Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Jesus is Everything

When you read a lot, and are bombarded with other people’s favorite quotes all the time via social media – it is hard to pick just one.  But, this weekend I came across this blog from a former pastor of mine – and I had to share this.

One of the areas I see this the most for me is in parenting.  I’m so not good at this – but when I do call on the Jesus in tough moment, I see Him work.  He is faithful just like he said he would be!

And Jesus – the true Jesus – the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus that people make up in their heads that don’t line up with what the True Word says about Him – He is everything.  We don’t need anything else.  Any other additions to Jesus is not Jesus.

Coffee With Lindsey Hohman Designs

Coffee With Lindsey Hohman Designs

Lindsey Hohman Designs

Watching people who are really great at what they do do what they do – it excites me!  And I want to introduce you to one of those people.

Lindsey Hohman.  I met Lindsey while we were both getting pedicures at a spa night hosted by her sister-in-law.  I immediately was connecting with her down-to-earth personality and her creative bent toward everything.  This girl has so much creativeness that it oozes out the ends of her hair.

You can see it in everything she does and her style fits her home perfectly.  When I left her home a few days ago I called my husband and told him I found our dream house.  No joke.  Gray, white, lots of light, hydrangeas, plenty of space, a huge back yard, a rocking chair front porch, Gator stuff in the house.  Yup.  I hope this girl keeps me as a friend!

Chalkboard Lettering

Lindsey is a handletter-er genius and it flows from her.  I wish I could do it – and I can’t.  We all have our gifts.  Apparently.  But, I love her whimsical style of writing and her soft style of watercolor.  I love her floral looks but it doesn’t make everything too girlie.  She is authentic.  She loves Jesus, the Bible, and the Gospel.  She uses an ESV Journaling Bible.  She has two really cute kids.  She loved my food.  Yup.  She’s a winner.

Coffee with Lindsey Hohman

Our kids played, we ate and talked, and she was kind enough to answer some questions so you can get to know her a bit.

First, the question every one will want to know, what is in your coffee cup?  Sweetness.  Hazelnut coffee with french vanilla creamer.  Stevia for more sweetness.  If its not sweet, I’m not drinking it.

What are you learning from your art?  I’m learning to view God in the light of grace.  I am getting out of the box of “I need to do this before I will be ______”  Living in grace and not living in law.

“Its a challenge to see you how God sees you.” – LH

What’s one area as a business creative in which you want to grow?  I need to work on my shop set-up.  Learning which avenues are best for which art styles.

What are your favorite materials?  I love being creative with paints and pens and chalk. I like manipulating them in different ways to get a different effect.

Watercolor Flowers

What inspires your creativity?  LOTS.  I am a visually-inspired person.  I love pretty things.  Magazine and Pinterest lend inspiration.  I love to sketch and doodle.  If I’m listening to someone talk, I’m usually doodling.  Watercolor is a new medium.  One thing I’m learning is you can’t base your creations on others’.  A lot of my inspiration comes from magazines and other print work. I love taking time to sit alone a read through a magazine!

How do you balance being a wife and a mom and a creative?  Inclusion and patience.  Basically, multitasking.  I can’t do just one of the other.  I am always Mommy and _____.

Mommy and Creative


Lindsey, thank you so much for hanging out with me. I look forward to future play dates, cupcake dates, and creative sessions with you.

Green Hydrangeas


Almond Cupcakes


Lindsey Hohman


Psalm 51







Lindsey Hohman





Lindsey Hohman necklaces




And yes, Lindsey made that necklace!

All photos are property of kcreatives photography.  Use with permission.

My Toddler’s Favorite Word (and Giveaway)

My Toddler’s Favorite Word (and Giveaway)

Teaching Children Gratitude

One of the big trends in birthday photos or memory books is to talk about the child’s favorite foods, words, people, toys, books, etc at each time they have a birthday.  I wish I had the chalk-lettering skills to do one for my boys’ birthdays coming up, but I will leave that to the experts.

But, if I were to do a chalkboard letter sign for my younger toddler, his favorite word would be “mine.”  And seriously, we didn’t teach him that word.  Its not like my husband and I go around saying mine mine mine in the house.  But, knowing we as his parents are sinners,I’m sure he did pick it up from us at some point along the way.

Mine is not a word we want said a lot in our home.  I usually answer him back with something like that: “Bubs, nothing is yours.  God gave us all things and all the things that we have are from him.  He gave them to us to use and share.  We need to be kind and share the gifts that we’ve been given.”  I want him to learn a few things from this conversation (that happens at least 10 times a day):

1.  God is the giver of all good gifts.  James chapter 1 says that and many times in the Psalms it says that everything in the world is the Lord’s.  We may have been given a gift from our parents, grandparents, friends, etc but ultimately all good things come from God.

2.  God does want hearts full of gratitude.  God desires our hearts to be overflowing with praise for all that He has done for us. And out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks!  So, if we can train our children to be thankful, then as they get older, maybe a heart of thankfulness with take root in them by the power of the Holy Spirit and their little mouths will bubble forth with praise!

3.  God does want us to be kind.  Kindness is fruit of the Spirit, so that makes it something that God desires in us.  Kindness is not something we naturally gravitate towards.  No, we all naturally gravitate toward taking care of ourselves first.  Kindness is showing special care and grace for someone else.  Even in toddler world, that may mean sharing the last cookie or giving up a special toy because another friend wants to play with it.

There is a new book by Tommy Nelson that helps preschoolers not only learn a crucial life skill of counting, but also, more importantly, how to express their thankfulness.  Count My Blessings 1-2-3 is a perfect little shapes book that is durable and fun and rhyme-y.  My boys have loved this book series.  When we read it together I can help them think of specific cases of each blessing (like friends).

If you would like to win a copy of this book for your toddler, all you have to do is tell me one thing that you are thankful for in being their mommy or daddy.  That shouldn’t be that hard – and it will help continue to grow a spirit of thankfulness in you as their parent.