool you.  They are about craftful baking, but they love their meat and potatoes as well.  They even have a pork and beer night once a year, complete with fake pig snouts.  Vegans not apply (that’s why I can’t go for  eleven months).

So…do you need a good read by a fire-place?  Pick this up.  I may not have a fire going at this moment, but this has been an amazing 3 hour journey into the lives of the owners and lovers of the Big Sur Bakery.

Tax return money, pleae come quickly, so I can buy my own copy.

Book 3 of 52: a platter of figs (David Tanis)

Reading cookbooks.  Such a delight.  Really – there is so much more to do with a cookbook other than to cook by it.  Read it.  Laugh at it.  Savor the pictures.  This will occur if it is a well-written cookbook.

I learned the art of reading cookbooks by reading Jenna’s blog.  Many of the cookbooks she recommends are now on my Amazon wishlist (linked here in case anyone wants to buy one from themselves, or me).  This one, a platter of figs, wasn’t on it – but it was at my local library.  I checked it out, read it, took notes, and added it to my wishlist.

David Tanis, of Chez Panisse fame, has a delightful approach to his recipes and his writing: fresh, simple, gorgeous, local ingredients.

There are four I want to try: fava bean salad, spinach cake, pears and parm, and avocado mozzerella quesadillas.  His recipes are divided into seasons – which is really the only way a good fresh, seasonal recipe book should be organized.  Perfect and helpful.

Here are two quotes that will stick with me:

“I was drawn to the idea that the experience of dining is an end in itself.”

“What a strange idea: comfort food. Isn’t every food comforting in its own way! Why are certain foods disqualified? Can’t fancy food be soothing in the same way as granny food?”

Enjoy a platter of figs.

Book 2 of 52: Death by Love (Mark Driscoll)

Book 2 of 52: Death by Love (Mark Driscoll)

This is a strong statement: Death by Love will always be in my top 3 books about the cross of Christ.  There: I said it.  If a non-believer asked me for a book to read: I would offer this.  Powerful, applicable, doctrinally sound, passionate & empathetic.  Gospel.

Mark, in only a way he can, writes profound letters to people he has had conversations with over the years in ministry, telling them how the Cross of Christ covered and remedied their need for a Savior.  Ransom, revelation, redemption, righteousness, reconciliation – and more.  He doesn’t gloss over their sin, he doesn’t make the cross warm and fuzzy.  He inserts the cross of Christ where God did: into the mess of our lives.

He not only writes letters, but then he also gives doctrinally-sound answers to many of the questions raised about the cross.  And he gives books at the end that will help further your understanding about these truths on the cross.

“You can only overcome sin by an ongoing trust in Jesus and reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit.” – 59

“The heart of repentance is changing your mind about who is god in your life.  You must stop trying to manage your sin but put it to death before it puts you to death” – 65, 66

This statement brings to mind my favorite part of Genesis.  Chapter 15.

“Furthermore, every covenant has a head, and that person is primarily responsible to ensure that the terms of the covenant are kept.” – 82

Please. Read. This. Book.

Book Review: J I Packer’s Praying the Lord’s Prayer (Crossway)

Book Review: J I Packer’s Praying the Lord’s Prayer (Crossway)

Of course during the new year time we see a lot about New Year’s resolutions and most from what I’ve seen this year have to do with reading and memorizing the Word more.  These are crucial to a Christian’s growth.  Another key discipline in the life of a Christian is prayer.  I’ve been flipping through this little gem of a book for a while now, but then decided to sit down and read it.  J I Packer is usually known for his deep theology books like Knowing God (which I also love).  But, this one, though rich in theology, is more pastoral and practical than other ones I’ve read by him. 

He walks through each phrase of the Lord’s prayer which has taught me more ways that I can pray like Jesus, and reminding me of the hope there is in praying the very words of Christ.  My life verse, Colossians 3:16, says to let the words of Christ dwell richly…how much more so in my prayer life?

At the end of each short, read-in-one-sitting, chapter has a list of study questions (perfect to use in a small group setting) and a few other passages of Scripture to broaden your understanding of the subject matter.

In matters of adoption: “Jesus directs us, however, to do it – in other words, to seek access and welcome to God’s presence on the ground that we are children in his family and he looks on us with a father’s love.” (21)

In the matter of sinful nature: “Were we left to ourselves, any praying we did would both start and end with ourselves, for our natural self-centeredness knows no bounds.” (41)

“I cannot sincerely ask for the doing of God’s will without denying myself, for when we get down to the business of everyday living, we regularly find that it is our will rather than his that we want to do, or to see happen.” (58)

On matters of food: “The Christian way is not to deify them (bodies), making health and beauty ends in themselves, as modern pagans do, nor it is to despise them, making scruffiness a virtue, as some ancient pagans once did.  It is rather to accept one’s body as part of God’s good creation, to act as its steward and manager, and gratefully to enjoy it as one does so.  Thus we honor its Maker.  Such enjoyment is in no way unspiritual for Christ’s disciples, for them, it is like their salvation, the Lord’s free gift.” (73)

On the will of God: “Christians look at their lives God-centeredly.  They see God as the one whose action has been the decisive factor shaping their lives, and as the only one who is able to assess what they have achieved.” (96)

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