Little Yellow School Bus Cake

Little Yellow School Bus Cake

School Bus Cake

Weeks ago when I was starting to plan for Elijah’s second birthday party – I knew school buses had to be involved.  He knows how to say the word school and says it to everything from the city buses, school buses, SUVs, semis, etc.  We got him a school bus at Old Navy a few months ago and that’s all he talks about now.

I just wanted to do cupcakes because I figured a school bus cake would be too difficult.  And we didn’t want to spend the money on one.  And this is one of the reasons I love my Mister: he wanted to do it.

Elijah sees his cake for the first time

I baked two yellow cake mixes, cut them in the shape of a bus, put the crumb coating on using canned frosting, and made yellow buttercream for it, then he took it from there.  It was so fun to watch him tediously pour over the cake to make it right for his son.  That is one of the ways he loves his son.

My Mister is multi-talented, now I can add cake decorating to the list.  We are thinking of ideas for Sebastian’s first cake in a few weeks.

Thanks to my former co-worker (and friend and running buddy) for her expertise on cake decorating.  And truth be told – the cake was delicious and all but a piece of it was gone!

Creatives: Southern Celebration with All She Wrote Notes

Creatives: Southern Celebration with All She Wrote Notes

All She Wrote Notes

Do you ever find someone so delightful that they leave a lasting impression on your soul?  Do you ever taste food and enjoy company for what it truly is – an artform and a perk of living in the south?  Do you ever watch a storm roll in and hope that it doesn’t rain to ruin in your party and pray that it does just so you get a chance to feel the rain on your face and dance in some puddles?

All of this happened while I was in North Carolina this week and eating dinner with the lovely Maghon Walker of All She Wrote Notes: the totally southern calligraphy gal that loves gold, food, running, and all things celebration.

We ate dinner (my first time) at Top of the Hill which is a staple for any UNC-Chapel Hill grad.  Then we stopped by the decadent Sugarland Bakery down the street (which provided our wedding cake) and in between stopped and took some photos of the shimmery Maghon.

Maghon Walker

Why calligraphy?  Because she loves to celebrate.  Most of her calligraphy orders are done in order to help someone celebrate?  My new motto is intentionally creative – so this was perfect.  She is creative – and helps people celebrate.

Celebrations come in many forms: birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, promotions, or you could just celebrate the fact that it is Thursday – and you need something to celebrate.

Franklin Street

Maghon also directs new creatives (so, anyone, really) to not try to copy others and their work.  Be your own and you will be successful.  So many out there find a certain style of lettering and copy it and call it their own.  In the writing business that is called plagiarism and in same goes for the lettering front.  Be your own person – find your own style – be successful at being you!

Maghon Walker

If you are in the need of anything southern and prettily lettered – contact Maghon and she will be happy to help you.

If you are ever in Chapel Hill – go to Sugarland and Top of the Hill.

If you are ever in a rain storm – dance in the puddles!

All She Wrote Notes Takes Sugarland

Kenan Hill Art

I do totally think the phrase suits Maghon to a T.  Thanks Averi for showing me your Kenan Hill Print.

Weekend Inspiration

Weekend Inspiration

Blue Flower

Sometimes being a creative has its drawbacks.  For me, it really came this week as I thought about narrowing the fields for how I am creative.  But, all of it flows together.  And comparison isn’t good – but if you don’t see anyone ever better than you – how can you improve?

Well, I wanted to share some websites with you – ones that inspire me to be better at what I LOVE to do.  I am a creative person in most every field: from parenting, our weekly and daily schedules, photography, cooking, handlettering, cards, etc.  So, enjoy these websites and let me know some ones I can look at too!

Griffin Gibson Photography – a local to me photographer that I hope to contact soon (a friend mentioned her name to me) and take some lessons from.

Mallory Ward Photography – another young photographer that has an eye for special people and the every day.  I am having time with this girl this week.

Holly and Flora – this budding wine expert and foodie takes beautiful photography of the special and unique and fresh and local foods and spirits she makes in her home in Denver.  I always love any time I get to chat with this long-time friend.

All She Wrote Notes Calligraphy – I get the honor of hanging out with this girl in Chapel Hill in July.  Looking forward to a mini photo shoot and learning about her craft!  I love that she does it all free hand – she doesn’t print out what she does.

Adventures in Cooking – Her photography and inspiration behind her food is amazing.  Simple, rustic, beautiful.

Elyse Fitzpatrick – Her writing.  Straight forward, gospel centered.  That’s how I like to write.  Oh, to write like her (one day, maybe, ha!)

Laura Hooper Calligraphy – The travel, the style, the flare.  Love it.


One other note:  You’ll hear more about this in the days ahead….but I love living creatively.  I have thought about that this year – fighting the mundane, living and dwelling in creative beauty.  There is beauty all around us – so make every moment beautiful.  Glimpses of our Creator are all around us.  And beauty reflects him too.  I’ll be doing a series of blogs and photo sessions that reflect this theme as I introduce a new direction for this blog.

Be inspired.  Live Creatively.  Dwell in Beauty.



KDC Creatives: I AM statements

KDC Creatives: I AM statements

Jesus I AM ink

Throughout any given day, we as believers need to rehearse the Gospel to ourselves.  The Gospel isn’t a crutch.  Its our life line.  Its the only truth that we have in a world that is constantly feeding us lies: You aren’t good enough. Your kids aren’t good enough.  You will never be able to compare with her.  Your house isn’t clean enough.  You will never be ENOUGH.

The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus is ENOUGH.  He is everything we need to be enough in this life – and in the life to come.  We need to tell ourselves that all the time.  One of the ways that we can do that is by remembering who Jesus said He was.

The I AM statements are so pivotal because these statements separate believing Christians from the rest of the world.  We know that Jesus is God (based on God saying that He is I AM in Exodus 3) and by believing that Jesus said he was the resurrection and the life.  There are seven statements in all.

If you need help remembering these, or just want to give the gift of Scripture to a friend – then look no further.

The newest print on Etsy is the Jesus print outlined in the 7 I AM statement. (The above picture is the print stylized for gift giving.  I did this artwork for a friend for a Father’s Day gift.)

KDC Creatives: Jesus Scripture Art

KDC Creatives: Jesus Scripture Art

Philippians 2

The longest chapter of the Bible is all about the importance of the Word of God.  Some people think it is just a book of good sayings that you can live by or not. Some people think it is a crutch for believers.  Some people just don’t think it made up fables.  Some don’t think there is any validity to it at all.  Some just think its good literature.

I for one think is it a true and reliable and helpful for my every day walk to know my Savior more.  The know the One who humbled himself to die on a cross for me.  Of course, the whole Bible is God’s spoken written word for us to know His greatest Hero of all time: Jesus.

That’s why when I had to write out Philippians 2.5-8 for an art piece for someone, I came up with the name form of Jesus to write Philippians 2 in.  This is one of the Christ hymsn that we find in the Bible.  And what better verses to memorize than to remember the truth of the Gospel and ask for help in living this out.

Head on over to KDC Creatives on Etsy to purchase a customizable one.  Colors.  Washi tape.  8×10.  Framed, not framed (framed and matted is more expensive.).

Do you have any verses you like to memorize and do you want to get more of the Word in your home?  Ask me about custom art work!  Birthdays.  Marriages.  Births.  Engagements.  Special Holidays.  You name it.

KDCCreatives: Father’s Day Scripture Art

KDCCreatives: Father’s Day Scripture Art


FAther's DAy Scripture Art

Being a Father is tough.

And many of you might be saying – Kim, you are a mom – how would you know?

Well, because I’m married to one.  I see the importance of providing for his family, caring for his family, leading his family, praying for his family – all of that – weighs heavily on him.

Being a Father isn’t just about working hard to provide financially.  Being a Father isn’t all about playing on the floor with your children at night or giving your wife a break from the kids sometimes.

Being a Father is mostly about shepherding the family that God has entrusted you with to look more like Christ – EVERY DAY!

This past weekend I was able to do a Scripture art piece for a father that I know.  I got to pray the Proverbs for him as he leads his children.  I got to pray the truths of Deuteronomy 6 for him as he shepherds his family by the Word of God.  I got to praise God for the man of God that He is and how is wife described him.

What a blessing this man is to his family and those around him.

Do you want a personal gift for Father’s Day?  Contact me about Scripture art – fully custom piece.

And please remember: be thankful for your fathers and the fathers that you know.  And pray for them!