by Kimberly | Jan 1, 2018 | kcreatives photography, photo shoot
Welcome to 2018. A few days ago I had the privilege of taking some family photos for some friends who were in town. The wife/mom/aunt is from here and I know them from Durham. Its fun when people come visit! 🙂
It was cold and I had the boys with but we made it work and had a fun time. We ended the time with some play on the playground.
The Savannah Rapids is such a perfect place for photography. Great lighting, different places and backgrounds, water, sun, wood, barn, perfect for family shots.

by Kimberly | Nov 28, 2017 | kcreatives photography, photo shoot, Uncategorized
These dear people have been friends of mine for almost 20 years and across the entire country. I’m so excited this family is back in the South for a little bit. I got to meet their youngest daughter, laugh, off-road it, and explore their family’s land for this family session. Enjoy. And stop sometimes and take photos of the pretty things you come across on your journey. And keep friendships! They are important!

by Kimberly | Nov 13, 2017 | kcreatives photography, photo shoot
This family is a favorite. I love this lady’s barstool, where the past three years I’ve spent many an afternoon, sitting there, talking, creating, sharing parenting secrets. Our boys plays so well with their kiddos, like hours on end. I’ve had to kick a door in at their rental because the door was locked with kids locked inside. We had a few taco nights under our belt.
Because chips and salsa and fajitas cement a friendship!
This past Saturday was chili but we had great sunshine as we ventured to the Savannah Rapids Pavilion. It was fun to show off our new town.

by Kimberly | Oct 13, 2017 | kcreatives photography, newborn

I had the privilege of spending the day with this little bundle of pink, her mama, and her extended family this week. I’ve known here Mama now for 17 years in January. We’ve studied and cooked together, lived in the same dorm together, taken many midnight walks together, rode bikes together, been across the world together. We used to be neighbors in ATL, but now we live just a couple hours apart.
Our kids are like siblings – where most of the time they get along. Can’t wait to watch this little one grow.
Here are just some of her session with me that day. You are loved, baby Emmy.

by Kimberly | Oct 2, 2017 | kcreatives photography, mothering, photo shoot
I’ve been a little busy in the last few months, moving, etc, that I’ve not been able to blog about this little maternity session yet. And yes, the little sweet boy is over a month old now – but I still wanted to share these photos with you. I’m so thankful for the friendship of this mama, and all of her creative help and encouragement over the last few years.
Thanks to the beautiful Mommy model, Celina D, and Kandi Daniel Studios for coming along too! We shot at Turnipseed Farm south of metro ATL. Such a fun day.

by Kimberly | Jun 9, 2016 | kcreatives photography, mothering, newborn, Truly Families
I’ve recently been seeing a lot and hearing a lot through conversations about how hard it is for women to make friends once they reach the mommy years. I totally hear that.

If you look at friendships, they take time to develop, and meaning conversation. Meaningful conversation with other adults is hard when you are caring for littles. Every mom will agree with me.

But, friendships that last a while are hard to come by too. This little boy – his mommy – we’ve been friends for over 15 years. We’ve shared graduate degree lodging, we’ve shared our lives, and we’ve been next-door neighbors. And now, I had the privilege of capturing this little boys’ first few days. He was super sweet and cooperative and even let his mommy and I have a milkshake to celebrate!

And let me talk about these outfits this little one is wearing – his daddy did such a great job picking them out. Cute clothes for the win!

All photos property of kcreatives photography