Finding Lovely

Finding Lovely

Lindsay Hohman Designs

Why not celebrate the little things that make life be a little brighter.  I would love to know what you are finding lovely these days.

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey : I’ve listened to two of these (Lauren Chandler and Shelley Giglio) and have been encouraged by both (and it helps the workout go by quicker)

I love stationery – period.  And these little floral wreaths are super pretty.

Because when you live in the South, you gotta have an ice cream maker.  And my husband blessed me with this one a few months ago and we are putting it to good use  Right now, in the freezer, an ode to Holly & Flora with Drunken Cherries Garcia.

Splash Pads: My kids love these.  It gets them exercise, wet, and so many smiles. I hope you have one in your area.  We love them here and are going to hit some up when we are on vacation this month too.

Trip Planning: I think I may have missed my calling.  I love trip planning and adventuring, even if it is for someone else.  I love to find special things in special cities for people to enjoy.  Travel blogging is great too and I always thought it would be fun to combine with food blogging!

Snowed In Link Love

Snowed In Link Love

Pears on a Plate

Happy Saturday yall.  If you are on the east coast – pretty much means you got some snow – or you are enjoying balmy beach weather like my friends in FL and the lower coast beaches.  Oh the life.  We got a heavy dusting here in the ATL area – but what that means is now it is cold and windy and we are going to stay inside.  Everyone hit up the grocery stores yesterday (including me for fruits and veggies) and we are in for tonight – with my favorite men and a fire!

So I wanted to give yall some link love to have a happy time surfing tonight while you sip something warm and prop up your feet by a fire, or watch Frozen for the 50th time, or just snuggle under a blanket.

Oh because you always need a great breakfast when you are snowed in – or really anytime.

Because it is Girl Scout cookie time and I’d rather make something than by a box.

Because why let your muscles go limp when you are stuck at home.  Many good workouts, but if you don’t want to do any more squats – check this out

Such a good reminder to believe our husbands, know God’s definition of beauty, and believe God!

In case you always use your phone camera even though you have a really nice one.  Read this.

Weekend Link Love

Weekend Link Love

Pumpkins and Link Love

It is a beautiful fall day here in the Atlanta Metro area.  The blue sky beckons you to be outdoors (but my littles are asleep) and we are heading to the river later on today.  The crisp morning air gives way to cooler sunny afternoons.

Here are a few posts for your weekend viewing:

We went on a two week road trip for our honeymoon and loved it all.  One of the meals in Prince Edward Island has turned out to be a much requested (never made) meal for my mister.  I’m going to aim at fixing that this week with this recipe.

I passed by a sale feature today at TJ when I went of Raspberries. My older son could eat them all in one sitting if I let him.  I give him some at each meal if I have them on hand.  I tell him the reason I give him those is because I love him.  Baby brother doesn’t like them. His daddy sure does.  I’m making this granola to go with it this coming weekend for a special breakfast before family pictures and donut day

Definitely would consider this a tasty way to use up the two acorn squash sitting in my fruit bowl on my island.

Just because into every life must come the perfect sugar cookie.

One of the reasons I love to travel is to taste all of the food that the city I’m going to has to offer.  I’ve been to the Bay Area one time and I so want to return. Actually, one of my dream trips is to fly into San Fran and mill around and then drive up the coast or however you get to Napa and Big Sur.  Oh, to dream.  But, reading this post, I at least know which stops to make with a fork in hand.

Halloween Link Love

Halloween Link Love

Anybody want a pumpkin?

So many fun things to do today – whether you celebrate in a costume or not.  I think holidays are perfect for baking, celebrating life that God has given us, etc.  So, here we go.  Enjoy!  I was going to Target to purchase some items to make something fun tonight with the boys and both of them had in-store meltdowns.  May try after their naps, but we may just call it a day.

Just because it’s more chocolate and peanut butter and I love the pictures.

Maple definitely makes Fall better.

Rice krispie treats decked out for today’s celebrating

These pumpkin muffins would make a nice addition to a cozy night at home, welcoming trick-or-treaters and enjoying a warm beverage of choice.

The church and why today matters.

One new book I want to read about a highly influential woman and this post is written by a friend of mine.

Unfortunately, when we get to today, that means there is no more October left.  It’s sad.

Just for You: Link Love

Just for You: Link Love

Pink and Orange

I spend much time on the internet: writing, reading, looking for recipes, etc – so I thought I would share some great finds with you.  Enjoy!

Because we are coming upon soup season (isn’t that every day?) and you need to make this

And this pretty one too

Love these cupcakes and the author’s ownership of her own blog instead of trying just to please her readers

Good read on how you can be a joy to be around on Sunday morning (in church) – and you can talk about football or cooking or kids

It takes a lot of skill to make steel cut oats look pretty and desirable

These cookies would make a perfect cookie for a swap

We love us some popcorn in our house, my Mister may need to make us this

This for breakfast – yes please.

Wednesday Link Love

Wednesday Link Love

Wednesday Link Love

You know, I started this whole post because of the first link.

Yes, I did.

And hopefully I will be making for Eric to have as his littles and wife leave him next week to visit some friends out of state.

This glazed pumpkin pound cake.  Yes please.  Maybe he will save me a piece!

Speaking of traveling, my little transportation geek would love this as we make road trips now!

So tempted to make these as one of the three seperate desserts I need to make to celebrate Sebastian’s one year birthday next week.

This is most interesting especially since hearing Christine Caine speak at The Grove last month – has any reformed gospel conservative had any thoughts on this program being started at Liberty?