What’s Eatin’? #5

What's Eatin?

Here we have a new month.  That means a new grocery budget.  But, I need to work hard this month still not to go over!  So, here is what I am cooking this week at Rainwood

Monday: Tonight we are having friends over – a triple date here at the house with kids.  Looking forward to it.  Stuffed Shells and Chocolate Dump Cake.  (Salad and bread are being supplied)  I’m making a double batch of the shells and will have leftovers I can freeze for us later.

Tuesday: I’ve got an AWB event to go to but I’m making Chicken Street Tacos in honor of Taco Tuesday.

Wednesday is soup day around here.  Since it is still going to be cold this week, I’m making Creamy Chicken and Kale Soup – a great way to get in those healthy greens full of vitamins.

Thursday: We are doing leftovers.

Friday: If all goes well we are spending Friday and Saturday with friends, but I have salted caramel sauce and smores pop tarts on the menu

What are you eating this week?

Eat This: broccoli cheddar chowder (ELR14)

Eat This: broccoli cheddar chowder (ELR14)

Broccoli Cheddar Chowder

Who doesn’t like something warm on a cold night?  Give me anything really that I can eat with a spoon – in a bowl – and I’d be happy, curled up on the couch, yoga pants on, slippers enveloping my feet, fire roaring – and a bowl of something warm.

This is a great chowder for just one of those nights.  I’m continuing in my goal of cooking through all of Jenna’s recipes (that were on her site before Jan 1 2014) and am having fun with it so far.  Here is her recipe:

broccoli cheddar chowder
Recipe Type: Soup
Cuisine: Comfort
Author: kd316/eatliverun
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4-6
Creamy chowder
  • 2 T butter
  • 1 medium sized bunch broccoli, chopped (about 12 oz florets)
  • 1 russet potato
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1/4th tsp cayenne
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese (about 6 oz) – I used Vermont extra sharp white cheddar
  • 2 T all purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup whole milk
  • 3 cups vegetable broth
  • More cheese for the top
  1. Blanch broccoli and set aside
  2. Dice onion and potato and cook for about 5 minutes.
  3. Add in the rest except the cheese.
  4. When boiling for about 20 minutes (or until potatoes are done), then add cheese and broccoli.
  5. Heat through and serve.


What’s Eatin’? #4

What's Eatin?

Well, here we are – the end of the month. I’m trying to stay within my grocery budget for the first time – well, ever… My husband will thank me later!
So, we’ve got about 20$ left and I have to buy some things for the older boy.
Monday: Cilantro Lime Quinoa with Black Beans
Tuesday: Breakfast Tacos (because neither of us were hungry for them last week).
Wednesday: Chicken Salads. We love these – probably have them once a week. Healthy, quick, lighter dinner.
Thursday-Saturday – we are out and have date money! Yay!
Two things I’m baking:
Snickerdoodles for dessert on Tuesday night – part of my ELR14 cooking. And I’ll package some up for the friends who are watching our littles this weekend.
Cinnamon Toast Muffins: for Wednesday morning reading session and then for the Mister and I to take on our getaway.
What are you cooking this week? How do you stay on a budget when it comes to the end of the month?

What Oatmeal Taught Me About Marriage (Cinnamon Raisin Honey Oats)

What Oatmeal Taught Me About Marriage (Cinnamon Raisin Honey Oats)

cinnamon raisin honey oats

Just for disclosure sake: I have permission from my husband to share this story. He said he learned a lot from it early in our marriage and he wants to make sure that others learn the same lesson for the good of their marriage!

We had probably been married three months or so and having oatmeal most of those mornings. I had always cooked my whole oats in the microwave. I figured that’s how you did it. I hit the button for 1.45 and let them do their thing. Mister gladly ate them and never said anything about it so I thought they were fine. Well, come to find out, he didn’t eat them that way. One morning he said something to the affect of I don’t like my oats cooked this way. I want them cooked longer and less sweet. I probably burst into tears when he said that. Why cry over oats?

I had been doing them wrong all that time and he was just now telling me? Some of you are probably saying what a sweet husband, not to make a big deal out of the small and eating them because he loves his wife. That’s a great response and that’s exactly what he did. But, that wasn’t good for me. You see…I want to please my husband, especially in the kitchen. I love to cook and I want people to love to eat what I cook. So, after I got done crying, I asked him how he wanted them and have tried since to make them that way. Yes, its a little more work, but it pleases him and he eats them and never comments on them anymore except to say “Thank you, can you make these every day this week?”

Moral of the story: if your spouse does something that irritates you or doesn’t please you, you may want to find a gentle way to tell them how you would like it. Marriage is for the long haul – you might as well be happy in the little things! Philippians 2.3-4 is a great verse for our marriage. We read it on the night we got engaged. So applicable! What I wanted to know is how to please my husband in the little things: how to fold his shirts, his socks, hot to cook his oats, make his bed, etc. I want to do these things to please him. If I don’t know, how can I please him?

Wives, ask your husbands what would please him? Make every effort to do these things. Husbands, please be honest with your wives! And thank her for cooking your food for you!


Cinnamon Raisin Honey Oats
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Author: kd316
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 2-4
Simple, lightly sweet morning oats
  • 1 1/2 cups uncooked oats (plus a handful)
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 1 T raw honey
  • 1 tsp cinnamon sugar mixture
  • 2/3 cup raisins
  • milk for serving
  1. Heats all on a stove top until boiling, stirring constantly, until desired doneness.
  2. Put in a bowl
  3. Top with milk
Raw Detox Recap

Raw Detox Recap

Raw Detox Recap

Going on a two week vacation right after New Year’s doesn’t really help with keeping all those resolutions.  5 people in a hotel room doesn’t leave much room for exercising but I enjoyed the many days in the Florida sunshine (and heat).  But, I had returned with the scale being up 6 pounds (including birthday desserts).  So, I was thinking, even before the return trip, about how I wanted to get that weight off!  So, I chose to do a raw food detox for three days.

I looked at several websites and I’m glad that none came up with a specific menu.  I wanted to choose my own raw foods to eat.  I didn’t think it would be as hard as it was, but my husband knew it was difficult for me.  The only things I’ve had for three days have been raw except for salsa and gum.

My favorite thing I ate all wknd was my carrot apple ginger juice and avocados!  Man, I love those things!  In smoothies, on salads, or by themselves – they were a welcome addition when I couldn’t things like salad dressings.

I was hungrier than I thought I would be.  The affects on my body (besides a 5.6 lbs weight loss in three days) were bloating which I expected.  But, I think I also slept better too.

My thoughts:


I love the foods that God created in the form that God created them.

There is so much beauty in fruits and vegetables.

I didn’t snack as much (like grab half of a chicken nugget from my son’s plate).


There are other things that God created: like fire and heat and animals that give us food products – that shouldn’t be cut out of my diet.  I was craving eggs when I finished the detox.  Eggs are nutritious.  I wanted milk, cheese, healthy breads, cooked vegetables, etc.

Most fad diets that are out there today (and for the past decades) usually tell you to cut out this or do away with that.  But, as most people can tell you, that doesn’t work for the long haul.  Moderation is key. I’ve learned in years (almost 20) of dieting, exercising, eating healthy, periods of loss and gain – that moderation of everything is key.  I think that is also biblical.  So for me, I will not be adapting to a raw vegan lifestyle.  May do a detox on occasion but I don’t feel the need to cut out everything cooked from my diet.

If you are going to choose to eat radical (in anyway):

1.  Make sure you are determined. Will power is key here.

2.  Make sure you have support from those around you.  My husband was a huge supporter of this and that is a giant help.

What’s Eatin’? #3

What’s Eatin’? #3

What's Eatin?

I usually do my grocery shopping and menu planning on Monday, so I thought I’d put it out there. This is helpful for two reasons: keeps me accountable and not wasting money or food and also it may give you some new dishes to try!
I wont say there won’t be variance from this list – because often I get inspired by the blogs I read each day – but hopefully this will be a good start!

Monday: Me finishing up a Raw Detox so a green smoothie and E will have my boxed lunch from a nutrition study today. Yay – no cooking!

Tuesday: Larry’s Pizza for lunch with friends from Durham and Taco Tuesday for dinner: Breakfast Tacos strictly because I have missed my Great Day Farm eggs since being in FL and on a Raw detox for three days. I’ll be including black beans and sweet potato hash in the tacos.

Wednesday: Its rumored to be cold here so I think I’ll make an addition to #elr14 and make Jenna’s Broccoli Cheddar Potato Soup. Really – its vegetarian and I only need 3 ingredients from the store to make it. Vegetarian minus the bacon of course – but that’s just a topping and I will eat it!

Thursday: Dinner is italian chicken tenderloins and grown up tater tots and roasted beets.

Friday: Hubs is going duck hunting. I’m having a play date at a local church and am making another #elr14 recipe – apricot chocolate chip scones I’m going to Panera in the afternoon for some LaLa time. Dinner is going to be a homemade pizza – I want to be making these more often on Fridays. Simple. But, this week I won’t be making the dough. I’m thinking a pesto roasted garlic onion pizza – I’ll share the recipe if it turns out!

Saturday: Leftovers! Fresh Vegetables. Brunch at church. Also, we are having a play date/craft day so I thought I’d add another check to #elr14 and make her Lazy Girls’ Blondies for the kiddos (and us if we want one).

Sunday: Leftovers as well for today!

What are you cooking this week?