Hello December 6: Creatives with Pretty Philosophie

Hello December 6: Creatives with Pretty Philosophie

As I sit and look out my double windows at my home in Little Rock AR, and watch the wintry mix cover the road and driveway in white, I look at these photos with color and the truth of the Season and smile.

I smile because they are pretty.

I smile because they are true.

I smile because I love getting the Gospel into others’ homes.

I smile because I know the artists and they love Jesus and are creative.

I smile because I like giveaways! (and so should you!)


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Creatives: Savannah Photography Stefani Thompson

Creatives: Savannah Photography Stefani Thompson

stefani thompson


Beverage of Choice

Beautiful parks

Great shopping

Historic Horse and Carriage


Savannah GA

Savannah GA

Beautiful parks

Savannah, GA

It is no secret that I love the Southeast, the coast, the beach, history, nature, style, great food…so why wouldn’t I love Savannah, GA?  Savannah is a town that has everything you need (or can find it within a short distance).  My friend, Stefani, is a fabulous young photographer.  I got to know Stefani back when I lived in Louisville through my then future boss in Raleigh.  Crazy connections.  I’ve seen Stefani grow in her photography skills and she is now featured in The Sunshine Mag – a new online magazine.  I thought I would feature her on here because I love her creativity, her heart for learning her craft, and would use her anytime to photograph anything!

How did you find your love for photography?
My first camera was a toy camera that used real film, 110 film to be exact. It wasn’t until I was about 14 years old that I picked up my mom’s nice camera and started teaching myself how to use it. It was also about this time that I started to write poetry and journal incessantly. So, ultimately, my love for photography originated from my love for journaling. Photography is really my public journal in picture form. I want the viewer to see what I see when they look at my pictures.

Why Savannah?  savannah steeple

Savannah is such a unique city–a beautiful, historic city off of the Atlantic coast. One of my favorite things about Savannah is the diversity in culture. Between Savannah folk, SCAD students, and the constant flow of tourists there is always a wide range of culture. Sometimes it is seems surreal that I live in such a beautiful place. I love the quaint coffee shops, the historic architecture, the coastal climate, the broad art community, and the people. Savannah is a great place to be an aspiring photographer and I am very thankful to call it home!

How do you incorporate your love for God in your photography?

Ultimately, I want peoples focus to be on God. Even when I capture beauty in creation or something by created man’s hands, I want people to see The Creator and not just the creation. My desire is that my love for God will flow out through my photography.

What are your future dreams?  

I would say I have a lot of ideas, but I wouldn’t necessarily call them dreams. Though any future desires I have may be biblical I know that God is the absolute planner of my steps (James 4:13-15). That being said, I would like to finish my bachelor’s degree, while I continue to seek ways to use my photography in missions, ministry or in any other ways that furthers the gospel. Even though my photography feels like the here and now to me, I am pressing forward always trying to improve on the talents God has given me for His glory. I am not necessarily looking at photography as a career, but a way to serve the Lord.

What is one piece of advice for others who want to be creative with their camera?

I think it is essential to know and learn how to use your camera. Seek out quality classes in your community, get to know photographers, and most importantly, practice. If possible, switch to the manual setting and take time to learn it, the more practice the easier it will be to get the picture you want.

Nursery and Guest Room Finale

Nursery and Guest Room Finale

I love decorating a room – its very fun, but I’ve also realized I may never actually “be done” with a given room – as my mind always has new ideas!

I did want to post pictures of Sebastian’s nursery (and guest room) – and as well as issue an open invitation for friends to come visit!

Pretty Philosophie


IO Metro



TJ Maxx  Amazon


Sebastian Robshaw



Scripture Pictures





Monthly Giraffe



TJ Maxx



Thrift  Go Fish Chatt



Favorite Toy


Favorite Pencils


Bedside Reading

Jeremiah Artwork: Pretty Philosophie

Bedding: Target

Chevron Pillow: IO Metro

Curtains: Sweet JoJo Designs

Chair and Multi-color Pillow: TJ Maxx

Chair pillows: Bryn Alexandra

Scripture Picture : Scripture Pictures

Toy Box: Kid Kraft


Gospel-Centered Traditions: Thanksgiving Garland

Gospel-Centered Traditions: Thanksgiving Garland

art garland

Thanksgiving is more than a great sweet potato pie.  And dressing.  And turkey.  And football and Macy’s parade.

I have read and re-read Noel Piper’s Treasuring God in Our Traditions.  I especially find it more meaningful now that we have children and I have a family of my own.  So, I wanted to start early at incorporating traditions that our rooted in the Gospel at every holiday.

Thanksgiving is one of the easiest holidays to incorporate a heart and attitude of Thanksgiving.  Not just one where you say grace before the meal, but one where you stop to think of all the ways you have been extremely blessed by God the Father through the Son.

Romans 8:32 says it great when it declares that God – having given us Jesus – how will he not also give us all things – freely – graciously – for our good and his glory (that’s the KCV – Kimberly Campbell version).

So, even though my boys didn’t have much say-so in what went on our Thanksgiving garland this year – I thought of the family, not just myself, and made a Thanksgiving garland.





Construction Paper



I cut out the form of a leaf (because of the fall) on to fall-colored construction paper.  Then cut them out.  I then wrote on each of them (30) one thing that we were thankful for.  Traced the leaf in glue then sprinkled it with glitter.

As the boys get older I want them to contribute the things they are thankful for, and hopefully instill in them a heart of gratitude!

What traditions do you have in your family?

What I Learned from Ariel

Disney has some great movies that are accompanied by some equally wonderful music. The Little Mermaid is a favorite and I heard many songs from the soundtrack as I was trying to calm my baby today.
As I was listening to this song, I thought poorly of my “sour” attitude lately, as I pondered these lyrics:

Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat
Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete?
Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl
The girl who has everything?

I mean so I don’t get my way in everything nor is my opinion always taken freely and readily changed to my every whim…but so what?

I have Jesus.
I have an amazing husband who lives out Eph 5 for me, for our boys.
I have a wonderful amazing joyful Elijah-Bean (my nickname for him right now). He makes me smile!
I have a sweet cuddly BabyBach who needs to be held a lot to calm his stomach.
I have wonderful friends across this country who rejoice w me, share life with me, cry with me, etc.

So, aren’t I the girl – the girl who has everything?

So, when you are tempted to complain…think of Ariel just longing to be somewhere else, above the waters so blue, and remember that God has given you so many blessings.

As the old hymn line says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one.” And as far as other songs go, my husband picks a Song of the Month for our church and teaches it to the congregation. This month’s is fitting for November but also for everyday: 10000 reasons by Redman. Here is a line: “For all your goodness I will keep on singing, ten thousand reasons for my heart to find.”

How will you count your blessings this Thanksgiving season? How will you help your children learn how to count their blessings? More on that coming in a creative post soon! 🙂

Creatives: Jayme of Holly and Flora (Garden, Beauties, Recipe)

Creatives: Jayme of Holly and Flora (Garden, Beauties, Recipe)

I love sweet friends.  This girl has been a friend since high school – our cheerleading days – and we got reconnected on FB (that is the blessing of Facebook), then when I went to Denver a few years back we got to hang out and take some beautiful photos, now she is loving her garden and seeing all the beautiful things she can create from it.

What I learned this week about being Creative: I’m not a gardener.  It takes a lot of time.  There are many other interests in my life that take up that time.  But, I can and do enjoy goodies from other people’s gardens.  I talked with Jayme last week and she agreed to come up with a new recipe, show us some of her garden, answer some questions – and hopefully inspire you to live a fresh, local life!  Another way I love this story – is because it started when J was growing up.  Moms/Dads – you have a huge influence on your children in many way.  Don’t neglect the non-spiritual ways you influence your children!

Holly and Flora

1.  How did you begin your creatives lifestyle?
Growing up, every Tuesday night, my mom would conduct “Home Together Nights.”  We would select recipes to reproduce, as a family, and we would laugh, create, and bond together.  My sister and I still make recipes from those memorable evenings, and we are much more adventurous and creative in the kitchen, and in other areas, as a result.  A creative upbringing definitely made it easier to embrace a similar lifestyle as an adult, but having a garden, working within the hospitality and restaurant industries, training as a sommelier, and traveling to different parts of the world have greatly shaped the way that I view my place in the world, as well.
2.  What drives you to continue (especially in a time of convenience)?
As I answer this question, I am up late, tending some stock.  It would be so easy to simply throw away the day’s carrot greens, chicken bones, and onion skins and conveniently purchase stock at the grocery for my next batch of soup.  However, I feel a strong sense of responsibility with the bounty we have been given and the talents we possess; I feel a deep pull to squeeze every gift to the very last drop, reuse it, repurpose it, and share it.  It is intensely rewarding.  Almost always, I save money by doing and making things, myself, and the more adept I become, the more beneficial and far-reaching my deeds become.  I take immense pride knowing that I am capable and knowledgeable to provide for myself and my family.  Creativity applies not only to the artistic realm, but it also applies to the practical realm.
3.  What is the thing you’ve learned most about yourself in this creative journey?
The mess-ups and mistakes are usually the most memorable, educational, and exciting.  I do not always operate on this precept, but I really try to learn from my perceived mishaps.  For example, I try to sketch or write about something I am creating each day.  A lot of times, those messy sketches or scribbled words become foundations for a future project.  If I were to discard them because of their imperfections, I would limit my creative potential.  I tend to be very good at limiting myself and comparing myself and my progress to others.  That aspect of my personality is challenging.  I am trying to let go, unleash what holds me back, and get my blank canvas absolutely messy, both literally and figuratively.
4.  What is your favorite recipe?
My favorite recipe to make is zucchini cake.  You can find my recipe here (link:  http://hollyandflora.com/2012/08/26/theres-no-such-thing-as-too-much-zucchini/).  However, this gardening season, I have had an abundance of eggplant, herbs, and tomatoes, which prompted me to create this recipe for my version of an eggplant tapenade/caponata.  Being in the midst of a kitchen remodel, I have not had access to a stove, dishwasher, proper storage options, or even a sink, which is why I have had to create new recipes, using either a grill or crockpot.
5.  What has been your greatest joy in this creatives process?
I am very much inspired by my garden.  I feel that it feeds almost every area of my life right now.  I am inspired by its color, its movement, its inconsistencies, its demands, its continual state of flux.  I find inspiration from its parallels to our daily lives.  So many of life’s lessons can be likened to a garden.  The seasonal change of a garden mirrors the growth of an individual, but gardening is not just about an individual effort.  I have found deep satisfaction involving myself with the gardening community here in Denver.
Grilled Eggplant “Caponade”
  Eggplants from the Garden
20 small fairytale eggplants, halved, stems removed (or substitute 2 medium regular eggplants, quartered)
8 medium to large heirloom tomatoes, quartered
1 head of garlic
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
juice of one lemon
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 bunch green onions, finely chopped, whites and greens together
1/2 cup olives, chopped (mostly Kalamatas, with some mixed green olives)
1/8 cup capers
1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley
1/8 cup freshly chopped basil
1 tablespoon freshly chopped thyme
salt and pepper, to taste
dried chili flakes, to taste
1. In a deep saucepan, simmer the tomatoes in 1/2 cup olive oil, over low to medium heat, for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until most of the liquid is gone, and it starts to thicken.  The longer you can draw this process out, the better and more concentrated the taste will be.
2. In another pan, add the peeled and separated garlic cloves to 1/4 cup olive oil.  Simmer over low heat for about 20-25 minutes, or until lightly browned and caramelized.  Remove from heat, set aside to cool, and then chop coarsely.  Do not discard the oil!
3. Pre-heat the grill on high heat, and then turn down to low heat.  Brush the eggplant slices with olive oil and lightly salt.  Grill the fairytale eggplants for two minutes on each side.  If you are using regular eggplants, grill four to five minutes on each side.  Remove from the grill, set aside to cool, and then dice into 1/4 inch pieces.
Grilling Eggplants
4. Once each component has cooled, mix the tomatoes, garlic, and eggplant in a large bowl.  Add the last quarter cup of olive oil, as well as the oil that you reserved from simmering the garlic.
5. Add the lemon juice, vinegar, onions, olives, capers, and herbs to the mixture.  Stir to integrate.
6. Season with salt, pepper, and chili flakes to taste (I used about 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon of chili flakes).
This recipe tastes great the first day, but even better the next, so feel free to prepare in advance.  This recipe yields about four cups and keeps, refrigerated, for a week.  Serve with crostini or grilled bread.  What are some other uses for this recipe?  Serve alongside hummus or crumble in feta or serve on top of baked or grilled salmon and pork tenderloin.
Grilled Eggplant Tapenade
Be on the lookout for spice rubs, spice blends, and notecards all inspired by Jayme’s garden!  And Be Creative!
Eggplants for Everyone