Link Love Special Edition: Valentine’s Day

Link Love Special Edition: Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day Link Love

The internet is ablaze with all things love, pink, hearts, chocolate, red, wine, romance, etc.  Perfect timing as this week is Valentine’s Day.  How do you intend to spend Cupid’s Day coming up at the end of the week?  Here are some delightful things that have caught me  eye.

These Yes MaAm notecards made especially for Valentine’s Day. All of them are wonderful but I’m especially attracted to the gold foil hearts!

You can make these in any shape you want – and I’m going to be decorating them with pink icing to take to some widows in our church on Valentine’s Day.  Who doesn’t love these.  And yes, they may be as addictive as crack (though I wouldn’t know).

I am making these on Saturday for a brunch with some single ladies at our church.  They are perfect for brunch and include delicious red raspberries perfect for the special day of love.

My friend Laura has more card creativity in her little pinky toe than I have in my whole two hands put together.  Here are some of her ideas for Valentine’s Day cards for the loves in your life.

These truffles would make any fine chocolate lover swoon.  Make them soon.  I think I might.  Just to say I’ve made them and to take pretty photos of them!

Candy Truffles

If the special one in your life loves chocolate and cake – you can’t go wrong with this one for dessert any time you want to express your love.  Unless they are on a diet – then have them make an exception!

Why do all things chocolate and peanut butter scream my name?  I guess there is protein in peanut butter right?  Check out this delicious torte by Michelle over at Brown Eyed Baker.

So maybe you aren’t a chocolate fan (anyone out there, I know of at least one), so maybe lemon and raspberries are more your thing.  Light.  Springy.  Delicious combination.  And pie crust to add the borders of a scrumptious filling.


I hope I have inspired you with some of these Valentine’s Day treats.  There is still plenty of time to plan something for your love!


Link Love

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There have been a lot of fun pictures and tasty recipes this week in the blogosphere.  So, grab the keyboard and hold on – here we go!

If you do Lent (a spiritual season coming up) or don’t do Lent – or just want a new journal to pray through – here is what you need to get.  I also would like just a smidge of talent like that.

Who doesn’t like DumDums?  I mean bite size lollipops that instantly transport you to being a kid again.  Here is a small craft you can do with them, here a big craft you can do.  Go ahead – make someone’s day!

Her site is fun and creative and always makes me want to cook or bake or be artsy!

This was a great post by my friend Sharon.  On dreaming and marriage and contentment and living the dream and doing big things for Christ.

You can bet this will be better than generic coc- and that I’ll be making it soon!

Coconut and cream in the same sentence – you are calling my fork! 🙂

These will keep you busy.  Enjoy and happy blog-hunting!


Link Love

link love

Here it is Wednesday, again. I sometimes think time flies, and sometimes I think the weeks crawl by!
Here are some of my favorite things on the web this week.

This book is coming out. I’m very excited and Carolyn is one of my favorite authors. I look forward to hearing what she has to say about success and how we define it as women.

These bowls. Wow – such gorgeous plating options. I read an interview with her in this month’s Southern Living. I’m glad you can buy her creations on line, but I look forward to going there on a future visit to NC. My MIL would love that store, too.

My husband is wanting to eat more healthy, leafy greens.  I think I might try this recipe soon.

These free downloads from a Pair of Pears.

I love spaghetti squash and her recipe looks so yummy.  Perfect for cold nights.

I’m putting together my desk space which is right now (oh for the next 10 years or so) in our dining room.  I’d love to make it pretty and functional as it is also our dining room – and all me and inspirational.  So, I looked at hers for some inspiration.

And since I’m working on said desk space and baking cookies and have a baby who needs feeding – I’ll let yall go with these for this week.

Link Love

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This week I found myself loving these finds:

1. I love her exfoliation posts. No, this has nothing to do with your skin – but your stuff. I do routinely think about things we have and what we need to get rid of, but my two main exfoliation times in our home are two times a year when our church has a share and swap. Great place to get rid of gently used, still quality items we don’t need anymore.

2. This hot chocolate will be made on our marriage retreat next wknd. I need to borrow some really cute espresso cups so I can take great photograph – but her photography makes me smile and stand in wonder at what a camera can do to a mug of hot chocolate.

3.  We all have influence.  How do you use the influence you do have with your audience?

4.  I love the salted caramel recipe I use.  I am going to make these almonds soon to go in some brownies for a dinner we are having with some friends and their kiddos!

5.  Love this video on sanctification and justification.  This has been a topic I’ve been thinking about recently so it was perfect timing.  Thanks TGC!


Is there anything out there I should be reading?  Cooking?  Photographing?

Link Love

Link Love

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Love being able to read new sites on the internet. Thought I’d take some time to share some things I’m loving this week:

Think I’m going to improvise this recipe and make these delicious empanadas. The possibilities are endless.

Will be serving these grown up tater tots when we get back with some fresh meat and greens.

I love thai food. Since I’ve not found a fabulous thai restaurant in my new neighborhood, I have to make more of it at home. Will be trying this soup on a cold night soon!

These would definitely make my morning! And by looking at the rest of Willow’s site – it is very inspirational for food photography!

Went here and here this week in Winter Park, FL. Letterpress Haven!! I love the variety of products and gifts at RPC and the special finishing touches and old letterpresses and the project board at 9th.

What blogs or sites do I need to check out? Send them my way! I love finding new treasures!