Glory and Grace: Luke 12:22-23

Glory and Grace: Luke 12:22-23

Do Not Be Anxious

Anxiety is something we ALL struggle with: traffic, raising our children, burning dinner, getting married, being successful, death – all these things can make us anxious.

But, if we are anxious because we are sinning and not trusting – that doesn’t bring glory to God.

Do we believe Him at what He has said?

Let’s believe God!

Glory and Grace: Psalm 41

Glory and Grace

Blessed is the one who considers the poor! In the day of trouble the Lord delivers him; the Lord protects him and keeps him alive; he is called blessed in the land; you do not give him up to the will of his enemies.  Oh how wonderful it is to have people who care about you!  Psalm 41.1-2

Since last week’s wallet-stealing episode, we have seen God work in amazing ways.

The church we call home, Mount Vernon in Sandy Springs, GA, graciously rallied around us with prayers, concern, and we were given more than enough to make up for what was stolen.

That is the body of Christ friend.  I am reminded again of the truth that God will provide for us in every way, taking care of everything when we have a need!  He is all around us – all the time – orchestrating all events to bring Himself the most glory.

So, we are by no means poor, but this verse reminded me of how blessed people are who bless others – and blessings all around!

Glory and Grace: Deuteronomy 6

Glory and Grace: Deuteronomy 6

Deuteronomy 6

Today my little boy turns one.  One.  Seriously?

And I think to myself I’ve had one year to teach him – to love him – to pour into him.  What is he going to remember?

I hope he will remember the love, the kisses, the midnight feedings, the giggles and tickles.

What I hope he will always remember is that fact that his mommy and daddy love Jesus.  We want him to know the truth of the Gospel.  How will we do this?

We will pray that with endurance we will talk about the Gospel and live the gospel out in front of him and his brother every day they are with us.  How can we do that?

Teaching him (as little as he is): the authority of God and His Word – and the love of the Father.

1.  Use a chalkboard in your dining room to learn a Bible verse a week.

2.  Sing songs in the car that speak of God’s love.

3.  Watch shows that teach good things – and then talk to them about how the Gospel intersects with that.

4.  Pray with them every chance you get.

5.  Read Gospel-centered books to them – and teach them about God while reading any book you can.

Glory and Grace: Ephesians 6

Glory and Grace: Ephesians 6

Ephesians 6

God is strong, and he wants you strong.

So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials.

And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything

the Devil throws your way.

Ephesians 6 – The Message

Are you ever weak in your faith?  Do you ever wonder what God has in store for you?  Are you tempted to doubt?

I have these thoughts.  I know many ladies who fight every day to believe that God is their BEST!

I love knowing that God is true to His Word!

Glory and Grace

Glory and Grace: Psalm 73

Glory and Grace: Psalm 73

Psalm 73


Do you love where you live?

I mean the actual place you live – your home.

Right now our home seems a bit unsettling to me.  Its 1000sqft smaller than our home in Little Rock.  Its temporary.  We’re renting.  We’ve too much stuff for our space, but don’t want to sell it because when we move, we’ll need it.  Ack!  Anyway, my unsettledness in our home makes me think of how I want to be so settled in at home with God – like this verse says!

Glory and Grace: Matthew 6

Glory and Grace: Matthew 6

God provides

Steep your life in”




Don’t worry about missing out.

You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

Matthew 6 – The Message

I’ve learned a lot about having needs and having every single one of them met through God’s gracious giving heart and the people He uses to meet those needs.

Our life is rich.  Even when my wallet got stolen.

Matthew 6