by Kimberly | Jan 27, 2017 | Coffee with..., creatives, Georgia

Atlanta is such a hub of creative powerhouses! So many are excited to collaborate, meet up for coffee, help you excel in your craft, and champion you to help you be a better creative. Seldom have I found a competitive spirit among the creatives I’ve been introduced to.
Audrey and I are currently neighbors, which we didn’t know until I had to drop off her wedding vows, like literally a quarter mile from each other – in a huge metro area! We bonded over Davinci Donuts and milk while my younger son watched Thomas the Train and Curious George.
We talked life, photography, and church. Audrey took some amazing photos of the calligraphy wedding vows I did for her and her husband. And I got to know another beautiful photographer in this town.
How’d you get started in photography and what advice do you have for newbies?
When I was a kid, my dad had a Minolta film camera that I would play around with. I’d go to the library and check out every book I could get my hands on about photography. If there was a photo I loved, I would literally copy the settings out of the book onto my film camera and try it out. A lot of trial by error! Haha. But my love for photography grew and I kept learning. My advice for newbies; always be teachable. As an artist you are constantly learning and your brain should always be open to learning new technology and new techniques. Just when you think you have learned it all….you learn something else. And always be thankful for where you are and what you have. Comparison really is the thief of joy. So what if you have limited equipment? Rock it! Don’t let anything as silly as what camera or laptop you have hold you back. Think of it as a challenge!
What do you love about the creative vibe in ATL?
Atlanta is such a cool area to live in. I love how diverse the art scene is. There’s not too many areas where you can go to an all white modern studio space and next door is a wall of colorful graffiti. And everyone has that southern charm and respects each other and their art. Love that!

Where are your favorite places to shoot in the ATL?
That’s such tough question! I have so many favorites! Just a few recents; The Goat Farm, Ponce City Market and The Belt-line have beed really fun to explore. I also love…now this sounds weird….but photoshoots in clients homes! There’s something so intimate and cozy about taking photos of clients in their own environment. And the window light is always gorgeous to work with!
What advice would you give to newly engaged couples trying to find their ideal wedding photographer?
Pick me! Haha, ok. Just kidding. But my advice would be to get an idea of what you like before you go “photographer shopping”. It’s so easy to look at it as “how much can I get for the least amount of money?”. Working with a professional will make a huge difference in your experience and end results. I also tell brides that you don’t realize how much your wedding photographer is with you on the wedding day. They are pretty much with you the whole time! So make sure you comfortable with their personality and demeanor. Will they be a source of peace or add stress to your day?

If we were hanging out and having coffee, where would we be and what would you be drinking?
I absolutely love Chattahoochee Coffee Shop on the river. It’s so relaxing and peaceful. I’d have a vanilla latte of course! Or in the summer…an iced americano.
What other creative avenues do you enjoy?
If I have free time, I love watercolor painting. As well as cooking! I’ve been trying a lot of new recipes….even though I usually end up not following them and going my own route. I guess that’s the artist in me! haha.
How do you balance your life and your business?
I’ve always been thinking of ways to implement this more! It’s one of those things that seems easy to do; but practically….I just want to give clients all my attention. I can be such a perfectionist! When really that’s not fair to my family or….even me. I’ve recently made the choice to only respond to emails before 6:00pm. It’s the best! And I have chosen this year to not work on Sundays. Having one day off to just relax and focus on close relationships has been so refreshing and beneficial. I highly recommend it!
by Kimberly | Jul 1, 2016 | Coffee with..., creatives, food, Georgia, Uncategorized

The Atlanta Zoo is a crazy place. And we were in the petting zoo one afternoon and tons of kids were around and the smell of animals was around too. All of a sudden, I hear my name. But, I didn’t recognize anyone. So, I figured my name is pretty popular so maybe it was for someone else. But, then she was looking at me, knew my son’s name, and said “don’t worry you don’t know me.”
And that, dear readers, is how I was introduced to Jeni of Barefoot in the Kitchen. We have one friend in common – and that one friend is a pretty strong tie. Since that day in the zoo, we have had a play date, and cooked together, and I got to be in her home and her kitchen, learning from her on many fronts. You will definitely want to check out her recipes and kitchen advice, as she has had some recipes published – she’s my someone famous that I know!
Yall, meet Jeni.

Jeni is a SAHM of kiddos ranging from high school to preschool. She married a twin, lives near Athens, GA, in a small southern town, and declares it was love at first sight with her now husband. She has a bright sunny home and kids all around, and she makes healthy meals for her family. It can be done, yall! This was great encouragement to my heart as it is one of my struggles (getting things cooked and having two preschoolers).
Growing up, Jeni’s mom helped her learn all things in the kitchen. Her mom made things from scratch and encouraged Jeni to do the same. She wanted to experiment with foods and spices! When she was first pregnant, she wanted to make sure her baby got all the nutrients she needed so she wanted to make every calorie count. She then ended up making her own baby food along the way, making sure her babies got healthy food in their growing tummies. She has wanted and made a healthy family atmosphere, both in food and spiritual content. She has set her mind to something, worked hard at it, persevered, and the Lord has blessed her endeavors.
Some of Jeni’s inspiration comes from familiar names: Pioneer Woman, Sara Moulton (I love her too), Rachael Ray, Southern Living (of course, who doesn’t). She also does something that I like to do, she asks her family what food they want. Of course there is pizza, spaghetti, and tacos. But, instead of getting all of these take out, she takes the time to make these at home, making them healthier for her family.
I asked Jeni what her favorite kitchen tools are (and I agree with these, and I’ve already bought some of the towels she recommended and I love them):
Five Kitchen Tools:
1. Every cook needs a good all-purpose knife! Wustof and Henckels are both solid choices for price and quality.
2. Stand Mixer – I’m not sure how I truly lived before my sweetie pie surprised me with a Kitchen Aid for Christmas one year. Cookie dough, whipped cream, pizza dough, bread/rolls … life changing, I tell you.
3. Blender/Food Processor – With picky children, this is an invaluable tool to use for hiding fruits and veggies. Homemade marinara, soups, smoothies … I use mine all the time.
4. Silicone Spatulas – The best all-purpose tool aside from your hands. They’re heat-proof and super durable for use on the stovetop or for just mixing together ingredients.
5. Flour Sack Towels – I bought a huge package of them and use them for everything! Drying dishes or produce or hands, mopping up spills, covering yeast dough, whatever. Wash and bleach ’em and they’re ready to go again!
These are some of her favorite recipes:
Italian Heritage Casserole – One of my mom’s favorite go-to special occasion meals. (Note, I made this recently and it is super yummy and easily whole30 compliant and perfect for meat and potato eaters)
Lasagna Rolls – I made this dish for Leah when Georgie Girl was born. My mom made a
podcast recording of me making it for a project when earning her Master’s Degree.
Here are the two she has had published by Taste of Home:
by Kimberly | Sep 21, 2015 | Georgia, kcreatives photography, photo shoot, Women

Sometimes you have a dream in your head. And sometimes that dream stays just that – a dream. And sometimes you have a friend that helps that dream become a reality.
This girl is that friend. And this photo shoot is that dream. The location may have changed at the very last minute, but everything else about it was picture perfect.

When death happens in a person’s life – it can be death of a close relative, loved one, friend, or death of a dream, or relationship, or job offer, or life may just seem hopeless…there is devastation all around us – and sometimes there is devastation in us…sometimes we are lost…aimless..hopeless.
This shoot brought the story of Jesus and Lazarus to life for me. Jesus was profoundly moved by the death of his friend. Laz wasn’t just some random person – he was a close friend to Jesus. And Jesus came and wept. He showed empathy toward other friends and family that were there – but he was deeply moved at that moment. The thing he knew was that there was purpose and healing and restoration coming from his death. Jesus has the power to bring life, beauty, freedom out of death.
You may be facing death in your life: cancer, illness, loss of hopes and dreams, loss of a relationships – but what good is all of it. We don’t know. I don’t know. But Jesus knows. He alone brings life and hope and beauty and freedom. Right out of a graveyard. A stinky, smelly graveyard offers a beautiful sunrise on a new, fresh morning!

Then we look and see Jesus – even among the death around us. There is Hope. There is Life. There is freedom and beauty. There is future. That’s what this photo shoot helps to represent. I love everything about this photo shoot. I hope to do more of them in the future.
Friend: Terah Hohman
Place: Old Roswell Cemetery
Skirt: Bubba Janes Boutique
Photography: kcreatives photography
by Kimberly | Sep 7, 2014 | Arkansas, Georgia, Link Love, north carolina, restaurants, Sundays in the South

Since I’ve lived all around the South my entire life, I thought I would share with you just a few of my favorite places in each of the states I’ve lived in. This will definitely give you the travel bug – and I hope you can live it out to the fullest! Enjoy the Around-the-South tour and dream on this Sunday – that God would enable you to see more of the world He created!
Florida: The Sunshine State
Hontoon Island was a relatively new find for me. Traveled there last year. Your littles will love the little ferry ride over to the island. There are also good hiking and biking trails – but most of these trails aren’t conducive to strollers. Moss abounds!
If you are looking for a hole in the wall seafood restaurant – you need to come here. My Dad has ties to the owners and I love their fried grouper sandwich.
The best chicken and yellow rice and cuban bread – EVER. My first trip I remember to this Florida (chain) but staple, was in high school with my Spanish class after going to the Salvadore Dali museum. A must EAT!
And one of my favorite places in the city that I being an adult in – and one that I love and could retire in forever because I love it so – Barnacle Bills. Only thing you ever need to get there is the Datil Shrimp. Enough said.
I attended this private school most of my schooling years (except for half a year). I loved the principal then and my teachers. Some of the ministries I got to be a part of and friendships made still impact my life today.
The college I went to was in the heart of St. Augustine. College for me turned out to be different than I though mostly because we had no football team.
North Carolina: The Tarheel State

Oh, this could be a while. I love it here and consider it home more than any other place I’ve lived. Its where I fell in love with the Word, ministry, college students, the ocean, my husband, and where I became a momma for the first time.
Guglhupfs – best pancakes hands down.
Ketchie Creek Bakery – 5 flavor pound cake – need I say more?
I went to seminary here. The first time I saw the campus I knew I was going to love it there. Arrived on campus 4 months after my initial introduction.
I fell in love with missions, college students, and brooklyn tab while doing ministry at The Summit.
Had my first road trip with my husband and our first random stop was to one of the older cities. Loved it.
Kentucky: The Bluegrass State

I wasn’t here for a long time, and the seminary I worked for became home – and I loved the ability I had at the time to travel all the time and see people and things that I never would have otherwise.
Where I fell in love with Meditteranean food.
Where I grew to love this ministry and all that is stands for. And Dr. Mohler spoke in our Sunday School this morning – and this ministry will have such a vital role in the church in the coming years (maybe even more so than before). Owen and Courtney – you and your teams have my prayers as they always have!
And how I fell in love with gospel centered preaching was by listening mostly to this man at this church.
Arkansas: The Natural State

I was here the briefest and made some really sweet friends. It is also where I fell in love with my second little boy!
ARWB – thank you Stephanie and Debbie and all of you other bloggers. Yall were a great community! Hopefully we will have that in GA soon!
Georgia: The Peach State

I’m growing to love this state more and more. I’ve always had ties to this state and now my husband and boys are here. Lovely combination
This is the church we get to be a part of. Thankful for faithful preaching each week.
This is the bestest place in the state for me. I’ve been going here since I was a kid and get to go with my family in 2 weeks.
And then the islands and Savannah – get me to the ocean!
There you have it. If you have lived in one of these states – what are your favorite things to do, see, eat? Help me out!
by Kimberly | May 15, 2014 | Georgia

You may be wondering why my blogging has dropped off to almost nothing the past 2 months. Well, let me give a life update:
1. First, the biggest, we moved. We now reside in Marietta, GA about 20 minutes from downtown Atlanta. I’m loving learning this new area, but don’t love the traffic.
2. The mister works a lot and fights traffic, so we love it when he is home, and try to find stuff to explore while he is at work.
3. And my blog is getting a new emphasis and re-design by Green Hill Lane Designs. I’m very excited to show yall what we’ve been working on and get your thoughts and basically take this blog in a somewhat new direction. I’ve been blogging now since 2005 and sometimes you just need new vision, new something to keep you going.
4. Here’s what I’ve been reading:
Dream Devotional by my friend Renee Fisher
Haunted by my former roommate Charity Tinnin
Bread & Wine b S. Niequist (interesting thought: I just read an amazon review of this book and one noter said she couldn’t relate to the author because she seemed to be living the “charmed life”. Its a memoir. She can only write about what she knows and is living. We can all live how we want to live no matter where we live, what we do, if we have children, money, food, etc. But, the feelings of life or the feelings of a person are what draw us together – humanity – need. Everyone has those no matter what you do during your summer!
Glimpses of Grace by Gloria Furman.
5. I have a long list of books to read too:
Modern Calligraphy (coming in the mail today)
Beekeepers Bible
All Joy and No Fun
What are you reading right now and what do you want to read this summer?
6. I’ll be heading up the Georgia Women Bloggers soon! I am excited about showcasing this new state that I live in and also building relationships with the women who live in, love on, and blog about this state of Georgia. The Arkansas Women Bloggers were a highlight of my time in Little Rock, so I jumped at this chance to make it happen.
7. Our boys are growing. E is 20 months and S is 7 months. So, there are always new stages to enter and exit.