Weekend Link Love

We have had a busy but low-key weekend and here’s to a quiet afternoon editing photos, baking, and getting ready for a Fellowship meal with our church family.

Here are some things that might make you happy.

This plate of Pumpkin French Toast – and by the way, I love Tracy’s use of shadows in her photo.  It makes you definitely feel like you are in the room, about to devour that bread encased in fried egg and sugar!

I adore the rustic-ness of this fall salad and her use of the pie plate as a salad plate.

On the quickly coming chilly mornings when none of us want to get out of bed and we all wish we could stay in our pajamas curled up watching movies or reading a thick novel that are coming…this pumpkin oatmeal will be made in The Charming South Kitchen.



For Your Weekend: Link Love

For Your Weekend: Link Love

Link Love

The internet is full of interesting things – and (hopefully) each week I try to share with you new posts I’m reading or pages that inspire me.  Enjoy!  Send some new links my way!

Spring cleaning – how about Fall Cleaning.  I love waking up after a big event in our home: because most likely its cleaner than its been in days and its just sort of FRESH.  My husband loves decluttered looks and it seems like our older boy is going to be like him.

I’m considering a spring 10 miler with a friend so I’ll have to start running again in January.  Here’s a great post about fitting in running when you are busy.

These look amazing – even before girl scout cookie season gets here.  Another reason to take up running.

I may just be picking up edamame when I go this afternoon to pick up diapers and wipes.  I think this might be a good dinner when all my Mister wants is soup (to help him feel better)

We are going to Vogel State Park on a mini vacation this week and taking some Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Pancake mix.

Midweek Link Love

Midweek Link Love

old salem

Hump days are no reason not to search out fun things on the internet – so here you go!  Have fun and tell me what you are finding interesting out there!

I really would love to go to this.  Its not possible, but still I’d love to go.

I’m doing some series-planning in my head about boys and books.  Here is a good list according to age.  What books do you read to your children under 3 and how do you keep them sitting still?

All you “I have to do everything” people out there (hello, me) read this by my friend Sharon.

A girl I was briefly able to know during my time in Louisville – is such a breath of fresh air in the blog world.  I love her mom-real-ness, her creativity, and everything else.

This 20-something chose to describe herself in 5 words: what would your five words be:  Mine would be: introvert, creative, loyal, emotional, lover-of-my-men (1 husband, 2 boys)

I missed a great blogging conference with friends in Arkansas – but a friend posted her thoughts on food blogging.


Sundays in the South : Link Love

Sundays in the South : Link Love

Southern States Link Love

Since I’ve lived all around the South my entire life, I thought I would share with you just a few of my favorite places in each of the states I’ve lived in.  This will definitely give you the travel bug – and I hope you can live it out to the fullest!  Enjoy the Around-the-South tour and dream on this Sunday – that God would enable you to see more of the world He created!

Florida: The Sunshine State

Hontoon Island was a relatively new find for me.  Traveled there last year.  Your littles will love the little ferry ride over to the island.  There are also good hiking and biking trails – but most of these trails aren’t conducive to strollers.  Moss abounds!

If you are looking for a hole in the wall seafood restaurant – you need to come here. My Dad has ties to the owners and I love their fried grouper sandwich.

The best chicken and yellow rice and cuban bread – EVER.  My first trip I remember to this Florida (chain) but staple, was in high school with my Spanish class after going to the Salvadore Dali museum.  A must EAT!

And one of my favorite places in the city that I being an adult in – and one that I love and could retire in forever because I love it so – Barnacle Bills.  Only thing you ever need to get there is the Datil Shrimp.  Enough said.

I attended this private school most of my schooling years (except for half a year).  I loved the principal then and my teachers.  Some of the ministries I got to be a part of and friendships made still impact my life today.

The college I went to was in the heart of St. Augustine.  College for me turned out to be different than I though mostly because we had no football team.

North Carolina: The Tarheel State

Durham landmark

Oh, this could be a while.  I love it here and consider it home more than any other place I’ve lived.  Its where I fell in love with the Word, ministry, college students, the ocean, my husband, and where I became a momma for the first time.

Guglhupfs – best pancakes hands down.

Ketchie Creek Bakery – 5 flavor pound cake – need I say more?

I went to seminary here.  The first time I saw the campus I knew I was going to love it there.  Arrived on campus 4 months after my initial introduction.

I fell in love with missions, college students, and brooklyn tab while doing ministry at The Summit.

Had my first road trip with my husband and our first random stop was to one of the older cities.  Loved it.

Kentucky: The Bluegrass State

Louisville Zoo

I wasn’t here for a long time, and the seminary I worked for became home – and I loved the ability I had at the time to travel all the time and see people and things that I never would have otherwise.

Where I fell in love with Meditteranean food.

Where I grew to love this ministry and all that is stands for.  And Dr. Mohler spoke in our Sunday School this morning – and this ministry will have such a vital role in the church in the coming years (maybe even more so than before).  Owen and Courtney – you and your teams have my prayers as they always have!

And how I fell in love with gospel centered preaching was by listening mostly to this man at this church.

Arkansas:  The Natural State

Hot Chocolate

I was here the briefest and made some really sweet friends.  It is also where I fell in love with my second little boy!

ARWB – thank you Stephanie and Debbie and all of you other bloggers.  Yall were a great community!  Hopefully we will have that in GA soon!

Georgia: The Peach State

Georgia Aquarium

I’m growing to love this state more and more.  I’ve always had ties to this state and now my husband and boys are here.  Lovely combination

This is the church we get to be a part of.  Thankful for faithful preaching each week.

This is the bestest place in the state for me.  I’ve been going here since I was a kid and get to go with my family in 2 weeks.

And then the islands and Savannah – get me to the ocean!

There you have it.  If you have lived in one of these states – what are your favorite things to do, see, eat?  Help me out!

Link Love for your Weekend

Link Love for your Weekend


Anne of Green Gables


I’m very excited that the NCAA is back in full swing.  I am definitely a Gator girl even though I’ve lived in 3 different football/basketball states since: NC (I love the Tarheels though), KY (only good thing about Louisville and UK was UofL’s head coach was Charlie Strong, but even he got smart and left for Texas), and now GA.  I’d also have to admit if there was one SEC school that I could cheer for other than Florida it would be UGA – and that should make my FIL very happy).  But,  GO GATORS!  Now, onto more important things…

Maybe you aren’t into football like I am, so here are some things you can do during the games, or you can do them and watch like I do – great multitasking.

BBQ chicken is usually for the summer – but now that we are moving into the fall and you might just need some food for a football party of something…make this to continue the summer

This was an amazing article in the NYT and we actually did this for our honeymoon.  Yes, almost 3 years ago, we took a road trip up the East Coast that the final turn around spot was PEI.  A dream come true.  And I loved falling in love with Lucy Maud Montgomery more than her beloved Anne.  You must go if you’ve never been.

Little known fact about me is that I adore US History.  I wanted to be a high school history teacher because I had a high school history teacher who was an amazing teacher.  So, I want to read more on the subject.  Add something to my reading list besides Christian books.

When I was growing up I loved the cookies in the mall and the little stand in most malls that served Orange Julius drinks.  I want to make my own.  I’ve found a few recipes but will try this one this week

I have a journal that I want to use to write down food memories for our boys – so they will hopefully learn to love to cook and enjoy food and family around a table just like I do.  One of the first chefs I learned to love was Sara Moulton and here is some of her words on the subject.

I’ve been thrilled with the depth, applicability, and pastoral heart of our pastor here in the ATL metro area – in his sermons that is.  He was talking about friendship within the body of Christ this morning and then I just read a great blog post by a friend of mine on the very subject.  Live authentic community with others.  Believe me, it makes a huge difference in your life.

Happy Weekend!


Link Love – Weekend Edition

Link Love – Weekend Edition

End of Summer Link Love

We are coming up on the end of summer.  So, I want to send some links your way on how to relish these last remaining hours in August.  8 links for 8 last days in August!

Here are some lessons someone learned while blogging for almost a decade.  I’ve been blogging for 9 years and here are my brief thoughts: Its fun.  Its challenging.  Life isn’t perfect.  And if you are going to be real and share life on your blog – then most likely you will offend someone.  Don’t let it stop you from sharing and being real!

Summer is usually a time to read books.  Isabel over at 9th Letter Press is reading and designing.  I love her covers – especially one of the ones she did for Jane Eyre.  You need to check out her whole store.  One of my favorite letter press companies!

If you are into theology and how loving God intersects with every day life – go check out Tim’s post on some great blogs by and for women.

While I won’t be doing these until 4 days after August, they just look too good not to share – and you can make them now if you want!

My husband and I adopt a debt free lifestyle: meaning the only debt we have right now is my college and a recent surgery I had to have – which is really so low.  That’s right: thankfully no house and no cars.  Hopefully we will have a mortgage again one day – but that’s fair.  No consumer debt.  I love this post that talks about a thankfulness in our hearts that we should have – and teach our children to have.

I will be making this in the coming week to put in some carrot and zucchini muffins for the Mister.

Given my love for egg dishes recently, think this might definitely be a go-to for the last week of Summer.

Speaking of reading – I love to sit down with a good cookbook and read it from cover to cover.  Here are some ones you can pick up this week and read before August gets away from you