Best Ways to Pamper Mom (giveaway)

Best Ways to Pamper Mom (giveaway)

May is here in all its gorgeousness and it is a month to celebrate moms.  Moms all play a special role in our lives (whether birth, foster, adopted, or mentor mom).  We owe a lot to our moms: knowing how to tie our shoes, feeding us, making our school lunches, driving carpool, talking late in to the night about first boyfriends, being our biggest cheerleaders, praying for us, celebrating our biggest and smallest victories.  The list never ends.

How do you celebrate your mom?  Or another way to ask it: how would you like to be celebrated?  This is a list of the ways that would be good to pamper me with – and hopefully you can get some ideas to pamper your mom with (or give the list to your husband and ask him).

  1.  A night away or a weekend away (solo or a couple’s weekend – no kids).  This is honestly what I ask for every year.  Depending on our budget it might be a day or night away by myself or just a day in town doing my favorite things without the kids.  The top three within a few hours of ATL that I would love to stay at is: Old Edwards Inn, Blackberry Farm, or Serenbe.  We’ve celebrated a birthday at Serenbe, but would love the chance to stay there and eat at their amazing restaurant.  Of course for me, the beach is ideal, and I’m always home there, but right now its a little far for an overnight.  It if were a luxury beach trip, I’d stay here.  This year for me I’m getting a day off to do some things I love.  I’m heading south of ATL to do a styled shoot then stay and enjoy brunch, coffee, hiking, exploring, shopping, all by myself, which is so refreshing.

2.  A great meal.  We moms usually spend a lot of time in the kitchen or the drive-thru line or the grocery store.  It is fun to be able to eat without working for it.  My mister and I are going to a new-to-us place in Buckhead this May.  My mister and I love food.  For us though, we’ve learned that we love good food but the prices are so high for good food here in ATL, that we’d rather just cook it at home after the boys go to bed.  And we love to cook for each other.


3.  Gifts.  My mister and I love giving gifts.  When our bank account doesn’t let us give as big or as often as we would like, we have to get creative.  Something both of us do for each other is we keep a gift list.  It is a google doc list that both of us can always see and edit, and we love to surprise each other when we can.  Right now, here are some of the things on my list.  A subscription to this magazine, a gift card to this place (my fave in ATL), or concerts to some of my favorite artists.

4.  Pampering.  What woman doesn’t enjoy some pampering from time to time?  Whether its a facial or a massage, a manicure or a pedicure, time at the spa is usually quiet and wonderful.  But, sometimes you can’t get to the spa.  Its hard especially with young kids.  Well, if you don’t have time or money to get away to a spa this Mother’s Day, I’ve got a special package just for you. The ladies at Moody Sisters, who I have worked with before creating delicious healthy recipes, have given me a special Spring package just for you, a blessed winner.  The set you will receive if you win includes: this scrub, this lotion, and this powder.  I’ve been using this for the last month and love it.  My face always feels super soft after the scrub.  My skin feels refreshed in the morning when I wake up (even my hands, because of course that’s how I put on the scrub).  The floral smell reminds me of spring in the South so I definitely love that.  Moody Sisters makes all of their skin care line with natural ingredients.  I love how they interact with their customers and want to make you feel special, especially as a Mom this Mother’s Day.  And you don’t have to leave your house to be pampered.  After your kids go to bed, turn on a shot bath or shower, play some music, use these Moody Sister’s products, and you’ll be all set!

So, here’s how you get entered to win.

  1.  Leave a comment on the blog telling me what your favorite Mother’s Day gift would be.
  2. For another entry: go over to Moody Sisters and tell me what you would like to use next.

And to all you mamas out there – you are loved.  You are delighted in.  You are seen and known.

You’ll also get some lovely goodies from me.  This post is sponsored by Moody Sisters and all thoughts are my own.

The Magic of Motherhood (a review)

The Magic of Motherhood (a review)

Ok – I’m not really a coffee fan.  My mister wishes I would be, so we could sit at places and have cheap drinks (regular black coffee) and talk for hours on end.  But, the drinks I like are 5$ so not quite as cheap.

But, I might go drink coffee after reading the Magic of Motherhood.  Let me explain.

When you go to coffee with a friend, a true friend, one who shares your worldview, who champions what you are doing, who rejoices with you in the good, who encourages you even on the hard days.  Or maybe its not coffee, but you have a margarita at their house, or enjoy some chips and guac together, or eat a bagel together, or a cupcake…friends you are comfortable with.  Yeah, those friends…

That’s how I felt when I was reading The Magic of Motherhood.  I felt I was chilling with some close friends, friends who were able to share whatever was on their heart, knowing that they shared the same biblical worldview as me (value of their children, value of being a mother, knowing that God loves them and has a great plan for their lives, knowing that we can’t do this thing called motherhood without the Gospel).

These friends knew they wouldn’t face judgment or shame for sharing what was on their hearts.  These friends knew I would encourage them with truth.

My favorite genre of books is memoir/biography.  I love the fact that the authors of memoirs feel the freedom to share what has gone on in their lives (the good, the bad, and the stuff you’d like to forget), and not feel that they would be punished for it.  They were sharing what was going on in their lives so that others might be encouraged or learn from their lives.  In biographies, we often learn that the people we look up to or admire don’t (or didn’t in some cases) have it all together.

In today’s Christian circles, we often feel like we have to put on a show to others like we have it all together.  Or, we have to couch everything in quoting Bible verses so people will think that our hearts are saturated with truth (which they hopefully are but sometimes we do this just so people will not see the hurt in our hearts and any doubts we might have).  When it comes to parenting, I’ve had experiences of shame and judgment when I’ve shared the struggles that I’ve had with motherhood.  And I’ve experienced shame because my kids don’t always act perfect in public.

The Magic of Motherhood was like just sitting, reading, knowing I wasn’t alone, knowing that God is in charge and brings good, and we do go through hard stuff as mothers.  And we won’t like every moment of it.  And not once did I hear “the days are long but the years are short” or “enjoy every moment of it”.  I read about real mamas who were sharing real struggles, real joys, real moments.  And they even talked about their jobs and their husbands – knowing that when we are mamas life still goes on outside of our children.

If you are needing some encouragement along the motherhood journey, this is a good quick encouraging, non-notetaking, read.  You can sit with a cup of coffee, in your yoga pants, and you don’t have to have a pen.

Thanks Tommy Nelson for this book.  And you can win one – just tell me something you find fun about motherhood.

Building Bedtime Memories (giveaway)

Building Bedtime Memories (giveaway)

At the end of the day, motherhood can require a lot of us and we can be exhausted.  We might be longing for a glass of wine, a dessert, a bubble bath, or just the ability to sit down and binge on Fixer Upper.

But, if we are faithful in finishing the day well with our children, we will reap the blessings.  I am usually the one the put our sons to bed since my mister works retail and most evenings he gets home after bedtime.  Depending on how the day has gone, I’m really just ready to turn off their lights and shut their doors.  After brushing teeth of course!

I want to improve on my daily time with them at bed time. If my mister is home, we read a Bible story and each have time with one of our boys.  I usually take the older and tuck him in or read him some Little House (we are working through this series).  He sings the younger one a song and tucks him all in nice and tight.

The area I want to improve is the nights when I’m by myself, to actually read them a Bible story, pray with them, and then spend time with each of them in their rooms.  Singing or reading or just talking.  It may take an extra ten minutes, but I know that time is precious and I won’t get that back.

The resource we are going through now is the Bedtime Read and Rhyme Bible Stories.  I like it more than I thought I would – and I usually continue the rhyme well after I’m done reading.  It is note quite as crazy as Dr Seuss, but still fun.  The pictures are engaging for the kids and the rhymes make it fun.  Then the prayers at the end of each story allow us to focus our prayers at the end of the day.

How do you need to rescue or reprise bedtime?  What have you read at bedtime or done that makes that transition easier?

You can answer the questions above for an opportunity to get this hardcover book for you and your family.  Thanks Tommy Nelson Mommies for the book. All opinions are my own.

When Does Momma Get a Sabbath?

When Does Momma Get a Sabbath?

Mom Sabbath

Not a day goes by hardly where I don’t see a mom on facebook who is crying out for time away, a little time to herself, or is enjoying a much needed break.

This is how I understand the Word “Sabbath”: resting from work.  God instituted the first Sabbath by resting from the creative process of the world.  He rested, examining all He had made.  Resting in its goodness.  Resting from work.  People in the work force usually get a day off during the week (at least one) and that helps invigorate them, giving them rest from their working.

Mommas don’t get a Sabbath.  24-7 we are thinking about our kids, washing clothes, changing diapers, driving, being a doctor-on-call, disciplining, loving, reading books, cooking, making juice cups.  No matter how old your child is, mommas never rest from being a mom.  So, the question needs to be asked, when does a Mom get a Sabbath?

Our older son is now coming in to Sunday night church with us.  My husband and I have worked out a schedule for who gets to hang out with him during the service: reading books, playing, drawing, sticking dinosaur stickers everywhere, etc.  When my mister is off on a Sunday, I hang out with Elijah in the pew.  If he works that afternoon, then he gets to focus on our son during the service.  I know one day will come when he can sit and completely focus on the service for 75 minutes, but he’s not there yet.  So, we want each other to get some time to focus on the service.  Its a good system.

One way my mister blesses me is giving me a regular Sabbath (a few hours) each week. On his day off, he will usually say something like “Go, have some quiet time.”  He plays with the boys or takes them to a park. I can go just sit in the Word, do errands, be creative, meet with a friend, etc.  That is my Sabbath.  I try not to use that whole time to run errands, but if I’m not doing it with two preschoolers, those errands don’t feel like work.  And usually once or twice a year, he will give me the whole day to go away, either with friends or by myself, to recharge, rest from being with the boys, feed my soul on the Word, read books, be in nature, etc.  I can tell you that every time this happens, I come back more readily able to care for my boys well.

Some people would say that mommas don’t need time away.  I would heavily disagree.  If men worked 24/7 without any break people would think he is crazy because he would have burnout, or wouldn’t be obedient in taking care of his body, etc.  But, if mommas ask for a break, most people say they are being selfish or aren’t being a good momma.  Need is maybe too strong of a Word, but God showed us how to take a Sabbath, it is one of the things He commands, and that is a weekly rest.  So, yes, I think it is a need.  You just have to figure out how to do it.

Letitia Suk encourages women to take a break too – to be with God, to be silent, to walk, etc.  She talks about how to retreat in Getaway with God.  This book was different then I thought.  She showed a lot of grace and variety.  It wasn’t a “this is how you do it” book.  It was here are some ideas, you are going to come against obstacles, here are ways to see if these retreats can work for you, etc.  If you are planning a spiritual retreat, especially, I would encourage you to pick this book up to read during your planning stages.

I know some of you might be wondering: I can never get my husband to play with the kids and give me time alone.  Or I am a single parent and can’t get time away.  Or, my husband’s schedule won’t allow it and we don’t have money for childcare.  Here are some thoughts:

Talk to your husband.  Talk to him about your need for a Sabbath.  Start small. Maybe request 2 hours, or 3.  Work your way up to a whole day.

If your kids are small, see if you can swap with a friend so both of you can have a few hours of Sabbath to yourself.

If your kids are in school, use that school time to retreat and rest.

If you don’t have money for childcare – I think this is where your community (or church) comes in.  We should be able to ask for help – and people should ask us how they can help, be willing to serve and be served.  I know its hard.

Whatever you do, don’t go without rest from being a Momma. Its seriously rewarding and seriously hard!  God gives us the much grace that we deserve!

Thanks to Litfuse for the book.  All opinions are my own.

Joy in Mothering (a review)

Joy in Mothering (a review)


If I have a pen in my hand, or a marker, or a pencil – I’m usually happy!  I love lettering.  Lettering has been such a tool for me to meditate on Scripture and pray for others and bless others with affordable gifts and stationery.  Definitely love using this gift!

Motherhood has its moments.  And by moments I mean it has its amazing, tear-filled from joy moments.  It has its pull your hair out by the roots moments.  It has its hug your kids real tight and never let go moments.  It has its lock yourself in the closet and eat a pint of ice cream moments.  So many moments.

So why not take 10 minutes out of your day to doodle and think about the joy that God created motherhood for?  Sarah Humphrey has created a doodling book and devotional perfect for that creative mother that might need a short devotional (about her and how God has designed her) to start her day – or might need a good reminder of God’s grace at the end of the day.  The good thing about this book is you can doodle and be creative and learn about the grace of God and the work of the mother and the heart of the mother – all at the same time.

Thanks to Litfuse for sending me this book and all opinions are my own.


Life Creative (a review)

One of my favorite questions to ask moms is : what do you like to do, you know, besides being a mom?

That question can be controversial, but I really don’t mean for it to be.  What I want to know is what is inside this woman, other than being a mom.

We all know that with being a mom comes a ton of love, responsibility, and fun…but not lots of time for ourselves, or our former selves.  Motherhood has to be selfless – which is really hard, I’m learning.  And I’m not great at that – but God is teaching me in his generosity that that is what I need.

One of the ways God wired me is in creativity.  Actually, that is one of the reasons my husband said he married me – is because I’m fun – I love to be creative and think outside the box.  I also love to do that in my motherhood journey.  I love to try new recipes – all the time.  I go all the time, taking my littles with me to new parks, or library story times, or just to a new aisle in Target.  I love reading books with them and letting my boys be in the kitchen with me – or in the yard with me learning about new bugs (oooh, gross), or new flowers that seemed to have popped up over night.  It is never ending.  I don’t like boredom, whether in life or in motherhood.

And I love to be creative in my personal life too.  I have loved photography since high school.  Loved to cook since college.  Loved to letter and write for what seems like forever.  These are things that still excite me.  So, they are also things that fuel me.  How do these things help or help me engage in motherhood?  Well, I love to take photographs of our every day – or of our special days.  I love to cook for my family and for other families.  I love to letter to help me meditate on the Word (to help my heart) or to give to others, or to help with our family finances.

Life Creative is a book written by two women who seek to encourage moms to not only be creative, engaging with their creative side (and we all have one because we are made in the image of a creative God) but to also encourage moms to encourage their kids to be creative.  We may not be talking about painting and cooking.  Creativity can take on many different forms and be used in many outlets.

Whether you are struggling to find your creative outlet, think your kids are getting bored, or are maybe struggling to decide how to use your creative gifts right now (especially in the throws of motherhood), this is a great book to encourage thinking and discussion.  I would read it, discuss some of it over coffee or tea or wine with a fellow mom, and also, discuss some of your thoughts with your husband – who I hope will encourage you to use your creative gifts.

Litfuse, the group that gave me this book to review, is also hosting a giveaway for you and a Facebook party!